Screen Brightness - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

When I open the camera application on my I-mate JAM/HTC Magician, the screen goes bright for a second when the camera app. is about to open but it goes back to slightly dull after i close the camera.
I have maximum brightness in the settings.
Is there anyway to make the screen stay bright just like the second before the camera opens?

There are at least a couple of ways to do this.
One is VJLumos, which I don't recommend.
Another is VJLumos II - which is being released in a few days.

Thank you! Awaiting the release of VJLumos 2. How soon do you reckon you'll release it?

Magician version is done, and works great. Just tweaking the Universal version (which also works, but needs a little refining). Release hopefully around this weekend or so.
I don't have a wizard so can't support it for now, unfortunately.
Implementation is cool now, automatic superbrite every time you switch on, and no more risk of a hard reset :shock: I was showing Mrs Vijay555 yesterday. She wasn't impressed I'm so misunderstood...

oh lol sigh. I had a look at your site...people should praise your talent more often
Anyway, why don't you share the Magician one now

I thought I had it on my ftp but I don't, so give me a while and I'll send you over a beta, if I remember. If you don't get by tomorrow, PM me.

Ok then...i'll be waiting. Thanks!

hi all
i'm very interested to by this soft. I was looking for this since 1 year so it's very nice you done it.
waiting for that to

I've been investigating in the brightness hack and could finally track down what's necessary to enable it. This is the real way to enable it, which means no unneccessary DLLs are loaded and you're no chance of risking a soft reset because of this. The other advantage is that if you have your camera hardware removed this hack still works - on a Magician at least. I hope I can try this hack on a Hermes next week (don't own one).
I'm almost done creating an app like VJLumos II. If it's ready I'll post it in this forum.
PS: I was experiencing a hard reset during my research... so I hope you can esteem what I immolated

Ok, here it is.
For the moment this is for Magician only! And even on them you run this at your own risk!
This app is very freaky - it has no (obvious) dependencies and therefore loads fast like hell. Although being already ruddy slim and thus perfect staying resident it doesn't. But it accepts four parameters which are as follows:
on --> enable SuperBrightness
off --> disable SuperBrightness
install --> install a OnWakeUp event
remove --> remove event
Again: this app does not load anything (and consume memory) nor does it expose you to risk a soft reset.
Nevertheless I still encouter the odd behaviour, that Magicians without the camera hardware do not get superbright on WakeUp.

ahh vjays555 worked for me..
might prove usefull when im using my magician as a GPS..
oh btw, i tried chatty's program first and all i downloaded was 'attatchment. php'

whitemoo said:
i tried chatty's program first and all i downloaded was 'attatchment. php'
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No problems here - got a zip with one exe and 4 lnk's as it was supposed to.

Some news about our backlight:
Well, above a certain a minimum level brightness can be controlled continously from dark to (super-)bright. Keypad light can be controlled independently, but on/off only. Another news: absolute minimum is still a little darker than official (Control Panel) minimum. So if you're in for a little book reading under your blanket this could safe your eyes a little more. So currently I'm thinking of a new cmdline app which offers you to set brightness in all possible levels (super-dark to super-bright).
I dunno when I'll find the time for it, but is anyone interested at all?

pick me!
heheh, i use msn messenger and type up notes in the dark, it strains the eyes. Sometimes i watch movies on it in plain darkness.
Would be a cool utility to have. Dont know if anyone doese the same things i do, Since its so hard to sync for me through bluetooth.
Bring on the interest!.

I got a wicked idea: how about flashing a new brightness dll into the living device like it is done with the splash screen? The usual brightness control panel applet would then operate in the wider range and this hack would not eat up any memory.
Whohoo... exciting... lots of work to do, but interesting project.


NEW! [MAGICIAN ONLY] VJLumos - Superbright screen! RTFM

[Update Nov 7: Universal too! Use VJLumosLite]
If you follow this thread you’ll see discussion of the bizarre behaviour of the Magician’s screen when you start the camera; the screen momentarily goes whiter than white, nay, SuperBright. However, this level of brightness has been hidden from us in normal use.
I have developed a technique for using this SuperBright mode. I’m not too proud of it, because it’s an “ugly hack”, meaning a bit of a cheat. The ideal way to do this would be to reverse engineer the camera program, camera driver or screen driver and find out how it does this. I didn’t do this. I basically trick the system into thinking the camera is always running, hence always SuperBright.
Now, it basically works. However, and I cannot stress this enough, IT IS DANGEROUS.
Initially, I accept no responsibility for use of this program on your hardware.
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I don’t know the effect of running your screen so bright for prolonged periods. However, it’s basically just enabling the camera, so if the camera works SuperBright safely, I guess this should too.
The SuperBright mode can ONLY be achieved once per soft reset. So that means, use it once, and then when you power off the Magician it will go back to normal brightness again. If you try to run your camera again, it WILL HARD RESET the Magician. Let me say that again. Hard Reset. Not soft. So take a backup before use, and use wisely, and say no to drugs. To reenable SuperBright you will have to soft reset again.
VJLumos cannot (hopefully) be shut down after it’s been run, to remind you that you’ve run it once so don’t be a fool and run the camera again. Or it will hard reset your phone. Did I mention this?
VJLumos will show you a warning on startup. This can be optionally overridden by starting the program with a command line “silent”, eg
“vjlumos.exe silent”
I reiterate. I did not want to release this program because it is an ugly hack, works only once per soft reset and can hard reset your Magician. But I’ve been asked to release it, so caveat emptor.
This program took quite a while to develop and release, so if you want to express thanks or monetary vengefulness, please feel free to send a donation to my “Buy Vijay a WM5 device so he can keep pumping out the goods” campaign.
I need to buy a WM5 device to finish developing a ton of good stuff I can’t share with you guys yet. However, my Magician’s only a few months old and my better half won’t let me spend more cash now, so if I save up, you guys will reap the rewards. My stuff will generally be free or nearly free, particularly for XDA forum users. Stay tuned for more goodies on show shortly.
Click here to make a donation. :wink:
Guys, if you use this, successfully or not, please post. I need to keep track of how it works.
Download VJLumos.exe
Update - Lite version
If the automatic version (above) doesn't work for you, please try the "lite" version. To use this one:
1. Place a shortcut to VJLumosLite in your startmenu (no installer included for now).
2. Start the camera.
3. Click the tools option (second icon in the bottom right corner).
4. Click the tools menu.
5. Choose Adjust...
6. Now go to your startmenu and run VJLumosLite.
7. Hopefully after a few seconds you'll return to the today screen in SuperBright mode.
8. If you get an error message, please PM me with details of your setup.
Download VJLumosLite.exe
Further update, camera.exe
It appears that there are different versions of the camera.exe program on our phones. I'm using ROM 1.12. If you have incompatibilies, you can download the camera.exe from my ROM here. Install it in your \windows\ folder. If there are any copyright issues I'll take it down.
PS Did I mention the hard reset? Don’t run the camera again after VJLumos. And backup BEFORE first use in case you forget.
PPS Oh, and if you find yourself in a strange screen with a cross on it, press hangup (the red key) or somehow go back to Today screen.
PPPS I don't recommend putting this in your startup folder. It needs to play around with the camera, and your startup may be slow, causing problems with interacting with it.
Congrats for achieving what you've done so far
Chatty, did it work with your amputated camera?
Well, no. It says "Couldn't start adjust dialog". That's a big hint towards how you did it ;-)
Now I'm gonna soft reset and pray I won't face an unwanted hard reset regardless what I'm doing.
I've left all debug messages in, and of course, as discussed in the other thread, that's exactly how I did it!
The camera program will obviously not start up when it doesn't find a camera then. I can't think of any other way to make it work for you.
Any chance you could have just changed the faceplate on your phone, rather than remove the camera? At work we've got some great adhesive silver foil, which I've used to cover the back of my magician (and ipod) with. It looks ok, and prevents scratching when throwing it down on the desk. It would cover the camera part well I think, and not look too poo.
Did it hardreset?
Luckily it didn't hard reset yet... but with Radio 1.13 I have the strange problem, that after a soft reset I get a msg like there's no driver for my BT hardware and I shall enter a name for the driver?! After a few power off/on it works again.
Changing the faceplate only would violate firm's policy I guess because you could always take away the plate, shoot photos and send them away immediately via MMS. I can faithfully admit I've got no "PDA with camera", I only got an allowed "PDA without camera". Another thing is, it's easily undoable. I needed this already for using my warranty.
Has anyone (else) tried this yet? I need to know if it works or needs deleting... please post either good or bad.
I can't test it because i don't know how to use the command line
If i start the file it shows me a warning message and after 3 seconds the screen return normal.
Andrea - when I said that if you don't know how to use a command line you shouldn't use it, I was just being careful. You don't need to use a command line.
Run the program. You'll get the warning. Then just click ok. What happens after that? On my system it goes through its actions for a couple of seconds, then returns to the Today screen with the new brighter screen.
On my magician it shows a warning message and after start camera and shows a message: "Couldn't find adjust dialog" then i press ok and there are 2 black windows open, i close them and the camera is on. I turn off camera and the screen returns to normal brightness
i'll hopefully release a simpler more compatible version tomorrow morning. Sorry you guys who are having troubles.
I'm waiting to test it! :lol:
Andrea, I've posted a lite version, please read the first post again and download.
All If the automatic version doesn't work for you, please PM me with your setup, eg startup programs, rom, or any special stuff you might be running. It runs perfectly on my 1.12 Magician, but I can't test it on any other. However, do try the new lite version, which requires you to manually go to the camera's Adjust... dialog, and then run VJLumosLite. It should return to the today screen in bright mode.
Oh, and I've updated the original version as well (updated version) to give it more time to find the windows it needs. Please try this version if it didn't work before, but you have had success with vjlumoslite which should work for everyone).
Please tell me if it works or not
Vijay, u've got a new pm!
@code72: He can see that for himself... why did you post here without any further information? This way it's useless for everyone.
Sorry Chatty i was excited.
I've sended him my configuration and the screen of error message.
(Vijay wrote: If the automatic version doesn't work for you, please PM me with your setup)
My screen capture is:
Guys, code72 got it working. It appears that we have different versions of the camera.exe program on our phones. Don't know how that happened. I'm using ROM 1.12.
If you have incompatibilies, you can download the camera.exe from my ROM here. Install it in your \windows\ folder. If there are any copyright issues I'll take it down.
Also, Code72 asked if I could update the program to prevent the Hard Reset. I'm afraid I can't, I wish I could. The hard reset happens because basically I'm forcing the camera to think it's on (even when it's off), to force the bright screen. However, then, if you try to start the camera again, it discovers that it thinks it's already on, conflicts with itself and crashes out badly. So, the only choice is not to run the camera twice... sorry guys. If I come up with a better solution, I'll post it.
Thanks Vijay, for me VjlumosLite works ok. The screen is very brightness wow!
I've put vijay's camera.exe file in Windows folder, i've put VjlumosLite on SD card, i've created a shortcut to VjlumosLite in start menu then:
start camera
press camera settings
press tools->adjiust
press start menu VjlumosLite and.....
Wow, u are in today screen with a very brightness screen!
has someone tried this?
Guys, I've just managed to get a Universal, and guess what? VJLumosLite works!?

[new release] VJLumos III (Hermes only)

[EDIT - I forgot to mention what this app does!]
All, this is a new version of VJLumos for the Hermes (primarily). VJLumos is used to take advantage of the brief flash of extra brightness you see when you start the camera.
VJLumos puts your device into that extra bright mode (semi-)permanently.
You are advised to look up VJLumos II on my website to find out more detail.
Guys, I'm stuck in court every day until Christmas, so I'm not getting much programming done these days, and when I am, it's on a new website, not C++
However, I finally gave VJLumos another crack, since I can't believe the Hermes screen is so pale. So here you go, a TEST version of VJLumos III. It's not feature complete yet, but it works (I think )
Launch it to make the screen brighter.
Launch it again to disable it.
While VJLumos is on, you cannot use the camera. Deactivate it (ie load it a second time) to use the camera.
It seems to work, and seems to survive pressing standby. I may add more features as required, but it's hot off the press for you guys to try out.
Let me know if it works, what you think, and how your battery life gets on.
No installer for now, just run the app.
PS It may work on other devices.
For the Magician, use VJLumos II
For the Wizard, send me a wizard and I'll support it!
On the Universal it doesn't make much difference, so not recommended.
But on the Hermes, super brite!
thank you very much
worked fine but we can't run the camera ,, Why!!!
the error is : the camera is in use ,, we have to exit from the super brite to open the camera
anyway ,, thank u 2much bro
@its right: It's because you're too f***ing lazy to read a damn thing! vijay has told on several occasions how his hack works. Basically: load the camera (not visible) and voila!
vijay555 said:
PS It may work on other devices.
For the Magician, use VJLumos II
For the Wizard, send me a wizard and I'll support it!
On the Universal it doesn't make much difference, so not recommended.
But on the Hermes, super brite!
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"send me a Wizard" hehe, i'd love to have more devices to study them too but in this case i don't think it's needed since the Wizard has a very bright display. I use it on the lowest level (bellow that light is off ) and only if sunlight is hitting it directly it's needed to increase the backlight
thank you.
its working great on my hermes...
thank a lot.
mestrini said:
only if sunlight is hitting it directly it's needed to increase the backlight
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Is that so? I'd love that while watching movies on my Magician. Lowest level is only sufficient under blanket ;-)
Chatty, what phone are you on now? Did you ever get your camera thing sorted out?
Chatty said:
Is that so? I'd love that while watching movies on my Magician. Lowest level is only sufficient under blanket ;-)
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yep, i even use it as a flashlight in my home at night when all lights are off and get sore eyes when trying to see the time in the middle of the night. All this in lowest brightness level
I've tried VJLumos on my Magician and Hermes, and suprisingly the Hermes screen is slightly brighter. The Universal is quite dark, and the Mio a701 is quite bright (but VJLumos doesn't work on this).
Can you possibly make on/off comand line options in addition to the default toggle.
This makes it possible to automatically turn your app off before launching camera app.
Somebody willing to test a little hack on his/her Hermes? It should lighten up its display without doing a softreset if you start the camera app...
For me the Lumos program has the added plus of disabling my unit's internal CPU clock scaling, so it runs at full speed while on. Although I do not have the hermes or tytn, this probably applies to all new HTC units with internal camera.
This has also helped me with PHM overclocking in the past, because the conflict of controling the CPU was removed while using the Lumos program.
Max CPU speed is probably also why the battery drains faster.
Lol, that's a good "feature"!
Chatty, I'll be intersted, I think I found another way to do it recently as well without using the camera function. Haret also shows another way. But send me over a test app if you have one.
vijay555 said:
I think I found another way to do it recently as well without using the camera function. Haret also shows another way.
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What are those ways? Mine involves nothing but a few peeks and pokes around 0xB00013xx.
I'll be disclosing my new program in a few days... anxiuos about hearing about your success on hermes with it.
Works on Prophet
Thanks for this app. VJLumosIII works on my i-mate Jamin, so it should work on the Prophet, because they have the same hardware.
The app pulls the brightness to the same level as the highest that can be reached with Settings -> System -> Backlight. That's quite nice, because it helps reading the display when I'm outdoors.
Does your screen go brighter when you start the camera? It's supposed to emulate that brightness, so on Hermes/Universal/Magician it makes the screen brighter then the normal maximum brightness you can configure in settings.
Works great for me. I added to my windows/start menu folder and then was able to add it on the PTT button for the toggle on/off Brightness and then set the Press and Hold for the PTT toggle to vibrate.
You guys are great.
Cingular 8525
vijay555 said:
[EDIT - I forgot to mention what this app does!]
All, this is a new version of VJLumos for the Hermes (primarily). VJLumos is used to take advantage of the brief flash of extra brightness you see when you start the camera.
VJLumos puts your device into that extra bright mode (semi-)permanently.
You are advised to look up VJLumos II on my website to find out more detail.
Guys, I'm stuck in court every day until Christmas, so I'm not getting much programming done these days, and when I am, it's on a new website, not C++
However, I finally gave VJLumos another crack, since I can't believe the Hermes screen is so pale. So here you go, a TEST version of VJLumos III. It's not feature complete yet, but it works (I think )
Rumor has it that you have a program that can shrink the size of the top taskbar and then size of the soft keys to save space?
I can't find it on your website.
Could you help?
I think the start bar is a big waste of space as are the soft keys--why so big?
Launch it to make the screen brighter.
Launch it again to disable it.
While VJLumos is on, you cannot use the camera. Deactivate it (ie load it a second time) to use the camera.
It seems to work, and seems to survive pressing standby. I may add more features as required, but it's hot off the press for you guys to try out.
Let me know if it works, what you think, and how your battery life gets on.
No installer for now, just run the app.
PS It may work on other devices.
For the Magician, use VJLumos II
For the Wizard, send me a wizard and I'll support it!
On the Universal it doesn't make much difference, so not recommended.
But on the Hermes, super brite!
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Rumor has it that you have a program that can shrink the size of the top taskbar and then size of the soft keys to save space?
I can't find it on your website.
Could you help?
I think the start bar is a big waste of space as are the soft keys--why so big?
If what the program does is start camera app and minimize it, why not give it the ability to, when you press the camera button, you just maximize the camera app?
It doesn't start the camera app and minimise it.
VJLumos I did that, but it had a tendency to hard reset the phone due to the camera having fits about being minimised - it's programmed to disable itself when it's not the onscreen app.
VJLumos II onwards use a different technique.
VJLumos III is built on VJLumos II, but aimed primarily at the Hermes.
pufftissue: I missed your post! VJToggleToday II

