UPGRADE WIN PPC -> WM2003SE - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I read lots of articles about upgrading device soft but i can't get it clear enough. First of all: is it possible to upgrade my XDA/Wallaby to WM2003SE? I know it can be done with XDAII but I have Wallaby...
If Yes, can somebody write a detailed description about upgrading it or just paste in some links where the description and files are? What radio etc you recommend and why?
Here is what I'm running:
Microsoft Pocket PC version 4.20.0 (Build 13252)
ROM ver: 4.01.16 ENG
ROM date: 02/04/04
Radion ver: 4.21.00
Protocol ver: 32S54
What can i do with that? Thanks in advance

You cant upgrade wallaby to wm2003se.

so therefore is it possible to upgrade it with wm2003? I looked at siemens site looking for update to wm2003 but it is no longer available... anyone having it? is there any news about wm2003se available for Wallaby any soon?

sniffer you have mw2003 all rom versions beginning with 4.xxx are 2003
all that are 3.XXXX are 2002


>>>http://lumpistefan.dyndns.org <<<
this site contains only WM2003 and not the Second Edition (WM2003SE) !!!
can anyone please post a URL to download the new WM2003SE for Wallaby ??????
I have Qtek 1010 with WM2003 ROM (full of bugs)!
Please help, please!

afaik there is no WM2003SE for Wallaby

M4io said:
afaik there is no WM2003SE for Wallaby
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Not really true.
There is a WM2003SE Version for the Wallabys.
But it´s protectef by an unknwon key, that uses (i think) the IMEI. Until now it´s not possible to use it on every device, since this key have to be adapted in any way to each device....

Damn!!!! and why the hell did they protect it with a key?!?!?
you mean that no one ever can crack that key? ohhh

Siemens Upgrade 2003
if any one interested I have the upgrade for 2003 from ATT Siemens Sx56
please email me
I tried to upload it but didn't let me

kucuso can you please upload it to an FTP server?
I have an FTP site ready if you want, and I can share it thru all members here
Please contact me on [email protected]
Thanx dude


QTEK ROM Upgrade / Urgent

Updated rom's to version Radio 4.16 and Rom 3.15.15
URL: http://julia.online.o2.nl/xda_downloads/xda_software1/RUU_ENG.exe = ROM upgrade
URL: http://julia.online.o2.nl/xda_downloads/xda_software1/RSU_ENG.exe = RADIO upgrade
Hello i was wondering if the above ROM updates will work on my QTEK 1010:
ROM Version: 3.16.13 ENG
Radio Version: 3.19.01
I mean anyone tested if before or managed to upgrade his QTEK with the above ROM versions from O2 and were there any complications!!
:?: :?: :? :?: :?:
Yes I did and it worked fine. I have it running on T-Mobile MDA, Qtek 1010 and Eurotel dataphone (rebranded Qtek). No problems.
I tried to upgrade and got the following error:
The ROM Image that you are trying to upgrade is not compatible to your pocket pc.
Here are there differences:
Your device information:
ROM Version: 3.16
Language: English
Your upgraded image information
ROM Version: 3.15
Language: English
Please download the compatible utility and try again
So where is the problem?
It has been answered a few times, look through fora. it's a general pocket pc language change question, but applies to this one too. You need to rewrite the ROM header to match your device. Can be sort of tricky if you don't know what you're doing.
Did you install it
I have the same qtek with 3.16 and 3.19 shall I do it or wait to uk version?
If you don't mind O2 startup screen & O2 autoconfig...
supplier or distributor
nanis said:
I tried to upgrade and got the following error:
The ROM Image that you are trying to upgrade is not compatible to your pocket pc.
Here are there differences:
Your device information:
ROM Version: 3.16
Language: English
Your upgraded image information
ROM Version: 3.15
Language: English
Please download the compatible utility and try again
So where is the problem?
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My advise to you is to try to get the latest rom upgrade from
either your supplier or distributors.
Also be very wary and careful when you got advice from this
forum on where or which website to download etc especially the
one which you do not have any informations if it suit your device
or not. If it is not suitable then after downloading it to your device
it will freeze up and you have to get it replaced. These people who
give advise take for granted everyone who view this forum are
professional like them. They never realise there are lots of new
users of the device that are trying to find out more informations.
Sometimes no warning was given to you when they just give you
the website to download etc.. I am one of those new user and also
I believe one of the victims too. I do support their intetests in this
forum but not the way some of the advise are given. Hope they
got the message. So good luck to you and happy upgrading.
Why on earth would you want to go from 3.16/3.19 to 3.15/4.16? Makes no sense to me...
bamse: because it's better
I'am used xda radio upgrade 4.16.00 with qtek
it is fine

