Update the xda-developers profile page? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

After having just sold my XDA-II and upgrading to the XDA Exec, I thought, "I better change my profile on xda-developers", but when looking at the page it merely has the option for owning the XDA or XDA-II. I think its about time for the options to be updated to include the newer range of HTC phones, anybody agree?

I 2nd that

same, they don't even have xda iis for me to select

a post here
a PM to the Admin
or a mail to the Admin
would likely give a better result then a post in a forum for a surden device

They know about it LOL, if you run a portal like this and you don't notice how out of date everything is then there is something very wrong haha.
I do think this is a great portal and an upgrade of forum (to a more modern functional system) and the aquiring of a new domainname should be nr1 in their agenda.
I am sure they think this portal makes a decent profit with all those donations and making investments in updates and changes will cut their income LOL.
But behold if they don't take care someone else could take over like modaco has been doing lately.
So moderators and xda-developers crew stick your heads together WAKE UP and help this GREAT portal into the 21 century!!
If you need help with brainwaving or other internet consulting help don't hesitate to contact me..
[email protected]

As mentioned several times ago, the model selection is/was a special "hack" for the phpBB that only supports 2 types. Therefore there aren't any newer devices availabe since the beginning of the xda-developers.....
But hey, this is a great forum and you can get the most information about our devices here. So why stuck on such little things like model in the profile? :?:

I'd agree with LumpiStefan- this forum is the best resource for our devices on the net, and if it means living without a little picture of our devices in our profile I'm not going to lose any sleep over it!

Yes I agree, however since there are more than just 2 models now, and the hack only supports two pics, then I think its better removed altogether. It might be a bit confusing for the newbies ;-)


O2 and XDA-developers sign deal

How come I only get these ideas two days too late...
Press release
In an unprecendented and bold move, O2 has licensed the process of providing upgrades for their XDA PDA-phones to 'XDA-developers', an independent group of developers working on the XDA. Starting today the XDA developer support link on Source O2 will point to the XDA-developer fora.
"When we started looking for a partner to outsource this to, we quickly discovered most of the real tech-support was already being handled by XDA-developers, so they were the logical choice, really. And our own support for developers just could not match theirs. The XDA-developers have also been instrumental in achieving cultural change here at O2. For instance: they've helped us realise we would be better off in the long run if we upgrade all remaining 32 MB units to 64MB and if we stopped selling SIMlocked units.", says H. Uphisas, product manager for XDA at O2 Europe.
"It's challenging to now have access to all the knowledge, and to open it up to the world. Having full hardware documentation, and being able to create our own ROM upgrades has long been a goal here at XDA-developers. This partnership will allow O2 and the XDA customers to fully benefit from our knowledge of the device and of what its users and software developers want. O2 has done a great job of supplying upgrades and support in the past, but we feel confident that we can make further improvements.", says Peter Poelman, spokesperson for the XDA-developers.
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But really: why couldn't some provider just "open it all up"? They'd sell more units and more call-minutes, and they'd have less work. Right?
April fools, right?
you can't be serious said:
April fools, right?
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Ofcourse. I would have taken more trouble to launch it as a 'real' press release if I had thought about it two days ago...
I learn an new english expression today ...
april fools, poisson d'avril in french
Best regards and thank for your great site
ps: i can help you to weld memory upgrade to 64 Mo in france near marseille ...
been using xda since last year of nov. of last year... and ever since i never changed my unit... its cool and its sleek......I love this phone!.....
More power to all of the developers! :lol:
I agree what is happening in XDA-developers pages and forums is more important and even more proffesional than any company. My respect to every member of this family as you have givin us the chance to improve and fix the mistakes by the people who call themself PROs ...
Forgive me for being naive, but I wonder if the o2 Developers WOULD actually look favourably on some tie up with the guys and gals here? (if it hasn't been tried before).
I'm sure o2 suits would have a fit, but there could be room for 'informal' dialogue.
Please let me know if I'm away in La-La land...
jann said:
Forgive me for being naive, but I wonder if the o2 Developers WOULD actually look favourably on some tie up with the guys and gals here? (if it hasn't been tried before).
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I thought you people would never ask...
I don't know what your role in O2 is, but I'll assume you're serious about this. By all means, let's have some serious discussion between O2 and some senior XDA-developers. At the very least, I can see many ways of working together which would help optimise the flow of information between O2 and the users.
About the suits: I really think we can come up with ways in which any proposed cooperation would actually end up making more money for O2 and provide better support for the users.
Please provide me (either personally through E-mail, or publically here) with what you feel would need to happen next. Maybe we should create a new forum, in which we provide access to womever for O2 would need to be at the 'table', plus some reasonable XDA-developer delegation.
I was personally thinking of about 5-10 people that all regularly post here and that seem to have an opinion or interest in making stuff better. Shall I propose a list for this delegation in the next few days ?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH! - (sound of man rushing to stem confusion....)
>>I don't know what your role in O2<< - No, no - I'm nothing to do with o2 apart from donating them hard earned cash every so often.
I'm the kind of guy who specialises in 'sensible compromise' through my job, so was applying that logic to here as well.
But seriously folks... as you lot here obviously have a lot to offer the disgreacefully under resourced o2 dev dept, have you actually tried picking up the phone / sending a discreet email offering some tie-up? Not too sure what the financials would be, but a free XDA every other month must be a possible.
Lol, they should do this now .
Good old times...