Tytn and maximum lcd backlight

Hi, did anyone noticed that maximum Tytn's backlight is much dimmer than Wizard's? But it seems that it is only a software block because when you start Camera application, brightness goes much higher.. It's not matter of life and death, but it quite annoys me.
So.. Do anyone know if there is some way how to enable higher values? Probably some registry fix or something like that...
naciniak said:
Hi, did anyone noticed that maximum Tytn's backlight is much dimmer than Wizard's? But it seems that it is only a software block because when you start Camera application, brightness goes much higher.. It's not matter of life and death, but it quite annoys me.
So.. Do anyone know if there is some way how to enable higher values? Probably some registry fix or something like that...
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Well thanks to the fantastic Vijay555 there is something you can do:
check this:
oh.. thanks
I have to say, I hate using my Hermes without VJLumos. The normal max brightness is horrible, washed out and weak...
i remapped the record button for youre great app works well
Yeah.. nice program.. but unfortunately it is still just trying to bypass the problem by using the camera application. So when Vjlumos is running you are unable to use the camera.. There must by some other way. I hope somebody will find it..
But still.. It is a great program
There is another way, but remember that the extra brightness is tied to the camera functions.... I've been thinking about rewriting this app to turn it into a service so it takes less resources.
If and when, I'll try to make it camera independant. But the problem with that is that it will be device specific ie Hermes.
But then I thought, meh? Whatever, it'll still be better!
naciniak said:
Yeah.. nice program.. but unfortunately it is still just trying to bypass the problem by using the camera application. So when Vjlumos is running you are unable to use the camera.. There must by some other way. I hope somebody will find it..
But still.. It is a great program
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This is a great app. However for me, I'm able to use the camera without having to disable the app. I just hit the camera button to access the camera function, then hit the camera button again and was able to take a picture. With that being said, once I exited the camera function, the screen was dim again and I had to hit my VJLumos icon twice (once to disable, once again to enable) to get the screen back to its brightness. Currently a small price to pay.
Vijay, nice apps. Even if you make this app specific to Hermes, I think you'll have a lot of satisfied people. Thanks for great apps!

