Nasty Low Battery Bug In MDA Pro - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

If the battery falls below 10% then it turns off wifi, sd card etc (Fair enough).
But... unfortunately, unit switches on every 5 mins to tell you that the battery is dead (then does not switch off for the defaut timeout)!!! You can go from 10% to dead in half an hour even when the device it switched off.
Also, when you feed it some juice, and try and start the wifi, it switches it off again until the charge is above 10%. I.e it does not realise that the unit has a mains supply connected.
At leased it does not hard reset like my BA used to!

Did you ever find a way around this ? My MDA Pro just drained itself overnight because of this bug. It's even worse if you have MS Voice Command because that chips in to TELL you that there's low battery !

I also could do with a solution for this, as i have set my Screen to be alway on if in laptop mode and open. Oftern i forget to close it and the battery goes flat. No big deal because of lest you looses everything. But not untill the battery once pluged in goes above 10% can i use it properley as all my programes are stored on the card.
I agree the 5 minute but to keep telling you its flat makes it worse if your battery is low, But is there a way to change the low battery shut down to 1% so this way after only a short charge i could start to use it properley


Another critical bug on the universal :-(

I just found another painful bug....this one is related to charging (battery). I normally put my qtek on charge all through the night when I go to bed. For the last 4-5 days I have been unplugging the device when it showed 100% charge, put it on standby (no wifi,btooth,gsm etc.) and made sure there were no applications running. I usually leave it in the standby state for 2 hours while I finish my morning exercise.
whenever I return, I see a power loss of 20%!! I was shocked to see how I could loose 20% in 2 hours ith my device on standby mode. this time, I even made sure I pressed the power button before I closed the lid, and luck :-( I still lost 19%
I guess the problem is, when the charger is connected and the battery gets completely charged, it stops charging further. I guess it reaches a fully charged state within 2 hours, and the battery starts to drain all through the night...and wm5/htc don't start charging once again when the levels go down....i'll have to do a cuple more tests until I can totally confirm that this is the bug...until then, are anyone of you guys experiencing the same problems?
Another thing I forgot to mention, once again I charge my battery from 80% to 100%, and it lasts through the entire day(12 hrs) and drops to only 40% with highhh usage (bluetooth ON throughout, gsm on with 3hrs talktime, and some light gprs usage). so it really is not a problem of my battery as I see it!
Hmmm. I hate to say, but I don't see that problem. But I do have the unlocked JasJar Universal from HTC, not the qtek. If this happens with other qtecs, maybe they load a custom software that is acting up. In fact, I could leave the device on for two straight hours off a 100% charge and I don't think I'd lose 20% unless the phone was on too.
DaleReeck said:
Hmmm. I hate to say, but I don't see that problem. But I do have the unlocked JasJar Universal from HTC, not the qtek. If this happens with other qtecs, maybe they load a custom software that is acting up. In fact, I could leave the device on for two straight hours off a 100% charge and I don't think I'd lose 20% unless the phone was on too.
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have you tried charging your device for well over two hours before unplugging? (around 8-9 hours of charging for instance?)
I don't really think it has anything to do with the qtek rom/device. the qtek rom has the least ammt of customisations on it...
I still suspect that the charging process halts and it starts to drain the battery....but the os doesn't reinitiate the charging process once again....hmm
