While phone is in use, I wanna be able to press # keypad - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Howdy folks.
First post. Came here looking for info on WM5 upgrade for my Magician. I'll leave well enough alone after reading the threads so far. (other than, say for example I "found" :twisted: an installer on the net, if I installed it would it bork my magician?) Does the active sync "full backup" actually back up everything including the OS?))
What I'm posting about though, is there a hack or program that will allow me while I'm making a call to use the directional pad to highlight and press the keypad without resorting to the stylus?
The reason is when I call voicemail or any number that requires me to press an extra number for an extension i have to get the stylus out to press the number. If I could use the pad that would be really nice.

just press the green call key and it brings the keypad up and you can use that... and no, the activesync back up doesn't back up the os thats on your rom

Er. I think I might have been unclear. Apologies.
I know how to bring up the keypad to dial numbers.
What I mean is when i'm on a call, I want to be able to dial 3 for example without having to use the stylus on the screen to press the 3 on the keypad. Ideally using the nav buttons to highlight the number and the centre button to press that number.
Thanks for the info regarding backup. Might wait till theres a specific WM5 installer for my handset then.

I don't think that what you want to do can be done.
You can prod the screen with your fingers as well as the stylus. :wink:

Oh well. That would of been a really simple way to improve the phones usablity. I try to keep my greasy fingers off the screen wherever possible. :roll:

I can think of a possible way to hack this in, but is there much "call" for it?
It seems like a bit of a specialised need.

if your worried about your screen i highly recommend pocket pc techs screen protectors. i ordered them off expansys.com and they're the best. i got two and still using the first one. i've tried several other screen protectors before and nothing matches these. http://www.pocketpctechs.com/main~u...ories-WriteSHIELD%99+AG~action~updateunit.htm

To go back on myself, I can see that this might be a useful feature actually, to be able to dial using just the dpad. slow, but on the VGA WM5 at the moment, it might come in handy.


Way of entering password info without using touch-screen?

My Magician is now protected inside a nice plastic case. I've managed to use MortButtons to make it mostly usable without opening the lid but...
I would like to have the system password protected. Does anyone know of a replacement password entry program please or, failing that, a SIP (keyboard) which can respond to the d-pad?
Thanks alot.
Try Omega one pass. It's great so long as you don't use another 3rd party button mapper. Good hardware key entry.
vijay555 said:
Try Omega one pass. It's great so long as you don't use another 3rd party button mapper. Good hardware key entry.
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Cheers, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm after!
Unfortunately, after instaling the trial I've found that after maybe 5 turn off/ons I get a white screen and the only way out is a soft reset.
Maybe I need a different version of it.
try picture pasword you have to tap on the screen is a set secret loaction set by yourself,using finger or stylus
and its freeware
pm me if you find it sutiable cant find it anywere pal
Would be nice to have a voice-activated security lock on your device. Like say for example, you get caught up in a bank robbery and the robber wants everyone to empty their pockets. You take out your Magician and say the words "lock" and the device will automatically lock itself.
lmfao :lol:
O2mini_noob said:
Would be nice to have a voice-activated security lock on your device. Like say for example, you get caught up in a bank robbery and the robber wants everyone to empty their pockets. You take out your Magician and say the words "lock" and the device will automatically lock itself.
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Nice, or, hand it over and say "electrocute"
jaceuk: picture password would be no use to me unfortunately as I would still have to open the lid. People may be asking, how lazy can you be, not wanting to open the lid, but this plastic sleeve I'm using has one mother of a locking mechanism - I may need to file some of the plastic down to be honest so its less of a struggle.
mate i forgot to say picture password also has the option,to unlock the screen/device by button applicationusing the main ,four buttons
you can have 1 to 3 press of 1-4 buttons in any set paterrn you like
so that you can have a simple one button press or a code like tap of several buttons
hope thats more help
jaceuk said:
mate i forgot to say picture password also has the option,to unlock the screen/device by button applicationusing the main ,four buttons
you can have 1 to 3 press of 1-4 buttons in any set paterrn you like
so that you can have a simple one button press or a code like tap of several buttons
hope thats more help
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Thanks very much for that mate - seems to work a treat! No need for any soft resets so far. Current version seems to allow up to 5 presses and also works with d-pad button presses!
vijay555: Thanks also for the recommendation! - just seems like that particular software doesn't like my particular setup.

A better skin/program for phone and contacts?

