Power Button and Data Retention BiG Problems - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi All,
I have such a big Power issue with the Magician, or at least Orange's M500 version of it that i'm thinking of taking back the device :'(
It doesn't appear to be a device fault, but a design fault.
In the manual it says that if you press the power button for a short time (less than a second) it turns the PDA on and off. This seems to be correct.
In the manual it says that if you press and hold the power button for two seconds it turns the phone off, but this doesn't work. Instead it turns on and off the back light. If the PDA is on, it turns on and off the back light. If the PDA is off it turns it on with the backlight on.
Last night I turned my PDA into standby mode (As i can't turn the phone off) before going to bed. Around 3am in the morning my PDA woke up saying that the battery power was low. I turned the PDA back into standby mode but it complained later on that night. i.e. had a bad nights sleep last night.
I thought it best to remove the main battery so that it wouldn't continue to wake me up, making sure that the phone and PDA were turned off (no power) and let the data backup battery retain the data until i woke up (5 hours time). However, when i woke up the internal data backup batery was flat. It was fully charged before the i took the main battery out. It is supposed to last 72 hours right!!!!? What a nightmare!
I was wondering if anyone could help me answer these power related questions, as i love the device, but its useless if it won't retain the data when it says it should.
How do you turn the phone off so that nothing is running at all? (i.e. to make sure that the internal battery is only being used to retain my data)
Does activating bluetooth drain the main battery faster even when the PDA is in standby mode? (I think i may have left it switched on last night)
Why would the internal data retention battery drain flat in under 5 hours when the main battery is removed loosing all data? Does it need the main battery in place in order to work? Could the phone and the PDA in standby mode by running off of the internal power?
Thanks in advance to any help you can give. As you can imagine i'm very disappointed as i love the functionality of this device.

When you took the battery out and left it out, if you had slid the back down (this is the same as a power off) you would of been ok.
The action of sliding the back down and back up is equvalent to a power off. When you press the power button after this, it is like a cold boot. (Not a hard reset)
I hope that made sense.

So to power off the phone and PDA you have to slide off the battery cover and slide it back on again without taking the battery out. Surely there is an easier way to turn off the phone and PDA that to remove the battery cover?

Thats how i do it. I'm sure there is a different [proper] way, but i'm not sure what it is.

The main battery when flat enough to power off the pda should have 72 hours data retention, its designed that way... so if it goes flat on friday you will still have your data on monday. thats why it was designed that way and apparently it shuts of at 50% capacity.
Bluetooth active will drain more power.
the backup battery is only supposed to last around 20 mins or less, designed so you can take the main battery out without losing data. this is because Ram needs constant voltage to store contents. hence if you leave your main battery out for more time the backup battery has charge you will end up with a hard reset occuring.
The manual needs to be updated i guess. If you want to turn off the phone you can turn on flight mode which disables the GSM radio functions.
Oh and out of interest for the battery type Li ion, its actually better to keep them charged, they dont have cycles like older batteries. they only have a certain lifespan which starts from the date of manufactor and keeping them at low charge degrades them faster.

So up until the 50% point, pressing the power button just puts the PDA in standby and the Phone is still running. Only when the power goes below 50% ish does the PDA power off completely?
So after the phone is fully charged, the M500 battery life meter says there is 6 hours and 31 minutes of battery life in it. You say that the device will turn itself off at 50% battery life remaining, so that means it only has 3h 15m of useable time before it switches off? Can the phone / PDA be used when power gets below 50% or will it just not power up until its recharged?
Thanks for your help BTW very useful information.

The battery life meter will say eg 6h 31m, the device will turn off in 6h 31m give or take (usage dependant).
when the device is flat there will be still 50% capacity in the battery to allow for the 72 hours data retention. hope thats clearer.
when it is in that state it wont turn on I think...sorry been along time since i been in that state, untill you charge it.

Surely the easiest way to solve this (and yes I was fooled by the manuals answer to press and hold) is to enable flight mode(which turns the phone off) then turn off ? there are a few apps/ shortcuts that will switch to flight mode easily, you then simply press the off button.
Or did I miss something

I think when we push the power off button (or if we select the machine to be powered off after a period of idle time, through setting), the machine will be off except GSM functions. So when you turn on again, it takes a few seconds to make the machine runs.
You can try if you turn off the button, after few minutes (should be more than 180 seconds), then push the Green button to dial, it takes 3-5 seconds to make the dialing pad comes out.
If you do not select the machine to be power off after a period of idle time, you can use other software to "screen off" the machine, so that when you push green button to dial, it comes out very quickly.
If you turn off the GMS, and turn off the PDA, it will not really get into sleep but will be in the state of retention of data. In any case, when you wake up the machine it takes a few seconds.
Therefore, when you are on the run (say on the street) and make calls frequently, do not power off the machine so that you can make calls quickly.
That is only my experience, I have checked other HP and XDA phones, same results. So nothing to do with the speed CPU and size internal ram.
When the machine is ON, I under clock to 208, the dialing pad also comes out very quickly.

flight mode = on , thats all, it turns the gsm function off, so battery would last long.


Nasty Low Battery Bug In MDA Pro

If the battery falls below 10% then it turns off wifi, sd card etc (Fair enough).
But... unfortunately, unit switches on every 5 mins to tell you that the battery is dead (then does not switch off for the defaut timeout)!!! You can go from 10% to dead in half an hour even when the device it switched off.
Also, when you feed it some juice, and try and start the wifi, it switches it off again until the charge is above 10%. I.e it does not realise that the unit has a mains supply connected.
At leased it does not hard reset like my BA used to!
Did you ever find a way around this ? My MDA Pro just drained itself overnight because of this bug. It's even worse if you have MS Voice Command because that chips in to TELL you that there's low battery !
I also could do with a solution for this, as i have set my Screen to be alway on if in laptop mode and open. Oftern i forget to close it and the battery goes flat. No big deal because of lest you looses everything. But not untill the battery once pluged in goes above 10% can i use it properley as all my programes are stored on the card.
I agree the 5 minute but to keep telling you its flat makes it worse if your battery is low, But is there a way to change the low battery shut down to 1% so this way after only a short charge i could start to use it properley

how to switch off a MDA PRO Universal and battery life

How do you switch it off ? I have set the thing to switch off automatically after 2 minutes, but its still on after 3 hours and the battery has dropped from 99% to 40%. I had the bluetooth on and everything else switched off.
It is one week old.
Is the battery life normal ?
I'm sure it didn't switch off.
I have a jasjar. First thing i did, i uninstalled antivirus and skype. I keep it all day on with bluetooth active, and everything off at night. Based on calls and activities i put it on charge every 3 or 4 days.
I have set my MDA Pro to turn off after 3 minutes, and it does indeed turn off. If I don't touch it (turn it back on), the device can go all day with negligible battery usage (a few %).
Bluetooth is off. WiFi is on. 'Incoming beams' are off.
I sync by cable, so the device is powered while syncing. If you sync via bluetooth, then perhaps activesync is keeping the device awake even though it is not powered.
If you turn it off manually (power button on edge near SD card slot), does it turn itself back on? Mine does that when activesync is running and connected. Otherwise it is happy to stay off until I get a call or some reminder.
go to the phone options and change from Auto band select to GSM. Using 3G sucks battery like a mofo
my main issue is that it should have turned itself off
1) in the comms menu, only bluetooth was on
phone was off
wireless was off
beam set to off as well
From 98% charge to 40% in 3 hours, when I hadn't used it at all.
I am sure that is not usual.
So gsm/3g/gprs shouldn't have any bearing on the batt life, as it was set to off ....
was bluetooth actively doing anything during this time or just on and sitting there?
Firestomer, the following eat batteries:
- PIE running in the background
- Camera app running in the background (can be activated when you shut the camshell as it is easy to hit the camera switch on the front)
- UMTS (which is not a problem for as your radio is off)
hi joe
BT wasn't doing anything - I closed the clamshell and left it expecting it to switch off, but I guess it didn't since it chewed through nearly 60% power in 3 hours.
Also, what is the technique for switching it off ? I have pressed the power button to the left of the SD slot, all it does is switch the backlight off. I have held it for 0.5 seconds, 1, 5, 10 ....
I am loosing patience with the thing - wifi isn't working for me and TomTom5 keeps forgetting it has a GPS connection ...
btw what is PIE ??
PIE = pocket IE
Two clicks of the off switch will turn the device off
On my device BT only uses about 10/15% of battery over a 12 hr period
Are you talking about svitching the device entirely off? i dont think that can be done...exept if you take the battery out and put it back in and dont turn it back on
yes as close to off as possible when I am as sleep etc, but it guess it needs to keep the clock and alarm and keypressed detect powered ....

Fast Battery Drain over night

Hi guys,
I have a problem with my Jade. I've charged it last evening and I've barely used it. When I've went to bed it was 96% charged (ARIELbattery) and 10 minutes used.
This morning, when I've woke up, The battery was 33% and and the phone was 34 minutes usage time.
Something is wrong. Since there were no bluetooth, no wifi, no anything activated. And for sure, nobody played with the phone during the night.
This is not the first time when I see this behavior, but is the first time when the decrease is so big.
I suspect an app, but I do not know which of them. How can I see it?
Do you have other suggestions?
There are some possible reasons:
Some SD-Cards seem to drain battery, so you can take it out for a test.
Some additional software is told to drain battery. Did you install something?
It is also helpful to switch to "flight-mode" over night. This normally reduces battery drain to nearly zero, if no additional consumers exist.
Yes I've installed some software, like gAlarm, S2U2, icontact,ThumbCal, Skype, etc but last night none of them was started.
What can I do with the SD Card?! I need the SD-Card. Which card does not drain battery and which does?
I cannot turn off the phone over night.
Some clues here in this forum
I've read those before posting, but there was no answer to my problem. I have 67% drop of battery in 8 hours without touching the phone.
This is most likely that your device goes to screenoff or unattended power state instead of sleep. Your power settings might be corrupted. To change that go to your power settings advanced tab and change everything there (checkboxes and sliders), press ok and then change them back as they were, press ok. I'd suggest to keep the device turning off in one minute while on battery and none of the checkboxes for cord powered mode. There is a really freaky thing that even if you get your device to sleep with power button it will go back to screenoff mode after time specified by the turn off device slider while on battery IF you don't have that turn-off-while-on-battery checkbox checked there.
darfri said:
even if you get your device to sleep with power button it will go back to screenoff mode after time specified by the turn off device slider while on battery IF you don't have that turn-off-while-on-battery checkbox checked there.
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Thanks for the answer. But I do not really understand what you are saying here.
My power settings are: 30sec for Screen Light and 1 min for Device (on battery).
None of the check boxes is set for the case when the device is powered.
It could also be due to the battery defect. After some time the battery could lose its storage ability (because of the defect), despite the mAH stated.
As a comparison, my battery is nearly one year old. On full charge, overnight drawdown (on sleep mode) is about 2%-3% .
ungureanub said:
Yes I've installed some software, like gAlarm, S2U2, icontact,ThumbCal, Skype, etc but last night none of them was started.
What can I do with the SD Card?! I need the SD-Card. Which card does not drain battery and which does?
I cannot turn off the phone over night.
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I have no own experiences with this programs but Skype for example needs permanent connection to internet when activated (be care of the background job!). This uses data connection and this drains battery. I can not quantify this in %. In addition Skype does not allow the system to switch to deep sleep because it needs permanent connection!
None of the app was started. I just have Skype installed, but it was not used.
Uninstall S2U2 !!!!!
nicodbgh said:
Uninstall S2U2 !!!!!
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I found some German threads that discuss a problem with this software and battery life. Some loose 10% over night others 50%. I think you should try to uninstall (and afterwards soft-reset!) for a night and see what happens.
Please keep us informed.
First of all, I've disabled the 3G. Now it only gsm with gprs. Since I've done this it seems the battery drop is ... super ok. If yesterday morning I've had 33%, this morning I've had 20%, so 13% drop in 24h, and the phone was used normally as before.
last night the S2U2 was not started.
I will wait until the battery level reaches 10% an I will do a full charge.
I will keep you informed. Thanks to all for advices!
Some clues here too ...
So now, 2 weeks later... after setting my Jade to GSM only (no 3G) I get 7-8 days of normal usage. As I said, before I always had to charge it the third day.
Normally, i get -28mAh drain in standby. When the screen is on around -130mAh (for wake up) and then -70mAh. In a gsm call i get around -250mAh.
I did not switch the phone back to 3G yet, but I will and I will see again the battery drain.
PS: the values were provided by Mobadi.
i believe i have S2U2 installed... and my phones fine!
i have the overloaded rom... and battery life seems great only needs charging every 3 or so days and i do use it quite alot!
after some time of testing and re-testing I still have, from time to time, the behavior that during night I see a massive drop in battery level and an increase of the usage time.
I do not know what is going on, but I suspect that some app is waking up the device to do some work (without turning on the screen), and the Jade cannot go to sleep anymore for a while.
I've notice the same behavior on a HTC Diamond 2.
Since none of the app I have installed on my Jade are installed on my friends Diamond2, I have no idea what app could do that.
If anybody has any idea, feel free .... I am idea-less!
I've made myself a little application to log the current values of the power data. So, I've saw that my phone wakes up each hour by himself, without turning on the screen, does some work (cca -70mA) and after 30sec goes back to sleep.
Any ideea about this?

Need to recharge ALREADY!!!!????

Can someone explain to me how, with the phone turned off (just the phone option in settings, almost airplane mode, but still using WiFi) and screen brightness set to lowest possible,
am I getting a 21% battery drain in 1 hour????? I just fully recharged this joker, and within 8 minutes it went to 99%, soft resetted, 95% at startup...soft resetted again, 90% at startup...within 15 minutes I had dropped 10%!!!
2 nights ago, I left the phone on standby at 65% overnight...woke up to a 2% battery charge!
I looked at task manager and there was nothing running...okay, just typing this and down to 77....I'll soft reset and update the %.....11:05pm...
okay...it's 11:07 and upon startup, phone batt. % was at 70%...I lost 7% just by restarting...
currently using Xannytech 1.7c ROM (yes, I need to change my sig...)
Any ideas?
i am no tech guy but i'll go with saying maybe your battery is dying or i donno have you tried getting a new one ? my battery reading is highly consistent and they sure as hell dont fall down as much as yours does in short time periods. mine after a full discharge charge cycle holds on every percentage like a m o and stays with me for two days.
performed a hard reset?
SR will only really fix lockups/unresponsiveness (like the reset button on your PC)
HR is effectively a full reinstall from scratch. will (or should) cure power management issues like you seem to be having.
ofcource, it could be the battery. A HR is free so i'd start there...
I treated my phone like a baby for its first three months, and the first day I left it unattended when I went to the loo, my friend spilled water all over it...
Now the (range of new) batteries I buy for it last only 7 hours tops before hitting 0%. So maybe, like mine, there's something in your phone that is rapidly draining your battery? (Still not been able to solve my problem six months down the line )
Morning...left the phone off overnight and woke up at 69%... Never spilled anything on it...maybe flashing to stock rom may help?Just reading your posts and I'm down to 67%. WITH PHONE TURNED OFF AND LIGHTING AT MINIMUM. Maybe flashing to stock may help? 66%
11 am...well, ended trying out a reflash of Xanny 1.7c...restores ALL programs through Sashimi. Went to do some grocery shopping (yes ladies, I cook too!), had phone on, playing music through headphones for about an hour and battery went down 5%...an improvement...will update if anything else changes
Ways your phone uses power
My phone got moist when I was running in the rain, and the power button (on the top of the phone) seems to be permanently pushed in. It looks ok and I can push it, but the phone doesn't notice. The result is that my phone is constantly draining the battery and I can only get about 4 hours out of a full charge.
Also note that some ROMs are configured to download data for multiple reasons/applications, at regular intervals. These include:
- weather updates
- My Location updates
- Twitter feeds
- email checks
- AGPS updates
- GPS updates
- updating phone's clock from Internet
- MyPhone synchronisation
- PIM Backup scheduled backups
Then there are numerous settings that may be set to run all the time:
- Infrared ("Beam" settings)
- Wifi, especially Wifi power mode (Performance vs. Best Battery)
- wifi router
- Bluetooth
- Vibrate (any time the phone vibrates, a small electric motor spins)
- enabling auto-dimming features such as auto screen brightness control
- Smart features that use the phone's light or 'motion' sensor e.g. Mute ring when phone placed face down or make phone ring louder if placed in your pocket
And there are settings that have a more pronounced impact on battery:
- wifi in a weak signal environment (more power is used to boost signal)
- wifi encryption type (none vs. WEP vs. WPA) (WPA uses more CPU than none)
- screen brightness
- volume
- screen dimming and blanking timeouts
I'm sure there's more, but these are ones off the top of my head. Some ROMs have some of these features enabled, some features are enabled by you when initially configuring after a flash. If you want to keep power consumption low, you need to check or consider all of these and make decisions that trade functionality for battery life.
And of course, your battery could simply be poor, wearing out, faulty, or low quality.

Need URGENT help with extreme kitkatt bluetooh battery drain

After I upgraded to Kitkatt i have noticed bluetooth appearing in the battery percentage. I have read from others about 5-10 percent maybe but my battery drain is ENORMOUS given the way battery was before kitkatt. I have done a full factory reset and wipe. It seemed to fix it and i was so happy. Now it s back and i have no clue why. I don t use location services. Battery saving button is always on and i keep it to minimum usage.
Ps: the screens were taken a few mins after i woke up. So there was no active usage on the phone during the drain because i was sleeping.
Ps2: Bluetooth has never been turned on. I do not use it.
Ps3: This happens in bursts of battery drain. 5% may be used while i wrote this post and some facebook use for 1 hour, and after a while in 1 hour of leaving it on the table i will lose 10% from Bluetooth.
Tldr but did you try hard reset the phone?
Also try rebooting the phone in safe mode by holding power of button and then when power off menu comes on, hold power of for 3-4 seconds to reboot in safe mode.
Let me know if any of these work.
Hmm its weird that you have such an enormous bluetooth drain in the first place, and in the second place that bluetooth isnt even enabled??? You could maybe post an logcat also with enabling/disabling logcat since maybe bluetooth got bugged in a weird way on your system. Please quote my post since else I may not notice your post and then I can't respond back.