I'll have to wait till tomm before I can do another round of checking....tomm, I want to charge it....and before I unplug, I'd remove the battery and put it back and see what it indicates...I suspect that the power would have already dropped to ~80% by then...that's the only explanation I can think of at the moment....
Hi Dreamtheater!!!
I exactly follow you as far as charging is concerned and I hv a Jasjar....just to inform you...I started charging yesterday at 11.30 PM and just got up to see the is power loss...
hdubli said:
Hi Dreamtheater!!!
I exactly follow you as far as charging is concerned and I hv a Jasjar....just to inform you...I started charging yesterday at 11.30 PM and just got up to see the is power loss...
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it shows 100% for me too...but in just 2 hrs, it drops to 80% which is weird! from then on, it drains normally...
I still need some time to nail the exact cause for the problem...hmm!
Hey dreamtheater, I charge my Exec overnite everynite just like you. Usually at least 7 to 8 hrs everynite, but I have yet to experience what you mentioned here. My Exec always start fresh from 100% and by the time I get home at nite, it will drop to about 70% so no, I'm not getting the batt drain issue like you do..
I did not experience any such behaviour with my Qtek. It charged fine over night and had 100% battery when unpluged.
Are you sure your's does not wake up for some reason after you suspend it?
Dreamtheatre, I charged my XDA Exec overnight (7 hrs) and after 2 hrs with GSM/UMTS radio on the unit lost 5% battery charge.
You need to set the device to switch off after a specified time interval. This can be done by going to start>settings>battery>advanced and check the device timeout box. I usually set it to 1 minute.
Last night i was browsing on my JJ and fell asleep while doing so, IE and notes and inbox applications were still open. When i started, the battery level was 93%, i browsed for about 10 minutes over Wifi before i fell asleep. The device shut itself off and when i woke up the battery level was 82% which is prportionate to my 10 min WiFi use and probably 1 minute standby time before it shut itself off.
Try it out, i'm sure you will stop seeing the massive battery drain
Another thing. Contraty to what people think, keeping the universal's battery topped off improves battery life. Prevent it from dropping all the way to say 30% or so. You will notice the difference in battery life in just about a week or so
Another source of battery drainage i've found is when i'm charging my Exec from the USB connection on my PC - If I leave my Exec connected and put my PC into standby, it will literally suck the life out of the battery over the course of a few hours!
I think some of you have got me wrong...let me restate the problem...
I charge all night
Wake up with 100% charge
Pull off the charger
Leave it on standby for ~2 hrs (no apps running, gsm, wifi, all off)
Come back, and find a ~20% drop
Back to my findings now.......
Another morning, no luck :-(
It had 100% charge...I pulled off the battery, put it back in and restarted....still showed 100%, so I guess it really was fully charged after all. This time I turned off receive incoming beams as well....left it for a couple hours, and was disappointed to see 82% when I got back :-(
However, through the day I get excellent battery life....all day's use ends up consuming roughly 30-40% charge which is excellent compared to my prev xda2 which would comparitively loose all of it by eod. I guess if I park my device in flight mode it tends to start draining that's my only available reason or cause that I can think of....
tomm I guess I won't put the device on flight mode and leave it just On instead. This is weird because its just me having this problem :-(
PS: I'm using the regular ac charger itself for charging...hmm
DT, I disabled PowerSave and switched off the GSM/UMTS radio on my Exec. After about 8 hours I had lost about 30% charge. So your 20% does seem high. It could just be the battery as loss of charge is not linear. Why not let it drop to say 60% and then do your test again. By the way there spare batteries seem to be available now for the Universal.

