WM 2003 GERMAN for XDA 1 (32MB) ? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi there,
I wanted to test WM 2003 on my XDA 1 with 32 MB, but I see a few Probs:
1. I don't know where to find it
2. It would be very nice if somebody could cook a spezial Version to use as much of the Flash memory as possible.
I have my XDA for about one month now and there are two annoying things with it:
1. Can not separately adjust Volume of the Phone :-(((((
2. Can not adjust brightness of the display.
Maybe anyone of you can help me further.
Would be great. Thanx.

salaam said:
Hi there,
I wanted to test WM 2003 on my XDA 1 with 32 MB, but I see a few Probs:
1. I don't know where to find it
2. It would be very nice if somebody could cook a spezial Version to use as much of the Flash memory as possible.
I have my XDA for about one month now and there are two annoying
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Take a look at your PM.....

The brightness cannot be adjusted on xda1 as far as I know.

that's the point, the lights can only be switched on and off
bye, dennis.


XDA II - I-mate - I will upgrade to WM2005 please help ????

I am using wm2003 in my XDA ii. I will try to load wm2005. because I need to read PDF and PPT's in 90 rotated mode. And I need non-stop alarm in my tasks. I think it is easy in WM2005.
if something goes bad. Can i Go back 2003 ROM. Can i make my Own 2003 ROM backup before upgrade.
xda2 have 2003 not 2002 but here is a guide how to get 2005
Re: XDA II - I-mate - I will upgrade to WM2005 please help ?
digiugur said:
I am using wm2002 in my XDA ii. I will try to load wm2005. because I need to read PDF and PPT's in 90 rotated mode. And I need non-stop alarm in my tasks. I think it is easy in WM2005.
Do i need to go first WM2003 before Wm2005. And if something goes bead. Can i Go back 2002 ROM. Can i make my Own 2002 ROM backup before upgrade.
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I'm confused...
Are you using XDAII? - If you are, then you are under WM2003
Are you using WM2002? - If you are, then you have an XDA I


coooool device!
works great!
some things are missing but i'm sure that they will be added in next rom.
sounds good! BT OK!
screen very nice!
working as fast as i could expect.
Can you extract the Answer Machine for us?
no problem!!
just one small thing...
try to use ExtRom unhider for the the Atom...
can you please post a link to the CAB file?
When the latest ROM for Stealth will appear?
Beats me... but I hope it comes out real soon cos I'm sure the ROM upgrade will solve the buggy ezitext proggy...
Yea I'm fed up of the eZitext....waiting for it to be rectified. Bought the stealth just so that I could type smses without the hassle of a touch screen...but this horrible eZitext makes it next to impossible to use the keypad!
rohinaa said:
Yea I'm fed up of the eZitext....waiting for it to be rectified. Bought the stealth just so that I could type smses without the hassle of a touch screen...but this horrible eZitext makes it next to impossible to use the keypad!
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Do you have the Ezitext spanish database ? Could you extract it from Windows file ?
Can anyone modify rom's stealth to use with xda atom? I know it work and i need to use it work with xda atom. Somebody can help?

