WM2005 on Magician...can it be done? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I know that WM2005 needs at least 128 mb rom...or thats what I think I know.
IF I would upgrade my Magician to 28 mb, can I run WM2005 at all?
Anyone done it?

no man
it cant be done
the only reason that its on himalaya right now is that somebody got their hands on a himalaya device wihich had 2005 on it and used that for others
in the himalaya section there r exceptional developers like buzz , toenailed , etc who have made this possible
so untill u get yr hands on a magician with 2005 on it
get someone like buzz to do developement and stuff .....


O2 XDA/T-Mobile/AT&T SX56 PPC Phone 128MB Internal RAM U

I just wish I had $300 to spare :lol:
so if its possible to upgrade the ram... why not the rom?
and errr... SDIO card *LOL*
I can hope
never seen this .. and thought I'd share it
ALSO my dreams have came true.... reverse lookup SMS !!!!
yum yum !!! 8) almost as if it was an official patch by Microsoft...
poses the question... WHY is it not an MS Patch? :evil:
now all I need to know is that I can upgrade me xda to PocketPC 2k3 :twisted:

WM2003-based SER

Does anyone know when Special Edition ROM 2(or whatever WM2003-based will be called) is coming?
Waiting since I installed SERv1.2! :roll:
Tried a search?..
It´s rumored for release in december for the XDA´s.
Search told me nothing, but thanx!
December 2004? By that time we'll probably see WM2004! 8)
I think you missed something.....
I'm nearly 100% sure, that there will never be an XDA-Developers Special Edition ROM based on the WM2003. The SER 1.2 was before the ability of ROM kitchens.
The Version skenliv is talking about is the WM2003 SE (Second edition)
This is something completly differernt.
I think that there won't be any release of the WM2003 SE for the XDA I device. O2 didn't have released any WM2003 until know, so why should they release the SE?
T-Mobile i'm not sure. But the only interesting point for the XDA I Users of the SE is the landscape mode....
Basically, I don't see any "useful" feature in WM2003SE - as far as I know, the main thing is the support of 640x480 mode, which can't be used with XDA nor XDA2 (maybe XDA3 if any).
To say truth, I wanted the SER2 because I never managed to do anything with ROM kitchens - I gave it up and installed SER v1.2 so if you can give a link to a nice tutorial it would be appreciated.
By the way, what is included in your ROM?
Don't you want to share?
bob190cm said:
By the way, what is included in your ROM?
Don't you want to share?
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You want to know, what applications are iincluded in my ROM? Don´t know it exactly. But why should I share it. Maybe I´m using the theft protection or anything else.....
Why don´t you cook your own ROM?
WM 2003 Second Edition
Just a note, there is an internal build of WM 2003 Second Edition for the XDA.
I'm running it right now on my SX-56. I really like it, the landscape mode is helpful and the text size changing is nice too. Add Voice Command and it's a true geek's delight.
Unfortunately, it's a signed internal build right now. So it can't be distributed. Hopefully T-Mo or others will release soon.
2 Stefan:
It was jus a suggestion! Don't take it this close to heart!
The point is, that my PC ain't gonna become a UNIX in close time...
PS: You are absolutely right, distribution of theft software is illegal! Same as it's usage...
hey dude...so DERE IS NOWAY u can ditribute da thing??aan i wwud really like to have dat!!!ne1 out dere where i can get my hands on the wm2003se??ill pay a price too.....
I meant Second Edition, sorry. Read it to fast.
i would like to get some info about older CE applications compatiblity with SE because from what i read many older applications may not work at all
i would like to know if they dont work period or if they dont work of you tilt your desktop and such
would never move to a new version of the os which required me to get all new software
The old CE apps should work on standard mode. But in landscape mode, it might not work.
are you 100% sure about this because
here they make it sound much more serious
To my mind this will not be this tough!
I use Nyditot Virtual Display - my system thinks I have 640x480 landscape (all the rumours concerning making it "impossible to see anything on the display" come from people, who can't work with fonts, cleartype and zoom! 8) ).
I actually use programmes for WinCE 2.0, WinCE 2.11, PPC2002 and now WM2003, even though Microsoft guys say the WinCE 2.0 can never be compatible with the WM2003! So I think, that the availability of VGA will not make many troubles (if they use basis of WM2003 in WM2003SE).
I won't believe anyone till I see it! :wink:

can i upgrade i mate jam with 128 MB to WM5?

i have an i mate jam with 128 mega of rom .
i would like to upgarde it to WM5, i know that the only problem was the magician usaly comes with 64 mega and cannot be insttaled with WM5.
in this case it's diffrent. can it be done??? :?
10x for the help.
every magician user is hoping for but this topic has been discussed a zillion times in many languages and the answer is a huge NO, NIENTE, KEINE, WALA, MAFI, αριθ, нет.
don't take it personal dude but please use the search option before posting. there's even a sticky on the Magician upgrading forum about this with 69 replies and viewed 25498 times.
10x fro the nice replay
i was hpoing just because i have 128 rom it will be avileble...
god damn.

WM6 & Jasjar?

haven't been active here, lately so if someone can tell me few stuff about WM6 for JJ.
1. Is there going to be official update of WM6 from i-mate or any of teh companies that labeled HTC Uni? According to me there should be, simply for the reason that we have payed for this gadget around 1K€ at the time... More than most laptops...
2. Is there any link where I could download cooked WM6 for JJ? I have red that MS asked XDA dev to remove all of the ROMs.
Thanx to all
Please, do some research on this very same forum...
The simplest response is:
WM6 on Univervsal is still a work in progress!
I too wanna know abt this ?

Windows Mobile 6.0?

Hello all,
is it possible to upgrade to WM6?
apparently no WM6 ROM and i doubt there ever will be one. There isnt a WM5 for it anywayz so how could there be a WM6 ?!?!
I rather buy a proper WM6 HTC device than waiting for someone to get a wm6 rom for it.
Well... there was WM5 for the XDA.
Anyways, I'm happy with my phone, but I would like them big graphics from WM6 .
Well, if any body hears of anything, please give us a shout.
no there was never a real wm5 for wallaby
Alan Chan said:
apparently no WM6 ROM and i doubt there ever will be one. There isnt a WM5 for it anywayz so how could there be a WM6 ?!?!
I rather buy a proper WM6 HTC device than waiting for someone to get a wm6 rom for it.
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be aware my friend... ... look my signature... and still hope ... i think its come very soon
You are right there was never a WM5 for the Alpine. I had downloaded and installed WM5 on my Hymalya (at that time). My bad.
And of course, I trust that there are people out there working on a compatible WM6 version (right Indra?) and I would be happy to try it if it becomes a reality.
i dont want to have WM6.0,but lookforward to WM5.0 haha,
Well, did anyone managed to get WM5 working?
HTC P6300 is similar to Alpine and it has WM5. Anybody has the HTC P6300 software to try out. I've been lookin' but no luck so far...
Alright, forget the above question, I should be reading the other discussions...
"HTC P6300 is similar to Alpine and it has WM5"
well looking alot like it will not make them that similar
it all comes down to cpu and the whole hardware setup
indra9110 said:
be aware my friend... ... look my signature... and still hope ... i think its come very soon
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I just read the thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=326077. It seems Helmi was able to create a WM6 for the Himalaya (QTEK 2020). It also seems to be quite stable, so let's hope that this guy will help us Alpine users too...
I for one would be eternally grateful!!!!
I have been waiting for it to be WM6.0 till i sold off and get atom
I wish someone would do WM5 for my Alpine