Increase battery life of o2 NEO ??

I am facing battery problems. I fully charge my phone and after a few short calls my battery level drops down to 90% remaining level. Am I the only one facing this problem ? I have made necessary changes to improve the life.
1) reduced the back light to auto shut after 15 seconds of inactivity
2) standby mode in 30 seconds of inactivity
3) backlight is set to the second bar.
3) GPRS is not connected bluetooth is off and wi-fi is off.
I just purchased this phone 2 weeks back so the battery is brand new
Battery info: model number is PM16A, 3.7 Volt DC @ 1200 mAh (DynaPack)
I need to recharge the battery every 24 hours. Is this NORMAL ?
I would appreciate any suggestions.
It's normal. Battery life in pocket pcs and pocket pc phones in general is like that.
I've always noticed that in my PPC and my Prophet, the battery drops down REALLY fast to 85-90%. Then it slowly goes down. Then around 60%, it again gets stuck. Then it goes down again, but very slowly. You'll get a good 2 days of usage with moderate use.
Though I usually charge my phone every night, when it is at about 55-60%.
In the morning when I take it off the charger, it drops down to 90-92% after I only read 1-2 SMS messages and maybe make a short 5 minute call. It's normal.

Bad Battery! - Possible cause?

Hey guys,
My battery life is absolute horrid right now, and I tried everything.
I tried out different roms, every radio, deleting programs, hard resetting tons of times. I even bought a new 1500 mAh battery but it was still crap.
Battery log says my device in standby mode with the screen turned of uses -70ma, when I turn my screen up it jumps to -320ma, and when idle on the screen for a few sec it goes to -200 ma, but when I browse through stuff again it goes to 3xxma again. When I surf on the internet it picks up to 450-500ma.
Now, this morning with the 1500 mAh battery fully charged I played a few games of XTRAKT, few texts, 1 hour of music listening and 10 minutes of being on Opera through a HSDPA connection. It was down to 45%.
This isn't the normal rate the battery goes down at right?
I use HDtweak to manage my connection and put it off after a minute so it isn't that I keep dataconnections open. I never use bluetooth or wifi either.
Could it possibly be that it's the charger of the device? I perhaps have the feeling that it doesn't put enough juice into the battery even though the green light led goes on to indicate it's full.
Some feedback would be much appreciated cause it's put me on the edge of selling my device, which would be a shame cause I'm really fond of it (except the battery ofcourse ).
Thanks in advance!
P.s. I am from a pda background, so it isn't that I'm expecting too much of the device or comparing it to a normal cell.
May I ask what you searched, as there are 3 or 4 active threads on battery drain right now?
Had same problem.
Try to browse a storage card if its very slow You must format it and it will back to normal.
very strange but its working.
AndyCr15 said:
May I ask what you searched, as there are 3 or 4 active threads on battery drain right now?
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General battery drain yes, not the possible issue of a charger though. If I'm wrong I stand corrected. .
Had same problem.
Try to browse a storage card if its very slow You must format it and it will back to normal.
very strange but its working.
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I'll try this, I have noticed that today my storage card won't be read by my computer, so perhaps this is a fix for the lousy battery issue.
antrak said:
Hey guys,
My battery life is absolute horrid right now, and I tried everything.
I tried out different roms, every radio, deleting programs, hard resetting tons of times. I even bought a new 1500 mAh battery but it was still crap.
Battery log says my device in standby mode with the screen turned of uses -70ma, when I turn my screen up it jumps to -320ma, and when idle on the screen for a few sec it goes to -200 ma, but when I browse through stuff again it goes to 3xxma again. When I surf on the internet it picks up to 450-500ma.
Now, this morning with the 1500 mAh battery fully charged I played a few games of XTRAKT, few texts, 1 hour of music listening and 10 minutes of being on Opera through a HSDPA connection. It was down to 45%.
This isn't the normal rate the battery goes down at right?
I use HDtweak to manage my connection and put it off after a minute so it isn't that I keep dataconnections open. I never use bluetooth or wifi either.
Could it possibly be that it's the charger of the device? I perhaps have the feeling that it doesn't put enough juice into the battery even though the green light led goes on to indicate it's full.
Some feedback would be much appreciated cause it's put me on the edge of selling my device, which would be a shame cause I'm really fond of it (except the battery ofcourse ).
Thanks in advance!
P.s. I am from a pda background, so it isn't that I'm expecting too much of the device or comparing it to a normal cell.
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Hi Antrak,
Touch HD has the longest battery life of any similar 'phone. See e.g.
Either your battery is not charging correctly, as you say (try it via the PC USB cord?), or you have two dud batteries in a row (very unlikely) or you have a bug in your m/board. 70mA in standby is too high. It should be <20mA with only the 'phone on in standby mode, providing you are not moving from one cell to another all the time, and have decent signal.
