Gmail finally working! - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I tried hard to make Gmail work with Outlook.
I was able to read my account, but I couldn't send anything, even with the support of this clever forum.
So I finally gave up trying to make Outlook work, and I switched to a free email application using SSL.
It's Qmail, written by a Japanese guy.
After a lot of investigation, I could have my Gmail account working, so if you're interested in understanding how, please continue reading this post.
(Actually Qmail is also a RSS reader and a newsgroup reader!)
If not, you don't need to go on.
1) Read this:
excellent guide
2) Download the program here (with the page translated):
There are two files to be downloaded:
a) the stable version
b) the openSSL library to be able to authenticate in Gmail. It's this one:
3) Put all the files in your SD card (strongly suggested) or wherever you want. Creater a subfolder named "mail_in" (in my case).
I suggest to create a link to q3u.exe files to have it in the program folder. I did it using Resco Explorer.
4) rotate the screen in portrait (or you won't be able to se the command bar, and anyway it will be more difficult).
5) Go to Tool-Account and create a new one using options as stated here:
Incoming Mail (POP3) Server - requires SSL:
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 995
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS: (use authentication)
Use Authentication: Yes
Use SSL: Yes Port: 465
Account Name: your Gmail username (including '')
Email Address: your full Gmail email address ([email protected])
Password: your Gmail password
Now THE MOST IMPORTANT part for me. I could read mail but never send before I realized I had to put In the tab ADVANCED, in "Identity" field my gmail address.
Click on the (small) sync icon at the bottom (right) and it should work.
Further details on this good piece of software:
and here:
hope it helps someone not to spend hours to make it work! :wink:

G Mail
My dear...just use Web IS mail and it will auto congifure for it...I use it and it is perfect

Gmail and Outlook
I have mine working with poutlook no problem. Google "gmail on ppc" to find guides on how to set it up.

Hi hdubli, I know Webis mail does it, but it costs money, while qmail is freeware.
illwil, I'm happy your poutlook is doing the job. I tried hard to have the same result, but I couldn't, and I didn't want to spend extra-money to have what I already expected from poutlook.
Putting exactly the same parameters in qmail it simply worked.
Maybe someone else is in my same situation, but I agree with you poutlook should be tried first.

Hey i did a google search for gmal clientsand came across this
is this what you guys were talking about
autumno, did you try out the procedure on the aximsite?

basically the setup is the same, but I couldn't make it work.
After succesfully using qmail for a while, I decided a completely different approach to gmail.
Considering it gives you the chance to have your messages as rss feeds, I'm using Egress as RSS reader.
It's here:
It's not free but good. Unfortunately the free RSS reader I generally used, PRSS doesn't support the gmail format.
So I read my messages using Egress, and if I need to answer, I use its internal browser. It works.

hey i tried to get gmail going on my xda and face the following issue
whenever i try to connect to my gmail account, it first tries to logon
and then goes back to the display showing my user account and password
Incoming E-mail Password
User name --> my user name
Password --> my password
Domain --> Blank
can you guys please help me
this has resulted in a fourth account
Text Messages
Outlook E-mail
POP3 (new account)


Gmail on XDA 2 W2003 SE

I cannnot acces to my email un gmail.
I'll really apprecaite if somebody can give me all parameters
I have 3 Gmail invites available
I was able to access my Gmail on XDA II. I now have an XDA IIs with 2003 se. I used the same parameters as on the XDA II 1.72 but I am unable to access my gmail. It seems to log on but stops in the downloading process.
Sorry, but I just realized that the problem I was having with my gmail account was not due to using 2003 se but because apparently (I don't know how) the settings on my gmail account had changed.
Here are the instructions that helped me from
Update: Using Gmail from Pocket PCs
Earlier I had written here about how Google has started providing POP access for their Gmail email service. This week my account was enabled for POP access, and since then I had been trying to get it working with my Pocket PC. My efforts had been stymied by an error stating that email could not be downloaded to my mobile device. Today thanks to some assistance from Ed Hansberry got it to work. The trick is to enable POP only for new mail rather than for all mail.
If you have a Gmail account and want to access it using your Pocket PC, here is the information that you need:
Your userid and password is the same as what you use to access Gmail via a web browser
The incoming mail server name is
The outgoing mail server name is
You need to configure the account so that the Outgoing e-mail server requires authentication
The account also requires an SSL connection
If you read Google's instructions for setting up an account you will notice that they specify port numbers for the incoming and outgoing mail servers. The numbers they provide are the standard port numbers for SSL access, so all you need to do is configure the Pocket PC account to use SSL.
You specify the authentication and SSL connection information on the 2nd account options screen. To access that screen tap Options on the fourth E-mail Setup screen and tap Next to display the Options (2/3) screen.
Since Gmail is free and provides 1 GB of online storage for email, it is a very useful email service. What makes it even better for Pocket PC users is that it requires SSL, which encrypts all your email as it travels between your Pocket PC and Gmail's servers. Keep in mind that when you use regular email servers that don't use SSL via a wireless connection, your email is floating through the airwaves in clear text. That means that anyone with the ability to capture wireless traffic can see the contents of your email. I highly recommend that since most people access email via wireless connections today, they use some form of encryption, whether that is provided by VPN or SSL.