HP Voice Messenger ROM?!? 530 - I've FOUND THE ROM! BUT IT'S IN CHINISE HELP :D

Hi Guys!!
There's any Rom for th Hp VoiceMessenger?
EDIT: there's?!? Yes! http://www.ioicn.com.cn/forum/thread-346491-1-2.html
But it's in chinese, how to swicht in WWE?
Gibla said:
Hi Guys!!
My home screen really sucks....how can I customise it?
Maybe there's some plugin...like the Excalibur?!?
any suggestions?!?
Let me know!!!
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this is a good one
your today screen is just like wm6.5 if i think of it your all wm is like the wm6.5
(but with no touch screen)
users are tring all day long 2 get there devive 2 work like yours
anyway as for nav app i know tomtom have a Version 4 sp - smart phone (no touch screen )
windows mobile standard
as 4 your today screen googe 4 SBSH apps (apps 4 SP)
good luck
(nice device)
btw - how is your camera app? if i remember it wasn't so great but i tried this device when it was beta
Hi Erezyad!!
Yes, the home screen is like 6.5....but there's no buttun to change the panels
In the center there's something like a touchpad button, as the lateral Joggr in the Excalibur. I found a small HP Cab to choose the settings for that pad yesterday and now is better EVVAI!
I'd like to custumize the home screen, maybe it's possible to chage the icons or stuff like that.
Is really a good device, but now there's just 79 mb free storage on 256 mb.....that's a problem!! Why?!?
For the gps: I'm using Garmin XT, on COM 7 but no fix....what I have to do?
The camera program....it's pretty much difficul to use the digital zoom but I guess that it's possible to use the custum HTC program....I have to try it-!
Finally: no other people is interested here?!? There's only me?
first the device is called ipaq 530
as 4 icones this app is 4 pocket pc check if it works 4 u
u can also find on xda how 2 do it yourself (notepad....)
if i had such device first thing i was looking 4 was an app that will get me a pointer like a mouse (like the sumsung i780)
this way u can use the sensor u have 2 work with ppc apps(wm pro)
the sensor u have is like the ipaq 800 (data messenger) on hp rom (not vodaphone) they have such mouse meybe somone with ipaq ipaq data messenger can extract it from the rom (i had the vodaphone ver)
79mb ram is more then ok 4 wm pro, 4 sp it is a lot!! most devices that have 128/256 and have things like wm6.5 or manila have a lot less
as 4 rom u can get microsd so....
i remember the softkey of this device was very soft and with the sensor ("dpad") u dont need touch screen
(the device was good looking in my hand )
maybe i will get one soon
if so i wil try 2 help u more by tring gps apps...
(dot have it now so cannot help a lot,sorry )
first the device is called ipaq 530
as 4 icones this app is 4 pocket pc check if it works 4 u
u can also find on xda how 2 do it yourself (notepad....)
if i had such device first thing i was looking 4 was an app that will get me a pointer like a mouse (like the sumsung i780)
this way u can use the sensor u have 2 work with ppc apps(wm pro)
the sensor u have is like the ipaq 800 (data messenger) on hp rom (not vodaphone) they have such mouse meybe somone with ipaq ipaq data messenger can extract it from the rom (i had the vodaphone ver)
79mb ram is more then ok 4 wm pro, 4 sp it is a lot!! most devices that have 128/256 and have things like wm6.5 or manila have a lot less
as 4 rom u can get microsd so....
i remember the softkey of this device was very soft and with the sensor ("dpad") u dont need touch screen
(the device was good looking in my hand )
maybe i will get one soon
if so i wil try 2 help u more by tring gps apps...
(dot have it now so cannot help a lot,sorry )
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I found that finger mouse!
and here some fixes from HP official site:
I'm trying Sygic Maporama for the GPS....finger crossed!!
Do you have you Voice Messenger already?
Gibla said:
I found that finger mouse!
and here some fixes from HP official site:
I'm trying Sygic Maporama for the GPS....finger crossed!!
Do you have you Voice Messenger already?
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dont have it yet
will try 2 get one of a friend (if i can)
anyway after getting one i will need 2 go over all function and edit option
will keep u updated
I will wait I have to try to extract for doing something.... :S
So? There's any news? No one is intrested in a New Rom for that device?
Interested, yes!
Ain't got the know-how to make one, so no can do.
Come to think of it i don't even have a Voice Messenger yet
ROM 6.5 FOUND!!!
Here: http://www.ioicn.com.cn/forum/thread-346491-1-2.html
But it's in chinise
HeLLLLLLpppppppp how to add the wwe?!
hi,you also can download the 6.1&6.5rom from www.i3x.cc,i made all of them,and they are multilanguage,include english,when the rom bootup,you can go to start-setting-regional settings to change it to english
good luck~
gabby2006 said:
hi,you also can download the 6.1&6.5rom from www.i3x.cc,i made all of them,and they are multilanguage,include english,when the rom bootup,you can go to start-setting-regional settings to change it to english
good luck~
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the like is broken
i entered this site and found the voice messenger threads
is it 4 the ipaq 530- the one with the gps?
(not the 510/2/4)
do u have screen shots (links...) of this rom?
can u upload 2 megauplod one (or more ) of your roms?
can u upload your tools?
tnx 4 the link
ipaq 530 bl mode
device fully off (take out battery ..)
press&hold key num 8 and power at the same time
only thing needed is the rom (and 4 me also the ipaq 530 )
maybe u can find someone that knows chinese
Hi, I asked to translate....and someguys here on XDa told me that that ROMs are only in chinese...that was written in the forum...
So what we have to do? Please GABBY help us
second,what i made the rom,wm6.1andwm6.5 are also multilanguage,include 0409(US English)and 0804(chinese)
there's two way you can use it in english
first way is flash the rom,and forrow the steps:
when the rom bootup,you can go to start-setting-regional settings to change it to english
second way is to do quite easy cook by the rom:
extra the rom and edit the default.hv&user.hv
change the system language to english(SysLan=0409)
i was busy on cooking DataMessenger rom and Treo pro rom,so haven't so many times to help you do it.
if next month onbody did a wwe 6.5rom for yous.i will do it for you.
p.s.sorry erveryone,my english is very poor.......
Hi Gabby,
as I written in the other thread I tryed to download the ROM but without success...
will be grat if you will upload the 6.1 and 6.5 on 4shared or Rapidshare if it's possible.
Thank you for you efforts!
i upload here
the wm6.5 rom which i made was not really a 6.5 core
voicemessenger's xip part is so strange,if i cook it and flash,it will can't boot.
so the wm6.5 rom is only contain sys part update.
Thanks for the link. Let us know if someone installs it and how it works. I will also download it and try to install it. By the way has someone the original rom in case something goes wrong???