My problem with my MDA Vario is mainly searching contacts. It's very fiddly normally and a copplete nightmare when driving. I really dont want to have to take the pen out just to make a call.
What are my options? Any better software/skinds around? Or is there an option i am missing that could make it easier?
PS, i dont want to use vioce dialing because its completely crap on this model with its poor audio capabilities.
I'm pretty happy with voice dialing. I agree it is unsafe to find contacts while driving, but I find that if I enunciate distinctly both when recording and when finding, I get pretty close to 100% success with voice dialing.
i am also interested in an input method or a contact skin to make contacts easily browsable while driving ---
this would be one of the main reasons for keeping also a nokia 6630 besides the wizard.
The main fact is that they are to small to press with a finger, any way of making them larger?
Try this one
xplode said:
Try this one
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Do you have a screenshot how this looks/works ?!
Probably already mentionedbut I found this by accident.
If you press the 'Contacts' button, the contacts are listed alphabetically.
Assuming you want someone beginning with 'P', instead of trying to press the tiny 'p' button, simply scroll down by holding the down button, but keep it pushed like fast scrolling.
Keep it pressed and after a few seconds, a large pop up appears with the Letters in it, A,B,C etc.
Hold it until 'P' appears, let go, and you are at 'P'
Seect your contact and dial.
Sorry if this is old news.
voice dialling is the best answer cause i am driving about 10.000 km /month because of my business, holding down the down arrow is also hard to select a single contact, instead u can use smartskey to use the volume controller button act like page down.. 8)
xplode said:
Try this one
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Do you have a screenshot how this looks/works ?!
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Entering PIN easily

Just got my M3100 - very nice it is too. But one big pain I can't figure out how to avoid...
I've set up a 'Simple PIN' to control access to the device but this means even to make a quick call I have to get the stylus out and tap my PIN into the tiny keyboard.
Does anyone know how I can get a nice big numeric key pad coming up on the screen like old Pocket PCs had - so I can just tap with my fingers?
Wouldn't be a problem if the phone had normal number keys, perhaps the cause of the design flaw?
Many thanks.
open the keyboard, double click fn, type the number, then close it
thanks but...
thanks sama - have started doing that, but still reckon the old Pocket PC solution was much easier - takes half a second to tap 4 or 5 digits on a keypad - wouldn't like to have slide out the keypad when holding the phone one-handed etc. (as often you have to if you walking with a bag or whatever.
perhaps an upgrade will provide the option!...

Keyboard Configuration

I'm trying to understand why during sms or email typing I do a lot of typing errors. I saw that so many times I touch the keys on the on screen keyboard in the right place but I release it in the wrong one. So I can see there is a little movement of my hand and thinger that causes keyboard misunderstanding.
I tried a lot of tweaks but what I wantto try now is the possibility to configure the oem htc on screen keyboard to accept keys on press and not on release.
Can anyone help me finding registry tweaks about?
thank you!
Bisis said:
I'm trying to understand why during sms or email typing I do a lot of typing errors. I saw that so many times I touch the keys on the on screen keyboard in the right place but I release it in the wrong one. So I can see there is a little movement of my hand and thinger that causes keyboard misunderstanding.
I tried a lot of tweaks but what I wantto try now is the possibility to configure the oem htc on screen keyboard to accept keys on press and not on release.
Can anyone help me finding registry tweaks about?
thank you!
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It needs to accept on release because a long press has a different effect to a short one.
I know what you're saying, and I sympathize. I had problems at first, but I simply changed my typing style to suit the screen and now I'm very fast, and only make as many mistakes as I would on a real keyboard. Just get used to hitting the keyboard and lifting your finger, without moving it on the screen. It works - you just have to get used to it. It doesn't take long
johncmolyneux said:
It needs to accept on release because a long press has a different effect to a short one.
I know what you're saying, and I sympathize. I had problems at first, but I simply changed my typing style to suit the screen and now I'm very fast, and only make as many mistakes as I would on a real keyboard. Just get used to hitting the keyboard and lifting your finger, without moving it on the screen. It works - you just have to get used to it. It doesn't take long
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Yes I know this. But testing can be a good starting point.
I can also imagine that a "new keyboard" can accept keyboard on press and change pressed keys if I don't move my finger for a long time. If I don't remember bad I already saw a keyboard that works in this way... if I press a key it writes the key, then if I don't remove the finger from that key it changes the pressed key with the additional one.
So, there is not any way to change working way?
I think the thing is that if you can't get used to the HTC keyboard, just use another SIP if a good one is available, or wait until someone makes a new one...
The one in opera mini beta 5 seems good, would be great ig they could make a similar one system-wide...
kilrah said:
I think the thing is that if you can't get used to the HTC keyboard, just use another SIP if a good one is available, or wait until someone makes a new one...
The one in opera mini beta 5 seems good, would be great ig they could make a similar one system-wide...
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Yeah, there's plenty of alternative ones out there. Fingerkeyboard, for example, seems very popular.
johncmolyneux said:
Yeah, there's plenty of alternative ones out there. Fingerkeyboard, for example, seems very popular.
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I used FingerKeyboard a lot with Blackstone but with Leo I don't like it so much... I prefer to have bigger keys and HTC sense integration with the original keyboard.
The problem to change keyboard is also this one.. you can loose some integrations.
So all of you can confirm me that original keyboard is not modificable? So there are not registry configurations?
is there any help for my request?
Hit instead of release !
I do agree with you. I have tried the keyboard on the iPhone a lot, and I don't think anyone would disagree that it is much better. And the only difference is like you say that the iPhone registers where you hit the screen, instead of where you release the screen. Fast typing means you have to move your finger sideways all the time. Can it be so hard to make a keyboard that registers hit instead of release ?
Have tried several keyboards to the LEO, including Fingerkeyoard, but they all seem to have the same problem when used on the LEO.
It's a shame since the rest of the phone is genious. Let us hope someone who is capable of modifying or rewrite a complete keyboard take the challenge.
I'm asking this just from when I was using Blackstone but it seems that developers don't like to make keyboard sensible to press and not release.
Please help us!

