NEW! [MAGICIAN ONLY] VJLumos - Superbright screen! RTFM - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

[Update Nov 7: Universal too! Use VJLumosLite]
If you follow this thread you’ll see discussion of the bizarre behaviour of the Magician’s screen when you start the camera; the screen momentarily goes whiter than white, nay, SuperBright. However, this level of brightness has been hidden from us in normal use.
I have developed a technique for using this SuperBright mode. I’m not too proud of it, because it’s an “ugly hack”, meaning a bit of a cheat. The ideal way to do this would be to reverse engineer the camera program, camera driver or screen driver and find out how it does this. I didn’t do this. I basically trick the system into thinking the camera is always running, hence always SuperBright.
Now, it basically works. However, and I cannot stress this enough, IT IS DANGEROUS.
Initially, I accept no responsibility for use of this program on your hardware.
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I don’t know the effect of running your screen so bright for prolonged periods. However, it’s basically just enabling the camera, so if the camera works SuperBright safely, I guess this should too.
The SuperBright mode can ONLY be achieved once per soft reset. So that means, use it once, and then when you power off the Magician it will go back to normal brightness again. If you try to run your camera again, it WILL HARD RESET the Magician. Let me say that again. Hard Reset. Not soft. So take a backup before use, and use wisely, and say no to drugs. To reenable SuperBright you will have to soft reset again.
VJLumos cannot (hopefully) be shut down after it’s been run, to remind you that you’ve run it once so don’t be a fool and run the camera again. Or it will hard reset your phone. Did I mention this?
VJLumos will show you a warning on startup. This can be optionally overridden by starting the program with a command line “silent”, eg
“vjlumos.exe silent”
I reiterate. I did not want to release this program because it is an ugly hack, works only once per soft reset and can hard reset your Magician. But I’ve been asked to release it, so caveat emptor.
This program took quite a while to develop and release, so if you want to express thanks or monetary vengefulness, please feel free to send a donation to my “Buy Vijay a WM5 device so he can keep pumping out the goods” campaign.
I need to buy a WM5 device to finish developing a ton of good stuff I can’t share with you guys yet. However, my Magician’s only a few months old and my better half won’t let me spend more cash now, so if I save up, you guys will reap the rewards. My stuff will generally be free or nearly free, particularly for XDA forum users. Stay tuned for more goodies on show shortly.
Click here to make a donation. :wink:
Guys, if you use this, successfully or not, please post. I need to keep track of how it works.
Download VJLumos.exe
Update - Lite version
If the automatic version (above) doesn't work for you, please try the "lite" version. To use this one:
1. Place a shortcut to VJLumosLite in your startmenu (no installer included for now).
2. Start the camera.
3. Click the tools option (second icon in the bottom right corner).
4. Click the tools menu.
5. Choose Adjust...
6. Now go to your startmenu and run VJLumosLite.
7. Hopefully after a few seconds you'll return to the today screen in SuperBright mode.
8. If you get an error message, please PM me with details of your setup.
Download VJLumosLite.exe
Further update, camera.exe
It appears that there are different versions of the camera.exe program on our phones. I'm using ROM 1.12. If you have incompatibilies, you can download the camera.exe from my ROM here. Install it in your \windows\ folder. If there are any copyright issues I'll take it down.
PS Did I mention the hard reset? Don’t run the camera again after VJLumos. And backup BEFORE first use in case you forget.
PPS Oh, and if you find yourself in a strange screen with a cross on it, press hangup (the red key) or somehow go back to Today screen.
PPPS I don't recommend putting this in your startup folder. It needs to play around with the camera, and your startup may be slow, causing problems with interacting with it.

Congrats for achieving what you've done so far

Chatty, did it work with your amputated camera?

Well, no. It says "Couldn't start adjust dialog". That's a big hint towards how you did it ;-)
Now I'm gonna soft reset and pray I won't face an unwanted hard reset regardless what I'm doing.

I've left all debug messages in, and of course, as discussed in the other thread, that's exactly how I did it!
The camera program will obviously not start up when it doesn't find a camera then. I can't think of any other way to make it work for you.
Any chance you could have just changed the faceplate on your phone, rather than remove the camera? At work we've got some great adhesive silver foil, which I've used to cover the back of my magician (and ipod) with. It looks ok, and prevents scratching when throwing it down on the desk. It would cover the camera part well I think, and not look too poo.
Did it hardreset?

