GPRS Wont Reconnect - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi all
I am using my XDA IIi on Vodafone but when i connect to GPRS the first time it works perfectly but if I reconnect to the GPRS service either hours or days later it says the i cant connect to "internet" which is the APN name for mobile web on vodafone.
The only way to rectify this is is to switch flight mode on and off again.
Has anyone else noticed this and if so have they found a solution?

Common problem I'm afraid. Happens with the O2 or i-mate ROM for me, and many others.
Can only hope they fix it soon.

Hmmmm thats not good news. Its also quite interesting as it didnt used to do that.
Is this a problem that drifts in and out or just one that develops and then you are stuck with. Ive had my IIi since march and its only started doing this in the last couple of weeks.
Hopefully a fix will come out eventually for it are any of the roms, imate etc any better?

Well I prefer the i-mate ROM images as they aren't network branded, but they are all pretty much the same past the customisations, Microsoft release the updates, HTC customise it, and the company that brands the particular device customises it.

Thanks for the info.
Are the imate roms on the ftp somewhere? I couldnt find them. I have the new O2 rom that someone has added radio 1.3 to running at the moment but it did not fix the problem.


Have to restart phone to regain GPRS connetion

I Have to restart phone to regain GPRS connetion every now and then. I have radio version 1.01.00 and rom version 1.03.00 WWE. My provider is Vodafone in sweden.
If I go to flight mode and back to normal then I can connect to GPRS again. Should I uppgrade my I-Mate to get it to work? Any Ideas what to do?
I've heard of people with similar problems, you need to upgrade your Rom, if you wanna stay relatively safe, upgrade to:
Rom Version: 1.72.00WWE
U can get this from club imate
I'm afraid I can´t find the rom on the Imate Club site. But you belive my problem will be solved by uppgrading the rom right? I´ll have to search for it then. ;c) Thanks.
I sure don't see any version 1.72 on Club iMate at JAM Device Support. The latest available upgrade I see is:
Radio 1.01.00
ROM 1.03.143 WWE
Where do you see version 1.72?
I believe he's referring to the wrong device. 1.72 was for the I-Mate Pocket PC - not the Jam.
Ok. I have posted a case to Imate and they where about to send a file to correct the problem but I got an emty mail.
Imate support don't know what this is. I'm back on the hunt. Anybody else having the same problem with theirs? Please let me know in this thred
Sincere Apologies, I was in fact dreferring to the I-mate....didnt realise this thread was under magician
Got an ansver from Imate. They sent me an PDF file where they showed me how to set up the GPRS connection. The problem is, been there and done that. I’m totally lost here. Is it only me who has this problem with “magican” and Vodafone? (In Sweden). Frustrating! ;c(
Note: With my P800 and the same location and same SIM = no probem at all.
I have the exact same problem with Vodafone gprs in Sweden
Hi Robert
I have the exact same problem with GPRS. I am also a customer of Vodafone in Sweden. I have this problem regardless of the device I am using. I have been running Qtek 2020, 8010, 9090 and S100 (magician) devices with the same problem for quite a while now.
I have started to think that this is not a device problem. It is probably a problem with Vodafone GPRS. I have contacted their tech support a couple of times about this. So far we have tried disabling/reenabling GPRS on my account and switching to new Sim-cards. None of this has worked so far.
I am using their twin cards service switching between different phones, I am not sure if this has anything to do with the problem.
best regards
Thanks a lot for giving me this feedback. I'll talk to Vodafone right away.
Solution: I know that Telia supports the magican device because they have them for sale. My solution was to call Telia and tell them that I wanted to use them instead. Its a covards solution but Imate blames Vodafone and Vodafone blames Imate.
I have an old Qtek1010 on Telia, and it is behaving just like your Magician on Vodaphone. Sometimes I have to actually remove the SIM and put it back in again to be able to reconnect.
Another question about the Magician and GPRS. I have read on a couple of forums that the Magician will not keep the GPRS connection alive when in "sleep mode". Is this true? If so I may have to quickly cancel my order...
bamse said:
Another question about the Magician and GPRS. I have read on a couple of forums that the Magician will not keep the GPRS connection alive when in "sleep mode". Is this true? If so I may have to quickly cancel my order...
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My gprs connection seems to stay connected ok even when the machine is switched "off". I have an imate jam on o2 in the UK.
I don't know if it stays on forever because i tend to log off gprs so i can go on line through bluetooth.
This is really bad news. I thought that since Telia do have thoose phones for sale they should have tested them in the net. In that case I should start thinking of going back to my old P800 instead of changing provider.
I Wonder if there are someone in here who it works for in sweden. Please let me know.
I have several collegues who are not experiencing these problems with Qtek devices on Vodafone network. So it does not seem to be a general problem.
RobertDahlberg said:
This is really bad news. I thought that since Telia do have thoose phones for sale they should have tested them in the net. In that case I should start thinking of going back to my old P800 instead of changing provider.
I Wonder if there are someone in here who it works for in sweden. Please let me know.
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I just talked to Telia today as my GPRS broke down totally and there was just nothing that would make it connect. The person I talked to was very helpful and professional and we managed to isolate the problem to my SIM card. Being a brand new SIM I received just two weeks ago I though that just anything but the SIM would be more probable. It was very evident though as my SIM would not work with GPRS in neither mine nor a colleauges phone but the colleauges SIM would work just fine in both.
My new SIM will arrive on monday, and then hopefully it will not be too long before my S100 arrives as well
Ok, thats somewhat god news. Then there is hope to accually use this expensive piece of toy as it is suppose to.
Some input…
I have a Qtek S100 and run it with Telia. Works just fine, never have to reset or remove the SIM. However, I have problem with the GPRS to disconnect when synchronized with my PC and when using the phone. Have heard that an app called GPRS Keep Alive would solve that problem, haven’t tried it yet.
// Johnny
Re: Some input…
Johnny said:
I have a Qtek S100 and run it with Telia. Works just fine, never have to reset or remove the SIM. However, I have problem with the GPRS to disconnect when synchronized with my PC and when using the phone. Have heard that an app called GPRS Keep Alive would solve that problem, haven’t tried it yet.
// Johnny
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It will not. For two reasons:
1. There can only be one network connection at a time, and the activesync connection counts as a network connection (you can use network passthrough to use the activesync connection for network access from the PPC).
2. You can not have a GSM voice connection and an active GPRS connection simultaneously because they share the same radio hardware. Simultaneous GPRS and Voice would need two radios in the phone, and although it has been part of the GSM specification for quite some time there are no such device available on the consumer market yet.