How to lock Ans/End key

Usually when a call comes and the phone is inside the pouch (good for protection), there are several ways of messing up by accepting or rejecting the call even b4 its completely out of the pouch as blelow:
On screen:
1) U can press the on screen message but which will send an auto sms to the caller and end the call
2) U can press the answer key
3) U can press the ignore key
Off screen (hardware)
4) U press the answer key
5) U can press the end key
Incredibly, all 5 options are simultaneously active. The screen can be locked by S2U2 etc. but I cannot find any option of locking the hardware keys.
Any help will be appreciated
Firstly thanks for Omnia i8000 support on XDA..
Now I feel secure..
Secondly even I'll lyk to disable my hardware keys for call ans/end..
is there a registry tweak or something we can do to disable it..
s2u2 has that option... go settings/phone and u have S2A Hard ans/end key...
Search 542482 - there's an app for that over in the Mobile Apps & Games forum
Solution found!!!!
The issue was really troubling me and I finally found a solution. Install a small program called Incall lock which locks the call & end key. But that will totally disable u from accepting calls under WM6.1. So install s2u2 and enable screen response and voila!! U have. Both these are available elsewhere in this lovely forum.
Note:- The whole process during inplementation is quite messy as u will first have to install .net compact & samsung SDK software (both freely available).
4 software to do a simple thing which should have been taken care of by the OS. That's life under our billy, the goat.
Hope this help. I would be glad to give something back to this site, i have greatly benefited from.
TouchLockPro works great.
(I can't post a link yet...search for it in the Omnia 2 section at Modaco).
ad720 said:
TouchLockPro works great.
(I can't post a link yet...search for it in the Omnia 2 section at Modaco).
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I tried tpro but it did not work for me. I am using wm6.1 under samsung touchwiz. Cud it b because of that ?
TouchLockPro is the answer, however, if both touch screen and the keys are locked on all in-coming calls, how the hell do you answer the phone? First to unlock it then answer it? A bit troublesome.
captkkk said:
TouchLockPro is the answer, however, if both touch screen and the keys are locked on all in-coming calls, how the hell do you answer the phone? First to unlock it then answer it? A bit troublesome.
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See, even if no software was there u wud have to press a key or tap something to answer anyway. With S2U2 and incall lock, the only point of access is the slider (in my case) with which i can either accept or reject calls. So if i swipe to ans, the lock opens and i can straight away start talking. So there really is no extra step involved. Whereas, if I do not lock the key, I will have to be careful not to press the keys accidentally which is difficult as I often put it in my pocket and more so inside the pouch. I think the swipe to answer is the killer option.
bimboybimboy said:
See, even if no software was there u wud have to press a key or tap something to answer anyway. With S2U2 and incall lock, the only point of access is the slider (in my case) with which i can either accept or reject calls. So if i swipe to ans, the lock opens and i can straight away start talking. So there really is no extra step involved. Whereas, if I do not lock the key, I will have to be careful not to press the keys accidentally which is difficult as I often put it in my pocket and more so inside the pouch. I think the swipe to answer is the killer option.
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Slide to Answer is great option to traditional Click to Answer, that is very true, however, that option has been adopted in 6.5 and some 3rd parties phone app as well, so if in i8000 case, the phone interface can be omitted and use the 6.5 or simply use those better and more feature phone apps
captkkk said:
Slide to Answer is great option to traditional Click to Answer, that is very true, however, that option has been adopted in 6.5 and some 3rd parties phone app as well, so if in i8000 case, the phone interface can be omitted and use the 6.5 or simply use those better and more feature phone apps
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Well, as I said I hv 6.1 & 6.5 not yet available in my country. so...
I installed Throttle Lock.. Nice lock... it has slide to answer..
secondly it does not interfere with the touch player, lyk s2u2 does..