Luckily it didn't hard reset yet... but with Radio 1.13 I have the strange problem, that after a soft reset I get a msg like there's no driver for my BT hardware and I shall enter a name for the driver?! After a few power off/on it works again.
Changing the faceplate only would violate firm's policy I guess because you could always take away the plate, shoot photos and send them away immediately via MMS. I can faithfully admit I've got no "PDA with camera", I only got an allowed "PDA without camera". Another thing is, it's easily undoable. I needed this already for using my warranty.

Has anyone (else) tried this yet? I need to know if it works or needs deleting... please post either good or bad.

I can't test it because i don't know how to use the command line
If i start the file it shows me a warning message and after 3 seconds the screen return normal.

Andrea - when I said that if you don't know how to use a command line you shouldn't use it, I was just being careful. You don't need to use a command line.
Run the program. You'll get the warning. Then just click ok. What happens after that? On my system it goes through its actions for a couple of seconds, then returns to the Today screen with the new brighter screen.

On my magician it shows a warning message and after start camera and shows a message: "Couldn't find adjust dialog" then i press ok and there are 2 black windows open, i close them and the camera is on. I turn off camera and the screen returns to normal brightness

i'll hopefully release a simpler more compatible version tomorrow morning. Sorry you guys who are having troubles.

I'm waiting to test it! :lol:

Andrea, I've posted a lite version, please read the first post again and download.
All If the automatic version doesn't work for you, please PM me with your setup, eg startup programs, rom, or any special stuff you might be running. It runs perfectly on my 1.12 Magician, but I can't test it on any other. However, do try the new lite version, which requires you to manually go to the camera's Adjust... dialog, and then run VJLumosLite. It should return to the today screen in bright mode.
Oh, and I've updated the original version as well (updated version) to give it more time to find the windows it needs. Please try this version if it didn't work before, but you have had success with vjlumoslite which should work for everyone).
Please tell me if it works or not

Vijay, u've got a new pm!

@code72: He can see that for himself... why did you post here without any further information? This way it's useless for everyone.

Sorry Chatty i was excited.
I've sended him my configuration and the screen of error message.
(Vijay wrote: If the automatic version doesn't work for you, please PM me with your setup)
My screen capture is:

Guys, code72 got it working. It appears that we have different versions of the camera.exe program on our phones. Don't know how that happened. I'm using ROM 1.12.
If you have incompatibilies, you can download the camera.exe from my ROM here. Install it in your \windows\ folder. If there are any copyright issues I'll take it down.
Also, Code72 asked if I could update the program to prevent the Hard Reset. I'm afraid I can't, I wish I could. The hard reset happens because basically I'm forcing the camera to think it's on (even when it's off), to force the bright screen. However, then, if you try to start the camera again, it discovers that it thinks it's already on, conflicts with itself and crashes out badly. So, the only choice is not to run the camera twice... sorry guys. If I come up with a better solution, I'll post it.

Thanks Vijay, for me VjlumosLite works ok. The screen is very brightness wow!
I've put vijay's camera.exe file in Windows folder, i've put VjlumosLite on SD card, i've created a shortcut to VjlumosLite in start menu then:
start camera
press camera settings
press tools->adjiust
press start menu VjlumosLite and.....
Wow, u are in today screen with a very brightness screen!
has someone tried this?

Guys, I've just managed to get a Universal, and guess what? VJLumosLite works!?


Removing the aline screen process from A.30.09 ROM

I am tired of the screen alingment process every time i do a hard reset.
Can it be removed?
I have the A30.09 ROM wallaby
RSU 33.02
Bootloader Ver. 5.15
I think you've never use a PDA that had a messed up alignment. Believe me, the alignment process is there for a good reason. Wihout it you can't reliably type or select items.
The process is needed because the screen touch sensor response varies from unit to unit, and this is how you can get a consistent response.
llawrence1969 said:
I am tired of the screen alingment process every time i do a hard reset.
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Just for curiosity, why do you need this much of hard reset ?
i've bee upgrading using ROM kitchen and there is always something i don't like or use regarding the additional software hence the hard resets.
Obviously a misunderstanding -- the screen alinement i figured if removed from the startup process doesn't mean it won't be available under start settings and system when you need it and therefore would use less ROM. I believe i read that that is possible somewhere but can't remember.
Not really the screen alinement is part of the ROM removing it would mess things up big time...
Beside again why those many Hard Resets??? if you continue like that you wont need to remove the the screen alinement you will need a new device.
the screen alignment + all the usual startup cut & paste junk has been removed on previous cooked roms, so I know it can be done, and I know wut u are talkin about...after a while, those things can get very annoying
Someone who knows what i'm talking 'bout.
The hard reset are to try different ROM installed apps after flashing a ROM kitchen. It's not that unusual in this the posts. If something happens I have copies of ROM backup on SD card, PC and all the tools necessary to get my XDA up and running.
Hi lawrence,
I'm searching too for a solution on this! If anyone knows how to remove that cut 'n paste and align screen, I would like to know that!
The reason why, is that I'm creating applications for some people that like to forget to charge... :?
After a weekend, they sometimes have a hard-reset. Now I need to create my own ROM that reinstalls those applications without that setup-screens!
I still think that the fact that you want to remove the screen alignment from the cold start process shows that you don't understand why it's there in the first place. It's not just to teach the user how to click on the screen. If the screen alignment isn't done you can end up with clicks being registered in the wrong place.
I can understand deleting the tutorial, but IMO a guy who lets his battery run down to the extent that it needs a cold boot will also not be able to figure out that he needs to go find the screen alignment program when his screen clicks get all weird on him...
the screen alinement i figured if removed from the startup process doesn't mean it won't be available under start settings and system when you need it
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well how can you choose the screen alinement if the screen dont understand where you are pressing because of lack of alinement
Let me say that the alignment is importent, but that cut 'n paste and setting up the time-zone is something I really don't need for a good PDA-Setup...
Any suggestions?
A while ago I did think of a way to not have to align at every coldboot:
- save the alignment parameters somewhere in ROM
- have welcome.exe check for the presence of alignment data in ROM,
and use those, in stead of calling TouchCalibrate.
- if no calibration data is found in ROM, then after calling
TouchCalibrate save the data in ROM.
the calibration data is stored in the registry in this key:
"CalibrationData"="507,517 150,237 153,781 866,782 861,241 "
I also noticed that the xda-2 is much better aligned without calibration than the xda-1.
samvds said:
that cut 'n paste and setting up the time-zone is something I really don't need for a good PDA-Setup...
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I have the same problem. Sometimes when I should change SIM for some reason, I should remove battery for couple of seconds. The following occurs:
1. Device reacts as during hard reset: align, cut-n-paste, installs T-Mobile apps, soft resets, the installs something again.
2. Then I should go to SD card to start sprite backup file restoring. It asks me whether i want to restore or not, then to start or not, then restores 16 M and asks wanna soft reset or not again (stupid process).
3. I don't know why, but default today screen theme which recorded in sprite backup file is usually broken, so I need to tap Settings/Today/Spiral/OK/Default Theme/OK
4. After all I should set correct date and time hence it resets to Sep.2003.
All these steps take about 5 minutes!!!!!! And this is after TWO seconds of work without battery.
The question is: is there any way not to perform all these annoying operations when i leave XDA without main battery for some time. As I know, there is internal battery in XDA, which have enough energy to keep rom alive for this time.
Briefly, I will be happy, if XDA will do soft reset instead of hard when I change my SIM.
Anybody help please!

