Calling all Wizard owners. Universal owners need YOU. - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am working on a WM5 version of the popular VGA hack OzVGA. I have all the registry settings I need but am missing some files from a QVGA installation of WM5. A member of the Himalaya forum provided me with his 96dpi DLLs but they appear to be incomplete and/or buggy.
Would it be possible for someone to rip and e-mail me the following files form your Wizard?
Thanks in advance.

i will rip them for you if you tell me how i can do it?, as it will not let me just copy the files to my pc?


Not having a Wizard I don't know how you would do it. I'm guessing you would need to download the rom from your device and then rip the files using the correct offsets.
Need someone more knowledgeable than me to advise on how to do it.

this might help.....
awhile back i was messing with my jasjar and wanted to copy some files from windows directory ...after trying i found renaming them and then copying them worked for most files
like browsres.96.dll could be renamed to browsre2.96.dll orbrowsres.96.dll2 ...
try and let us know


PPC 2003 and mkrom

Any brave soul try using mkrom in conjucntion with the 2003 ROM? I think I might give it a shot here in a bit but wanted to know if anybody had tried it yet...
I've managed to build a 2003 ROM. It's extremely tricky though. I'm working on customizing a ROM similar to the XDA Developers SER - as soon as I get some free time
I'd like to acknowledge all the help given to me by Developer Itsme in this endeavor.
Let me know any suggestions you may have for the new ROM.
i didn't know u could use mkrom with 2003 rom image. can u please post how u did it? i created a special version based on SE 1.1 rom but would like to put the same programs into the new rom. any help is appreciated.
sheran_g said:
I've managed to build a 2003 ROM. It's extremely tricky though. I'm working on customizing a ROM similar to the XDA Developers SER - as soon as I get some free time
I'd like to acknowledge all the help given to me by Developer Itsme in this endeavor.
Let me know any suggestions you may have for the new ROM.
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What's tricky about it...?
The modified registry file you make does not get picked up at the device startup. You need to manually inject the memory address of the modified registry file into the ROM in order for it to get picked up.
my latest romtools can be found at romtools
now it calls dumprom to find and fix the filedata offsets.
I think they should now build 2003 roms.
can u post the steps that u take to buid it? i'm trying right now and its not working. i'm having little problems. can u post ur default.reg and initobj.txt? any other help is apreciated.
Ok. Here they are in a nutshell:
Get the latest romtools.
Make the following dirs: romfiles, cfg, tmp, out, files, files1, files2
Split the ROM into Bootloader, bootimage, OS image, xipchain into the 'cfg' dir.
Dump the files in the OS image into a 'romfiles' dir.
Get the default registry file, initobj & initdb files into your 'cfg' dir.
Make changes to your default.reg and initobj.txt
Place any files you want loaded in the ROM into the 'files' dir.
Run ''
You should then have your new ROM. I'm sorry if it's extremely brief; you'll have to make do with this and the README file in the romtools archive file for now. You'll find my default.reg and initobj.txt files on my site:
Have you created a decent working custom WM2003 ROM?
If so what Apps have you added?
How much ROM space does it use?
I've not added any apps to my ROM. I have only added a carrier logo file and made some changes to the registry. So I cannot comment on ROM space yet. The ROM works fine.
what command did u use to extract rom files? did u do it under windows or unix?
I'm having problems trying to dump the rom image. I don't know if its too much to ask, but can u zip ur directory and post it somewhere so i can download it? or if u can post commands that u ran to dump the 2003 rom?
could you include "O2 home zune" to the 2003 image, like in the 2002 3.19 GER. Its for Germany interested only!
AR :?:
home zone depends on specific 3.19 rilgsm features. which are not in 4.*
okay, used dumprom -4 -d files -q nk.nbf and extracted all files. Got could not find pointer for ofs 00000000 ERROR but all the files seem to be there. Trying to figure this out. Saw the above abreviated directions but am fumbling around. Anyone have concise directions?
Anyone? Just give me a good hint then please.
Hi all!
When i overwrite the rilgsm.dll file in the t-mobile 4.0.10 image with the rilgsm.dll from the O2 GER 3.19 image, i could use the "O2 home zone" option with the hz.exe in Starup directory? rilgsm.dll from german image hes 'at+creg=2' string in it. probably the RIL_GetCellTowerInfo call is now implemented. When it can work, how could i write the german rilgsm.dll to the image? I haven't linux, could somebody cook the image for me?
here is the germen rilgsm.dll and the hz.exe for the "home zone" funktion!
PS: Sorry, my english! ;-)
the homezone enabled rilgsm.dll depends on other dll's and exe's.
probably ril.dll, stk.exe, cell*.dll and maybe more, I have not tried
replacing all.
you don't need to build a new rom in order to experiment with this, you
can just copy the desired files to \windows, to override the rom versions.
And I don't think it works with the RIL_GetCellTowerInfo call,
but adds some notification events.
to change the CREG setting you need to call RIL_DevSpecific with parameter 25 ( to turn it on ) or 26 ( to turn it off )
even though that does not seem to be how hz.exe does it.
I opened the image file in the Hex editor and renamed the file there rilgsm.dll. Then I flashed the image, which was phone probably deactivated, because rilgsm.dll was missing. Then I copied over ActiveSync the German rilgsm.dll into the Windows directory, XDA reset and he not accept the file. I assume because the file was not in the EPROM memory! Therefore I wanted to have rilgsm.dll first times in the image!
XDA developer Itsme said:
my latest romtools can be found at romtools
now it calls dumprom to find and fix the filedata offsets.
I think they should now build 2003 roms.
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Is there any other way i can access this site or I can download this files, the sites are block here in my country, Please Help