Everything looks like it should be right, but it isn't -GPRS

Hi all,
I've spent the last 3 weeks searching through everything so as not to waste anyones time with a simple question but to no avail.
I've been given an XDA II from a family member as they have upgraded to the Exec and I have been using it as a PDA only. Well I see that Orange have some good deals on the go and so decide to use it as a phone/Internet enabled PDA.
I've unlocked it (many times now) got 2003SE on it and have put the correct MMS and GPRS settings in (The ones from Shadamehr). I've checked with Orange and GPRS is enabled on my account with them (PAYG at the mo) but for some reason the same thing that was happening when I first got it pops up
"Cannot connect
There is no modem at the above number..."
So best my small mind can figure is that somehow the 'phone part' of the PDA isn't working. I've tried other sims in it and they don't work either (o2 and Three - but I think Three is funny anyways). Is there something wrong with the actual phone bit?
It's a legit XDA with the M1000 ROM upgrade from the orange site which has made it 2003SE
Does anyone have any knowledge about how I can get my PDA to be a phone? It was once before (but with O2)
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
No modem at above number
Thanks for the link, but believe me I've tried this. I retried it to be sure just now.
"No modem at above number" is what I get after the XDA II tries to connect.
I have no phone reception whatsoever, no internet and no SMS.
My XDA II just works as a PDA with no communication possiblities apart from USB cradle.
Again, thanks in advance for any and all help with this.
If there's no phone reception, and no GPRS, how do you expect to connect to one?
Not to be mean or anything, but aren't your hopes of connecting a little farfetched if all the systems you're trying to use are down?
Not to be mean or anything, but aren't your hopes of connecting a little farfetched if all the systems you're trying to use are down?
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Your not being mean, believe me after a month of searching through here and SPV developers anything that wuld resolve this issue would be appreciated.
Why would the phone element of my XDA just stop working? I can only imagine some sort of Hardware fault but I'm a thorough bunny and would like to make sure of this. A diagnostic app or some way of reading the phone element like a device driver would be handy.
So in brief, why has my phone part of my XDA II stopped working and how do I switch it back on again (if this is at all possible)?
Thank you for your replies thusfar Cynagen, I shall start to ask these questions in the Himalaya forum also now since it seems model specific and not network related.
Any and all further assistance is much appreciated.

