Help unlock MDA PW10A1 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have MDA PW10A1 and i need to unlock it, but i dont know how I can do it. I'm green in this thread, please help me.
Version ROM 3.18.10 ESP
Date : 08/15/03
Protocol version: 32S54
Thx and regards

go to
and look at
XDAunlock and xda2unlock and xdadev_all_unlock, remove the SIMlock from your XDA 1,2,3 and mini.

First i want to say i don´t know very much about pda devices.
Hi, i tried to upload XDA special rom and update failed, now i can enter in Wallaby bootloader (5.22) and says gsm ok. Is pw10a1
My question is how to make it work again. Before upgrade, i made a backup in sd card, but don´t know how to restore...
Off course, pda can´t connect with activesync.
Now i want to know how to restore ROM with spanish lang.
Thanks in advance


Can someone help me unlock an O2 locked XDA

Hi folks just found out about the forum and the advice and information is excellent. I was wondering if anyone can help. I recently purchased a 2nd hand XDA. It appears to be locked to the O2 network and was wanting to use your software to unlock. I downloaded the XDAUNLOCK.exe and executed this as per instructions. But keep getting the message ‘Error getting unlock code’ can you please tell me if you have any other programs that will perform this for me. My details are as follows:
Rom version 3.12.07 ENG
Rom date 08/13/02
Radio version 4.06
Protocol vers 32554
Can anyone help…….thanks John.
You have 2 possibilites to unlock your xda....
1.) Use the XDA-Manipulator and a serial cable
2.) Upgrade your Rom to version 3.17 and use the xdaunlock.exe program
Also, you can try the XDAunlock.exe alone without upgrade. It worked for me but I had 3.18 at that time.
Good luck ...
Thanks Stefen, sorry for sounding stupid but how do I upgrade my ROM to 3.17? Is there something I can download, buy etc ? I already tried the XDAunlock.exe as stated on my original mail but keep getting error message ?
Any help appreciated.
You can down load it from
Use your XDA connected to the PC through the cradle and follow the instructions.
Good luck ...


I read lots of articles about upgrading device soft but i can't get it clear enough. First of all: is it possible to upgrade my XDA/Wallaby to WM2003SE? I know it can be done with XDAII but I have Wallaby...
If Yes, can somebody write a detailed description about upgrading it or just paste in some links where the description and files are? What radio etc you recommend and why?
Here is what I'm running:
Microsoft Pocket PC version 4.20.0 (Build 13252)
ROM ver: 4.01.16 ENG
ROM date: 02/04/04
Radion ver: 4.21.00
Protocol ver: 32S54
What can i do with that? Thanks in advance
You cant upgrade wallaby to wm2003se.
so therefore is it possible to upgrade it with wm2003? I looked at siemens site looking for update to wm2003 but it is no longer available... anyone having it? is there any news about wm2003se available for Wallaby any soon?
sniffer you have mw2003 all rom versions beginning with are 2003
all that are 3.XXXX are 2002
>>> <<<
this site contains only WM2003 and not the Second Edition (WM2003SE) !!!
can anyone please post a URL to download the new WM2003SE for Wallaby ??????
I have Qtek 1010 with WM2003 ROM (full of bugs)!
Please help, please!
afaik there is no WM2003SE for Wallaby
M4io said:
afaik there is no WM2003SE for Wallaby
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Not really true.
There is a WM2003SE Version for the Wallabys.
But it´s protectef by an unknwon key, that uses (i think) the IMEI. Until now it´s not possible to use it on every device, since this key have to be adapted in any way to each device....
Damn!!!! and why the hell did they protect it with a key?!?!?
you mean that no one ever can crack that key? ohhh
Siemens Upgrade 2003
if any one interested I have the upgrade for 2003 from ATT Siemens Sx56
please email me
I tried to upload it but didn't let me
kucuso can you please upload it to an FTP server?
I have an FTP site ready if you want, and I can share it thru all members here
Please contact me on [email protected]
Thanx dude