One other suggestion. Drain the battery completely to zero, then recharge it to max. This should reset the internal battery meter. But don't do this too often, as it ages the battery faster.
If none of these work, return the 'phone for a m/board replacement undere guarantee.
I have the same problem... After charging for 10 hours, my batt shows 55% only.. and last 1hr on STANDbY!!!
IMAGINE! charge for 10hrs juz to get to use for 1 hr.. im disappointed by the batt.. im not sure if HTC is gona let me exchange with a new one or do I have to buy a new batt..
try check your sync..its active all the time or not..
if yes..
find the threat to make a fake account for sync, so you can active it manually.
so your battery will stand more longer,
about charging..
me also facing the same problem..
need to change it more longer to get full battery,
if i change in my car,
no issue
very fast
i thing charger issue..
but i bought original set..
Okay I've charged my HD through my pc with a USB cable and formatted my SD card like a other user said. Gonna see how it holds out today. It could very well be that some chargers have issues.
My experience with the Touch HD says that when charged with a USB attached to a computer the battery life is a lot shorter than charged through a wall socket.
jouh said:
My experience with the Touch HD says that when charged with a USB attached to a computer the battery life is a lot shorter than charged through a wall socket.
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This is always going to be the case. Quickest way to charge your device will always be through your wall socket and with your device turned off!!
Same battery issue.
i recently purchased a new touch HD (T8285 telstra version) and am experiencing the same horrible battery issues. it takes more time to charge it, than i get use out of it.
i've tried multiple batteries, and am in the process of trying different ROMs.
antrak: any update on that last post? did the SD format help?
Fallen Spartan said:
This is always going to be the case. Quickest way to charge your device will always be through your wall socket and with your device turned off!!
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Indeed, here's an illustration...
Charging via USB takes longer. Consumption and therefore charge current is erratic after the battery level reaches 50% when charging via USB on my HD. So the battery fills up to about 60% of its capacity by the time when the battery level is reported to be 100% and charging stops.
When charging with an AC adapter this is not happening and the capacity is fully utilized. This is also quicker.
Fallen Spartan said:
This is always going to be the case. Quickest way to charge your device will always be through your wall socket and with your device turned off!!
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That's strange. For me it's quicker if the device is turned on. When it's off it takes around 8-10 hours to charge but when it's on it's alot quicker.
trice1921 said:
That's strange. For me it's quicker if the device is turned on. When it's off it takes around 8-10 hours to charge but when it's on it's alot quicker.
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hmmm, I don't know how this is possible?
If your device is on there is always power outage especially with programmes running, whilst if your device is off, there is no power drainage so device should charge quicker.
What rom are you using? software installed?
Fallen Spartan said:
hmmm, I don't know how this is possible?
If your device is on there is always power outage especially with programmes running, whilst if your device is off, there is no power drainage so device should charge quicker.
What rom are you using? software installed?
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Latest official rom with alot of software installed. But it doens't make sence to me either. It's logical for something to charge faster when it's using no power (off) then when it is using power (on).
Combine battery threads ???
Hi to Moderators,
There are now several threads on the HD forum on battery and charging issues.
Can these be combined into one place and stickied, so we can get a clear picture?
Current threads are this one, plus:
I have a gut feeling from what I'm reading, that HTC have had a bad batch of batteries or charger circuits in the HD - in which case the best starting point is to call their service points and ask for help/replacement, instead of spending lots of time on other remedies. The symptoms described have lots of commonalities, and the HD is normally an excellent beastie for battery usage.
Thanks for all your help, ladies and gents! Your work is much appreciated.
nerdcore said:
i recently purchased a new touch HD (T8285 telstra version) and am experiencing the same horrible battery issues. it takes more time to charge it, than i get use out of it.
i've tried multiple batteries, and am in the process of trying different ROMs.
antrak: any update on that last post? did the SD format help?
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Don't know what it is but my battery life increased a tad. Am running Dutty's X3.0 with the 1.32.x.x. radio. Watching a 1 hour xvid dvd rip (no conversion) in coreplayer on full backlight with no HSDPA on, wifi or bluetooth takes away 20% of my battery, which is acceptable.
Don't think it's the SD card format though, it might be that I never have the activesync process on anymore by setting it to manual update and closing it (it otherwise keeps running.)