Are you using Omnia II with WM6.1 ?
Because throttle lock is not saving the settings on my phone. And yes, I am clicking the "ok" button at the top right and getting a message "changes saved". And my slide to answer is ON but no slide is displayed. All I can see is the default lock screen which opens when I click on a button on screen but that certainly does not solve my problem. Using ver .07 (latest).
I have even registered myself. Hell, the config.xml file shows Calllock is on but its not even locking when the call comes. That should be the very basic default function. Sorry, back to s2u2.
I am using WinMo 6.1 original Rom...
I installed it on Storage memory.. and its workign fine.. It does interfere with the Samsund dialer when the call comes in... but I will try disabling the samsung dialer and check... back to your issue.. Try re-installing it.. and it should work.. iam able to save all my settings..
And when the call comes in My hardware keys are lock as well and I get option to Slide to Answer or reject..
Aafi-rocks said:
I am using WinMo 6.1 original Rom...
I installed it on Storage memory.. and its workign fine.. It does interfere with the Samsund dialer when the call comes in... but I will try disabling the samsung dialer and check... back to your issue.. Try re-installing it.. and it should work.. iam able to save all my settings..
And when the call comes in My hardware keys are lock as well and I get option to Slide to Answer or reject..
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Thanks. I unistalled S2u2 and installed again. Still no. Yet the program was working when I clicked on it. So, luckily having some working knowledge of windows, I found that the program is not putting a link in the start menu or start up folder. This I had to do manually. But thats unclean.
And what happens when a call comes is funny. There is a brief fight between the throttle default , the windows splash & the lock screen itself. Luckily, the lock screen is winning every time. But again unclean or is it the links I have placed.
Currenly, I have links to both thottlelock & throttlelockdemon in the startup & lockdemon in the start menu. How is it with u?
Also in the setting under samsung default setup, the options like lock mode & incoming are white on white. What are your current settings ?
Think this program was designed for HTC. But is definitly smaller and though not neat...working. Thanks
I have mapped it to a hardware key, so when I want to lock I press the hardware key..
Aafi-rocks said:
I have mapped it to a hardware key, so when I want to lock I press the hardware key..
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Use incall lock for locking the keys when call comes. Works perfectly.
Tried the throttlelock for 2 days. Sometimes, the default wm screen was coming up and the look is messy. So more experiements......but till date s2u2+incall lock looks the cleanest. Will keep looking...
captkkk said:
TouchLockPro is the answer, however, if both touch screen and the keys are locked on all in-coming calls, how the hell do you answer the phone? First to unlock it then answer it? A bit troublesome.
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I'm using TouchLockPro. It's much faster and less memory consuming than S2U2 and it has multiple ways to unlock your phone!
In the newest version, you can unlock your phone by using the proximity sensor (and our Omnia II has one )
So if your phone wakes up in your pocket our pouch, it won't unlock, but if it wakes up in your hand or on your desk, it will unlock immediately!
Consequently, if you have an incoming call and the phone is in your pocket: It will remain locked until it's out of your pocket so you don't have to manually unlock before answering
I love it!
maardiweb said:
I'm using TouchLockPro. It's much faster and less memory consuming than S2U2 and it has multiple ways to unlock your phone!
In the newest version, you can unlock your phone by using the proximity sensor (and our Omnia II has one )
So if your phone wakes up in your pocket our pouch, it won't unlock, but if it wakes up in your hand or on your desk, it will unlock immediately!
Consequently, if you have an incoming call and the phone is in your pocket: It will remain locked until it's out of your pocket so you don't have to manually unlock before answering
I love it!
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I hv omnia 2 with wm6.1. Tried touchlockpro and was absolutely useless. How is it possible ?
Can u plz put in the download link.. Iam sure its somewhere on XDA itself, but I am kinda lazy to search today.... I'll download it once I reach home..