caller id not showing in merged rom please help.

hi sin i flashed my xda with your merged rom.
everything is ok expect the caller id.
it dosen't show the id is there any cab file for that?
if yes can you please post it here in this message so who ever's xda has this problem can use it.
thanks in advance.
as far as i understood the merged rom has an older version in it, but I don't have it on my xdaii.
If it has installed itself on your himalaya, uninstall instructions are in the thread
thanks M4io
but neither winzip nor win rar recognized the file i downloaded on the thread you have posted.
wnen i click on the download it shows.
(download the 1.34 mb file, 'download PHP').
now what i want to know is what is PHP?
and why dosen't the winzip & win rar recognized's this cab file.
thanksin advance.
jaykumarr said:
hi sin i flashed my xda with your merged rom.
everything is ok expect the caller id.
it dosen't show the id is there any cab file for that?
if yes can you please post it here in this message so who ever's xda has this problem can use it.
thanks in advance.
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Start>Programs>File Explorer>My Device>Extended Rom
Install Caller_ID_W..
PHP is a language which runs on the webserver. so when you click on download.php you actually start a service on the server, which gives you the requested file.
now these CAB-files are pocketpc cab files ad are kind of setup programs for PocketPC , so you have to copy the CAB to your pocketpc and execute it there.
You can execute it by putting it in your extended rom, modify the config.txt and hard reset (I hope you know what hard reset means/implies)
or simply by tapping on it in PPC file explorer. In this case the CAB will disappear after installation. But if you have a previous version of Caller_id installed, you best uninstall it first : by editing the registry as explained in the forementioned thread, deleting as much files from the previous thread as it allows you to, soft reset, and delete the rest of the files.
I sure hope you understand all this, because if you don't know what php is, don't know what PPC CABs are, then I would advice you not to mess around too much with your PPC internals.
i know what is cab file.
but i wanted to know weather the file is in zip format cus win zip doesn't recognize it and even when i paste it on my ppc it doesn't install it simply says (there is no application associated with ''caller_id_wwe'' run the application first,then open the file from with in)
sounds like something corrupt during download
clear your internet cache and download again, don't unzip/unrar it, just copy the complete CAB file to your PPC
almost everything is installed with cab, so it would be weird that no association exists. Or during the copying to PPC maybe the conversion went wrong.
I'm really guessing now, just keep trying.

