Can't connect to Active Sync - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

My Mini XDA can't connect to my PC via USB cable anymore, it can only recharge the battery.
My iPaq connects flawlessly, so it's not my PC.
Any suggestion ???

Mine does not connect after been run even a little bit. However if I do a soft reset and connect to the usb cable it seems to hook up right away. Whe I first got it it did not have any problems like this and I would like to fix it if possible.


Syncing via cable unreliable

I'm pretty new to my S110 and I found that syncing via usb cable is pretty unreliable and slow. Sometimes it would not start at all, sometimes it would no sync all data and sometimes (like that moment) it just does not seem to comunicate well displaying "connecting to device" at the avantgo section for minutes now.
Syning via BT does not have such problems. Any ideas how to cure that?
i've experienced the same problem with my S100 if the usb cable was plugged to a usb hub. never had the problem again since i connected the usb cable direct to a usb port on my pc.
That might be worth looking into, I connect to a built in 3.5'' USB/FireWire bub + sound. I'll see if its better when I connect directly to USB on my MB, problem is it's quite uncomfortable - I need to crouch under my desk to get to the back of my PC.
One thing I noticed, it seems random. I just synced again in a matter of secs and all went smoothly using my hub. Not so a few hours ago, problems over problems. And I havent changed a thing.

EXEC Not recognised via USB

I get a rather frustrating mesaage when I connect my O2 Exec via the USB port. It takes about 3 time before the connection with the comp finally happen.
The message is - 'USB Device not recognised' ' One of the USB devices has malfunctioned ........'.
Does anybody else have this problem and can anybody help?
I get the same problem but only with one PC. It happens on either USB port and is not helped by adding a USB hub. As such i am investigating the problem as if it is PC based.
Is this with ActiveSync or CardExport? Either way try rebooting PC first, wait for it to finish loading Windows. Power off your Universal, connect cable to Universal and PC then power on Universal. Seems to work okay for me. If you are using CardExport, remember you can't change modes while connected.
I have an O2 xda mini and that connects first time every time.
Found it strange that the Exec did not do same!
I have this on one PC - make sure the XDA is turned off first. Then plug the USB cable in and it should power up by itself and get recognised by the PC.
Also make sure you are using the very latest ActivSync (4.1 I believe).
Thanks lads - connect the cable while the Exec was off and it cobnnects first time. Good stuff!!
Why is that?
I think its the phone not the pc that is at fault, as i had a usb car charger and a usb power charger, both using a standard usb lead and the same fault applies, obviously just charging, AS wouldnt happen would it lol.
me missus just got a wizard and none of these faults occur on it
I concur that the plugging in USB while Uni is switched off is much more successful. Can I check with you guys - can you activesync by USB while bluetooth is on? I've not been successful with that.

Universal Not Connecting Through USB

I have read a no. of posts regarding the subject problem but found no solution. My O2 Exec is not connecting to PC with USB. Even in Bootloader, it shows usb on top when connected to the cable but is not detectable to even MaUpgradeUt_noID.
One other thing is that when its connected to PC through USB and switched on, it stop the charging and only resumes if switched off again.
Can any body tell me how to know whether USB port is working properly and solve this problem.

QtekS200 usb Problem

I am using QtekS200 G4 .When I connect to the USB in one of the pcs where Activesync 4.5 is intalled I am able to sync once or twice after which I get this error in PC USB device not recognized.I am not able to connect to PC then on.I tried reinstall ActiveSync...Rebooted etc...The problem persists.
try another USB cable or try it with other device,
I had this problem with my friend PC, and it was his USB cable, hope it is the cable, the cheapest thing to replace
but my advice try the qtek aku 2.2 ROM with SPL 2.20, it has nothing to do with this but it is for your device
The device is charging via the USB...Anyways....Let me see...When I reboot the Qtek it connects and i am able to sync....Once I disconnect after this and connect the problem crops up...
it maybe your PC, try with another PC, and please update to last bios for you mother. it maybe your PC, I'm not sure.
and it could be your phone, but I don;t think so,
do you have SP2 if you use windows XP, try to have SP2, it has a lot of fixing for USB driver.
by the way, USB cable has 4 wires, 2 for electricity and 2 for data transfer, charging doesn't mean it is not defective.
Problem Solved.....I have two USB good condition USB cables though .......A hard reset did the trick.......
great, I would say it is your computer, casue when restarting the computer fix the problem
good it is working now
I tried rebooting the pc....reinstalling activ sync.....soft reset.......Everything failed to work......Hard reset did the wonder otherwise I would have to sync via bluetooth forever .....Before purchasing any hardware i suggest a hard reset for any nagging issues....

TYTN - dont connecting via cable. :(

I`ve TYTN and one day it stopped sychro via cable...
I plug cable - its starting charging but ASych stay absolutly quite (any notification any problem connecting) . Like I didnt plug cable
Ive made a Hrd reset , change cable but situation tha same .
any solution, please.
Did you reboot your pc? Did you try another USB device (USB port broken)? Did you reinstall activesync?
That's what i would try....
Try reinstall the active sync software. maybe the usb driver was corrupted
Because it can charge,so maybe the cable is OK( and the voltage is enough, some cable with too much voltage lose will not give enough current when pluged so that can not charge ) , problem should be of the software.
Besure if you have multi user environment. Only one user can use Activesync on Windows XP platform.
Do reinstall Activesync and do check the usb cable with any other computer nearby you if you are not living in desert.
I actually am having a similar problem connecting my AT&T 8525 to my computer. It charges, but won't sync. I had to start using Bluetooth in order to connect.
on the tytn go to settings -> connections -> usb to pc and untick the box