{TOUCH-INNOVATION.com}Touch friendly programs for windows mobile! NEW Mob site + MORE

Okay you all know i've been working on this website for a few weeks now. This means staying up till 3-4am in the morning, coding non-stop. By the fall of this week, it will be released to the public as a beta for 1-2 days where bugs can be submitted so I can fix it up, to make it a pleasant experience for the user!
Okay so edit again And yes IT's ALL FINISHED!!!!!!
All that needs to be done is to add categorys and content via the admin panel, but i need people to help me out (its a big job)! If you don't want to help all the time, at least help me get through the forums so after i've seen them all I can keep on top, because atm i'm under a huge pile of stree (see what I mean)
Website is here: www.touch-innovation.com
See latest post for the new update
Thanks for letting me know about that ,
But it's not very advanced, and doesn't have a lot of stuff.
Napbree said:
First of all, I am a website designer & coder.
I have the biggest urge to make a website, dedicated for the HTC Touch, and provide people with the best registry hacks/tweaks. The good programs - and link back here to download them. Etc.
I'd provide a forum for support on all of this as well. I was wondering, who would use this site, and support it? And, is there a website like this all ready?
If this website did get alot of support, and became popular, I would expand it further too other HTC devices
What would the website contain?
- Home cooked ROMS
- Original ROMS
- Games
- Programs
- Registry Hacks
- Themes
(if you have any suggestions please let me know)
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What better site than the one your on?!?!?!?!?
This is a awesome site, it's just to cluttered, if you see what I mean. You have to file through them all to find things you want, and then when you find something you need, you dont know if it's the latest version etc.
And this isn't the only good site, there's ipmart etc. and this is my way of trying to merge them all together
It will have a way to add your own stuff, so it's like the users own little admin panel, except everything they do, has to be rectified by the admin
So I just thought I'd simplify the process.
Bump... Surely more people want this?!
If you look at the number of members and posts at SprintTouch.net, I'd say there isn't much interest in a stand alone site. By comparison, SprintMogul.net dwarfs st.n. Granted, the Mogul has been out longer than the Touch, for Sprint anyway. Phones come and go all the time, so I'd think you'd be better off creating a site that's manufacturer or OS specific.
Well that's because you have to register. The site I will make, you won't have to register. It will be simple and quick
iam in
heyyyy whats up man
i like the idea i was thinkin the same open website and i guess we can make good work i work programmer and i have 2 desingers and one for adobe and the 2nd flash
any way i would like to say iam with u from nw but the xda is the best and will stay the best if u dont mind gimme ur yahoo id and ill contact with you .
It's good to know that lot's of people have wanted to do this It means there's a lot of interest. I have contacted you
So far, I have dont the main page - everything's going to be dynamic, and fetched from the mysql db.
It's coming along nicely I think it should be done within 1-2weeks - if I put my mind to it!
you're a bit too late)) http://xda-developers.com
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
Napbree said:
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
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Lets go. Sounds good.
So far, I have done the basics - news system, categorys, sub categorys, descriptions, and download/view details page. I am currently going over everything now, to implement more features etc.
It's coming along really nicely!
you say that you dont need to register to use the site, but if you want to download from say Xda-Developers, then you need a username and password!
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
Napbree said:
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
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How would you make sure the version you are offering is the most current one?
Well, I would keep everything updated, I roam these forums everyday, so I won't miss anything. And If the people who said they want o help are commited they can help.
I might create a php bot, to search for the highest number, shouldn't be too hard
So far, pretty much everything that the user see's is finished! I am just tweaking the rating system - for now, no comments.
But I still have the admin panel to do, but I can still put the website live and add everything via phpmyadmin. I don't like to keep people waiting.
If anyone has donations, then donating to my paypal would be great, and I will add you to my affliates which means more visits to your website
My paypal is booboonathan[[(at)]]gmail[[(dot)]]com (remove the ( and [[ )
Okay - I had to postpone due to family issues and such, and well i've come back but I don't know if I should waist the rest of my time doing this website. Its practically done - Minus a design and just need to implement a few cool effects such as ratings, comments and screesnhots etc.
I have big planns for this website (no wait, rephrase. I had big plans) But I need to know if any of you would use this website? It will be a simple layout, and much easier to get access too.. It will also have news feeds to it's far easier to be able too check if something has been updated.
Hasn't that ever annoyed you? When you see a cool program and you isntall it but you don't realise it's had an update - and you have to go routing through the messy forums (sorry, but it's true - this is a forum, they're all messy) and look for the latest one?!
Either way please tell me if you would use it, it would be free of course