Direct Push does not "Push" unless my desktop Outl

It is too odd... My phone syncs with Push over Microsoft Direct Push, but it will only do it when my office desktop Outlook is open and running. If Outlook at work is closed it will not sync over the air. We are using Exchange 2003 and have the outlook web portal running. I just don't understand why the phone will Push sync over the air only when I have Outlook open on my desktop. Anyone have similar issues or a fix?
could you shed some light on how you've set up/configured your server
That doesn't make alot of sense, unless you have a bunch of client-only rules moving emails into the mail folders you are syncing.
I am using the web address to the web outlook portal on my phone; happens to be I put that in and it automatically shrinks it down to
It then connects and asks me for a login and password. I give it my domain username and password and presto it works. Downloads mail, contacts, calandar, tasks, etc. This works all wirelessly, as long as my outlook client on my work desktop is open and running- phone is NOT plugged in over USB, bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. Strickly over Edge wireless.
BUT if my machine at work is turned off, or Outlook application is closed, it will not connect wirelessly. Even if I try to do a manual sync on the phone it comes back with nothing- no errors, just no mail. I THINK it says there are messages there, but refuses to download the headers- I only know this because it gives me the correct number of messages that are new during the ActiveSync, but none of them are downloaded.
Once I open up Outlook at work, then presto my mail all syncs up like it should.
I did more digging and on our Exchange 2K3 box, I have
"Enabled user initiated sync" checked
"Enable up-to-date notifications via SMTP and Text Messaging" checked
"Enable notifications to user specified SMTP address" checked
"Enable Direct Push over HTTP(s)" checked
Under Outlook Mobile Access:
"Enable Outlook Mobile Access" Unchecked
"Enable unsupported devices" greyed out
Under my Active Directory User Profile/Exchange Features I have these items enabled:
Outlook Mobile Access
User Initiated Sync
Up-to-date Notifications.
That tells me things are where they need to be, and that the "All users" enable for Outlook Mobile Access is disabled, but MY outlook mobile access is in tact.
Are you storing all of your email, contacts, etc in a local PST file on your PC, or are you leaving your data on the server?
Do you have an AKU2 ROM? If not, it will be performing the sync through your activesync profile on the desktop, and not directly with the server (which sounds like your problem).
I am storing everything online, no pst files.
I am running version 2.24 ROM w/Cingular 2.25 Radio Rom, downloaded from someone that started with a "x" he makes clean ROM's, over on Howards Forums- sorry forgot the name. That is version 2 right, I have a Microsoft Direct Push button on my Connections window
Ok, I am fairly confident I know the solution but I have questions:
1) What user ID are you using to log into the server? Are you using xxxxxxxx or are you using [email protected]? Meaning, are you only using your Windows login name, or are you using your email address?
2) What is your DOMAIN option set to? Is that the EXACT same domain your desktop shows when you log in?
I bet your problem is that you are logging in with your email address and not just your windows login, or you are using your email domain and not your windows domain name.
when I log into the system is it like this:
jsi\treminga (domain then \ username) Even over the web the login is formated just like that above.
Regarding the Domain piece, I have my username as just treminga, password as my password and under domain i have "JSI"
It does login and retrieve my mail over the air, just seems that I need to have my desktop Outlook open to do that, which I think is weird. I have setup my server source from both my desktop active sync AND just on the phone, does not seem to matter, still seems to need my Outlook open to act as a gateway almost- but over the air? Odd
hackths said:
when I log into the system is it like this:
jsi\treminga (domain then \ username) Even over the web the login is formated just like that above.
Regarding the Domain piece, I have my username as just treminga, password as my password and under domain i have "JSI"
It does login and retrieve my mail over the air, just seems that I need to have my desktop Outlook open to do that, which I think is weird. I have setup my server source from both my desktop active sync AND just on the phone, does not seem to matter, still seems to need my Outlook open to act as a gateway almost- but over the air? Odd
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So on the phone you have:
User name: treminga
Password: xxxxxxx
Domain: jsi
Is that accurate? Can you log into Outlook Web Access without having outlook open on your desktop? When you log into Outlook Web Access, what do you put in the user name box?
This is all correct:
User name: treminga
Password: xxxxxxx
Domain: jsi
I can login from anywhere to my Outlook Web Access, my machine at work can be shut down completly- ie no Outlook open. In the Outlook Web Access I put my user name in like this: jsi\treminga (this is no seperate Domain blank in the login and password window that pops up). It will NOT allow me to connect if I just type "treminga" into the field over Outlook Web Access.
If my settings above were not correct, wouldn't it not allow me to connect? I assumed my login and password stuff was correct since I can download e-mail, contacts, etc and sync them, but only if for some reason my desktop Outlook application is open.
I am curious if you have forms based authentication enabled on your Exchange box. I am guessing no since you do not log in with your full email address to OWA.
Have you tried logging in on the phone using jsi\treminga vs just treminga?
To answer your question about it not allowing you to connect with incorrect settings, I have seen exactly the problem you are describing on my Exchange box, and we determined the problem was that on the phone the user name field had the full email address ([email protected]) instead of just the user name. Once that change was made OTA on the phone started working again without outlook being open on the desktop.
I can't explain why, except to offer this one word answer: Microsoft.
If slacker solution does not work, maybe you could confirm that you have SP2 on the Exchange box
If slacker solution does not work, maybe you could confirm that you have SP2 on the Exchange box
Should I remove the JSI part from the domain entry... ie which should I use
username: jsi\treminga
password: ********
Domain: (left blank)
username: jsi\treminga
password: ********
Domain: JSI
SP2 isn't required to do OTA activesync, just for the push. So the problem he is having would not be altered by installing SP2 I don't believe.
Also I should have the SSL box checked right? Since my Outlook Web Access site is: (SSL because of httpS) right?
Ok I deleted my server source and readded it, I could not add it WITHOUT something in the domain section. But if I put in the JSI in the domain section, and the user name was jsi\treminga it would jsi\jsi\treminga in the error and would not connect. How can I bypass the domain box? It seems to add the jsi\ with the "domain box", so adding it to the username makes it redundant.