O2 atom xda 6.5

hello everyone i need some help.i got O2 atom xda and i'm on wm 6.1
i wanna upgrade to 6.5 could some one tell me if they give problems? and what are the problems?
and could i get a direct to link to it pls. and i would like a customised wm 6.5 too
could some tell me how to get the touch flo on my O2
thank you
djteotancolis said:
hello everyone i need some help.i got O2 atom xda and i'm on wm 6.1
i wanna upgrade to 6.5 could some one tell me if they give problems? and what are the problems?
and could i get a direct to link to it pls. and i would like a customised wm 6.5 too
could some tell me how to get the touch flo on my O2
thank you
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Just go over to the XDA Atom ROM Development section, you can find 4 WM6.5 version there, and by :
1) Helloworld1
2) Glossyx1
3) Tabbe
4) Searchers
All 4 are pretty stable but depends on what your requirement is, so you need to check out their threads. Basically, everything in WM6.5 works except for bluetooth as we are not able to send files out. But there is a way out by using Persian Blue or Total Commander. Another issue with bluetooth is you can only add 2 bluetooth device, after that the add device functions gets corrupted. Added devices will still function as normal, just no more additional bluetooth device after that.
The latest one now is from Glossyx1 which is base on a new built as compare to the other 3. They are all good as long as you don't over stress your Atom, as you are aware our Atoms have limited ram resources as compare to newer devices which is what WM6.5 is meant for. I think all WM6.5 have Touchflo incorporated already.
Happy flashing....
vincentshjuan said:
Just go over to the XDA Atom ROM Development section, you can find 4 WM6.5 version there, and by :
1) Helloworld1
2) Glossyx1
3) Tabbe
4) Searchers
All 4 are pretty stable but depends on what your requirement is, so you need to check out their threads. Basically, everything in WM6.5 works except for bluetooth as we are not able to send files out. But there is a way out by using Persian Blue or Total Commander. Another issue with bluetooth is you can only add 2 bluetooth device, after that the add device functions gets corrupted. Added devices will still function as normal, just no more additional bluetooth device after that.
The latest one now is from Glossyx1 which is base on a new built as compare to the other 3. They are all good as long as you don't over stress your Atom, as you are aware our Atoms have limited ram resources as compare to newer devices which is what WM6.5 is meant for. I think all WM6.5 have Touchflo incorporated already.
Happy flashing....
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alright thanx alot

Xda Exec Storage/Program Memory

Hi All, I have an Xda Exec running Tomal's 6.5 Windows. Can anyone help me with increasing my program memory? I have 40mb of storage memory free but only 8mb of program memory free. Is there anyway I can transfer some program memory to storage? I'm new at this so simple instructions would be appreciated. Many thanks all for your contribution to Xda Developers. Eric
Welcome to forums
As you should know 6.5 eats a lot of resources on Uni, the best way to get more free prog space is to disable any today plug in (windows default titanium) or to go back to 6.1
or back to WM5! YAAAY WM5!
can you please suggest a stable and fast WM6.1? and also with great looks and does not drains battery power that fast..
orb3000 said:
Welcome to forums
As you should know 6.5 eats a lot of resources on Uni, the best way to get more free prog space is to disable any today plug in (windows default titanium) or to go back to 6.1
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Thanks . Where can I find download for 6.1 please
genspeed said:
can you please suggest a stable and fast WM6.1? and also with great looks and does not drains battery power that fast..
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Welcome to forums
I can recommend Tomal 8.2 or 8.5 WM6.1
Eric J said:
Thanks . Where can I find download for 6.1 please
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Have a look on my signature link, you´ll find a good ROM selection
@orb: Thanks

