What Rom Upgrade do i use for I-mate Jam USA version (850)?? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

i see theres the new rom 1.12. can i use the WWE rom with my 850Mhz jam???
also...what is the Original ROM on the Jam 850Mhz as in US version. 850 as the BAND/FREQUENCY....not speed!!

850 MHz Jam? wtf?!?!?!?!??!

wouldn't that give you like 3 minutes of battery life and then just melt? WTF is right

nah its easy upgrade....
just solder a P4 3ghz in and under clock it !
battery life is a bit short but its great for keeping your hands warm on a cold day

May be mack ment GSM-850, not 850MHz CPU... :wink:
IMHO - In that case difference can be only in radio ROM.

you guys miss understood my question....obviously theres no such thing as jam running at speeds 850Mhz.....i was asking about the band....they also use "Mhz" to denote the band. IE my jam has 850 Mhz/1800 Mhz/1900 Mhz.
to make it easier i'll just say Jam PM10C or USA version if you guys dont understand 850Mhz.

everyone has gotten caught up in a misquote and has complete circumvented the original question. What ROM is the most stable for US networks....
I am using ROM 1.11 with a .cab file fix that I got from the following location:
But as you can see from my posts there, my MMS still is not working. GRRR. I'm getting closer though. Any input would be helpful.

Hi Try here ,


Looks like an updated ROM for JAM 850 on Imates site

I don't have an 850 (I've got a 900) but it looks like there is an updated ROM on the Imates site for the USA customers. I hope that this solves some of the bugs that you 850 guys have encountered. Fingers crossed for the rest of us.
It's only an Extended ROM CAB file update for T-Mobile and Skype. If you need either then go ahead, otherwise, not worth the effort.

The New I-Mate Jam: Really Confused - PLEASE HELP ME OUT !!!

I'm really close to buying the New I-Mate Jam (128 Mb Version). I need some help in deciding what to do. I'll be solving the no wi-fi problem by putting a Spectec or Pretec Wi-fi card. I don't mind that as long as it works properly. I live in Mississaua but will be going to university in Toronto, Canada and currently i'm with Rogers.
These are my following issues which are bothering me.
1) As of now, I'm in Saudi Arabia - They have the latest Jam but not the 850 Mhz Version but the 900 Mhz Version. People who have the 900 Mhz Jam - Can you please tell me how your reception is with Rogers ? If not Rogers, Fido. - This is one huge factor as i need to know how the reception is on the 900 MHz Jam. This is really bothering me as apart from this, everything else is perfect for me.
2) I know i could go for the PDa2k which has Wifi built in and is Quad Band and has a larger display than the Jam but i like the Jam for it's size - as it's really comfortable and not huge - i don't want something huge....please give me ur opinions on this - i fear the sliding mechanism might loosen up and like the vibrant color display on the Jam whereas the PDA2k's color isn't that great.
3) I'm really confused on which Bluetooth headset to buy -
Motorola HS850 or Sony Ericsson HBH-662..
I like the Hs850 for it's style and the black color which matches the New Jam's color and looks really sleek but i heard there have been echo problems. Please Confirm this and the compatibility with the Imate Jam.
Sony Ericsson HBH-662- looks nice but don't like the style compared to the HS850 but i might go for it - i've read good things about both the headsets except that in the 662 - there's no problems and in the hs850 - there's the echo problem. - finally, is the 662 compatible with the Imate jam - does it display the caller's name?
I guess that'll be all. I'd really reallyyyyyyy appreciate it if someone could help me on this. I'm going to get some sleep. I'm going to buy it tonight. I was confused between the PDA2k and the Jam but i like the Jam for it's size and weight plus don't like the PDA2k's keyboard. If the 900 Mhz reception's really good with rogers, id go for tht otherwise i'll buy this and get fido. Please tell me what to do as im really really confused.
Thanks a lot once again.
Don't by a Qteks110, wait for 9100.
That's only if he'd like to wait for 4 months ...
If you'll be doing a bit of traveling outside of N America, I strongly recommend getting the 900 MHz model. i am with T-Mobile, and I have very few problems with reception in the US, Europe and Asia. I had trouble overseas with my old 850 MHz triband phone.
I am in Victoria, B.C. but am with Rogers and my 900 Mhz model works absolutely great, very few reception problems. I have owned many pda's and phones and this little unit rocks on all of the others. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!! Hope this helps
I am in Victoria, B.C. but am with Rogers and my 900 Mhz model works absolutely great, very few reception problems. I have owned many pda's and phones and this little unit rocks on all of the others. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!! Hope this helps

two xperia's infront of me :)