What is XDA policy here re Scammers who sell XDA hackers' software?

This community is so damn innovative and cooperative, it amazes me what software/ROMS get cooked here which really add a lot of productivity value to me, transforming a tedious, hard-to-read Windows Mobile User Interface into a tool that really works on the go. And I've been equally impressed by the collaborative spirit of this community in problem solving and feature tweeks.
Thus I am curious if there is an organized policy here that helps us end-users deter the scammers who grab software from XDA-developers, bundle it, and sell it across the web. I'm speaking of a prominent spot on the home page and within the information design of these forums that, just like the "Missing Kids" alerts on milk cartons, highlights prominently the latest scammers stealing work here.
I understand this forum is for actual development, but truth is this issue gets lost in "General" forums. Because it's the people who hack here who are the people being hurt directly.
Though I signed onto XDA over a year ago, and have read volumes re my T-mobile MDA and software upgrades here, I ended up being nonetheless too nervous to follow the very clear instructions posted last year with all if the various WM 6 roms developed here. And I never did upgrade.
But I have a WING now, and I wanted an iphone theme and user interface. Again I read all the sticky threads for the Herald, as well as the links from the wiki for that specific phone. After several days of trying to figure out "should I be first flashing my T-mobile ROM to a more efficient one, before then seeking to install one of the iphone themes and apps like A_C's S2U2 etc. I then did a dumb consumer thing: when searching this site using Google, I followed the links to one or two of the GOOGLE AD-WORDS hawking an iPhone theme on your PocketPC.
Long story short, I got scammed of $10 for something that was outdated and didn't even install properly on my WING... But I'd been "comforted" by the presentation on their website, http://iphonethemeforpocketpc.com , thinking I would get my head cleared of the confusion that mounts when I'd dig down deep into the many discussions of so many ROMs & themes & apps here. I got burned, that was bad enough. But it then pissed me off doubly that superior software would be found here at XDA -- and more than likely some of that guy's component cab files were simply stolen from developers right here.
I ended up back here and successfully installed the ifonz theme, A_C's S2U2 (the scam site had an old slide2unlock version... bit as everyone here knows, A_C's app is superb. I also installed Contact Manager (amazing!), PCM keyboard (what an improvement over windows), and MortPlayer (fantastic). I intend to donate to each program author.
But the purpose of this post is this: I filed a dispute with PayPal (requires login) over this scammer's non-working product and absolute refusal to even reply to my early "friendly" emails seeking install help. Went through PayPal's Resolution Center "escalation process" -- after no reply from the seller to PayPal -- and my dispute became a CLAIM for Paypal to determine outcome. PayPal's reply, denying the claim, states that they reviewed all communications and investigated the issue fully (totally not true).
I could have stopped there -- afterall i'd long ago expended way more than $10 worth of my time -- but it was for the principle of it. So I called PayPal, went through all the menu-options, screenings, and hold queues, and finally spoke to an actual Resolution Agent -- who was very nice, & actually very helpful.
However: I learned then, from her, what many of you may already know -- but I wonder DOES everyone know?, because I sure didn't... She told me that anything digital or downloadable is not even covered with any Buyer Protection as disclosed in PayPal's terms of service. So the claim got closed automatically because it didn't qualify for any dispute resolution. I was really surprised by this, that no downloadable software is subject to dispute/resolution policies -- and that's why I am writing this thread, as a service (I *hope*) to all you developers.
I first did a search here on the boards for "scams", because I wanted to find a place on this site to DISPLAY CLEARLY---> Here is a scamsite --> make sure your stuff is not being sold there. That's when I saw this sampling of threads, below, and had to wonder, is there a policy here that is clear and easy to find (NO! not that I can see!) that helps developers here by giving us end-users a place to post the hit-list of scammers on ebay, on iphonetheme websites, etc. ?