VJBigPhone, T-Mobile Videobutton on MDAPro

Hi all,
I am aware about all the other threads but yet could not get across some nonsense on my MDA Pro.
I went back to the t-Mobile ROM because of german support on many features but running ozVGA now successfully with two exceptions:
1. Each time I reset the device, I have to reinstall vjbigphone (0.91) and re-run the .exe to get my dialer back to full screen. VJ did a real got job, but I hope anyone coud tell me, what could be wrong?
2. Does anyone know, how to get rid of the stupid and ugly video-button in the t-mobile dialer? I replaced all BMPs with the one's from iMate, but yet video is the stupid grey. flat button.
Once this is solved, I will write down exactly how to get really the tiny machine running with the best tools for best results.
ndee: why do you have to re-install the app?
After a soft reset, what happens when you choose the "load and fix" option from the tray?
I am hoping to spend some time on this app over the next few days. Many apps being fixed, one a at time...
Hi Vijay,
when I softreset, everything on the phone is back to the tiny layout. Even though I "load and fix".
Only workaraound I figured out is reinstall :-(
Strange - I know we spoke about this before, but then, after you re-install it works?
Have you tried not loading VJBigPhone, soft reset, load the phone (eg press green key, so you can see Tiny buttons) and then load VJBigPhone. Does that make any difference? Re-installing shouldn't make any difference, it doesn't load any settings etc from the registry etc...
I have some similiar problems. I'm using also the neweset german ROM on my MDA Pro and after a soft reset I don't have to reinstall the app, but I have to close it and restart it again to gain access to the phone application. Without close VJBigPhone nothing happens, after starting the application again everything works fine (till the next soft reset, which happens every morning after the daily backup)
I have an idea what might be the problem then.
The code was modified a while back to try to find the "phone" program without you having to specify the name in your own language (eg "telefon" instead of "phone"). However, it's possible that if the phone isn't found, it's getting confused. I'll try to look at the code again soon.
I'm not writing any new programs for a while while I do updates to all the old stuff
out of sudden, I dont need to reinstall anymore. Just after reset, I run vjbigphoneres and phone comes up full screen. Dont know what I did and how long it will last - keep you informed though - thx so far.
Any solution for the ugly video button of TM insight?
TM Button: I know you've spoken about it for a while, but I've got no experience of it, I don't really use my Universal I think someone (you?) posted one before, but could you send me a screenshot if you've got appropriate software, and if you have them, a zip of your extended rom?

Screen Brightness

When I open the camera application on my I-mate JAM/HTC Magician, the screen goes bright for a second when the camera app. is about to open but it goes back to slightly dull after i close the camera.
I have maximum brightness in the settings.
Is there anyway to make the screen stay bright just like the second before the camera opens?
There are at least a couple of ways to do this.
One is VJLumos, which I don't recommend.
Another is VJLumos II - which is being released in a few days.
Thank you! Awaiting the release of VJLumos 2. How soon do you reckon you'll release it?
Magician version is done, and works great. Just tweaking the Universal version (which also works, but needs a little refining). Release hopefully around this weekend or so.
I don't have a wizard so can't support it for now, unfortunately.
Implementation is cool now, automatic superbrite every time you switch on, and no more risk of a hard reset :shock: I was showing Mrs Vijay555 yesterday. She wasn't impressed I'm so misunderstood...
oh lol sigh. I had a look at your site...people should praise your talent more often
Anyway, why don't you share the Magician one now
I thought I had it on my ftp but I don't, so give me a while and I'll send you over a beta, if I remember. If you don't get by tomorrow, PM me.
Ok then...i'll be waiting. Thanks!
hi all
i'm very interested to by this soft. I was looking for this since 1 year so it's very nice you done it.
waiting for that to
I've been investigating in the brightness hack and could finally track down what's necessary to enable it. This is the real way to enable it, which means no unneccessary DLLs are loaded and you're no chance of risking a soft reset because of this. The other advantage is that if you have your camera hardware removed this hack still works - on a Magician at least. I hope I can try this hack on a Hermes next week (don't own one).
I'm almost done creating an app like VJLumos II. If it's ready I'll post it in this forum.
PS: I was experiencing a hard reset during my research... so I hope you can esteem what I immolated
Ok, here it is.
For the moment this is for Magician only! And even on them you run this at your own risk!
This app is very freaky - it has no (obvious) dependencies and therefore loads fast like hell. Although being already ruddy slim and thus perfect staying resident it doesn't. But it accepts four parameters which are as follows:
on --> enable SuperBrightness
off --> disable SuperBrightness
install --> install a OnWakeUp event
remove --> remove event
Again: this app does not load anything (and consume memory) nor does it expose you to risk a soft reset.
Nevertheless I still encouter the odd behaviour, that Magicians without the camera hardware do not get superbright on WakeUp.
ahh vjays555 worked for me..
might prove usefull when im using my magician as a GPS..
oh btw, i tried chatty's program first and all i downloaded was 'attatchment. php'
whitemoo said:
i tried chatty's program first and all i downloaded was 'attatchment. php'
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No problems here - got a zip with one exe and 4 lnk's as it was supposed to.
Some news about our backlight:
Well, above a certain a minimum level brightness can be controlled continously from dark to (super-)bright. Keypad light can be controlled independently, but on/off only. Another news: absolute minimum is still a little darker than official (Control Panel) minimum. So if you're in for a little book reading under your blanket this could safe your eyes a little more. So currently I'm thinking of a new cmdline app which offers you to set brightness in all possible levels (super-dark to super-bright).
I dunno when I'll find the time for it, but is anyone interested at all?
pick me!
heheh, i use msn messenger and type up notes in the dark, it strains the eyes. Sometimes i watch movies on it in plain darkness.
Would be a cool utility to have. Dont know if anyone doese the same things i do, Since its so hard to sync for me through bluetooth.
Bring on the interest!.
I got a wicked idea: how about flashing a new brightness dll into the living device like it is done with the splash screen? The usual brightness control panel applet would then operate in the wider range and this hack would not eat up any memory.
Whohoo... exciting... lots of work to do, but interesting project.

Annoying Device Lock

Hi All,
I have a VPA Compact II (Cingular 8125) and am synchonizing this with the Exchange Server of my company.
My company have set a policy that the device is locked after 15 minutes.
My problem here is that I am using a navigation software and during my ride the device igets locked every 15 minutes. Very annoying.
Anybody knows a solution for this?
Is there a way to keep alive the device?
SOrry found the solution already.
Sorry again
Let me know how it works. I've received zero feedback on this. I'm curious if people are using it, but just not posting feedback or if its too damn complicated and I need to refine my directions.
I just installed and configured it as you discribed.
Unfortunately my device still gets locked up after 15 minutes (from the policy).
Till the 15 minutes are over the device is kept alive. Normally the backlight would die after 2 minutes, it now stays switched on.
Any idea?
I used the short methode of step 3.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Couple of questions first....
1) What gps software are you using?
2) When you open SKScheMa, does it say "WATCH ON" in the lower right corner?
Using TomTom.
Yes its ON
I think its a wizard or WM5 problem as it happens with me when listening to MP3s too
Sucks having a 15min lock policy, as i just set a 1hr timeout for mine and its enough to stp it irritating you much.
Is there anyway you can just "Forget" the policy or are you unable to.
Try these files...
Delete the old sksc and sksw file and try these files.
If they work, I'll post them to the original thread (which you posted in your second post). Place these files as described in steps 2 & 3. Sorry for the headache.
Let me know if this works.
Hmmm sorry to say, still the same.
It keeps the device alive till the 15 minutes policy comes in.
Might this be some other kind of trigger?
Some new files....
Sorry for the headaches. What I'd like to try next is have you try a new set of files. The ones you tried yesterday was supposed to prevent the device from locking by simulating the pressing of the "home" key. I'm wondering if this key doesn't work on your Wizard (I'm using a Universal). These new files will now simulate the pressing of the "enter" button. (Just so you know, when I tested this program on my JasJar/Universal, I did find that using certain "simulated" keys would not work. So maybe the "home" key doesn't work on your Wizard.).
Now this will not be the end solution. When you press the enter key when TomTom is running, it will bring up the main menu. When you press the enter button a second time, it returns you to the navigation screen. I want to test to see if SKScheMa is running properly. If it is, when you launch TomTom and don't touch anything, you should be able to see the screen cycle between the main menu and the navigation screen every 58 seconds.
Let me know if you see this behavior.
First of all thanks a lot that you are helping out here.
It doesn't seem to work. The screen does NOT change to the menu and back.
One comment, because I have a German device (unfortunately) , the program is in German as well. But that should not be a problem with the script I think.
You mention in your guide do click to ok button on the right top side. This closes the program and I do not find it running when looking under the started programs in settings. Is this correct?
I also tried not clicking ok, but this does not change anything.
Just trying to think with you. Is the ENTER key the same code as on your device?
BR Rogier
Thanks for the info on German. My guess is that the application name may be different (i.e. it's not TomTom Navigator but rather a German title). There's a relatively easy way to check.
First open TomTom.
Next, press the 'contacts' button.
From there, you should see the Windows Start Menu. Go to Windows Start -> Settings -> System -> Memory -> Running Programs.
There should be a list of the applications running. Do you see "TomTom Navigator" or something else?
P.S. I think the code will work on non-english versions, but only the developer can really answer that.
The Name of TomTom Navigator is the same.
Also the SKSchema Program is in German of course :-(
Is there an other option in SKSchema I can test to see if this is working at all?
(I am waiting on a new english ROM from our IT department.)
You can experiment and create some "watch" functions/programs. I recommend that you use the program to create some test cases. Here's a link to their instructions on how to create watch programs (and scripts too):
For example, when I learned how this program work, I created "test cases" in the watch section of the program. Some things you may want to try:
When a program is running (make it easy by using Contacts, Calendar, etc), play a sound.
Once you've created this "watch" script, SKScheMa will "watch" for the program to be launched and when I sees that it has been launched, it will continuously play a sound while the program is running.
Once you've sucessfully completed the sound test, you just start customizing it to your needs. For example, the next test may be to simulate pressing a key when the application is running. The simulation of pressing a key should prevent your device from locking. Using this test, you can see if your device still "locks" after 15 minutes.
P.S. I'm sorry you're having so much difficulty. If I can help you further (not that I've really helped you thus far), please let me know.
He no worries, I will have a look this weekend.
Many thanks.
Unlocked device and updated to english ROM (finally).
Will test again.
simulating the pressing of the "enter" button now seems to work. COOL.
Will test with the other file now.
Ooooooo YES!!!!!
I am a Happy Man. This works now.
Seems the German Version of the Utility does not liked the script or so.
On an Englisch ROM all seems to work fine.
Thanks a lot for your help.
I'm glad it worked out. I can't help but wonder....why does the language make a difference. I'm not a programmer so I guess I'll never know.
BTW, you can use SKTools to keep other programs open too. Let's say you want to keep your device alive while surfing the internet. You can develop a similar script for Pocket Internet Explorer/Opera/NetFront. I use it to keep alive TomTom and iGuidance. Take care. Justin
Thanks a lot for the tip.

