can i upgrade i mate jam with 128 MB to WM5? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

i have an i mate jam with 128 mega of rom .
i would like to upgarde it to WM5, i know that the only problem was the magician usaly comes with 64 mega and cannot be insttaled with WM5.
in this case it's diffrent. can it be done??? :?
10x for the help.

every magician user is hoping for but this topic has been discussed a zillion times in many languages and the answer is a huge NO, NIENTE, KEINE, WALA, MAFI, αριθ, нет.
don't take it personal dude but please use the search option before posting. there's even a sticky on the Magician upgrading forum about this with 69 replies and viewed 25498 times.

10x fro the nice replay
i was hpoing just because i have 128 rom it will be avileble...
god damn.


WM 2003 GERMAN for XDA 1 (32MB) ?

Hi there,
I wanted to test WM 2003 on my XDA 1 with 32 MB, but I see a few Probs:
1. I don't know where to find it
2. It would be very nice if somebody could cook a spezial Version to use as much of the Flash memory as possible.
I have my XDA for about one month now and there are two annoying things with it:
1. Can not separately adjust Volume of the Phone :-(((((
2. Can not adjust brightness of the display.
Maybe anyone of you can help me further.
Would be great. Thanx.
salaam said:
Hi there,
I wanted to test WM 2003 on my XDA 1 with 32 MB, but I see a few Probs:
1. I don't know where to find it
2. It would be very nice if somebody could cook a spezial Version to use as much of the Flash memory as possible.
I have my XDA for about one month now and there are two annoying
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Take a look at your PM.....
The brightness cannot be adjusted on xda1 as far as I know.
that's the point, the lights can only be switched on and off
bye, dennis.

WM2005 on Magician...can it be done?

I know that WM2005 needs at least 128 mb rom...or thats what I think I know.
IF I would upgrade my Magician to 28 mb, can I run WM2005 at all?
Anyone done it?
no man
it cant be done
the only reason that its on himalaya right now is that somebody got their hands on a himalaya device wihich had 2005 on it and used that for others
in the himalaya section there r exceptional developers like buzz , toenailed , etc who have made this possible
so untill u get yr hands on a magician with 2005 on it
get someone like buzz to do developement and stuff .....

Speed up Scotty!?

Hi ppl.
I recently bought a HP Ipaq hw6915, and Im not so overwhelmed with the speed ..I tried other PDA and they were quite faster than 6915 (WM5)..
Can anyone tell me some "Tips `n Tricks" to make it faster..?
btw. what programs do you suggest for it (square screen)..
Thnx, and greetings from a newbie..
22 answers..c˛mon..what software do you use on your 69xx PDA-s?
Tweaks? ..something?
i think its a case of welcome to the world of wm5 :S
Ive heard of people having issues with performance who are using 4gb mini sd cards however, is this the case with you?
No, I got a 1Gb card..Its not the problem with the card but the girlfrend has one 6915 too..same problems.
to be honest, ive never really been all that pleased with wm5's performance... Theres a list of tweaks in the wiki
you might give them a try, youll need a suitable registry editor for your ppc.
Thnx! Ill try that..

HTC Magician WM6 ;) is it possible ?

HTC Magician WM6 is it possible ?
if they manege to make WM6 for HTC Charmer i guse WM6 possible for Magician as well
any ideas i got an old qtek s100 which is HTC Magician and i wish to try is there is even slight posability !!!!
I think you are idiot.
Well... at least he put a question mark in his subject. Most idiots name their topics like "Magician WM6 download location" and continue in their thread with "is not yet available. Am I right?"
Thread closed and moved to magician.
vladimir2989: please read the magician section and see that there's no chance for wm5 update, let alone wm6.

Members would help (HP IPAQ HW 6915)

hi all frends
excited to participate in the forum.
I am using HP iPAQ hw6915 WM5.0.
I want to upgrade to WM6.0 or WM6.1
I've searched a lot on forums
but still no results.
you can help me find the room to use compatible
I would like to thank
emmap said:
hi all frends
excited to participate in the forum.
I am using HP iPAQ hw6915 WM5.0.
I want to upgrade to WM6.0 or WM6.1
I've searched a lot on forums
but still no results.
you can help me find the room to use compatible
I would like to thank
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better not try to upgrade, you can brick the hp in a second or two. better use it the way it is. there are not so many programs using wm6 or 6.1. this hp suports skype calls, cool games and a lot more, but it's limited due the screen size 250x250.
Use search ...
This topic was here so many many times , the reason you couldnt find anything is - there isn't any WM 6 for your PDA , get a new one