[IDEA] touch friendly brightness app SetBrightness - screenshot included

Fellow developers
As many here, I have welcomed the new era of touch friendly apps and GUIs. In the plethora of great applications that we can all find here, I feel there's a need for one more (most likely for many more, but this post focuses on only one )
Basically in everyday use, I have always had a problem with quick brightness change. The urge for that usually strikes in the least convinient moments e.g. during a car drive when the sun starts shining straight into my screen and there's no time for little tete-a-tete with good 'ol stylus, or cycling the level of brightness. None of the existing solutions seem to be perfect.
Therefore I think there's a hole to fill in by an application that I imagine, could work on very similar basis to MarcLandis's - SetVolume.
Please have a look at the concept screenshot attached.
I believe it's pretty self explanatory.
Just few words of comments:
- two separate battery & external brightness tabs (though they can be on a single screen as well),
- advanced button - is a link to system brightness panel,
- power button - is a link to the system power panel,
- +/- increase/decrease brightness level.
Optional features could include:
- skin support,
- cooperation with current apps such as S2U2,
- linking to hardware/software buttons,
- ... I'm sure you can think of some other things as well.
I understand, that due to different implementation of brightness panels/reg keys by different manufacturers this app can be a challenge. But I'm sure that's not impossible also and can be solved by different configuration profiles, or other solutions that I'm prolly not aware of.
Unfortunately being 'code deblitated' I cannot write this app myself. However, on my side I can offer full support in the graphics department and help to prepare the needed elements for different screen resolutions.
Your comments are most welcome, and hopefully someone can stand up for the challenge
Its already done in WKTASK - the best task manager for WM.
I suggest you change its normal setup to do a Launch when you hold the close X button down (easily done with a finger).
This then brings up a customized menu that can have the brightness, volume you are looking for.
this is exactly what I want to do as my next project!
I hope you will help me with graphics.
Stay in touch, please.
Dear bsw11,
I'm of course familiar with your app, which btw. is really great, however it exceeds the simple functionality of just a brightness app that I was looking for.
My point was, to have such app literally 1 click away (either hardware/software button). Currently I had created a direct shortcut to my Windows brightness panel, the problem is - that it isn't finger friendy at all - you have to pinpoint the slider, which is next to impossible if you're driving a car, or even in public transport where everything is shaking.
Maybe MVBklight... which is a today plugin also
francarl said:
this is exactly what I want to do as my next project!
I hope you will help me with graphics.
Stay in touch, please.
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Glad to heear that francarl of course I'm ready to help.
Hi..In the last few days i wrote an application like this.. if you want to try.. all feedback are welcome..
Only VGA/WVGA HTC for now..
mylostblog said:
Hi..In the last few days i wrote an application like this.. if you want to try.. all feedback are welcome..
Only VGA/WVGA HTC for now..
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Unfortunately I don't have VGA HTC device to test :/
fbifbi said:
Unfortunately I don't have VGA HTC device to test :/
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this is an alpha.. QVGA WQVGA are now supported too..
For other brand i need more time.. i have to find the right dll to invoke
Can Mylight be themed like the concept? In the new rom I installed my volume adjustments look much like the concept it would be nice if the backlight adjustments matched. Is this something easy to do?
I installed mylight aaaaannnnnddd yeah it doesnt seem to actually do anything? Is this just a graphic demo of what it would look like? Cause as I push the yellow thing up and it fills it up it doesnt actually change the screen brightness.

How can we get this ball rolling?