lokiwiz 0.3 - Now working on prophet

Now for SPL 2.x
Unfortunatly the complete solution is not ready (yet), so this will only provide the SIM unlock Code, not CID unlocking
Get it at:
Machina God
1 - Unzip to somewhere in your computer
DONE. Worked
2 - Guarantee that your phone is connected via ActiveSync with the computer
DONE. AS states "Connected"
3 - Execute lokiwizMSL.bat (on your computer! My inbox is filled with this kind of error)
It states:
Could not update itsutils.dll to the current version, maybe it is inuse?
try restarting your device, or restart ActiveSync
opening: lock_backup.bin: No such file or directory
* Copied the .dll file manually. No result.
* Did several reboots, no result.
* Did hard reset, no result.
* Did hard reset and inserted a SIM, no result
* Did not answer the windows question as to allow to execute the program on the Prophet, no result
* Did say yes to the question, no result
* Did hard reset and inserted a non network compliant SIM, no result
* Copied the cab's from the utils folder to my device and executed them.
Rerun the bat file.
WORKED!!!!! it gave me my unlock code
4 - It will give you the SIM unlock code after it runs, just get a different SIM from the one your phone is locked to and insert the code...
WORKED!!! I can now use non Orange SIMs in my M600
5 - Have fun...
Thanks, you're a god!
I have a NL M600 with the latest Dopod WWE ROM
Hope this helps others!
I follow the actions of the previous message and it worked for me too.
I have a spv m600 from Orange France.
I have been able to make my SFr Sim work.
That's astonishing. I bought it a week ago.
Thanks a lot machinagod !
Must I wait for a method to unlock CID before trying to flash my phone with another branded ROM ?
Machina, u are the man!! No problems with an S200.
And now let us wait for the CID unlocking...
Lokiwiz 0.3 link
Sorry for the noob question.... but I checked all the links and threads and I can't find the link to download LokiwizMSL 0.3, I found lokiwiz0.2b on the ftp site but no Lokiwiz 0.3
Am I missing something?
Lokiwiz 0.3
Oops...... Should have logged in before checking the links!!
tested in some prophets, worked like a charm!
thanks man, u did it again
It's OK with a french ORANGE SPV M600.
Thank you very much !
Best regards,
robincop deel 2
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I updated the Wiki. It now gathers the working steps to Unlock HTC Prophet
Nice work machinagod !!! 8)
many thanks! :wink: :wink:
Excelent Work Guys ... it works very well on my French SPV M600 Orange
Thanks ...
any progress for cid unlocking? I have tried many other whays to change my rom (your noid upgrade utility, awizard) with no success. :?
I am able to use awizard to unlock the CID.
I dont know what's the problem you guys have.
ericlin0122 said:
I am able to use awizard to unlock the CID.
I dont know what's the problem you guys have.
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Please tell me how, as I tried and failed. Did you do it on a Prophet or on Wizard device?
I know it can be done on a Wizard because BUTTON has made a custom rom wich fools the bootloader and downgrades it.
Please tell me exactly what you did.
Which ROM to install on an Orange SPV M600?
Just got a new Orange M600, herebelow is the device info;
ROM version: WWE
Rom Date: 2/16/06
Radio Version: 02.07.20
Protocol Version: 413.1.03
ExtROM version:
Operator Version:
IPL 2.10.0001
SPL 2.10.0001
I used machinagod lokiwiz 0.3 to SIM unlock my SPV M600.
1) Will my phone be Sim Locked again if i did a Hard Reset?
2) Which ROM is the latest and best and can i install it on IPL/SPL 2.10.0001? If yes, then how?
Not getting any positive results on my M600...simply says 'Invalid Unblock Code'
Any thoughts?
Another success using the new lokiwiz3a
Thanks, MachineGod, It worked for T-Mobile MDA WIZA200.
You are the hero!
It worked fine with my brand new M600 :
Rom version : FRE
Date : 2/9/06 (9/2/06 in english i think)
radio : 02.07.20
protocol : 413.1.03
ExtRom :
operator :
First Post, First Success !
Thanks a lot !!


