VOIP On Universal and other PPC - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi there
In case any one is interested I am trying to develop a voip client and switching back end that will support both GSM and G723 codecs. So far from other sources it seems that only G729 and G711 are supported and the bandwidth usage of these codecs defaets the potential for using voip over 3g due to the high xcost of data. I am hoping to be able to provide acceptable quality with GSM & G723 codecs in around 10-13kbps and 20-23kbps including all of the overheads , this compares to about 31kbps for g729 and 84kbps for g711. I Think you will see the advantages of achieving this.
If anyone else has any experience with g723 or GSM codecs on PPC please let me know.

You have a PM.


Sling Mobile

Hi All, got this working, but video is very jerky, maybe similar to the (now fixed) bug in the core player?
Anyone know of a way around it?
Is the Slingbox on your local network or are you running across the Internet? I'd be very interested to know the cause of the issue as I have it working well on my iPAQ and plan to upgrade to the Ameo and would hate to lose any quality. In fact want to gain from the VGA and faster processor!
Local, this is def an Ameo problem sadly.
Must be the crappy ATI thing.
Strange I am running it fine on my Dopod U1000 over T-mobile HSDPA. I have tested with Version 1.0.0 and the latest on Slings website..
No jerky motion?
No, I know this is the obvious, but you have not got it set to Control mode? Control mode is very jerky, but allows faster changing of channels etc.
Nope, tried all the different settings.
Where have you installed it?
It is on the MicroDrive. I will try and run a test over my WLAN. BTH I only use it over HSDPA.
What happen to this thread, it's been quite for a while. I've been following this because I'm evaluating if I should get the box. A few questions:
1) When you watch over internet, typically how fast does the download quota got eaten up? Say how many MB per hour?
2) Do you think UMTS connection instead of HSDPA will give smooth video?
Thanks guys for the info.
Well I run it over Wi-fi on my local LAN and I must say I'm quite disappointed. The picture isn't much better than my QVGA iPAQ and I have no idea why.
anilk said:
Well I run it over Wi-fi on my local LAN and I must say I'm quite disappointed. The picture isn't much better than my QVGA iPAQ and I have no idea why.
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Slingmobile player seems to have issues with landscape -- also on my TyTN. If you put it in portrait mode, even on the Athena, it works better. But, it defeats the purpose of a nice 5" screen of TV. I leave it on landscape, and deal with the jerkyness. And this seems to hold true on EDGE, 3G, HSDPA, or WiFi.
New Slingplayer 1.5 is out today. Give it a try.
Your video quality is going to be dependent on the slowest connections. (ie your upload at home and your download where you are watching it) THe sling stream technology maximizes the video quality based on network conditions. anyone have any questions just drop me a line
slimsaturn said:
New Slingplayer 1.5 is out today. Give it a try.
Your video quality is going to be dependent on the slowest connections. (ie your upload at home and your download where you are watching it) THe sling stream technology maximizes the video quality based on network conditions. anyone have any questions just drop me a line
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Thanks for the heads up. Just updated mine.
slimsaturn said:
New Slingplayer 1.5 is out today. Give it a try.
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Thanks for the info. I've upgraded mine as well, and video quality seems to be a bit better.

Codec Settings on WM6

Hi all,
Thanks for the wonderful forum and contributors.
I managed to test the the VoIP Settings successfully on the HTC Smart Phone (Dopod 830 Pro). It works well with test SIP server and only 1 thing is i am forced to use G711 which produce bad quality over 3G or Wifi due to limited bandwidth. In reality, Without using compressed codec like G723, G729 or GSM, all calls will have bad quality due to bandwidth congested by G711 codec.
1. Is there a way to enable G723 or G729 codec from the WM6, in registery or somewhere ?
2. If above not possible, is there a way to enable GSM instead of G711, Seems that the call is defaulted to G711 when VoIP calling is made and there is no way to set preference on GSM. I saw some post about GSM could be bundled in WM 6.
Thanks you for your time.

Choppy & broken video

Hello all I'm with T-Mobile after getting upset w/AT&T. No matter what
player I use the video is more trouble than it's worth. I have an
unlocked 8525 which is a 3G phone, all T-Mobile has is GPRS or Edge
Networks. I've spoken to my provider & to HTC. They say without the 3G
network I cannot *have video. I know that's not true, I used to be
able to watch news feeds or whatever with a Razor. With a 500.00 PPC Icannot??? If some oneone could explain away around this problem it
would be much appreciated!
I'm running Shcap's 4.00 ROM
I know to use the search here & Wiki & any MOD here can look & see I've searched until I'm blind & confused. I guess I've read too much. I've tried 4 or 5 different radios, I'm all out of ideas. As I said any help would be much appreciated!
it all comes down to the resolution of the video
if it's 640_480 then your screen will only show ½ the pixels anyway
but it will still transfer 2times the data down
personaly i would not bother with video on grps it's
too slow even for me to surf without loosing my patience
So I guess the only fix is to drop T-Mobile & goto a 3g carrier? My contract will not be up until June & by then there should be all kinds of new PDA's out there. I guess it would be just as well for me to use a GO Phone & pay the 150.00 X-L fee & call it a day!
in TCPMP goto Options, Video, and select Raw FrameBuffer.
DirectDraw is not compatible with WM6 from what I hear.
This fixed choppy video problems I had with Youtube videos and TCPMP.
ludester said:
in TCPMP goto Options, Video, and select Raw FrameBuffer.
DirectDraw is not compatible with WM6 from what I hear.
This fixed choppy video problems I had with Youtube videos and TCPMP.
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8525 (Hermes) has been notorious for crap video playback, depending on which ROM you use. The ROM the TC is using should be loaded withe the decent drivers. Best thing i use is Coreplayer and it works fine with Hardware acceleration.
Directdraw DOES work with WM6, select YV12 overlay and it should be fine.
GPRS is pretty poor bandwidth and bearing in mind it is rate adaptive so is unlikely you get anywhere close to the theoretical 80/60 kbps maximum. In a sence TMobile was correct in that 3G really is a good idea when planning on using streaming media. Depends on loads of things like the resolution, framerate, bitrate, bandwidth, codec etc...
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for there input.Being new to all this, I need all the helI can get. I plan to flash Schap's new 4.30 full to my phone this week, I hear that TCPMP is more less the same as Coreplayer. Is this true or not? I do have one question. Which radio using T-Mobile has worked the best for everyone in the MO & AR area of the USA? I think this may have something to do with it. Thanks for the input!