If so, I missed it in the information design here. If not, I recommend it. I know it burns you guys who are being ripped off -- but it also ticks off less-sophisticated community members like me (end-users of your hard work) to see your works exploited -- given especially their innovation and performance tweeks.
Here are just a few of the threads I found from this year, from March 08, where people reported being ripped off by people selling their works. In my view, I don't think that's enough or sufficient to just have someone start a thread saying "beware of X, Y or Z". And that's why I posted this. Thanks to all of you who make the lives of end-users more productive with your great work.
Name And Shame Ebayer Stealing Xdev Material
Bastards selling my Unlocker
Thief On The Loose At Hofo and possibly xda!
wow.. no reply. well i know i'm verbose, but i thought this would at least get a reply that explained yes/no if the site has designated a specific area to broadcast who are the current scammers operating out on he internets...
Should I be posting this into a different forum? if so, which one please/ thanks
As far as I know, there is no area warning about potential scams. There have been issues with people selling cooked roms on ebay that i'm aware of, but that normally comes up in model-specific forums.
it definitely could be helpful to have such an area on the forum, but at the same time, there have been many stickies informing people NOT to go out and sell other peoples work, and advising people against using warez and cracked programs.
Most people that have come to this forum realize there is no reason to pay for most software, as there's probably an excellent free or open source alternative. if there's not yet, someone's working on one. this forum is a mix of entusiasts, programmers, hackers, and people who just love to tweak their devices. once you come here and see the vast amounts of information, there's really no need to go anywhere else. i check the xda forums rather regularly, and pocketpcfreeware every now and again.
i don't think a scams section on the forum would help keep from people getting scammed elsewhere... they usually find this site after they've already been scammed. many of us have already taken it into our own hands, by trying to point as many people as we can here, so they can learn the beauty of free, well maintained software and roms made by people who just want to help others enjoy their devices more and more.
scammers are more like a disease... and prevention is the best medicine.
alongenemylines said:
As far as I know, there is no area warning about potential scams. There have been issues with people selling cooked roms on ebay that i'm aware of, but that normally comes up in model-specific forums.
it definitely could be helpful to have such an area on the forum, but at the same time, there have been many stickies informing people NOT to go out and sell other peoples work, and advising people against using warez and cracked programs.
Most people that have come to this forum realize there is no reason to pay for most software, as there's probably an excellent free or open source alternative. if there's not yet, someone's working on one. this forum is a mix of entusiasts, programmers, hackers, and people who just love to tweak their devices. once you come here and see the vast amounts of information, there's really no need to go anywhere else. i check the xda forums rather regularly, and pocketpcfreeware every now and again.
i don't think a scams section on the forum would help keep from people getting scammed elsewhere... they usually find this site after they've already been scammed. many of us have already taken it into our own hands, by trying to point as many people as we can here, so they can learn the beauty of free, well maintained software and roms made by people who just want to help others enjoy their devices more and more.
scammers are more like a disease... and prevention is the best medicine.
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There have been instances where its come to the attention of the community here and the developers of ROMS and programs that their work is being packaged and sold on ebay and the like. Obviously this behavior is viewed very negatively. While there is no policy or "organized" efforts to monitor and react, when someone does point out an instance, the community members rally around and do what they can to call the guy out, and warn potential scammees of it. Ebay is often notified directly, and also comments on the sellers postings on ebay are made to warn.
And yes, your post is verbose

Looking for your help guys, Transferring ownership for free!