upgrade ram and radio to last versions

hi all my friends i'm just want to asking you !
whats... RAM , ROM, RADIO SYSTEM AND PROTOKOL functions (with the last versions) ?
where, i can get the sources to upgrade my xdaI ?
now i used O2 xdaI, with spec : - ROM VERSION : 4.00.16 ENG
- RADIO.S VERSION : 3.25.00
with my spesifications ..whats is your suggesting me ?
for maximal using indeed .
thanks a lot for you all !
appreciated to your quick reply my posted !! once..thanks
Hi ...
The RSU you have now is the latest for Qtek ... if it works fine don't upgrade it. For the ROM, there is TMO 4.01.00 but the current EXE file has the RSU part within and actually it starts by RSU upgrade then the ROM.
So, unless you know how to extract the ROM files from this EXE, I would advice you to stick to 4.00.16 or you may try 4.00.21 as well and you can get it from www.yorch.net
Good luck ...
Biso007 !!
Thanks a lot heard happy read your relied..
one quetions please...
i was download yahoo messenger 2003 for my xda but cant proses.. any suggesting for me ??
once thanks....BISO
I never heard of any one could get it to work ... I use Imov ... and it works fine for ICQ, MSN and Yahoo
HELP!!!! I was doing an upgrade but this came up?
>Your device information
Model: PW10A1:007
ROM Version: 3.14
Language: English
Your Upgraded information
Model: PW10A1:001
ROM Version: 3.26
Language: English
Please download compatible utility and try again <
What does this mean? How can I find a compatible utility?
By the way I'm not that techie...
It seems you tried an official upgrade file which usually do a version verification. You better try a cooked ROM from www.yorch.net

New iMate Jam ROM

i-mate have posted a new firmware today
Device Support - ROM Upgrade for i-mate JAM
This page contains the latest Operating Systems for the i-mate JAM device. Future releases of the software will be posted on this page for i-mate customers, so keep it bookmarked!
We currently have the following ROM images available and may be used to upgrade earlier devices. All languages will soon be available as:
Rom version 1.11.00
Radio version 1.11.00
(New!) ExtROM version 1.11.132 (WWE)
(New!) ExtROM version 1.11.183 (Arabic)
(New!) ExtROM version 1.11.169 (North American 850-only model)
(New!) ExtROM version 1.11.179 (UK)
(New!) ExtROM version 1.11.182 (French)
ROM builds with radio versions 1.05.00 and 1.10.00 all include audio enhancements for voice calls. Radio build 1.11.00 includes improved support for Cell Broadcast and SIM Toolkit applications.
All new builds contain the improved camera driver and fix for "No Bluetooth Hardware" bug. ROM builds 1.11.00 also includes a new MMS client for improved network compatability and an upgrade to the Operating System.
The North American 850 build includes support for more T-Mobile SIM subscriptions. These settings are all available as separate operator CAB settings files for download from this site.
you'll need to be a member to view the update page
Any chance of a big storage version :wink:
Thanks to masseur who posted this on Exp forums.
Nice one fella, any chance you could get it uploaded to the FTP
I would except iMate have buggered up my membership and I cant log in.
Im sure it will be there soon. Cheers for those pics on Modaco BTW ;-)
np, they were taken in bad light with my nokia 3200
Thanks very much I-mate: Italians always at last
What is the difference between WWE and UK
What is the difference between WWE and UK?
(New!) ExtROM version 1.11.132 (WWE)
(New!) ExtROM version 1.11.179 (UK)
WWE would bacically be customisation for use in US and other english speaking territories etc, however UK basically would have settings and configurations for use with the UK networks.
where can i download it, except i-mate site, i have mda compact(
FTP uploaded
WWE and USA versions can be found at
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Magician/
Can anyone pls upload the EXT Rom cab files from this upgrade.
also this new rom, since the OS and Radio version are 1.11, would i be wrong to assume that they are exactly the same as the QTEK OS and Radio?
If they are then we would only need the ext rom cab files from this iMate 1.11 to upgrade?
Nutdhanai said:
since the OS and Radio version are 1.11, would i be wrong to assume that they are exactly the same as the QTEK OS and Radio?
If they are then we would only need the ext rom cab files from this iMate 1.11 to upgrade?
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I was thinking the same... I updated my i-Mate JAM to the Qtek 1.11 and it has been very stable... However, I would like to get the UK Ext Rom (1.11.179) to give it a whirl...
Nutdhanai said:
Can anyone pls upload the EXT Rom cab files from this upgrade.
also this new rom, since the OS and Radio version are 1.11, would i be wrong to assume that they are exactly the same as the QTEK OS and Radio?
If they are then we would only need the ext rom cab files from this iMate 1.11 to upgrade?
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Well I couldnt wait so I upgraded.. everything in the EXT ROM is the same as the QTEK 1.11 except
1 - the usual KSE FAX v2.09,
2 - Version_WWE_111132.cab
3 - Imatev1.00.1.0.cab
All other MMS, BT Patch, etc.. are exactly the same as the QTEK EXT ROM.
so to summarise, I wouldnt bother upgrading to this ROM if you already have the QTEK 1.11, unless you want the KSE fax or the imate customisation.
The curiousity has just wasted an hour of my work time.. :lol:
now Im back to hexediting the rom for big storage..
Can anyone tell me how to upgrade to Qtek 1.11. i have an Qtek s100 now.
Another question: Can I use the ExtROM version 1.11.132 (WWE) on this phone?
Re: FTP uploaded
Talents said:
WWE and USA versions can be found at
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Magician/
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the link is not working....
Can anyone tell me how to upgrade to Qtek 1.11. i have an Qtek s100 now.
Another question: Can I use the ExtROM version 1.11.132 (WWE) on this phone?
mda compac
hi can any one explain how to update my mda compaq
or a link explaing how to do it
Thanks dav
Can anyone please check whether the words added to dictionary in intellipad are maintained after a soft reset, using this version?
This is my only complaint with the new Qtek ROM.
can anyone please check if the new ROM version make good coffee or not ?...sorry... :lol: :lol: :lol:
snorlax said:
can anyone please check if the new ROM version make good coffee or not ?...sorry... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Help!
WaspWorld said:
Can anyone tell me how to upgrade to Qtek 1.11. i have an Qtek s100 now.
Another question: Can I use the ExtROM version 1.11.132 (WWE) on this phone?
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Can I use any of those roms, i´m not so good att this and I dont want to kill my s100....