Disabling 8125 Camera

I have already seen a previous threads on disabling the camera on an 8125, but...
My company just starting enforcing a no camera phone policy, and I would like to find a way to not only map the key differently, but have the screen say "CAMERA DISABLED" when the camera button is pressed. This would satisfy the entrance receptionist. I am new to this list, and this is my first PPC phone. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
why not map the camera key to none? go to start, settings, buttons
shogunmark said:
I have a new found love for our newbies... if you doubt me then i invite you to read the cingular customer forums and you will gain appreciation
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Hope that wasn't referencing mwah!! LOL!!
I know what you mean though. That's why I migrated over here -- more intelligent life in these parts -- at least, most of the time anyway.
newbie2 said:
Hope that wasn't referencing mwah!! LOL!!
I know what you mean though. That's why I migrated over here -- more intelligent life in these parts -- at least, most of the time anyway.
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maybe i should have said a new appreciation.. some people think we get dumb questions over here from n00bs.. but 90% of the posters on the cingulars boards dont have a clue, drives me nuts.. anyway now that i am done hijacking this thread..
Is the solution to mapping the key to none a good solution for you excesszone or do you need something different?
It'd be very easy to knock together an app to do this, although as my brethren suggest, perhaps just prepare a bitmap with said legend, and then map that to the camera key. Pressing the key would launch the bitmap with the "camera ist kaputt" image etc.
But an exe could be prepared to do the same.
First of all, Thanks for your assistance...
1)I have already remapped the camera button to <NONE>, but I still would like the screen to say "CAMERA DISABLED" upon pressing the camera button.
2)Actually, I honestly would like the camera software to be truly disabled or removed, and usable only if the actual camera software (or enabling program, or app, or whatever) is reloaded. This way if any company's security dept. really went looking for the camera application they still would not be able to launch it. I really do want to do the honest thing here since I ultimately want to comply with the no camera policy. I still need to visit secure facilities.
...but, I do not want to be greedy, so solution 1) above will suffice. Is it possible to drag the Camera app Icon into another folder, so it is out of sight?
I inadvertantly replied previously to "shogunmark" with a personal response, which mentioned that as a mechanical engineer of 25 yrs, (with early 80 char punch card fortran coding experience), I run for the hills when it comes to writing lines of forgive me if I may require from time to time, a little "hand holding" (skip the h_mo phobe jokes!!! ). Thanks again.
Cingular 8125
humble newbie
There are posts on disabling the camera like this already I think.
Look up user Chatty's posts from memory - he eventually physically removed the cam, but I think you can try just overwritting the camera.exe with a dummy one. Then delete the dummy to re-enable the camera. Might work, might not!
Certainly you can move the camera shortcut elsewhere, and change the icon and call it Cat_Pr0n or something so people don't get suspicious.
excesszone said:
First of all, Thanks for your assistance...
1)I have already remapped the camera button to <NONE>, but I still would like the screen to say "CAMERA DISABLED" upon pressing the camera button.
2)Actually, I honestly would like the camera software to be truly disabled or removed, and usable only if the actual camera software (or enabling program, or app, or whatever) is reloaded. This way if any company's security dept. really went looking for the camera application they still would not be able to launch it. I really do want to do the honest thing here since I ultimately want to comply with the no camera policy. I still need to visit secure facilities.
...but, I do not want to be greedy, so solution 1) above will suffice. Is it possible to drag the Camera app Icon into another folder, so it is out of sight?
