Setting XDA Modem for CSD or GPRS - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Please refer to this link,
my problem is that ly network does not allow me to process a succesful ATD command as it asks me to specify if CSD (circuit switch data) or GPRS. I am just trying to send establish a data call through CSD. thnks


Connect RAS server using cellular line

Happy new year to all
I got my xda ii couple days ago and trying to set up the internet on it. I don't have a GPRS data plan because it's quite costly here in Canada ($20 for 3mb). I have a RAS server at home using ADSL which capable of connecting any desktop or laptop to internet using phone line dialup. However, when i try to setup the connection for my xda ii, it received the following message:
Cannot Connect
Dialed: +9059999999
No modem at above number. To check your
connection settings and change them if
needed, tap settings.
Settings Dismiss
My Settings:
Start\Settings\Connections\Connections\My ISP\Test1
Select a modem: cellular line
Phone number: +9059999999 (9999999 assume it's my home phone)
User name: test1
Password: xxxxx
Again, when i use a laptop to dial in from a remote location, it works. So the RAS server works fine.
I don't hear any sounds from the xda nor my home phone rings. Not sure if i need a driver for it. I m in Canada using Rogers AT&T.
Same problem
I'm also a recent XDA II user and am experienceing the same problem with my ISP in Austrlia. As I understood the doco, we should be able to dial into an ISP just like on a PC with land line. I hope this can work.
Dialing Pattern
In the XDA I, it has Dialing Pattern setting. Default at (+EFG), where E=country code, F=area code, G=tel number). If the number u put in the Telephone Number field includes Country, then modify Dialing Patter to (G) only.
On the Australian Telstra network, to use straight GSM dail through you should set the CSD Line Type to 9600 V.32. It ain't fast be it is cheaper than the standard 2c per K on GPRS.
is this your problem
I was having the same problem you were having. I configured and got the GPRS and mms working and now all of the sudden the dial into ras using cellular gsm works ? Go figure
Re: Dialing Pattern
jcabuslay said:
In the XDA I, it has Dialing Pattern setting. Default at (+EFG), where E=country code, F=area code, G=tel number). If the number u put in the Telephone Number field includes Country, then modify Dialing Patter to (G) only.
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Let me furnish the detailed setting, assuming T-Mobile USA (adjust it accordingly if your service provider is a different one.)
Start | Settings | Connections tabb | Connections
... to The Internet ... [New ...]
General tab: [CSD Dial-up ISP Conn]
Modem tab: New ...
Name: [ISP Modem Conn]
Modem: [Cellular Line]
Baud rate: [19200] (you can leave this default alone but 9600 is high enough)
Leave Advanced ... settings alone
Country code: [1]
Area code: [425] (my default, leave it alone)
Phone Number: [4257861000]
Leave Proxy Settings alone
For free ISP's, see FAQ
Back at the Connections page:
Dialing Locations tab:
Locations: [Home]
Click on Dialing Patterns ...
Put [G][G][G] as instructed by jcabuslay above. This step is critically important and where I was stuck. T-Moble tier 2 tech guy got me over the hump (first 2 tier 2's didn't really know how; it took 3 tier 2's to get it right!). Note T-Mobile US uses plain 10 digit dialing plan for US domestic long distance (optionally preceded with a 1 works too) and G fits that.
Click on Connect to connect. Or start to browse the internet and the connection is made on demand.
The first time connecting, you are promted for username and password, which are saved (but you can't get to it to see or change them; you can only delete the whole setting and recreate it in case you needed to change username or password).
I create a Work CSD setting for dialing up to work modem pool similarly. I use
for access to my UNIX account at work over the Work CSD setting.
Chances are that the LAN you dial up to at work is connected to Internet so you can avoid the hastle of finding a free ISP.
CSD connection comes handy since by and large, when you are not at work is when you need to make the connection, i.e. nights and weekends, when T-Mobile US is free - you get free data / Internet connection.
When the issue of making XDA your Internet gateway is resolved, this CSD connection would allow your laptop to have Internet on the go, see thread
If you can get your XDA to behave as a wireless modem, you can create similar CDS settings on your laptop.
Have fun!
i'm trying to make an ATD call to conenct to a remote unit in order to make a CSD connection. However i get a NOCARRIER error. I called the network poeple and they tell me i need to select GPRS or CSD before doing an ATD.
Would someone agree with that ?? How would i do so ? (guessing its an AT command)
I am using a Treo 750v and when I try to setup a CSD dial-up connection I can't find the settings for: "Baud rate: [19200] (you can leave this default alone but 9600 is high enough)" anywhere.
I can select Modem: "Cellular Line" but no other sub-settings. Any idea?