Someone help to dump WM5.0 Emulator image.

The WM5.0 emulator is working on my PC.
Japanese Emu, S-Chinese emu, and T-CHinese, emulator. also english.
i want dll, mui, exe files from them, to make Japenese or chinese WM5.0
on my Himalaya with english WM5.
Hope someone can help to dump it or make dump tool.
i have a dump tool my friend made for WM2003 emulator, so not worked for WM5.0.
if need emulator image from WM5.0 SDK, i will upload i them.
Please help!
ms would be pretty stupid if they made it possible for one to unload a real rom image from an enulator
as far as i know then all roms have to be 100% made / "compiled" for each pda to work
so unless that emulator was using an 100% image of the rom for the device you want to upload it to later
i doubt it would work
Rudegar said:
ms would be pretty stupid if they made it possible for one to unload a real rom image from an enulator
as far as i know then all roms have to be 100% made / "compiled" for each pda to work
so unless that emulator was using an 100% image of the rom for the device you want to upload it to later
i doubt it would work
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thanks for your comment,
but plese dont worry i want just take the resourcese from dll or exe, to make mui files to pretend interface of OS.
i used this way to make japanese OS on my Blue Angel with PPC2003se.
Mr, Mamaichi teached this way to me in the past.
for your refference
Japanese site, but you can see the JPGs
ooh got a bit confused then i guess
You can dump the ROM image from WM5 emulator with a normal dumprom tool, but first you need to convert image from B000F to the NB format with the command:
perl PPC_USA_GSM_VR.BIN -wo ROM.BIN -oe 0x82000000
and then dump it as a normal rom:
dumprom.exe ROM.BIN -5 -d C:\ROM_DUMP
I've tested that on english version of emulator.
you'll need script and a new build of dumprom tool from itsme.
thanks for your information!
i will try it!!
Thanks Mamaich!
after i got your private message and done it!
i got dumped roms files form mnu!
@Japanese OS image
@Simple chinese OS image
@Smart phone (WM5) japanese image
after succesfull them, the splitrom have error on following emu image.
@English OS image
@Traditional OS image.
i dont know why???
may try to restart windows system and try again
any way, i got it!
hi Asukal,
can you please give me the links to your emu images?
i'm too lazy to search.. ;o)))
Yes, why not!
Here it it!
20MB <not dumped yet>
i could dumed english image also.
here it it! (17.32MB) dumped files
i dont know why i couldnt up load this as attachment???? :shock:
so i must use my own server :?
Asukal said:
after succesfull them, the splitrom have error on following emu image.
@English OS image
@Traditional OS image.
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what is the error text? I've dumped english ROM without errors
to mr,mamaich
i got successfult to dump english SDK emu rom after that.
But i took Bin from SDK in another computer.
I guess Bin file which i tryied dump at beggining was broken or have some problem??
or i have already opened and drove this emu image on the Emulator many times so it was not default already.
i have never tried again about T-CHinese Bin.
i think it can be possible if i took out another T-Chinese bin from another SDK.
the error text was...... cant remember exactry because i left that computer coz i am trip in europe now.
This image files has incorrect(or invalid) boot image.....or some like that.
sorry my late rplay.
I am in Germany now and have to visit Milan and paris after here.
MUI's in wm2005
Hi, everybody!
I followed this thread and successfully created some MUI's for 2005 (I think) but I can't get the device to load them. I tried changing the registry settings (worked for 2003se) but it didn't help.
No changes I made are visible and the files can be deleted, so I guess they are just ignored for some reason.
Can anyone help please :?:
Thank a lot!
that is true, also cant do that.
keep on studying now.
Something different from WM2003!
MUI security signature?
Hallow again!
I think the problem might be with the digital signature Microsoft now requires. :idea:
Also I made the following experiment:
I put the resources in 2003SE MUI officeres and btres and it did load, but when I tried it with shellres or coresres it didn't work.
I think it won't load unsigned system files…
Any ideas?
Any leads will be greatly appreciated!
Re: MUI's in wm2005
levenum said:
Hi, everybody!
I followed this thread and successfully created some MUI's for 2005 (I think) but I can't get the device to load them. I tried changing the registry settings (worked for 2003se) but it didn't help.
No changes I made are visible and the files can be deleted, so I guess they are just ignored for some reason.
Can anyone help please :?:
Thank a lot!
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because on 2003, files are copied to RAM. on 2005 are used directly from ROM.
Re: MUI's in wm2005
buzz_lightyear. 2005 can also load dlls to RAM, for example when they are started from storage card or built-in storage.
There maybe one more reason. The DLL may be not loaded if your resource DLL does not have some resources that the original DLL has. Or if your DLL is somehow incorrect. You should make a program that calls LoadLibrary() for your MUI DLL and check the error code if it does not load.
For MS Smartphones there was a registry key that allowed to run unsigned applications. Maybe the similar method exists for WM5.
Asukal. I've attached the program that would try to dump shellres.dll of your device to \storage card\shellres.dll. I've tested the program only under emulator, on the real device it may crash.
If it would not crash - you should look into the produced DLL to examine its resources. This dumper would produce DLLs that are unable to load (they have no relocations information), and their size is larger than it should be, but resources should be extracted correctly.
PM me if the program crashes. And it probably would crash. I'll try to do something.
Mr,Buzz and Mr,Mamaichi!
thanks your comments, and i have just back from Paris and too tired to try mamaichi`s testwm5.exe
aftre sleep while, i will try it! (i dont afraid crash! glad to be sarifice!
I'd recommend you to try this tool -
To mr,mamaich
The first attached testWM5.exe dumped only dump.dll(?)
the second TESTWM5.exe of the link can extraxt installed files also, and RAM files can be dumped.too.
but not crashed.
i will remake MUI file and test it!