okay ive had a fair few htc devices, and im a fan of flashing custom roms etc.
i've just ordered an s740 as i think they look like lovely devices and have heard good reviews so far.
Now i've seen olipro's thread which went off topic..
so how shall we get the development ball rolling?
how about a collection to get olipro one of these devices
(going for about £180 - £230 on ebay)
and im sure if we all donate £5 - £10 (or more or less if need be) it wont take us long before we get some good custom roms etc
i know i can't be the only one out there thinking this!
Let me know what you guys think
comon guys
50 views and not one comment?
is everyone really that happy with their device???
I only find 1 thing annoying. When the keypad is locked I am still able to use the keys for volume.
For the rest I think the device is pretty good.
r-jansen said:
For the rest I think the device is pretty good.
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I think it is pretty good as well but could still use a few tweaks. I would contribute to any of the following on an otherwise clean ROM...
Windows Mobile 6.5 - Well this is an obvious update, especially if HTC never offers one.
Tx9 - Sometimes Tx9 is used and sometimes not in various applications on the ROM. Would be much better if it were one or the other.
Browser System Command Warning - Warning on dialing phone numbers from the browser seems unnecessary if the dialer is going to 'verify the number is correct' anyway.
Key backlighting - Frequently I get a reminder late at night and the phone is locked but the reminder doesn't turn on the key backlighting so I can see which option is which. Other applications are inconsistent as well.
Home start menu All Programs - I would prefer to have the option to not see 'all programs' there.
Home start menu scrolling - I don't like having to choose 'more' there. I would much prefer the scrolling through each panel of nine icons.
1,2,3,4 app - I suspect this is an HTC feature but I really dislike having one more UI to learn. When you flip the keybaord open it shouldn't prompt you with a 1 SMS, 2 email, 3 messenger and 4 exit menu even if it is for 5 seconds. Better to keep whatever menu you are in.
Weather Panel - This seems like it should use the GPS and pick a city. Also, if you turn the phone off or in flight mode and turn it back on it should recheck the GPS and change the city or prompt to change the city.
Option to keep keyboard locked even if open - Well some of us have little kids and they figure out how to get the keyboard open pretty quickly
I don't know what ships by default but some obvious codecs would be AAC, AC3 and any other standard codecs.
Additional Applications
Impromptu Meeting App - The automatic ring feature is great if you use exchange since your phone will go into vibrate mode in meetings. In fact you get kind of dependent on it handling that for you so if you go to the movies or dinner or an impromptu meeting you forget to switch to vibrate or afterward you forget to switch back. It would be nice to have an app to put a placeholder appointment on your calander for an hour or two (which would switch to vibrate) . Even better if it would remove the appointment afterward.
Shortcuts - It would be nice to create shortcuts to applications in something that shipped with the ROM.
Home Page - I know this can be changed in the registry but while someone is at it change the web homepage to igoogle or google mobile.
If I like something on Rose, it is boredom with her when setting/tweaking. Without any "exciting" seeking/trying/zilions of reflashings of ROMs.
And, to be honest, MOST of things on your list ARE included in basic settings and some others are easy to be changed by simple (permanent!) tweaks in registry. I'm lazy to collect here what's where, so just two examples:
Rose IN STANDARD supports not just AAC, but AAC+ and eAAC+ as well, others are H.263, H.264, MPEG-4...
Function of your lovely Impromptu Meeting App you can activate on standard Rose in seconds: just activate Auto in Profiles. OK, it does not vibrate (it switches into quiet mode), but it exactly switches automatically ringing behaviour based on calendar events IN STANDARD. And they're much more such things (avoiding Action Menu, keylock not deactivated by sliding of te keyboard)...
So instead of calling for extra ROM, which will do what's already there, my recommendation would be classic: Read the f..... manual first. And if anybody would see gimmicks like iGoogle on homescreen or GPS based weather as so exciting that it will deserve tens (if not hundreds) of working hours on extra ROM just for these - you'll be a lucky man.
IMHO, spending few hours with searching around for settings and these few tweaks would be much faster and time efficient...
we don't need HardSPL, SSPL would be fine. Perhaps we bribe Olipro
$10 each ? whats his price
I'm sure if one of you lent oli your rose for a bit he could work his magic and get the job done
fuk i am on board. can we have some info from olinex(olipro+cmonex) as to how much donations is needed to get this done! i am getting one but shocked as to the lack of dev activity here. come on guys support yourn device.........once we have some solid feedback from the olinex crew then we can get ball rolling! they would really need the device but it is so similar to the touch pro in form factor that HDSPL for touchpro might need slightly tweaking to work on s740
I think this forum is dead no one poast here no one wants to do something with this model..are you so happy with your phones as they are without any improvements?
Maybe if someone could give as a tutorial how to make an HSPL we could do it more fast and we could make the ball rolling can someone do this?i am would be glad to help and do something for this device cuz it`s too awsome :d
shingers5 said:
fuk i am on board. can we have some info from olinex(olipro+cmonex) as to how much donations is needed to get this done! i am getting one but shocked as to the lack of dev activity here. come on guys support yourn device.........once we have some solid feedback from the olinex crew then we can get ball rolling! they would really need the device but it is so similar to the touch pro in form factor that HDSPL for touchpro might need slightly tweaking to work on s740
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well, I guess if it's enough to buy a htc rose for testing it'd be good.
cmonex said:
well, I guess if it's enough to buy a htc rose for testing it'd be good.
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how much would be needed to get this device? i got mine pretty cheap through the trade contacts..............
shingers5 said:
how much would be needed to get this device? i got mine pretty cheap through the trade contacts..............
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I have no idea... how much is pretty cheap? I don't mind if it is SIM locked. can make SIM unlocker no problem