Networking Gurus, is this possible??

Ok, on my way back from Blockbuster I was taxing the ole cognitive faculties and, being the cheap b*stard I am, thought of a possible way of gaining free internet access on the move. Here is my idea.
Using a Orange UK Pay as You Go sim in a GSM data card hooked up to my main PC at home with full access to High Speed internet. I set up a RAS server, add this number to my Magic Numbers and dial in for remote access and iNet connection. Of course if this is possible compression could be used before IP packets are routed to the mobile device improving, what I assume to be, a lousy bandwidth.
Further questions related to this:
What is the available bandwidth of a GSM data call?
Do Orange allow data calls on non-contract numbers, and are Orange able to detect that a line is being used for data rather than voice? And, if yes to the latter, can a data call masquerade as a voice?
Are there any good compression clients for Windows Mobile?
Being stuck with GPRS/EDGE on my VOX the data plans are diabolical, now I have a eee pc I'm kinda getting these two devices to dance together as best they can for the ultimate mobile experience, and if this theory is plausible and with performance comparable to GPRS, then I think im on to something worth while for my self and others.
Any response is appreciated
not sure if it's possible
but data gsm is only 9600
Unfortunately I don't have any concrete answers for you, but I'm thinking about picking up an EEE PC as well, and this is an absolutely FANTASTIC idea. I'm extremely interested in how this project fares for you. When it comes to phone networks, I'm still a noob, but I've been administering a satellite network for a few years, and based on the networking experience i've gotten in that short time, what you propose seems entirely possible. The biggest issue that I think you're going to run into is getting the compression to work properly. I'm worried that it will impede the processing performance of the phone. I think you may have better luck finding a packetshaper for the EEE rather than your WM device.
On a side note, what distro of Linux do those run? i've been looking around, and havn't been able to find out if it's Ubuntu, RedHat, anything. Everything I find just says 'Linux'. Also, have you been able to easily pair your phone to the EEE? I'm running Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on my desktop and I can't get anything out of the USB connection. (I know this is off-topic of your original post, and i apologize, but please PM me if you, or anyone else, have any suggestions. [i've searched forums for some suggestions, havn't worked out] Thanks.)
Good Luck!
Ok thanks all for the response, im going to post info etc. as and when I find it.
Here is general GSM info that confirms and elaberates on Rudegar's post
in brief, using compression 'up to 36000 bps' can be acheived, which is sufficient for Image free web-surfing courtesy of Opera and telnet. Moreover, the article referenced is fairly old and I imagine DUN compression algorythms have come on leaps and bounds, especially since the broadband revolution. I think you're right in suggesting that decompression may tax my Vox, I will use the VOX as modem either over USB or BT. Next I will research compression, keep you all posted.
As for the EEE, well I am totally in love with mine. The stock Eee comes with Xandros a flavour of Linux that I found to be quite bitter. I am currently using XPTablet Edition. I have tried Ubuntu, gOS, eeexubuntu and couldn't deal with the inability to upscale the resolution so I went Windows. Now I can scale 900x600 without any glitches. I have modified my 4g with a touchscreen, 2 gigs of RAM in the post, all I need now is a way of fitting an Xscale PPC sisterboard and the HTC Shift can suck my.......
My only advice is DON'T GET a eee pc 2G, as you will only regret it.... I did!
Oh... I think you'd have to recompile your kernel to get some kind of activesync replacment. I've seen the answer somewhere on my travels--probably www.Eeeuser.com or www.ubuntu.com--If i find it again ill let you know.
Whilst browsing for a cheap GSM modem I came across the Three Pay 3G modem reduced to £69 from Ebuyer. Of course I bought one on the spot--perhaps I'm not such a cheap b*stard after all. For this reason this little project is now less of a necessity. I will be using a VPN of some kind but I doubt that it will be of much relevance to this post. If I do stumble on anything of interest I will post. As the modem has 2G capabilities I will test a few dialin setups.

Galaxy S and Voip optimisation

I have found that whichever Voip program I use, I get poor voice quality on VOIP via UMTS or EDGE, whereas my old Nokia 6124 worked way better. I then saw this post
and I wondered if there are any differences between the modems in terms of jitter, because that could be really messing up VOIP streams. My modem is now XXJP2. Has anyone tested various modems for voip reability?
Hi, I have been able to successfully use my SGS for VoIP regardless of the modem version. The program (stack) and codec you are using are more important in this respect. The main difference between Android VoIP solutions and Nokia's SIP is that on android sip drains battery like crazy unless you configure your pbx to connect an extension over TCP rather than UDP. Good luck!