As most of you know, I am the sole owner of touch innovation. I have done alot to this website (and I still have more to come). THe problem is, over the next half year I have alot of work ahead of me, that affects my future. But I don't particulary want to go into it.
I want someone that can look after and keep the site going for up to 6 months. I know you're thinking "What's the point in this, what do I get out of it?". Well, you get experience.
You'll get a weekly number of emails, submissions etc from people that use the website, you can monitor these, and help out there questions.
You can add programs from here etc.
Why Am I asking this?
I have spent months and months of coding this website (considering the website is only 4 months old, it's a lot of work). And I've hit a niche in the market, people want a website like this, and I am supplying them with one, but I need it to be updated while I am gone. Maybe some marketing (aka advertising) as well, so everything is running peak, and more users are coming.
This is a non-profit organisation, I make no money out of it.
I will pay the guy at the end (maybe), dependant on how much they have done to the website. And I want them to take it upon them self to make any adjustments. The site will potentially be yours for the half year (I will be checking up on it, and If there are some changes that are iffy, I will contact you about it).
It's good experience, and maybe helping me + the community out for a while.
Thanks guys,
Okay, another idea, A team of people can request to be part of the team, and keep the site running well and keep it updated for the time I'm gone
Touch Innovation team (to-be's):
Thanks for anyone who helps in advance, I will be up for giving a little price tag at the end, dependant on whether they've applied effort to maintain the site
No one?
I think it would be awesome to have this opportunity but I have no experience in html coding. Just the basics.
I thought I had replied to this :/
Erm, you dont need any html coding skills. You just need to know how to keep a website updated (using xda, and others) using my simple but easy and clever admin panel. Also advertise to keep hits up etc.
Napbree, I would gladly take this website, but i'm MEGAbusy with studies and work.
I suggest that instead of granting this website to another "sole" person, you create users in your admin panel and grant them to a few people who will keep it updated. I build websites and I can tell you that there's no way i'd be able to handle even one of those i've built, myself.
If a group of people are willing to help, I will be one of them.
I'll also try creating commercial opportunities for the website - profitwise.
I'd usually say "This is not the place to post these kind of posts.. use the Q&A section".. which comes naturally nowadays..
but considering the importance of this... I think we need this thread bumped up until you manage to get what you wish for.
Yes, that would be great. You've given me an awesome idea. A team of people that can mointor and keep the site up and running well, and content updated etc.
I'll start making a list of people who want to become part of the team
And if you could get a commercial opportunity, that would be amazing. I'd be up for selling it as well (maybe). It's just I want to keep the site of my hands for a while. Because my dad died only a week ago, and i'm entering a state of depression, and I need to get out into the world and keep myself busy.
I really like this site, and would like to see it continue.
Nathan has done such great job on developing this site, it would be shame, to see it gone waste!
So anyone who has motivation and some time to take this site under ownership, please contact nathan!
Ps. I'm one of admins of this site, and can tell you that it's really easy to update site, because of the nathan's clever admin panel. I would do it myself if i had the time, but my studies and and other projects takes too much time.
All friends of this site, let's get this thread bumped until we get some help for nathan
Firstly.. i'm sorry. Be well.
Secondly, I have some connections.. I can't promise anything but i might be able to get some advertisments going.. we'll see how it goes.
Also, if manage to get some time off .. sometime.. I'll create flash banners and put them up.
Thank you allevant
And nir36 thanks again, that would be mucho appreciated! very generous
I'm willing to help...
But I'm not sure if I got any use thou as I got no tech experiences or running a website.
My best experience is being a gaming forum moderator and basic computer/pda knowledge.
But, if you think I'm a good canadiate please let me know as I would like to help in anyways.
You don't really need experience in running a site. As long as you can spend some time on the admin panel to add content, it's all good.
I've added you to the to-be team , hope you don't mind.
Thanks! future for the site is looking brighter this is just a bump post
I'll bump your bump
Dear Napbree,
I am an Application Consultant and actually my job consists of making corporate websites for government entities.
Websites I've done include (not exhaustive list)
Same domain but totally different things.
So do count me in if you need help running the website.
I am certified in JAVA (Have Sun Certified Java Programmer and Developer certs) and am proficient in both JSP and Applications.
Currently I am writing CMS based websites using PHP, CSS, HTML and Javascript.
I can definitely write some code to add more cool functionality to your website
I'll bumb your bumbing my bumb
Hi Kenshino,
Application consultant heh, nice!
At the moment, I will be able to code up new sections for the site, for example, the new update that will come sooner or later (when I have time to finish it), has live submission, which means users can instantly add applications, as long as it applies with a few of my automated checks.
But if you have any ideas, and you want to code them up, you can definately! But I wouldn't be able to give source code, but you can code it seperately and then I can incoroporate it nicely
Thank you lots for your interest
Hey, I volunteer too. I am a PC administrator and had had success in hosting my own sites in the past as well as prior administration duties to games like http://www.swcombine.com
Sounds great
Added you to the list, I will contact you all in the future, once I have a nice big list of contributors
let's keep this on top.


