charing issues related to activesync? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

When I plug in my JasJar to the USB cable on my PC it doesn't always start charing nor does active sync always recognzie it. If I soft reset the Jas Jar while I'm connected, upon boot up it will recognized by Active Sync and start charing. I tried plugging it into the USB to Wall charger and it works fine every time. Anyone else having this problem? Is it an(other) ActiveSync issue? I'm using ActiveSync version 4.0.0 (build 434) is there a better version?
Also while connected to active sync a lot of programs have trouble connecting to the internet, even if I have wifi and/or GPRS on... Is there a workaround for this?

in my case when I charge my jasjar using pc usb connection the charge velocity is very slow. I have to charge it directly to AC.and my jasjar eats the battery in few ours if its connected using UMTS althought I am not surfing web and I don't use the phone


Can't connect to Active Sync

My Mini XDA can't connect to my PC via USB cable anymore, it can only recharge the battery.
My iPaq connects flawlessly, so it's not my PC.
Any suggestion ???
Mine does not connect after been run even a little bit. However if I do a soft reset and connect to the usb cable it seems to hook up right away. Whe I first got it it did not have any problems like this and I would like to fix it if possible.

Syncing via cable unreliable

I'm pretty new to my S110 and I found that syncing via usb cable is pretty unreliable and slow. Sometimes it would not start at all, sometimes it would no sync all data and sometimes (like that moment) it just does not seem to comunicate well displaying "connecting to device" at the avantgo section for minutes now.
Syning via BT does not have such problems. Any ideas how to cure that?
i've experienced the same problem with my S100 if the usb cable was plugged to a usb hub. never had the problem again since i connected the usb cable direct to a usb port on my pc.
That might be worth looking into, I connect to a built in 3.5'' USB/FireWire bub + sound. I'll see if its better when I connect directly to USB on my MB, problem is it's quite uncomfortable - I need to crouch under my desk to get to the back of my PC.
One thing I noticed, it seems random. I just synced again in a matter of secs and all went smoothly using my hub. Not so a few hours ago, problems over problems. And I havent changed a thing.

PC Reboot upon USB Connection of Hermes

Its been few months now that I have this issue, and wasn't able to solve it yet
Every time I connect my TyTN/ Hermes on the USB port of my laptop it causes a n immediate reboot. Even when the Laptop starts again when the usb ports are reactivated (the Hermes is still plugged-in) it reboots again and again ...
This is very inconvenient (...) I would say because I can neither Sync (Activesync 4.5) nor recharge my TyTN through the USB port. Even if I disable communications on activesync it does the same ...
Any ideas? anyone had similar issues?
Thanks a lot
Christoforos [Greece]
yasou christoforos,
what happens when you plug in other USB devices, like a portable storage device or a mouse or something? Something could be wrong with your motherboard or hopefully just the OS. What model laptop is it?

No activesync on WM6 Black

About 9 months ago a colleague (also active on this forum) installed WM6 Black on my Vario 2. Today I tried to share the internet connection (for the first time), but to do this I have to be connected with Activesync.
I installed ActiveSync and connected my Vario2 to my computer (Win XP) using a USB cable. There was no response from the computer at all when I plugged in the cable and also Activesync "Get connected" wizard couldn't connect to the device. It did tell me that USB is available.
The only indication of the connection is the orange light that tells me the battery is charging.
Since there are no messages that give me any idea about what's going on, I have no clue what to do next. Also, I tried two different cables, which work with other devices.
Can somebody please help me out? I have to move places tomorrow and won't have a wired connected for about 6 weeks. I don't think I will survive without a internet connection

ActiveSync Disconnecting

I have a USB cradle which I use when I`m syncing my PPC/PC and I have noticed that it occasionaly disconnects?? To re-connect I have to remove the USB cable and re-connect. If I try to connect using ActiveSync it says the USB is connected but the device staus is disconnected.
Any ideas