I inadvertantly replied previously to "shogunmark" with a personal response, which mentioned that as a mechanical engineer of 25 yrs, (with early 80 char punch card fortran coding experience), I run for the hills when it comes to writing lines of forgive me if I may require from time to time, a little "hand holding" (skip the h_mo phobe jokes!!! ). Thanks again.
Cingular 8125
humble newbie
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[email protected] no h_mo jokes.. there goes my reply.. lol .. how about this joke instead.. you have had almost as many years exprience as a mechanical engineer as i have been alive, welcome to the boards grandpa!
Now down to business.
you could go to:
\Windows folder and delete camera.exe
\Windows\Start Menu and delete camera.lnk (only if camera is in the start menu)
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and delete camera.lnk
This will ensure it wont come up. Camera.exe from the windows folder may be difficult to delete, however if you delete the lnk's it will keep it from being easily accessible and they would really have to dig to get the camera app up. Also as an alternative you might want to look around on the other boards and see if anyone has an 8100 they are willing to trade for your 8125, its the same phone just minus the camera!
I think you can have option (2). Just go to \Window, copy the camera.exe to somewhere else, rename it to (say) `thisIsNotCamera.exe` and have it copied into \Windows. Make an exe that display `Camera Disabled` and rename it to camera.exe and copied that into \Windows. You can keep all your links alive, if the security wanted to check, they will just see `Camera Disabled`, unless they are going into \Windows and execute each and every of your file. When you want to use camera, just find this secret file of yours.
As for the exe that display `camera disabled`, I bet anyone can write a Hello World for pocket pc is able to write one for you.
More on disabling 8125 camera
You guys are lifesavers. An old guy like me (as per shogunmark) needs help from time to time. My walker kind of slows me down!!!
My office (IT dept) will accept that my camera is disabled if the sceen says so after pushing the button, so I am electing OPTION 1 (mentioned in previous posts). It sounds like it could be handled with an app or an exe, and beyond.But what is the simplest way of achieving this?
Also, can I ask someone to write this and step me through its creation and install. I tried moving the Camera Icon / program into another folder and had no success. I am still a bit gun shy hacking into my 8125. Back in my day...
Cingular 8125
"Grandpa" at 42 yrs
excesszone: if you think you've got it bad, it seems that Shogun has decided to re-populate the planet all by his lonesome + his 400 kids. And he's only 15 years old, not even legal!
vijay555 said:
excesszone: if you think you've got it bad, it seems that Shogun has decided to re-populate the planet all by his lonesome + his 400 kids. And he's only 15 years old, not even legal!
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its amazing how i find time to even post on here
excesszone said:
You guys are lifesavers. An old guy like me (as per shogunmark) needs help from time to time. My walker kind of slows me down!!!
My office (IT dept) will accept that my camera is disabled if the sceen says so after pushing the button, so I am electing OPTION 1 (mentioned in previous posts). It sounds like it could be handled with an app or an exe, and beyond.But what is the simplest way of achieving this?
Also, can I ask someone to write this and step me through its creation and install. I tried moving the Camera Icon / program into another folder and had no success. I am still a bit gun shy hacking into my 8125. Back in my day...
Cingular 8125
"Grandpa" at 42 yrs
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The easiest way is to create a text file called camera.txt rename it to camera.exe and place it in the \windows folder overwriting the camera.exe. (with total commander or gsfinder) Now when you click camera button an error message will pop up - will that suffice? You can do the same with clear storage - will stop one of shogunmarks many kids reseting your device.
Where is a mod when you need one?
Attached a simple hello world application to display the message "The camera function has been disabled permanently for security reasons.". Useful if you want to by pass security check to. . . let them check your phone.

