Bluetooth Network Access in XDA II - Networking

Hi All,
When I discover services for my device, it does not show Bluetooth network service (shows SSA service etc.). I believe this device does not support bluetooth network service. Is there a way to set the bluetooth network service by installing some sofware or any other way - this is very important to me cause I need to establish a network connection between by xda II and lappy.
Regards and Thanks in Advance

if you need PAN
read this
and maybe this
if you can make do with connecting to activesync using bluetooth
and get network access that way read these



hi there ,ive just had a search on this forum on how to set this up but i cant really find anything?
anyway here goes what i would like to do is use my laptops dial-up internet connection from my xdaii via bluetooth? ive managed to get the devices talking but i dont really know how to set-up the xda from there to access my internet account?
do i need to have my laptop connected to the internet first then connect via bluetooth or does my laptop just need to be powered up?
Do you mean that you want to browse the net on your XDA II through your lappie?
Due to the current Bluetooth stack on the XDA II, the only way to do this via Bluetooth is to set up ActiveSync via Bluetooth, then use the passthrough functionality of ActiveSync (which is sort of like using a proxy server - just make sure you enable the 'this network connects to the internet' option under your 'work' network on the XDA, and enable passthrough in ActiveSync.
There's a few good posts on setting up the connection, so do a search on this forum for 'bluetooth' and 'activesync'.
Finally I got it all done using my xdaII as modem and bluetooth for bridges...accessing from my laptop to surf the net.
Procedures are on the offical xda site, but then u do need a Bluetooth tool kit and set it as modem during bonding.

Using XDAII Mini bluetooth to Wi-Fi Network

I am using XDAII Mini (i-Mate Jam) and trying to figure out how to browse the internet using my Apple Powerbook's active Wi-Fi connection.
The only way I can communicate with my Powerbook is using bluetooth. But as you know, the XDAII Mini's bluetooth software does not allow you to activesync with bluetooth nor allows you to create a network connection with bluetooth. And the later function is very necessary to successfully connect to my Powerbook.
In the new PDAs using Pocket PC 2003 you can find a very good bluetooth software (originally iincluded) which allows you to do the above.
I'm still trying to solve this problem and need any inputs.
Thank you in advance.
With ActiveSync, it does let you to connect and synchronze and get an internet connection. Unfortunately that depends from the software you're using the sync.
Usually we have an icon where you can specify if to enable 'Pass-Thru' when the PDA is connected to 'Work' or 'Internet'
With ActiveSync, it does let you to connect and synchronze and get an internet connection. Unfortunately that depends from the software you're using the sync.
Usually we have an icon where you can specify if to enable 'Pass-Thru' when the PDA is connected to 'Work' or 'Internet'

Bluetooth Modem + Universal Help

Hey everyone,
Okay I'm going to try and explain what I am trying to do here, but I'm sure I'll miss some steps. I think I know what the problem is, but I still can't figure out a way to resolve it.
I have a Sony Ericsson Z710I mobile phone. I also have an i-mate Jasjar running AKU 3.2 (JW's Rom). Here is what I am attempting to achieve.
I want to use the Z710I as my telephone. I have bluetooth turned on and have connected the Jasjar to it. On the Z710I I have enabled the "bluetooth internet" option and set it to connect to the proper APN. On the Jasjar I have created a new network connection that uses Bluetooth modem, and have put in the APN as *99#.
So when I connect the Jasjar to the internet, it dials the bluetooth on the Z710. It recongnises the *99# command and connects to the proper APN and connection. This is the point in where it just doesn't want to hitch up. The phone has full access to the internet, however ... the Jasjar is just grabbing data traffic and I'm not sure why. It reports connected and is communicating to my knowlege.
When I disconnect the Z710 from the internet, the Jasjar immediatley reports that the modem has disconnected. That why I figure there is communication.
I have tried (on the Jasjar) to edit the network card settings for the bluetooth adapter to 'obtain IP automatically' but it made no difference.
Does anyone have any ideas ( or questions for me to help clairify?)
What kind of communication did you try? Internet Epxlorer? Opera? Messaging?
For example, IE, which is based on the Connectivity Framework, has a lot of problems that may render a connection non-working - I've written several articles on this stuff. A solution is trying with,say, OpMob / Messaging to be absolutely sure it's not just an IE-related problem.
Menneisyys said:
What kind of communication did you try? Internet Epxlorer? Opera? Messaging?
For example, IE, which is based on the Connectivity Framework, has a lot of problems that may render a connection non-working - I've written several articles on this stuff. A solution is trying with,say, OpMob / Messaging to be absolutely sure it's not just an IE-related problem.
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I tried using activesync as well as IE, google maps and other internet based connections.
I just tried it right now, dialed the connection and tried to activesync. The z710i connected at the Jasjar's request and the Jasjar said connected. It then just sat there "synchronizing folders"
There are two APNs available through my phone. One is for WAP traffic, the other for Internet bound traffic. My phone is connecting properly or it at least setup properly to route traffic over bluetooth to the internet one.
I did hook up the phone through a bluetooth adapter on my computer and used it as a wireless modem it did work there. I wonder if the problem is the Microsoft BT Stack (it doesn't have a PAN profile).
Do we have a way to uninstall the MS BT Stack and install the WIdcomm one which would support PAN?
Just a thought.
lirathal said:
Do we have a way to uninstall the MS BT Stack and install the WIdcomm one which would support PAN?
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Are you sure the z710i would support PAN server? I don't think so.
If it does, then, check out the Hermes / Wizard Widocmm BT stack hacking-related threads; hope the stack can also be hacked onto the Universal too.
(Unfortunately, AKU3 with its new BT approach (see my related articles if interested) won't work because it only supports BT PAN server mode for dial-up purposes, not client mode.)
Menneisyys said:
Are you sure the z710i would support PAN server? I don't think so.
If it does, then, check out the Hermes / Wizard Widocmm BT stack hacking-related threads; hope the stack can also be hacked onto the Universal too.
(Unfortunately, AKU3 with its new BT approach (see my related articles if interested) won't work because it only supports BT PAN server mode for dial-up purposes, not client mode.)
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I'm not sure how to check if it supports Bluetooth PAN server. I know that the Z710I can be used as a Bluetooth Modem (as I said previous, I hooked it up to my computer and used it as a internet connection - but when I did that I had to enable PAN client support on the PC [i think]) .. So is this where we are inherantly are having the problem? The Jasjar doesn't support PAN Client therefore, when it connects it doesn't know what to do with the connection?
I have figured it out.
I connected my Z710I to my laptop and I examined the "dial-up" connection and the syntax for the connection number was *99***2#
I changed the connection on my Jasjar, connected and everything is wicked. Now I can still sync my Jasjar while using a regular phone for a while.
Talk about a Personal Area Network .
Thanks for all the help.

