AvantGo in memory card? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

is there a way to have avantgo information being save into the memory card?

SKTools... here you go...
you'll find it under system tweaks/memory and speed

thanks, let me try it out first


Formatting the storage card

Is there some way to do this via WM5? Or is there a utility that you need to do it? Is there a freeware app out there that can do this?
My storage card freaked out a little and now isn't showing files that are on there, although it is reporting that the disk space is being used.
I don't have a link on me at the moment, but look around the forum for a program called Storage Tools. It should let you format the card as you wish.
I use my laptop to format the storage card.
spb pocket plus has a format function for the file explorer to allow formatting within the device, otherwise, i have a card reader and use the laptop to format, or my other laptop has a built in memory card reader that can format it.
i think also resco explorer can format the card also, i can check if you havent resolved this yet.
If you have some time read this article.
That utility did the trick. Thank you.

Experiment a little with your format parameters.
I found that FAT32, 4kb cluster and no Backup fat is the best settings for my specific needs and Sandisk highspeed card.
Lower clustersizes reduce slack (lost space) but increases memory needs and write time. No golden rule here.
Also take a look at this info from msdn: FAT File System Registry Settings
I use a 0x10026 for the flags in the FATFS key.

Please explain Storage v Program memory to me

When viewing memory in System the capacity and availability of Program and Storage memory is shown.
When I install a program, does it get put into program memory? If not, how do I put it there as there's certainly a bunch of space going free.
Storage memory is the MircoSD card, Program memory is the card's internal memory.
Are you sure?
It's there without a storage card!
Go to Settings/System/Memory
The difference between storage and program memory that you are refferring to is how much memory do you have to store programs and such on your device, while the program memory refers to how much memory you have to run and execute a program on your device. When you insatll a program it goes to the storage memory and when you execute or run that program it runs and uses the program memory.
prolly simpler if you consider program memory as RAM and storage memory as HDD.. and SD card as extra storage..
Thanks for the replies, it's appreciated.

Java Midlet apps - how to put on storage card?

I wanted to try out a Jav Midlet app but the last time that I installed one, I couldn't figure out how to put on my storage card. Is there a way? The apps seem to be large and will quickly eat up all of my storage memory.
Thanks in advance.


Does installing a .cab file onto my phone take up RAM? i am kind of afraid if i install programs to my SD card because i think it will slow down my phone, can someone please tell me if this is possible? And does it matter how many programs i install because already i plan to install around 30.
Installing any cab to the internel memory will take up some of your internal memory
If possible install to memory card
Re programs as long as you do not want to run them all at the same time should not be a problem
colinm said:
Installing any cab to the internel memory will take up some of your internal memory
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but this does not mean it will use space in your ram. Installing progs has no effect on ram, only rom space or sd card space. Progs ONLY use RAM when they are actively running.

Storage memory 97%?

I have a lot of storage card space (75%) and program memory (46%), but my storage memory is 97%? I have a lot of programs install, but can I change this percent ratio? Is this mean that I can`t install any new programs?? Anybody can solution for this problem?? I have HTC HD2 winmobile 6.5....
louderick said:
I have a lot of storage card space (75%) and program memory (46%), but my storage memory is 97%? I have a lot of programs install, but can I change this percent ratio? Is this mean that I can`t install any new programs?? Anybody can solution for this problem?? I have HTC HD2 winmobile 6.5....
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Your Programs Memory is RAM
Your Storage Card is the SD card
Your Storage Memory is your built-in storage.
You will need to install programs to your Storage Card, and/or uninstall other programs and reinstall them to the Storage Card.
All my programs are install on storage card. Only one or two programs I have install on my device....
louderick said:
All my programs are install on storage card. Only one or two programs I have install on my device....
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In that case, try searching these forums for the HTC album cache tweak, and for clean up programs.
I find some junk in device space and erase it...
louderick said:
All my programs are install on storage card. Only one or two programs I have install on my device....
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Try to follow post #2 from here:
