How I got activesync to work - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I was having constant sync problems. I was not able to get a connection with the usb cable, but was able to connect with bluetooth. I finally found out that I needed to have these files allowed full access in zone alarm: raipmgr.exe, wcescomm.exe, wcesmgr.exe. These are all located in the program files/microsoft activesync folder. I found many suggestions that firewalls could cause problems, but I tried with zone alarm off and still had the connection problem. It started working immediatly when I added those files to the allowed list in zone alarm.
Also, after fixing that problem I was getting errors syncing. Basically it would show that it was working until it got to the notes. Then it would give an error. Nothing actually synced. I found out this was happening because I did not have outlook set as my default mail program. I use thunderbird for email and outlook for contacts and calender etc. Once I changed outlook to the default mail program it has worked perfectly.
I hope this helps some people as I was looking all over the place for a fix.

Great !
Thanks for that post. Helped me out. I had activesync 4.1 working for everything except contacts. I changed the contacts program within internet explorer from 'microsoft office outlook' to 'address book' and now it works !

Software firewalls (desktop) are more trouble than they're worth. I have basic firewall on my router and no software firewall at all, it's been that way for over 2 years. They are a complete waste of time and system resources.
Zone alarm in particular is lot of trouble, for many online applications.

Gazzrenn, I disagree, but I do know what you're saying, particularly if you use a non-portable PC with only one network...
Yes, I run a decent firewall to protect myself externally (IPCop) and that's fine when you're on a LAN you know and trust, but what if you're using a laptop and connect via WIFI to a hotspot? Or via a client's network?
Sure, you could bring a firewall/router device, but that could be seen as overkill.
Advising people to turn off firewalls to get activesync working is a Bad Idea unless people really know what they're doing, what they're risking, and how to alternatively protect themselves if appropriate, particularly if they use other networks.
Did you uninstall ZoneAlarm? Even when disabled, I wonder if it inserts itself passively into the TCP/IP stack which causes a problem for AS4.

I had pretty much the same problems as techspy. I did the allowing of those files and still no sync. But then I found another file, Application Manager that related to AS 4.1 also. I allowed it also and then I could sync. But dayam! This thing is slow to sync.
Funny thing is, I was syncing ok before I hard resetted after I got rid of the AV and skype. Go figure?
Also, Outlook does need to report that it is the default email client, BUT, after my first sync, I reset OE to be default and have no problems syncing it that way. Again...go figure?
Now, how to speed up the boot?


HELP - Syncing qtek 9100 to Outlook 2003 SP2

I've searched and haven't found any help at all with this. I'm trying to sync my 9100 with outlook 2003 sp2 as indicated in the title. I can establish an activesync connection and sync notes and files as well as explore the device and install software, however whenever I try to add tasks, contacts or calendar to the sync options I begin to get an error.
Basically what happens is that it will save the settings and then I get an incomplete sync with an error code of: Support Code 85010014. I've searched the microsoft site and can't find this code anywhere. I've followed the activesync 4.0 troubleshooting guide, but since I am establishing a connection that doesn't seem to be the problem. I've been a PocketPC user since day one so I'm not new to any of this, but I'm really at my wits end with this issue. I've hard reset and reinstalled activesync more times than I care to count. I can also still sync with my old jam just fine. Any help would be appreciated. Are there any unique configuration issues for 5.0 devices relative to Outlook 2003? Does it not like running in cached mode? Thanks in advance for any help.
If you are trying to connect to your home machine try:
Delete Any Partnerships From Activesync & the Device
Uninstall Activesync
Uninstall (Not Repair) Outlook - you'll probably need your Office CD for this.
Reinstall Outlook
Reinstall Activesync
Cross your fingers
This has seemed to work for some people but not everyone.
There is a known issue with folder redirection on corporate networks. The Activesync team is aware of this and an upcoming version of Activesync will address it. For the moment the the only workaround is to turn off folder redirection. Unless you are a sysadmin, this is not likely an option for you. If you are in this situation, then unfortuantely you'll have to sit tight - like me.
Hope this helps.
I also had to uninstall both the latest outlook junk update as well as the junk update from office sp2 to get as4 working properly.
Success. What worked was to delete my current Outlook profile and account and then set it up again. The first time I did it I didn't delete the outlook.ost file and the new account settings just referred back to that file and I had the same problem. The second time around I deleted that file, configured my outlook settings and got that working and then syncing started to work as well. It took a little time, but has been working well since then. Thanks for the help. It's really strange that my jam and ipaq continued to sync thru AS4.0 just fine, but the qtek wouldn't. Appears to be some weird combination of WM5.0 and AS4.0 that causes the problem.

Activesync....keeps running...(NOW CURED 30-12-05..sort of)

For some strange reason, Activesync keeps running on my XDA Mini S, I have no idea why can anyone help?
Basically after a soft reset if I check the memory no programs are running, but after sometime if I have done nothing with the phone, and check, it is running again, I close it down and then again after a while it is there.
This is not whilst or after connecting to my PC it is strange...
Is it because u have a wifi connection over which is constantly trying to sync with your pc?
Believe this is a known bug (sure I've seen something mentioned on here before)
try a search over this forum
Can't find anything in previous posts...
I mean the only thing my phone syncs is my is not set up for any other sync, except for schedule nothing, so why activsync keeps launching is a mystery to me...
Any further help will be much appreciated...
Are you using any weather plugins etc? Anything that might request a remote sync? Use something like memmaid to check your services to see if you've got anything hidden like this.
Nothing at all...
Will try to see what is going on with memmaid
I also have the same thing happening. It only syncs over usb but as someone said must be when I connect over wifi its kicking in.
Thing is when I shut it down my wizard seems to show a better turn of speed. Wish I could get it to stop trying to connect only when hooked with usb to be honest. The less programs running the speedier the wizard will be.
Creat a dummy server sync in activesync. Put anything as server address and that shd be fine. Ignore unresolved .... message after syncing.
MemMaid has done it...I think...
Thanks to Vijay555 for suggesting using MemMaid.
Checking the running PROCESSES on MemMaid I found something called repllog.exe which I deleted and it stopped the ActiveSync running.
Then I did a soft reset and synced. The file is back where it should be but no unexpected incidences of ActiveSync running. I guess the repllog.exe file had become corrupted.
Be warned that the unit might seem to run a little slower after the soft reset, but within a few clicks it is back to normal.
Thanks for your time & help guys
Create a fake new ActiveSync connection. I say fake because you just need to make up the server name... put anything you want there. After you have created the connection, look at the scheduling options and make sure that it is not set to automatically synch. Once you have disabled automatic synching, you can remove that fake connection and your problem will be solved. I found this on .
replog should know what it's doing. Glad it sorted your problem out though!
Not so cured...
OK it now only kicks in every 4-5 hours so I will try the fake server route...
JesseRPI said:
Create a fake new ActiveSync connection. I say fake because you just need to make up the server name... put anything you want there. After you have created the connection, look at the scheduling options and make sure that it is not set to automatically synch. Once you have disabled automatic synching, you can remove that fake connection and your problem will be solved. I found this on .
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Just tried that and hopefully it works. Active really does seem to be one of the main reasons the Wizard slows up.
When you have synced with a pc ie to install a program ( only reason I use AS ) will I then have to close the app down on my wizard in running programs or will it dissapear itself and not return ?
The fake server technique works by not starting ActiveSync on its own. However, if you start it in order to sync via bluetooth/usb, you will still have to manually end task it in order to close it again. The good thing is that you won't have to worry about it starting by itself, which will save you both memory and processing power, as well as the fact that you don't have to install any third-party tools for this solution.
Good stuff. I could always tell when it was running by the speed of my Wizard. Another gr8 tip.

FIXED: ActiveSync Trouble - won't connect

Today my ActiveSync connection stopped working.
It tries to connect for a while then it comes up with "ActiveSync cannot connect to the Windows Mobile powered device. ..."
WM5torage works, so does pinging the Wizard.
Things I tried:
-Using the repair option from Active Sync setup
-Reverting the Wizard to a 3 day old backup made with SPB
Nothing worked :-(
What else (other than a hard reset) could I try?
See below for solution. And don't touch the notification queue if you don't know what you're doing
check if you firewall is blocking the activesync connection
if this is not the case ... good luck
try reinstalling activesync..
or get the latest one..
Install this cab application and select serial instead of RNDIS, just tap at YES button, and activesync will work perfect
Activesync gone mad
I am having the same problem with activesync not actually syncing my contacts and calender despite making all the noises I usually associate with a successful sync. My contacts are not updated and my calender has none of the appointments from outlook uploaded to it.
I have done a soft reset. a hard reset, gone back to activesync 4.2 and nothing works. I have also tried the usb switch that is mentioned elsewhere and no joy. I have other ppc's running PPC2003 and these are fine and update almost immediately, its only my xda mini s that is being a sod. I never had a problem before activesync 4 and several other machines before the mini s. I should also mention that my outlook files are fine and work on all other machines.
It is bad business that the world is becoming dependant on such bad software as this. It is not progress to make things worse and Mr Gates should be held to task for the problems caused from forcing us onto unreliable software in the name of progress. I was happy enough on activesync 3.8 and WM2003 and never had problems.
Please, Please someone give me an answer before hammer and xda meet in heated discussion.
I have the same problem with my MDA and both my PC and Laptop. I have been trying to resolve this problem for months. It is unbelievable that it is so hard to resolve this issue. I have been posting on this forum and on others and still am looking for a resolution. Maybe someday, someone will resolve this issue. Thanks for your postings and help in trying to resolve this issue. Frustrated beyond belief.
Sorry, this did not work either: Install this cab application and select serial instead of RNDIS, just tap at YES button, and activesync will work perfect
Update to previous
Just an update. I have tried this on another machine using the pst file from my machine and it syncs fine. Clearly, there is some problem on my machine with my software.
I have also removed outlook and reinstalled it. Also removed all profiles on main machine. At present, my calendar will sync but my contacts will not. Outlook tests say there is nothing wrong. Short of a complete software install I can not see another way to cure this other than the big hammer.
Go figure.
If I had a hammer and Mr Gates was in front of me I would not be held responsible for my actions.
I found a corporate firewall that was preventing sync, I have to shut down the service and then it worked. Strangly, it would sync over bluetooth without stopping the service. A bit OT, but I can't seem to browse while synced. It asks for proxy info which I type in but it says bad user name/password. I KNOW I'm putting in the right proxy info (it defaulted it from my PC which browses fine) and correct user name/pw/domain. Any ideas?
No firewall, no ActiveSync, no connection problems at all.
Fixed it by reverting my database to a backup.
When i had the well known alarm clock troubles i accidentially (= out of ignorance) deleted the whole notification queue.
Word of advice: Don't do that, it'll screw everything up
shadow# said:
No firewall, no ActiveSync, no connection problems at all.
Fixed it by reverting my database to a backup.
When i had the well known alarm clock troubles i accidentially (= out of ignorance) deleted the whole notification queue.
Word of advice: Don't do that, it'll screw everything up
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1. What is the purpose of the Notification queue?
2.What does it have to do with ActiveSync connectivity?
3.How is Notification queue set to make AS work?
Still cannot resolve my connectivity problem with my MDA. Thanks in advance.
asctony said:
1. What is the purpose of the Notification queue?
Manages the Operating System's list of scheduled actions.
2.What does it have to do with ActiveSync connectivity?
Still have no idea of how to get this back inot Notification queue.
3.How is Notification queue set to make AS work?
Still cannot resolve my connectivity problem with my MDA. Thanks in advance.
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Still looking for some help on this.
check this solution:
Is this related to the inability to pass-through browse while on activesync? I am able to sync fine, but when I try to browse I get an error saying bad proxy info (which I've check 1000 times). Or sometimes when I'm messing around with the settings I get a "lost connection" message rather than the invalid login/password. So frustrating! Will switching to the serial type of connection help me?
ActiveSync must be one of the most frustrating applications out there. I have tried all recommended fixes and still cannot get ActiveSync to recognize my MDA. The last time I did a sync was 9/06. Too much BS using this application. I have searched all over the web and cannot find any application that will allow me to update my PIM file without ActiveSync. So, I guess I will finally give up on this. Thanks to all of you who have tried to help me. Thank You!!

alternative to outlook and activesync.

i'm pretty fed up of outlook and how it screws with my contacts *i recently updated, and it removed all the titles from the names which is VERY annoying.* not to mention when i add contacts to my phone, it does NOT add them to outlook (maybe i'm just stupid but when i tried to set it to phone, it DELETED all my contacts sans a few) are there any alternative programs that are a bit easier and funner to use?
thanks in advance.
in one word: no.
Outlook is the easiest way AND the most perfected.
There are a few other possibilities to avoid outlook but in my opinion a pda without outlook is useless.
If you encountered problem it might be
-correct active sync version ?
corresponding to that : correct outlook version ?
-correct settings in active sync ?
If you fail to syncronize with ac....dont even try other solutions.
i'm using activesync 4.5 and the outlook version 2002, i copy contacts and settings from outlook just fine, with the exception of it screwing with the titles and names a bit, it's the other way around that's giving me a headache.
what do you recommend the optimal settings be so that if something is new on my computer, it transfers to my phone, and if something is new on my phone, it transfers to teh computer
(also anyway to stop it from seperating the names and removing titles?)
thanks in advance.
seems to be a settings problem
So i only have a german verison of ac i don't know the english name for the settings.
But you have to tell ac to sync in both ways and give the mobile thing the priority.
Then your problem should be solved.
did that, and once more it deleted all the contacts on my phone except for like 3-4 .... either this install is screwy or something is going wrong, or i'm just an idiot.
i refuse to sync with outlook!
i used to, and i ended up with half a dozen duplicate contact and calendar entries for each one!!! i tried settings, etc, finally said to hell with it and set the phone to not sync with outlook. i feel your pain.
Good, now i don't feel like an idiot
I had similar frustration. I eventually set up my 8125 to its own email address, and turned off the sync-ing of contacts. I have two separate contact lists now, but I'm not losing contacts from my phone all the time, either.
I do not have problems with duplicated events, but I publish my Outlook calendar to the phone, not the other way around.
I never schedule from my 8125. I always tell people to send it to my email, so I can control it from my PC. I only use the handheld on meeting-heavy days, and then I'm only checking email, and not accepting meetings.
Using: WM5, ActiveSync 4.5, Outlook 2003 on Desktop
Well, there is an alternative. I run linux so AS isn't even an option for me. I have been using FinchSync since I got the phone and it has worked great. I can even sync anywhere I have a network connection without being at home.
FinchSync uses an http connection to sync contacts with Mozilla's Thunderbird email and address client as well as your datebook with Mozilla's Sunbird calendar. So far it has worked great. One hint though, take the time to read the install and configuration instructions on their website!
Hope this helps!
I absolutely hate Activesync. I update my phone contacts and appointments via my Tilt, and then hook it up to my computer only to find that Activesync is deleting them on my phone and restoring the older files on my two PC's. I think, "oh, well I must have the sync settings set improperly," so I check them on my PC and my Tilt... it turns out that it only goes one way: from the PC to the mobile device. (Please correct me if I'm missing something.) You can just disable the sync settings, but then what's the point of having the program installed?
Personally, I have few complaints about Outlook.
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to be giving PDASync a try. They seem to advertise all of the features I'm looking for, although it does carry a hefty price tag of $50.
I'm still not 100% sold on PDASync. It seems to lack the ability to sync internet browser favorites/bookmarks and custom file folders. The quest continues.
On a slightly brighter note, this seems like quite a useful list of syncing software.
i must use lapsync because i don't want all 1500 outlook contacts into my phone, so i filter them by category and only sync a certain category.
i dont sync bookmarks, but i know you can use AS to sync ONLY bookmarks. to sync custom files and folders, try mobsync - its free.
I Tried Laplink today, This needs ActiveSync to function properlyu (did not see my device attached). I am lucky I had trial software instead of paying $ 50

Activesync/Outlook 2007 connect/sync failure

I have been struggling with hd2 stability using activesync to sync my Outlook 2007 data. I have about 2500 contacts and about 2 yrs of calendar events. My old palm pre did not have a problem with this w/o active sync. I am about to rebuild the phone setup as it is corrupt again to the point that restarts no longer fix the problem. Sync works fine and fast for awhile and then the network connection takes longer to establish. You can browse the phone from the desktop activesync, but the data sync will not work. SPB backup seems to be able to sync properly and quickly.
The phone also goes unstable when you edit a contact shortcut or add a picture. I would love to find a way to solve this as this is the main, productive use of the phone for me and I love all the other capabilities of the phone and would like to move on to some of the other tweaks...but I need this basic functionality.
Please, any ideas?
The phone ROM is fully updated.
Dimes to Dollars you have a corrupt contact. Not surprising if you have 2500 of em. Experienced similar issues, fortunately the user noticed which contact wasnt syncing, deleted it from outlook/exchange, phone started syncing properly again.
If you decide to do a refresh, connect to WiFi of your work (or wherever the email is), and let it sync for a while before messing with it. It does contacts and calendar first, then inbox. Given you have so much data, let it go for quite a while.
Thanks Jimbonics,
Good clue. The pst file works properly on all my desktops and laptop. Any suggestions to validate the Outlook contacts?
I am using a usb connection to the phone (cradle) for sync. The initial syncing takes a long time, but works properly and does not stop at any contact or issue an error.
soundidea said:
...does not stop at any contact or issue an error.
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No error message? Hmm...that's a tough one. I was just going to ask you about that. I just resolved my activesync issue for "Exchange error 80072F0D".
I may have to move my data to an exchange server, but sure would like to have the desktop sync with Outlook work reliably.
The only error right now is after the connection has been established and activesync sez "connected", after about 5 minutes an activesync dialogue on the desktop comes up saying it cannot sync the data. SPB backup connects and syncs almost immediately.
The other nuisance is that when you connect the hd2 via usb, Outlook (and other parts of the desktop system) are frozen for awhile until the connection is finished. I guess there may be a problem with the desktop as well. I may just have to look into the process logs and find the log jams.