Unable to share cell net w/ PC via bluetooth

I've tried most of the solutions/methods on this forum/net, but it just doesn't work!
I'm able to pair the device, start the PAN service and 'Intetnet Sharing' gets connected as well, PC gets an IP address, but I get no response when I ping or open a webpage.
On the phone end, I've tried with WM5, WM6, WM6.1 and even with WMWi iRouter. On the PC end, tried with 3 different XP/2003/Vista machines. I'm using BlueSoleil 6.2, but had no success with older or later versions either.
Internet Sharing over USB worked fine till my USB connector broke so BlueTooth/WiFi is my only option.
Can soneone help me out please?
if you want to teeth your gprs connection so your pc get internet that way
PAN is not the way to go
search for bluetooth AND modem
in the forums there are many guides how
it's setup
PAN is if you want your pda to get internet from your pc
Thanks for the reply. I tried Bluetooth DUN but it's too slow (115kbps) and keeps getting disconnected every 5 mins...
If Bluetooth PAN is for sharing PC net only, why then does it show up under 'Internet Sharing', and also shows the Cellular net option, as if it can connect the both, like it does for USB? If PAN isn't meant for sharing cell net, it shouldn't show the option, right?
I mean, it's not *impossible* right? We have a TCP/IP network established with all IPs properly assigned; only one device has net access; how hard or improbable can it be to share the net? There has to be a way! :|
Infact, even the inbuilt Help on Internet Sharing describes that cell net can be shared w/ the PC over bluetooth using 'Internet Sharing' and says nothing about connecting as a modem and the whole *99# thing. I was of the opinion that 'Internet Sharing' made that method obsolete...
- Disconnect everything
- Open internet sharing, select Bluetooth PAN, connect. IS should tell you "waiting for bluetooth connection".
- On the PC, connect to the PAN service on the phone. This must work, I've used it countless times.
If traffic doesn't go through, you probably have a proxy set on your device (happens with some network operators) that you need to disable for it to work.
^ That's exactly how I've been trying .. maybe it's because of BlueSoleil?
Which bluetooth stack are you using? I've been searching the local stores for a non-bluesoleil adapter but no luck so far
I'm using the Widcomm stack that came with my BT keyboard/mouse set. I think you can download it for free anyway...
kilrah said:
- Disconnect everything
- Open internet sharing, select Bluetooth PAN, connect. IS should tell you "waiting for bluetooth connection".
- On the PC, connect to the PAN service on the phone. This must work, I've used it countless times.
If traffic doesn't go through, you probably have a proxy set on your device (happens with some network operators) that you need to disable for it to work.
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Hi Kilrah, could u provide some details about how to disable proxy on the device .
I can connect but no internet traffic on my laptop .I am using vodafone live gprs on xda orbit .Thanks

Bluetooth PAN on HTC Touch HD

I want to connect my HD to the internet via a Bluetooth Accesss Point (Billionton) or via my Laptop via the Bluetooth Network (LAN access) which is coupled with the main LAN with Internet Connect Sharing.
I allready found the BT PAN network card on the HD (settings > connections> wi-fi > wireless networks > network adapter), but I do not know how to configure it (I did try several options, none was ok).
Did anyone succeeded to connect the HD to the internet via PAN? if yes, then please advice.
BTW, currently I can connect to the internet via the BT serial port (used by Activesync), but this connection is rather slow.
I have the same problem. I can't even connect activesync through bluetooth. Did you find any solution to this?
If connecting through wireless is possible to, that would be preferable as it's probably alot faster.
i give my phone to my family and when i give it from him my bluetooth dont work and when turn on and visible this nobody can see this and i cant find any body when my bluetooth search for people plz help me.
bye BT PAN server with the MS BT stack
thank you but i cant understand that post if have software whats that and if its need seting plz tell that to me in basic english .
good by