How can I get Windows Mobile 5.0?

How can i upgrade my Wallaby device to WM 5.0? Is there a WM 5.0 ROM file for my device? Or i can create a new ROM file using another WM 5.0 ROM for different brand device?
My Latest Device Info:
Rom:4.02.04 ENG, 8/24/05
ModelW10B1 :lol:
no 2005 for wallaby that i know off
nobody i know off have portet a rom from 1 device to another
there is a 2003SE rom for wallaby though
read this
where can i find win2003se rom for my qtek 1010 PW10B1
im on ROm 4.02.4
and radio 3.25.01
i have actually upgraded the thing to win2k3 recently
check this site out:
yea it is possble to have wm 5
No its not possible
jpflaw00 if u have found a way to squeeze 64mb of os into a 32mb chip on a wallaby to run wm5 then why the hell are you not working for htc :lol: the link you give is for himalaya devices not wallabys
i thought i replied back to this already, but yea it's not possible...btw buzz says:
the sx56 is claimed to be a Himalaya, check in Device info for PH10A or PH10B, these are indicators that device is a hima.
read the this STICKY too!
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Changing BASE-ROM for Wallaby for upgrading/downgrading

Can I change the Wallaby's BASE-ROM from 3.04.00 ENG Microsoft (WM2003 SE) to 4.01.12 ENG O2-Euro (WM2003 Final) ??? Because few people said that the 4.01.12 is better than 3.04.00 and Final should be better then SE. :?
And which is better, the Final or SE? And is there any possibility that Wallaby can be upgraded to WM 5.0? Is there any version of ROM that compatible with Wallaby and WM 5.0? :roll:
And can I downgrade the WM2003 SE to PPC 2002 (which is my old/first version) ?
Mine is O2 XDA 1, ROM Ver. 3.04.00 ENG and Radio: 4.21, protocol 32S54 CPU ARM SA1110 RAM with 206MHz speed, RAM 64Mb, Flash 32 Mb and flash chip type 28F128, model PW10B1 and PocketPC platform.
Thank you so much for your help. [/b]
riried said:
Can I change the Wallaby's BASE-ROM from 3.04.00 ENG Microsoft (WM2003 SE) to 4.01.12 ENG O2-Euro (WM2003 Final) ???
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Yes you can. You have to intsall the new ROM. That ends in having a clean device with th enew ROM. So all data now existing on the device will be lost.
riried said:
Because few people said that the 4.01.12 is better than 3.04.00 and Final should be better then SE. :?
And which is better, the Final or SE?
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Depends on what you want and what you do with the device.
I would say none of the ROMs is perfect. PPC 2002 is just to old ans some important things are missing, WM2003 has the SD-Card erasing bug, and the SE does not support Volume slider, ...
So you can try all of them and stay at the version that brings most benefit to you.
riried said:
And is there any possibility that Wallaby can be upgraded to WM 5.0? Is there any version of ROM that compatible with Wallaby and WM 5.0? :roll:
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riried said:
And can I downgrade the WM2003 SE to PPC 2002 (which is my old/first version) ?
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Should be clear now....
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much Stefan
... and one final question for you:
what will you do if you have an O2 XDA1 (Wallaby)? What kind of ROM and software that you'll put it inside your Wallaby so your Wallaby's gonna be the best/better (in your point of view of course) ? I just want to know your "mixed ingridients" ....
Cheers ....