Ok... I know I'm not one of the elite here, but I've been a PPC Admin creating custom ROMs with kitchens for a number of devices for the last 4-5 years. I love this site and everyone here has done an excellent job developing for our devices, but its time we organize this site to make it easy for noobs to get involved in our world. The big problem I see when I try to help people get into WinMo is that its really hard for them to find the right apps and previews of what is possible to do. The biggest complaint I have from friends who use this site is that there are often different threads for the same app and often they download the older version by mistake. I also see what happens to developers like A_C who have their apps ripped off and sold as a "bundle of freeware apps". Its wrong and I'd hate to see him or any of the other developers not get credit for their hard work.
So here is what I'm proposing... Why don't we create an app store right here where free and for pay apps can conveniently and easily be searched and organized. We could even setup rss feeds for the different applications so people could be notified when a new version or even a update to the thread has occurred. I know Microsoft is coming out with their app store, but come on. when have they gotten anything right for a community at this level of capability right at the start?
Either way.. I think it would be a great idea for us to build this and expand the Win Mo community. Thanks everyone for your hard work.
Feel free to comment.
Using RSS from a new sub-forum that XDA could setup would allow a dev to pull the threads and information. If they're formatted properly before submitted to the App Store forum, the first post in the thread could be App's description and preview including any youtube previews. The second post would have the cab file.
There would also be a string of text in the first post which would define device compatibilities so Raphael users don't try and download Kaiser specific software and vice-versa
A pre-approval process would take place in a seperate forum and PPC veterans and forum senior members could assist in evaluating the posts as well as the software?
I see a more community based solution in this idea. Very nice. BUT.. will it happen? I'm no longer in the programming side of the biz, but if someone could come up with an app that would take the RSS from a forum, I could setup a test forum on a site I run just for proof of concept. Anyone interested?
Sounds like a great idea! I think a forum isnt the best solution for the matter but at least there would be some kind of order...
(App2Date support for more programs would be helpful then as well)
I only say forum because this database is already in place, easily tweaked (I run a few vBulletin sites so I know how easy it can be) and the authors can update their applications easily without having to reinvent the wheel from the ground up. With the proper required fields we could easily organize everything nicely
okay that sounds better.. im not experimenting with forums much
is is possible to filter things then? i cant really picture it
when i look for an app i always download all available of a kind (e.g. 5 minesweeper) and in the end not even 1 works ^^
why not have 3 more...
i think before u can update ur apps u first need 2 download them... and in order to do that u need to find them first and thats what this thread is mainly about
have u ever heard about apple app store? its not about selling devices whatsoever but to FIND SOFTWARE (easily)
Yep, there are a few being built already, but maybe a more "Official" one would get more development and community support?
Here's another one too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=471576
I'd really like to see one of these Appstore ideas to also track UI customizations. I can't tell you the number of hours I've spent reading through hundreds of posts to find the perfect SPB Mobile Shell UI... lol.
I have tried all of the above mentioned 'portals' and I use DeviceUpdate, but it's the same 97 or 98 apps! This would be a direct tie-in to this site. Developers could submit their apps to the community for approval and they'd be moved into the proper section of the app 'vault' and would instantly be available in the Mobile Application which would generate its list via a direct RSS of the App Vault forum..
Why create a new database and userbase when XDA's is already so huge?
I second, third and forth this request. XDA dev's deserve a store for app releases and use the forum as a dev/feedback forum.. Vbulletin can only do so much... If revenue sharing is the major hurdle I would hope the webmaster can work out an agreement with the devs who want to submit apps. Another hurdle could potentially be copyright infringements.. Unofficial ROM's and other promoted/sold "clone-apps" could bring unwanted publicity to the site. This simple chaotic forum might be the perfect element to keep XDA under the corporate radar and safe from hungry lawyers.
norkoastal said:
I second, third and forth this request. XDA dev's deserve a store for app releases and use the forum as a dev/feedback forum.. Vbulletin can only do so much... If revenue sharing is the major hurdle I would hope the webmaster can work out an agreement with the devs who want to submit apps. Another hurdle could potentially be copyright infringements.. Unofficial ROM's and other promoted/sold "clone-apps" could bring unwanted publicity to the site. This simple chaotic forum might be the perfect element to keep XDA under the corporate radar and safe from hungry lawyers.