8525 Black 2.5 w/TomTom Go 910

After finally being able to get my Internet working through PDA connect I decided it was time to test out my Tomtom Go 910 with the new Black. When I was running the original cingular rom that came with the phone I was able to connect to TomTom Traffic and weather services only. Now after the upgrade it recognizes my phone but says that wireless data is not available? Is this due to the proxy issue with cingular or is it just that TomTom does not support WM6 at all yet? Or something else? I'm trying to decide if it would be better to revert back to a WM5 system because I really do like Black 2.5. Hopefully it may be a quick fix.
TomTom910 issue
hi buddy,
I'm in the same boat with my Vario II.
Went to WM6 (LVSW) on the phone and all of a sudden TomTom tells me the DUN connection is invalid (Data over Bluetooth I believe).
Same Problem Here with tomtom one V4, tried 7 different WM5 & WM6 Roms and 4 different radio roms, still same problem.
Trying to find the original roms to reflash, rather go back to WM5 than waste the 40 euros i paid for the plus services.
Original ROM
I've got a post out there asking where to find them, will pm you if anyone gets back to me mate.
Yet another device that doesn't support the silly PAN profile. Stupid MS developers thought they were doing us a favor by removing DUN.
At least they came to their senses and said they'll work on getting dun implemented again soon...
Anyone else have any luck with this?
sadly no luck, my spv took an unfortunate trip down 2 flights of stairs and replaced by insurance.
tomtom works on my new one ok, aslong as i dont flash it.
...not yet, still waiting for M$ to add DUN support back in from what I understand.
May be rolling back to WM5

HTC Hermes-My bad luck or what?