brain fart- installing black add-ons

Lurker and 2nd time post.
Started developing my 8525 this week.Went with the Bulletproof 1.40 oil Hard SPL, Black WM6 2.5, Sim unlocker.
Question is this:
I need help loading the BlackWM6 keyboard fix. Do I do this from my desktop thru active sync, from the my docs on the phone or Manually?
Same goes for running the ADD-ON .cabs to allow cingular Video/ Realplayr fix.
Cant figure out the install. Googled and Forum searched 'keybord' couldent find the help.
Thank you!
Hate to say it but you need to read. Copy the CAB file to your device. Then open the CAB from the device. It will then prompt you to install. If it is something accessed intensely then put it on the device. If not then install it to the storage card.
fugitive said:
Lurker and 2nd time post.
Started developing my 8525 this week.Went with the Bulletproof 1.40 oil Hard SPL, Black WM6 2.5, Sim unlocker.
Question is this:
I need help loading the BlackWM6 keyboard fix. Do I do this from my desktop thru active sync, from the my docs on the phone or Manually?
Same goes for running the ADD-ON .cabs to allow cingular Video/ Realplayr fix.
Cant figure out the install. Googled and Forum searched 'keybord' couldent find the help.
Thank you!
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Thank you. I know there is a tutorial for it somewhere but I cant find it.
The Files included in the Keyboard fix for the Black 2.5 will not execute on my Desktop or my 8525. I have them copied to my storage card and when I click on any of the files they tell me it is not associated and that I need to open the file from within the application..I dont know what program the files are associated to.
fugitive said:
Thank you. I know there is a tutorial for it somewhere but I cant find it.
The Files included in the Keyboard fix for the Black 2.5 will not execute on my Desktop or my 8525. I have them copied to my storage card and when I click on any of the files they tell me it is not associated and that I need to open the file from within the application..I dont know what program the files are associated to.
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Are these *.cab files or *.zip files???
I thought they would act as cab files but they identify as 0csetup...001... 002.... 003
files not as cab or zip.
fugitive said:
I thought they would act as cab files but they identify as 0csetup...001... 002.... 003
files not as cab or zip.
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I dont know what your are running. Delete those a get the keyboard fixes which you need. What is the exact device you are using and the carrier? What keys are not working correctly? Where did you get those fixes??? If they are not *.cab files then dont run them.
Don't extract the cab files - copy them directly to your storage card and run them from there.
Yes That was the trick thank you. I had DLed them to my Desktop and tried to transfer the files in activesynch. DLed to my phone and it was golden.
Thanks for your patience.