Battery drain

Trying to figure out 1) cause of battery drain and 2) poor power mgmt.
I had a fully charged phone yesterday at 5pm, leaving work.
When I tried to turn it on this morning it was completely, completely drained.
I have 4min timeouts set on the phone for backlight off, and 5min for device off when on battery. I had WiFi tuned off, Bluetooth on.
I did have Wayfinder and GPS active on the way home, and may have just turned off the phone. If I turn off the phone with Wayfinder active, would this continue to drain the battery, GPS reception is passive, is it not ???
How come the battery drained to such an exent, it took 5 min on a charger before it would even power up, from a full reset and WM load.
My old XDA would hibernate at low battery percentage, and still have a reserve charge to keep the phone content/settings intact.
Any views, suggestions.
When I first got my x1 end of last year, I found I only got around 6 hours out of a battery.
Now I get about 36 hours of normal use out of one charge. Including 1 hour of gps each day/ half hour of wifi.
What worked for me was to, reduce back light time to 10 seconds when standalone. I also found S2U unlock drained the battery, so I now use the standard unlock.
Also, ensure that no auto updates (only manual) are done e.g SPB weather, insight RSS etc.
I have also changed my battery to a Mugen 1800 mAh. This seems to have increased my time by around 25% on average use.
S2U2 no longer drains my battery, one of the old versions did and so did the old version of AE Button but they are both good now, I get min of 2 days and max of about 5 depending on load of use... normal use is about 3... (internet for emails and dling rss feeds and some reading of forums 1 hour, reading books/texts about 4-5 hours and listening about 2hours plus calls and texts is a normal day for me...)
GPS does drain your battery pretty quick though...
pokdub said:
I did have Wayfinder and GPS active on the way home, and may have just turned off the phone. If I turn off the phone with Wayfinder active, would this continue to drain the battery, GPS reception is passive, is it not ???
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There is no poor power management in there.
It is all because of wayfinder. GPS is still active if you leave Wayfinder active all the time and it will drain the battery supoerfat.
Try closing Wayfinder and you will what I am talking about.
I found out that any Battery applications greatly reduces my (juridically - my wife's) X1i lifetime.
AFAIK to measure any battery charge you need to short circuit it for a millisecond or so and measure the current, not the voltage. When any Battery software does it (through the hardware) every few seconds your battery looses its charge faster.
sms2000 said:
I found out that any Battery applications greatly reduces my (juridically - my wife's) X1i lifetime.
AFAIK to measure any battery charge you need to short circuit it for a millisecond or so and measure the current, not the voltage. When any Battery software does it (through the hardware) every few seconds your battery looses its charge faster.
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I am running Home++ and its fairly decent as far as drain goes... I dont notice much more than when its not running...
Tks for all your feedback.
I am fairly ok with normal use and battery life.
In this particular instance the drain happened so fast, overnight, and I was not using the X1 at all. (or so I thought so).
So I am curious to know what caused the rapid drain, and why the X1 does not have a more controlled low power close down.
pokdub said:
Tks for all your feedback.
I am fairly ok with normal use and battery life.
In this particular instance the drain happened so fast, overnight, and I was not using the X1 at all. (or so I thought so).
So I am curious to know what caused the rapid drain, and why the X1 does not have a more controlled low power close down.
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I have already explained. It was the GPS application that drained the battery, nothing else.
Just as a test try leaving it for as few hours running again and you will see.
battery drain
I do have the same effect. but I do not use GPS or wifi at all.
Sometimes it put the phone down, screen disabled and fully charged. No application running.
Next morning the battery is dead.
It happens about once every two weeks without any sign why...
My solution: I bought a desktop charger which is able to charge a second battery and simply exchange it, when this happens again.
Not ideal - but right now we seem to have to life with it.
do you have an old version of S2U2 or AE Button plus on your phone? And I have also read that batti used to cause drain problems... this might be the case with yours(?) if you have none of these installed then I am of not much help...
If u use Push email or active sync, Google sync Hotmail sync any Email sync on arrivel option ur battery will only last 5hours cause the phone is using mobile web at all times and constantly sending and recieving, turn it off an ur phone will last over 19hours with out charge... EG i turned my email sync off at 10am an the batt level was 60% didnt charge it till next day 11am when the batt levels drop to 20%
Is your X1 fairly new?
I experienced exactly this issue about a week after I bought my X1. No apparent reason for it, but the battery just drained right out overnight.
Strangely, the same thing happend about a week after I bought a HTC Touch Pro.
In both instances it has happened only the one time. Since then things have been normal, or drains caused by known software issues (like the buggy version of S2U2).
As earlier suggested, I loaded the Wayfinder app, with its GPS active.
I tuned off the phone when the app was on screen.
Left it for 3 hours, and there was a noticeable drain of the battery.
Lets hope the new WM 6.5 improves Power Mgmt, and has a more elegant low power handling.
Do you have G-Alarm installed? My Battery gets drained very fast when I have this installed. I tried many different versions within the last few month, allways the same.
I experienced this last night for the first time with my X1. I left the X1 on the bedside table at 11:30 with 90% charge and was awakened by the battery low alarm at 6:30 am (not good).
The only thing that I noticed that was unusual was that my X1 had been connected to the PC with ActiveSync in the connected state. I shut down the PC and then unplugged the X1. In the morning after the battery low alarm I noticed that the phone thought it was still connected. I use SPB Phone Suite and it was still showing the Cradle profile. This would not change in the automatic mode so I had to reboot the phone. Everything has been fine since.
So ... I am wondering if ActiveSync can sometimes go crazy and drain the battery more quickly??
I have a faster draining battery since i installed g-alarm. can anyone confirm that?
In my case I dont have G-Alarm installed.
Well my battery is not draining that seriously. it's ok i guess.
But maybe you should try what is suggested in the last post of this thread:
Deep discharge my X1-battery just almost doubled my battery life in average
Seafal said:
I have a faster draining battery since i installed g-alarm. can anyone confirm that?
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I have been using G-Alarm since the very moment I got my X1 and there is no noticeable battery drain. Lasts 3-4days.

Is my battery b*ggered?

So for the past few weeks my battery has been draining faster than the speed of light. It will get to anywhere between 30 - 70% (usually about 56%) and it will just turn off. Like straight to dead, no powering down.
When I try to turn it on again I get a white screen with a picture of an empty battery.
If I plug it is, I get the charging screen showing a battery percentage the same as it was when it crashed.
I've done a factory reset, wiped the cache, tried it with no third-party apps, all sorts. But it's still the same. I'm having to charge it 4 or 5 times a day and it's only getting about 30 mins of usage before it dies.
It tends to happen the most with the camera or Snapchat but I don't think it's related to those as it will also do it in other apps and even the lockscreen.
Is it time to call it quits and send it to the phone shop in the sky?!
I had this weird problem with my battery too! MXPE on stock nougat , as soon as I charged my phone to 100% and plug out it used to drop below 80 in 2 minutes ! and then when the percentage hit ~20% It used to turn off showing that white screen you mentioned, however when I plugged the phone in it would start charging at ~15% ! so I tried recalibrating my battery and it is surprisingly effective !
here is the method:
1) drain your phone battery until it shuts down.
2)power it on again and you will see that white battery low picture. plug the charger for 3 or more seconds and out, it will boot up again but as soon as the Rom boots up the phone will die again . do it multiple times.
3)charge the phone while it is off until 100%. turn it on and drain the battery as fast as possible (max brightness, volume, streaming videos on cellular data and running benchmarks will do ) till the phone dies again.
4) repeat (2)
5) charge the phone up to 100% while it is off ! and there you go your battery is recalibrated and good to go!
Obviously, this will shorten the batteries lifespan but since I believe you have it for a long time It won't be an important matter!
Thank you. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and treat myself to the new OnePlus 5T when it goes on sale tomorrow but I will try your advice as this will be a good backup phone to keep for emergencies as it's not worth much to sell on or trade in.
Try removing the back with a heatgun and unplugg and plug de battery.
I'm having the exact same issue and tried the same solutions, no help. It's dying now after a couple minutes. I'm carrying around a battery pack.
Seems to me my troubles started after updating to Nougat. You?