Hi guys its been 3months now since I bought this device called Orange SPV 3100[HTC Hermes]. Since then my struggle to keep it working all the time started. I love installing apps/games & moreover the educative apps the most. I never tried to tweak much with my device as I never had time to do this. I am using SKTools retail to keep my device healthy. But I don't know after such a short period of time I am feeling so irritated with this device, I am using WM5 official ROM of Orange. Its been 4 times in the entire period that I hard reset my device to set it right but again after 1 week I don't know what happens with it,that it always starts giving me one or other problems like- short battery life, hang[most of the time I have to soft reset my device,normally 20 times a day] I do some important work of mine & the next time it stops working as if there is something very heavy going on inside the RAM. Now after 4th hard reset I tried to set everything right but of no avail, I tried using task switcher of different brands in order to have some sort of task management, but again this stupid device not allowing any of these task managers to work. What should I do avoid such hangups, crashes, less battery life? What is the answer? does it lies somewhere in changing the device or changing the OS to WM6 as been claimed by many. I need Your reply seniors I really bought this device to be a part of Forum.Xda-developers family, but now I am so sad with my experience that sometimes I regret my decision of buying a PPC device when I have lot of important works to do[I am an attorney] Seniors, technicians I Urge You to look in to this matter as an urgency otherwise it will be a last week of this device with me.
"This device is suppose to help me & not the vice versa"
Saksham Katyal
Plz help me getting an answer friends. I am going out of town by Friday morning so I to decide about it as soon as possible that what can be the most appropriate answer to the adversities I am facing..
sakshamkatyal said:
Plz help me getting an answer friends. I am going out of town by Friday morning so I to decide about it as soon as possible that what can be the most appropriate answer to the adversities I am facing..
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I think I can feel your pain. I had a Dopod 838 pro (aka Hermes).
But you've already mentioned the source of your problem: you're still using WM5 on your Hermes (???). Even now, there are still people who have not flashed the latest official WM6 ROMS?
Why don't you download the official ROM from the HTC or dopod website and take the time to flash it to your device...
I flashed mine, and the number of times I had to soft-reset the device in a week I can count on three fingers. (of course, I will soft-reset everytime I do a backup, but never mind that). It turned out to be the BEST phone/PDA I have ever had in over 10 years.
The ONLY reason I switched to TyTN II Kaiser is coz I found I needed more RAM for applications (due to my work. I'm an FX trader and part-time real estate speculator). Otherwise, for normal usage (PIMs, contact management, Internet, messaging, phonecalls), I think I would have stuck with the Dopod for a very long time..
The only tweakers I used were SKTools and Memmaid (I'm still using them). You say you never tried to tweak coz you don't have the time? I'm afraid you better find the time, friend. One Saturday evening is all you need to go thru the settings.
For me, I think it's worth the trouble, considering what the Hermes is capable of helping me to do.
As a starting point, you can go back to your vendor who should be knowledgeable enough to assist with the tweaks. Or you can try browsing thru my bookmarks here:
Unfortunately his provider (Orange) has yet to publish a WM6 Rom for his device...
Does that matter? Take a trip to the Hermes Mobile 6 forum...
So friends, the answer lies in WM6? Can I use the WM6 posted here in the upgrading section in my Orange SPV 3100? No seniors here, I don't expect this from Forum.xda developers seniors. Plz seniors this could be last time I am posting here in this forum if no help will come through. Help me seniors..
Crash Override said:
Unfortunately his provider (Orange) has yet to publish a WM6 Rom for his device...
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Hmm... is the device locked to Orange? Locked phones can't use the official "generic" ROM from the Dopod/HTC website?
Hope y'all will excuse my ignorance in this. My old Dopod 838 pro wasn't locked to Maxis (my provider). I downloaded my SEA-version WM6 upgrade from the HTC website. (surely there is an Indian version?)
Guys I just installed Black Magic WM6 few days back with radio version 1.40. I am very happy now with my cellphone. Really there is a lot of change in WM5 & WM6, which I couldn't fathom. Thanx everybody for Your support. I would suggest anybody facing such problems to plz upgrade their machine. Highly recommended with help guide. Guys can You plz help me in finding the right version of radio. I mean I am using 1.40 is there any new version for my HTC TyTn device. it would be great...
Here you go - all the extracted Radio ROMs available for Hermes available for download. Read their respective threads if you want to know about their issues/performance.
I couldn't imagine using WM5 ever again. It would be like reverting back to dial up.

herald driving me crazy (gsm/gprs)

at the moment i have my third herald from o2 germany,also known as xda terra. all three have the same problem:
i use activesync and an exchange server to use push-email via gprs. but my herald decides to not let me communicate with the rest of the world. after the subway and switching the operator (o2/t-mobile d) (too) often it refuses to establish a gprs connection.
it tries, but fails... but best thing to come: it shows me full network coverage, but i can't call anybody, and anybody can call me. after a softrest, everything works again. gprs instantly, and even a normal phone call is possible.... (wohooo ) and that really annoys me, especially having a mobile phone, and nobody can call you even everything seems okay to you.
i already tried it with, and without installing the extended rom. - no change. first i thought it's probably some software i installed, but after the last hard reset i did not install anything. same problem. last idea of the o2 support was a new sim-card. but no change.
in my eyes it's a radio-rom problem, but o2 does not offer any updates, therefore there is no official way to test that. i would love to try out a custom rom and radio update, but because of warranty reasons i won't do that.
my radio-rom version is 02.85.90, does anybody know whether there are such problems with this version? OR, does anybody have any idea how to solve my problem? at the moment im really ******...
thanks in advance!