ActiveSync For Hotmail is out

Dont spam me saying move to Gmail some of us still use both. Tried and test on Villainrom 1.4.4, working a treat.
ActiveSync Set-Up for Hotmail Access
• If your device supports only one profile of ActiveSync, delete the existing ActiveSync profile on your device if you already use it
• Enter the following:
Username - Enter full name with domain info, e.g. [email protected]
Domain - Leave blank put \[email protected]
SSL - Enabled
Certificate - Accept the SSL certificate when prompted
Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks - All can be enabled.
Full details
Would be excellent as mine has stopped pushing consistently recently and only works when it feels like. Does this now work for you? I have a address and run rooted 2.1 stock.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
I have not test it on Android 2.1 but it is working with addresses
I let Gmail get my hotmail, and label it as such, and even reply from Gmail as from my Hotmail account.
Does the Hotmail ActiveSync also sync calendar events?
Yep and contacts

Sync Hotmail calendar, e-mail, contacts with exchange activesync w/o pro exchange

Hello all,
I wanted to share the steps necessary to sync Hotmail e-mail, calendar, contacts and tasks pushed automatically to your phone using Exchange ActiveSync without the professional exchange service.
Finaly, hotmail CALENDAR can now be synchronized with WM.
1. In your mobile device open ActiveSync
2. Click "set up your phone to sync with it."
3. Un-check Attempt to detect Exchange Server Settings automatically
4. Select Next
5. Server address:
6. Enable This server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection
7. Select Next
8. Username: Enter your full e-mail address
9. Password: *******
10. Domain: Leave blank
11. Select Next
12. Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks can be enabled
Accept the SSL certificate if prompted
I like it, thanks
rudydb said:
Hello all,
I wanted to share the steps necessary to sync Hotmail e-mail, calendar, contacts and tasks pushed automatically to your phone using Exchange ActiveSync without the professional exchange service.
Finaly, hotmail CALENDAR can now be synchronized with WM.
1. In your mobile device open ActiveSync
2. Click "set up your phone to sync with it."
3. Un-check Attempt to detect Exchange Server Settings automatically
4. Select Next
5. Server address:
6. Enable This server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection
7. Select Next
8. Username: Enter your full e-mail address
9. Password: *******
10. Domain: Leave blank
11. Select Next
12. Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks can be enabled
Accept the SSL certificate if prompted
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Click to collapse
This is brilliant, great find, a sticky if ever I saw one.
Would you have any problems with me posting a link to this online?
Thanks for the tip
I'll be using this when I get home
At last! Works great, thanks!
Thank you x 100. This is so good it's almost life changing
Please someone sticky this! How long has this been do-able? Cant count the number of sites/threads i've seen with people moaning about how this isn't possible
just syncing now, thanks for the help
rudydb said:
Hello all,
I wanted to share the steps necessary to sync Hotmail e-mail, calendar, contacts and tasks pushed automatically to your phone using Exchange ActiveSync without the professional exchange service.
Finaly, hotmail CALENDAR can now be synchronized with WM.
1. In your mobile device open ActiveSync
2. Click "set up your phone to sync with it."
3. Un-check Attempt to detect Exchange Server Settings automatically
4. Select Next
5. Server address:
6. Enable This server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection
7. Select Next
8. Username: Enter your full e-mail address
9. Password: *******
10. Domain: Leave blank
11. Select Next
12. Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks can be enabled
Accept the SSL certificate if prompted
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks man. i will try it
synced tasks are too simple... no recurrencey on the website for example...
I realized that the service became available about a month before I found it and posted it here. I suppose that Google helped push hotmail to finally give the service for free because of the free exchange service.
I struggled for quite a while and almost gave in to switching to Gmail. Glad I could help by sharing the info.
mb76 said:
This is brilliant, great find, a sticky if ever I saw one.
Would you have any problems with me posting a link to this online?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No problem.
This is great & thanks, however 1 problem. When the contacts try to sync it counts upto record 101 out of 600 odd contacts and then stops with an error.
Calender, tasks & email are working fine. I've tried deleting contact 101 & 102 but makes no difference.
error number is - support code: 0x86000108
Any thoughts
Does anyone have HTML email working with this?
i oso having problem when sync till 101..i dont think is ur contact prob..
any1 have good solution?
This is so great! i was looking for this function a long time!!
Thnanks a bunch!
Altough i have one sligt problem wherfor someone knows the solotion.
today my phone syncd and gues what... all agenda items are gone on the phone.. Windows live mail seems to be okay.. But when i sync again or even reinstall excahnge i doesn't sync-up my agenda on the HTC.
So befor i restor eveything by hand, i thought mabey someone know a quick sollution to this problem..
Thanks in advance
Can anyone help me out? It's working great but when I set up an event in my windows live calendar it doesn't get synced (i use window live mail as a client) ... the other direction when i set up an event on my WinMo device is also not working...
other question... now I got 2 mail account on my windows mobile device... 1 is "hotmail" the other one is "outlook" which is obviously exchanged now... how can i deleate the hotmail one? because the outlook one is my hotmail one... dont need them both...
Thank You!
as MS have now given up on winmo 6.x so have I.
It's just so much easier to use google for everything & as soon as my current contract ends I'm going over to Android. By by MS another customer walking.
Okay, now everything is working... my Internet was the problem...
Hello MS!

[Q][SOLVED] why Yahoo! Mail not supported?

I got "Account is not supported" - "Sorry, Yahoo! Mail is not currently supported" message when I try adding new email account for my Yahoo! Mail (not premium, I read somewhere it would've worked if it's premium).
I did search but no luck of finding relevant answer. I'm fully aware that there are alternatives such as Yahoo! app & K-9 Mail, this posting is just out of curiosity as to why. In general other Android phones support Yahoo! Mail (I know at least Evo & Sprint Hero do) -- could it be that Sprint puts more work into it whereas AT&T has been as always too busy with answering customers rants about Jobs-almighty's death-grip?
Edit: Solved! Thanks to armyengineer51 and FZ1Darren for the hint of going with manual setup.
The issue turns out to be Yahoo! Mail is (when auto-setup) using POP, which is not available for free accounts. I googled it and found BadBoy's post over at androidcommunity dot com forums that mentioned the host names for Yahoo! mail servers. Here's how i set it up:
- choose manual settings
this is your incoming mail configurations
- fill in user name (your Yahoo email) & pass
- select IMAP, server:
- select SSL, leave port as default
- hit next (authenticating)
this is your outgoing mail configuration
- fill in user name & pass (same as incoming)
- SMTP server:
- select SSL, leave port as default
- hit next (authenticating)
if servers are reachable & your cred is correct at this point you just have to label & set your "From" name for this email account.
- done
Why not just download the yahoo mail app?
Just do the manual setup and it works fine, I've got three yahoo accounts on mine, no problems.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
the auto setup didn't work for my .sbcglobal (att-yahoo) email. manual worked fine for 2 att-yahoo accounts.
The Yahoo Mail app from the market is pretty lame. Doesn't delete email off the server, can't open attachments, can't edit forwarded email either.
This works for me also. I don't know why ,but after flashing from CM6 to Liberated and back to stock, my Aria didn't want to auto set up yahoo correctly. Gmail worked just fine on any ROM.
Sent from my Liberated Aria