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I disagree that 'vbulletin can only do so much'.. XDA-Developers.com even uses a basic 'stock' theme.. this site isn't customized very much and is a very basic implementation of the software. An app on the phones that pull the information from a sub forum of this site could load up previews, videos and the download links. If you want to add in 'dontation' links, that's also possible, but I think that's better left to PCs.
I agree that staying 'under the radar' is essential, but being able to access all of the software that can greatly improve your device from anywhere at a moments notice is key... I'm currently browsing to a forum on my phone to get a piece of software and it's taking at least 3 minutes to do it when I can get there in less than 10 seconds on the PC.. put this stuff in an app and I won't even need the PC other than to find the dev and discussion threads....
I see vBulletin in a different light from just a chat enabler.. but it might be because I know the back end so well.
l3it3r said:
I disagree that 'vbulletin can only do so much'.. XDA-Developers.com even uses a basic 'stock' theme.. this site isn't customized very much and is a very basic implementation of the software. An app on the phones that pull the information from a sub forum of this site could load up previews, videos and the download links. If you want to add in 'dontation' links, that's also possible, but I think that's better left to PCs.
I agree that staying 'under the radar' is essential, but being able to access all of the software that can greatly improve your device from anywhere at a moments notice is key... I'm currently browsing to a forum on my phone to get a piece of software and it's taking at least 3 minutes to do it when I can get there in less than 10 seconds on the PC.. put this stuff in an app and I won't even need the PC other than to find the dev and discussion threads....
I see vBulletin in a different light from just a chat enabler.. but it might be because I know the back end so well.
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All valid points, but if the webmaster has no desire to expand this sites complexity, who are we to say add this n that when we are typing on a yellow/brown forum with minimal VB enhancements (no knock to XDA ).
What I see working is XDA allow a spin-off site which is the visual/functional app paradise we all crave.. The alter ego of Cydia and the evil empire. All discussion/dev related questions feed to their respective XDA threads. XDA mods can then port the data to XDA-apps when they feel the release is deemed safe. Developers who want more press/ad exposure pony up $$, and can then charge for more fully functioning software... I dont think anyone doesn't want an app store, its will you get official XDA muscle behind it?
There's a way to charge for threads, so if people want to sell the apps, they need to buy a premium spot for it on the XDA App listing.. *boom!* XDA is interested!
If a spin-off site is required, then that's cool, I'd be really interested in assisting with it. It would be possible to use the same user database.
Thanks everyone for opening feedback on this topic. I think we should look further into finding a way to make this happen. Any volunteers? l3it3r and Norkoastal have done a good job in taking the lead on this so far. How do you feel about making it happen Norkoastal andl3it3r's?
I would recommend getting some official support from XDA before beginning to compile resources for this effort. I really think there should be input from the owner/mods here who want to see this happen, & also get their take on maintaining the upkeep of this proposed rollout. I would be glad to throw my two pesos in, but wouldn't want to step on any toes or other efforts already in process, namely gecko..
I will be releasing a new more complete version of this very soon. Its a freewarepocketpc.net client working off the existing database online.
That's sweet! I use fwppc all the time because it's easy to navigate on the phone. I still think that XDA is the #1 name in Windows mobile development and that we could truly shine, but what if we were able to come up with a publicly agreed standard for thread creation down to the descriptions and layouts. Could you tie in an RSS feed from an XDA forum into that?
That's exactly what I was thinking l3it3r. A standardization for this site that is just setup for apps. If rss feeds were tied into it anyone could build an app that could go out and find the latest updates for their subscribed applications. Noobs wouldn't know about the applications used for downloading apps, but would know generally how to view a web forum. Its all about making it easier for the noobs to get interested in exploring the capabilities of WM and not to intimidate them. A good standardization of the layout would go a long way to expanding the user base and increase interest in our work.
What do you guys think?
With all things considered, I think it is better if this is done as a separate site as Napbree has done for finger friendly apps (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=380748).
So if any legal issues should arise or site adjustments/enhancements that needs to be made, it can be dealt independently from XDA. This also can bring apps from other places into attention that isn't developed within XDA.

