GPRS Shortcut on the top bar - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Previously when I click on the GPRS icon ( square with "G" ) and it will show me the GPRS connection option for me to click and connect to GPRS. However starting WM5, I found it shows only "To connect to either the Internet or work, set up a new connection in Settings".
May I know how to get back the shortcut thing ? :roll:


Connecting to GPRS in WM5

In WM2003SE when i clicked on the Network icon, the little bubble that opened used to display any configured GPRS connections with a "connect" link.
To connect all i had to do was click on "connect" and it would connect to the GPRS network.
In WM5, even though I have a gprs connection set-up, there is no mention of it on that little bubble that opens up when i click on the connection icon.
Am i dong something wrong? is there some configuration step missing or is this feature just not supported in WM5?
Same behaviour on my device, I guess it's a bug.
But the connection actually works perfectly, you just need to enter in "connections", "manage existing connections", and then "connect" with your connection of choice.
A bit tricky, but it works.
Alternatively, there are softwares which monitor the GPRS traffic and also allow a more immediate connection.

connect gprs

with mda2 at wm2003 I had after click at G (or signal strange button) posibility to connect to gprs, at wm5 this option is gone, it only show settings link. Should it be changed?
I've the same question.
Why? The wizard connects when you start any application that requires gprs access and keep the connection as long as you don't end it. What would be the value of connecting when it isn't used anyway?

force GPRS/3G connection

Can anyone tell me how i can force a GPRS/3G connection. At present i am using Thunderhawk II to browse the internet from my M5000 but this application does not automatically open an internet connection using GPRS/3G when i am not using WiFi. I have to open PIE first before the device will connect to the internet and then open Thunderhawk. This is a pain. Any advice? Can anyone create a little Today app to do this?
......and unlike PPC 2003, WM5 does not allow you to open a data connection by tapping on the 'G' or 'U' symbols at the top of the screen. Why not??????
go into connections and locate the connection settings you are looking for, press and hold, tap connect.
Thanks for the reply but going through the following routine everytime i need to browse is hardly convenient:
Orange World: Manage existing connections
Orange GPRS Internet
Is there no way of achieving this from the Today screen?
connections, or use PIE as you have indicated.
Try PhoneAlarm to force GPRS connection
I seem to recall that PhoneAlarm has a route to forcing GPRS to connect. Certainly works with my Universal. It's not always shown on the available skins, but if I use HGS6VGA CAR skin file GPRS connection is forced by clicking on one of the displayed icons. Not sure of the code this icon click invokes, but it does launch GPRS on my device.

Weird troubles with GPRS (QTEK9100)

Am having troubles configuring my QTEK9100.
I added several network, as well as several GPRS modem connection as I used to do on my QTEK S100.
Trouble is when I click in the "G" icon near the signal strenght icon , I get the connectivity dialog.
In this dialog I cannot choose which network to use. It is always writing :
"To connect either the Internet or work, set up a new connection in Settings"
As link I have : "Settings" and "Turn on Wi-Fi"
As button I have : "Hide"
Any clue?

Wifi instead of Data connection

I have been trying for a long time trying to figure out a way to use Samsung Omnia Pro b7610 wifi connection for all applications which require internet connection like windows update, widgets, browsing internet. No matter what i do, it doesnt work, although I managed to somehow use wifi for browsing internet by using IE but no other service. When I go to "Manage my connection", it shows me no option for making a wifi connection, it only shows make/edit modem connection, VPN, proxy settings and if i go to advance settings it shows my GPRS connections only for editing, if I want to make a new connection, it asks me for dialing properties only related to modem.
Please help me out, what should I do. Another thing on the top bar where all the icons are displayed for network, battery, there is an "E" in a box, as far as I think it is my GPRS connection/data connection, but when I click on this icon it takes me to network settings where there is no option for disabling it, like it does in case of wifi icon.
when you create/edit your gprs setting, you need to make sure in the "select a modem", you are using GPRS. Then you will need to setup your access point. I.E., Tmobile would be either or
i have all the GPRS settings, which my service provider sent me and I saved them. It shows all the info like access point, user name, password but my problem is not this, I do not want to use GPRS at all, instead I want my wifi to be my default connection for all internet related tasks, I want to disable GPRS.
The icon for GPRS at top task bar which is "E" in a box, does not disappear no matter what I do, I want to pay for GPRS charges for accessing internet instead I want to use wifi for this purpose, please help me out to disable this E icon, when I click on it, it takes to network settings, where all the settings are like Select band, select network -manual/automatic, wifi, 3g- which I have turned off, no GPRS enable or disable function.
My problem is simple, i want to use wifi as a default connection like we do on our PC/laptop, so that all the applications which need internet access can use wifi instead of GPRS or data connection.
i have managed the same problem with a freeware named NoData
there you can enable & disable GPRS/WAP connections
google for 'modaco nodata'