Disconnect GPRS using EVC++ 4.x

I am writting Phone application using EVC++ (4.2) on PPC 2003. I am unable to crack following two issues,
1. I am successful in connecting to GPRS using Connection Manager API. To disconnect GPRS, I am using ReleaseConnection api but it does not disconnects GPRS connection. Is there any other API or RIL reference available to do this ?
2.After disconnecting from GPRS, I wanted to place a GSM TAPI call. In my program, I am able to place call, but the delay between disconnect GPRS and GSM Call Active is almost 20 seconds. I hope this is because I am not able to disconnect GPRS and TAPI does this when I issue a new outgoing call command and this scenario puts this delay.
Please help If anybody have any ideas in this regard...
best regards,
Sachin Mahajan
Dear Sachin!
You can try to do following:
1. Establish GPRS connection by using ConnMgrEstablishConnection()
2. Wait for end of establishing by using ConnMgrConnectionStatus(); CONNMGR_STATUS_CONNECTED means end of waiting
3. By using RasEnumConnections() you can find and store HRASCONN of your active GPRS connection (by name or simply first found)
4. Some actions...
5. ConnMgrReleaseConnection() releases ConnMgr connection
6. RasHangUp( HRASCONN ) hangs up RAS connection if p. 5 didn't do it
Hello Ruslan,
Many Many thanks for your kind help in GPRS disconnect. I will try this today and will let you know the status.
best regards,
Sachin Mahajan
Also you can get some interesting statistics before hanging up RAS connection by using RasGetLinkStatistics(). Connection duration, number of sent and received bytes...

qteck 1010 modem at commands

i've got a qtek 1010 pocketpc and i'l like to use the internal modem to make a data call over gsm to an other pda (whitch use a gsm mobile via infrared). On my PDA ipaq i use "Createfile" to talk with mobile but un my qtek this approach does not work...
Can some one give me suggestions???
Fabio Petagna
you should use docummented TAPI and optionally RIL calls to establish data connection.
mamaich said:
you should use docummented TAPI and optionally RIL calls to establish data connection.
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Thanks alot, i found this on msdn
To create a modem connection by using TAPI
Call the lineInitializeEx function to initialize TAPI.
Call the lineOpen function to open the line.
Call the lineMakeCall function.
Call the lineGetMessage function, as needed, to receive status messages from TAPI.
Call the lineDeallocateCall function.
Call the lineClose function to close the line connection.
Call the lineShutdown function to end the session.
Ok but what about send data over the connection???

Problems with Multimedia Messages

Need some help on the subject. Recently have been in another country with the roaming on. Now every time i try to send or receive an MMS the XDA just says: "cannot connect.. if you use a modem to connect to your ISP, ensure that is inserted correctly. To connect to your network, you must create a modem (dialup) connection or a VPN connection. To create a connection tap settings".
Have done, but nothing seems to work.
At tools/options i see that the connect via is correct, BUT, connect to server just apears 2 networks from another country...
So, any change to delete all the settings and old networks so the sim can "read" from my network?
Any replys will be much obliged!

XDA 2 with T Mobile - GPRS Problems

I apologise in advance because I'm sure my problem is simply solved but I;ve not used the XDa for a while and I'm back to square 1. I have tried searching for the anser but I think my question is just to basic.
My XDA2 is unlocked and I use a T-Mobile sim in it. The problem I have is with the TOMTOM. When i try to update traffic info on the fly I get a message saying modem hung up (or something similar). It works fine when connecting via the cradle and my PC.
Now I think this is because the XDA2 is trying to connect using the O2 settings when I am on the road.
So my question is how do enter and then I get the XDA2 to use the T-Mobile settings?
EDIT: Sorry forgot to say so far I have done the following:
Add new modem connection
enrtered T-Mobile
selected cellular line (GPRS)
entered access point as
user name as user
password as wap
Ok and update
seems it is connecting after all. Problem is I have to connect via GPRS first then up date the traffic. It's not picking up the connection if I just update direct from TomTom
any ideas?
I don't think you can do much about that, cause the tomtom, must automatically try to establish the GPRS connection.. like Internet Explorer does, it automatically checks if you have GPRS or Wi-fi connection, if not connected for you automatically. after reading your post. it does not start your GPRS connection, have you look into the settings of the tomtom, to see if he has an option that you can let it connect through your GPRS automatically?