I just bought a new qtek9100,and it has a french rom.
ROM version: FRE
Rom Date: 2/21/06
Radio version: 02.07.10
protocal version: 413.1.03
ExtROM version:
Everytime i try to update the rom with ENGLISH ROM,i get ERROR(300)INVALID UPDATE TOOL .
Is it something i doing wrong?
I have already try this 3 ROMS:RUU_Prodigy_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe
you need to unlock CID be able to install any rom.
here is how to...
You mean i use this ROM: ftp://xda:[email protected]__RUU_Wizard_1050412_WWE_101_11210_WWE.exe
To unlocked CID and then i try using any order Rom to flash my qtek 9100
No pal,
You use LokiWiz (on this forum) to unlock CID and THEN you can flash Roms of another brand (like Qtek, or T-Mobile).
Good luck,
p.s. I am not sure if 2.17 Roms can be CID unlocked already (for free, there is a paid solution).
Can u send me the lokiwiz and how to to used it.THANKS
as was before stated.. how about read the link he gave you
within that link you will see:
now download the (lokiwiz02b) from here;
read the link you'll be more informed, empower yourself
i downloaded lokiwiz02b and i run likiwiz.bat, my qtek 9100 rebooted .
but still can run any order ROM.
dmoney94 said:
i downloaded lokiwiz02b and i run likiwiz.bat, my qtek 9100 rebooted .
but still can run any order ROM.
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u have to downgrade as in the link i posted above then run lokiwiz .02, read my
Do i have to pay to get unlock first.
Still need help.what should i do.
hi dmoney, I'm having the same problem that you are. Lokiwiz just doesn't seem to CID unlock new 9100's, I get the same error [300] message that you do. Hopefully somebody will crack it soon, otherwise we're stuck with the roms that we have.
There is a newer version of lokiwiz then need to get the latest version.

Please help this newbie...:D

i am in indonesia using o2 xda with PPC2002:
rom version : 3.14.17 ENG
rom date : 10/11/02
radio version : 4.17
protocol version : 32S54
model no : PW10A1
i need a suggestion, while i plan to upgrade my xda using wm2003, which best rom version can running well in my xda?
which one is best between wm2003final and ppc2002 with rom version 3.20.06?
i have already dload rom version 3.20.06 rom kitchen with .exe file...
can someone explain to me the step by step upgrading rom with .exe file?
thanks a lot to all of u...
i've already upgrade with wm2003 4.02.04 ENG standard.
now i try to upgrade with wm2003 4.02.04 ENG with rom kitchen.
but, (
all my backup in my sd card cannot be read with this new rom..
i'd try to downgrade my rom with ppc2002 3.20.06, but it cannot be downgraded..
it always shown " cannot read rom "
pls anyone, can u help me???
update info...
this radio version installed is 4.17.00
but, the signal is quite poor, only 1-2bar...and it cannot connect GPRS...
before i upgrade the rom, the signal is very good...and it was easy to connect GPRS...
any suggestion, pls???
i try to downgrade using rom version 30.02.06
but it shown : "cannot find the ROM image to upgrade your Pocket PC. Pls dload n try again"...and in command prompt, it shown : "nbf directory not found in c:/.../..."
help pleaseeeee....
i am stuck with it....
Try doawnloading it once again. There was an error in the File.
Or extract the EXE-File manually with winzip, and copy the nbf file out of the direcotry German into the directory English.......
Than just run the start.bat file....
thanks lumpistefan,
but it doesn't work.
i run start.bat file, but nothing happen.
well, i let my xda run this os wm2003
thanks god i've already made "permanent save" before,
so i didn't loose my contact...
now the problem is the poor signal this xda have...
how to tune up this poor signal?
btw, after upgrade, my xda had a change in model number, it used to have PW10A1, but after upgrade, it become PW10B1. Did that model number change is one of the factors that make the signal poor?
pls your suggestion and review of this case...
thanks a lot!!...
one more question,
this wm2003 doesn't have wireless modem aplication,
can i install this aplication? where did i get this aplication?
i try to googling, but, so far, i can't get this software...
ROM 4.02.04 + bootloader v5.17= armagedon
i have installed my XDA with new rom in yeah, tmobile rom i think... many bug in this rom!!!
so i want to downgrade to my original rom... but... IT CAN'T BOY!!!!
what the hell happened??!!! i can't flash via activesync (.exe) and....
I CAN'T FLASH VIA SD CARD!!! yes, bootloader v5.17.. i have open many thread, i have install wallaby patch tool with XDA RIT 1.0 (1,3 Mb)...
futhermore... when i wrote patch tool(.nb2) with xdarit, it says no removable disk in my computer, i have plug in my sdcard to my computer(Notebook)... and when i have wrote it and restart my notebook..... I have lost my WINDOWS XP and all data in my harddisk... no found OS in my device,
is it damn ROM or what?!!!!
please help me???
[email protected]