How to replace my Ext_Rom with another one!!!

Hi Guys
Is there anybody who can guide me if it is possible to replace the Ext_Rom of a WM6 with WM5 or not?!!!
Actually I had a problem with my Ext_Rom...(There's a CLEARVUE...a default program for Reading PDF files which I hate it,but I can't prevent it of being installed while costumization of WM5 ) So I wondered If I can change My Ext_Rom with the one whcih has not Clearvue inside?
If yes,then how???
Go to the WiKi and search for "unlocking extended ROM of Prophet".
The extended ROM is just a collection of cabs. On the Prophet (at least in WM 5 not sure if they changed it in WM 6) you can open it with a simple registry change and then manually delete or add cabs. (note that cabs must be signed to automatically install after hard reset)
I looked over the backup of my Ext_ROM (from official i-mate ROM) but could not determine which cab installs ClearView just by their names.
You could always try them manually one by one or use CECabManager (google) to see whats inside.
levenum said:
Go to the WiKi and search for "unlocking extended ROM of Prophet".
The extended ROM is just a collection of cabs. On the Prophet (at least in WM 5 not sure if they changed it in WM 6) you can open it with a simple registry change and then manually delete or add cabs. (note that cabs must be signed to automatically install after hard reset)
I looked over the backup of my Ext_ROM (from official i-mate ROM) but could not determine which cab installs ClearView just by their names.
You could always try them manually one by one or use CECabManager (google) to see whats inside.
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Hi Levenum
It's really great to have someone to help you,finally.Thanks a lot,man .Actually I know how to un-hide the Ext_Rom,but the problem is that I can't find the cab that is installing this damn Clearvue program
I'm looking for someone who guide me which Cab is responsible for that(Gives me the name of the cab.file)...or....Any hero who guide me is it possible for me to change my current Ext_Rom with the another one that is not included that damn CLEARVUE???!!!
Thank you again for helping
Isn't there anybody who direct me (and many others who have got the similar problem) by just saying how we can get rid of CLEARVUE in the Ext_Rom or at least replacing it with ACROBAR READER?
I already know how to un-hide AND Unlock the extended rom...
I need only the name of the cab file (which installs CLEARVUE),...nothing more...
It's NOT installed in the ExtROM, it's installed in the "base"ROM.
Black-Rose said:
It's NOT installed in the ExtROM, it's installed in the "base"ROM.
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Hi Black Rose
I don't care where this damn software is,and I'm not gonna debate you over it...You just tell me what s the name of the cab.file...And if you are so sure about the location,so tell me also the place of it(Base or Ext-Rom?? )
Thanks anyway
I think clearvue is pre-installed in the base ROM, so there is no cab file to delete.
For me, I just ignore that clearvue or adobe LE is there. I just went ahead and installed Adobe 2.0 and everytime I tap a pdf file, adobe 2.0 opens.
If that doesn't work for you, you can use resco explorer to assign which default prog to open any file... similar to "open with" in XP or Vista.
Putra said:
I think clearvue is pre-installed in the base ROM, so there is no cab file to delete.
For me, I just ignore that clearvue or adobe LE is there. I just went ahead and installed Adobe 2.0 and everytime I tap a pdf file, adobe 2.0 opens.
If that doesn't work for you, you can use resco explorer to assign which default prog to open any file... similar to "open with" in XP or Vista.
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Hi Putra
Are you sure it's not in the Ext_Rom?Because after a hard reset,whenever I prevent the Ext_Rom of customizing my device (Stop customization),I don't have the CLEARVUE installed on my mobile.
This is why I think it must be somewhere in Ext_Rom.Even some excerpts told me that I have to replace my Ext-Rom with the one which doesn't have CLEARVUE...But he didn't tell me exactly how I can find such a extended Rom and how I can do the replacement...I also needed to know if the replacement may damage the Original Rom of my device or not?
Thanks for helping me, anyway and I would be more appreciated if you help me a little more in that.
Ok, in that case, then it should be in your extrom. However, I also do not know which is the cab file. One way is to prevent the extrom customization, and then manually install each cab from the extrom....
Why don't you just leave clearvue in your device, and simply install adobe 2.0? I don't think clearvue takes that much space...
you can edit the ext_ rom by editing the folder content in WM6
I recomend to use winimage to edit extrom, it will lock the ext rom
Putra said:
Ok, in that case, then it should be in your extrom. However, I also do not know which is the cab file. One way is to prevent the extrom customization, and then manually install each cab from the extrom....
Why don't you just leave clearvue in your device, and simply install adobe 2.0? I don't think clearvue takes that much space...
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Hi again Putra
Thanks again for trying to help me solving this slight problem.You are right About the space that CLEARVUE takes,but I don't want to see in the list of my programs...I want to get rid of it thoroghly...So pleeeeeeeeeeeaseee help meeeeeeeee..... And show me the way to completely erase it from my device!!!!!!!!!
Chopin said:
you can edit the ext_ rom by editing the folder content in WM6
I recomend to use winimage to edit extrom, it will lock the ext rom
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HI Chopin
Thanks a lot for helping me to solve this problem,but wou,d you pease elaborate a little bit more...After all,I'm a newbie!!!!!
Just tell me what's this WINIMAGE and also tell me if I would be able to find the cab file of CLEARVUE within my Ext_Rom to erase it or not?!?!
Thanks again
winimage to use with extension.nb, as anewbie let forget how to use this one. if you need to kow, use search you;ll find a lot about how to use this one.
just look in the folder and remove it, or just edit the file Config.txt and remove the cab you don;t wanna install, it is so easy and don't need any clarification.
tell me what ROM do you use
Chopin said:
you can edit the ext_ rom by editing the folder content in WM6
I recomend to use winimage to edit extrom, it will lock the ext rom
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OFF TOPIC: Hi Chopin, can you explain how I can edit the contents of the extrom on WM6?
edit the files. delete any cab you want and instert anycab you want in the folder, but if you add a cab file then edit the file config.txt and and enter the cab file in it
Chopin said:
edit the files. delete any cab you want and instert anycab you want in the folder, but if you add a cab file then edit the file config.txt and and enter the cab file in it
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Oops, I meant how do I unlock and unhide the extrom in WM6. What prog do I use?
The last time I tried using WM5 tools on PdaViet 01, it didn't work. I have not tried again. I'm on Gullum v6, btw.
if this is what you want here is the files for unlock, and please ask me more if this was not what u needed
Ok, thanx. I'll try them...
Stop off-topics...let's talk about main topic
Hi dear friends
I noticed that we have been a little been off-topic,so I wanted to recall that we are here to help each other to find a way for "HOW WE CAN DELETE ANY CAB(In my case...CLEARVUE's cab file)INSIDE THE EXT_ROM OR CHANGE IT WITH ANOTHER CAB(Again in my case changing default CLEARVUE with ADOBE ACROBAT)?????
My friends
I even checked the Config.text file within my Ext_Rom,but unfortunately even there was no name and trace of CLEARVUE?!?!!??But I' sure it must be there...since when I stop my device of being costumized after a hard reset,I never see this CLEARVUE in my programs...So that means it must be somewhere in Ext-Rom..Somebody...Some hero....some know-all tell me where?????And under what name?!?!??!??!??!?!?
please, we already answer this question, to help you more, what ROM do you use?