In a last-ditch attempt to get one garanteed delivery before the weekend, I ordered two xperia's, one from the UK and one from a US reseller (selling european X1i's nonetheless).
My question is this: my 3g band isn't supported (rogers) and I was wondering if the US version will use the same radio chip and what are the possibilities of getting an update which will enable this additional band (US1?)?
tg989 said:
In a last-ditch attempt to get one garanteed delivery before the weekend, I ordered two xperia's, one from the UK and one from a US reseller (selling european X1i's nonetheless).
My question is this: my 3g band isn't supported (rogers) and I was wondering if the US version will use the same radio chip and what are the possibilities of getting an update which will enable this additional band (US1?)?
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Read this a couple of times, was a tad confused!
Are you in the UK or US ?
Which version of the X1 does not have 3G? or are you saying you don't get 3G signal where you are?
Who is Roger?
tg989 said:
My question is this: my 3g band isn't supported (rogers) and I was wondering if the US version will use the same radio chip and what are the possibilities of getting an update which will enable this additional band (US1?)?
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Answered several times already. The X1i does not have 850MHz UMTS. No one has managed to get a radio ROM on any HTC device to bring over the UMTS frequencies.
If you want it to work on 850 you'll need the X1a
artesea said:
Answered several times already. The X1i does not have 850MHz UMTS. No one has managed to get a radio ROM on any HTC device to bring over the UMTS frequencies.
If you want it to work on 850 you'll need the X1a
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so x1a rom on an x1i will not work to enable UMTS 850?? are there any links to x1a roms? I thought it wasn't even released yet...
Had this same problem with an omnia AND an n96 now its starting to get to me with the xperia since I really wanted this phone ;\
The OS rom has nothing to with the radio. It may add some options to radio settings, but it does not change the radio itself. The only practical difference is it may or may not make WM faster.
You can flash an X1a radio rom onto an X1i, but it still will not enable UMTS 850. The two radios are physically different (whether it's the microcode or the whole chip), and cannot be changed via software/rom flash. So many people have been trying with the Diamond, Raphael, etc, all unsuccessful; no reason to believe it will be any different with the X1. The only practical difference is it may or may not improve battery life and/or reception.
The X1a is the only one with a UMTS 850-capable radio chip, so if you need UMTS 850 your only option is the X1a.
fhsieh said:
The OS rom has nothing to with the radio. It may add some options to radio settings, but it does not change the radio itself. The only practical difference is it may or may not make WM faster.
You can flash an X1a radio rom onto an X1i, but it still will not enable UMTS 850. The two radios are physically different (whether it's the microcode or the whole chip), and cannot be changed via software/rom flash. So many people have been trying with the Diamond, Raphael, etc, all unsuccessful; no reason to believe it will be any different with the X1. The only practical difference is it may or may not improve battery life and/or reception.
The X1a is the only one with a UMTS 850-capable radio chip, so if you need UMTS 850 your only option is the X1a.
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Ok, so its a different radio chip... I remember the omnia i900 and i907 had identical radio chips as per specs but the former had the 850 disabled. Was hoping sony made the hardware identical and only differed on the radio rom.
Thanks for clearing it up
Anybody want two xperias?
I'd like a black X1i, but only if I can find someone willing to buy my TPro

Anyone can dump their Telstra rom here to share?

Anyone can dump their Telstra rom here to share, that would be great for people who are in Canada using Touch HD, Thanks.
I just tried...
"Even Flashed the Telstra rom, still cant get the 850 3G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but
the display of model have changed from T8282 to T8285
You can get it from the htc website..
That is different
finer6 said:
You can get it from the htc website..
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that is different
Really? I am running this rom and it has telstra all over it... pretty restrictive to be honest
that's because you have to put your devices serial number and it picks the best ROM suited to the device. I have "RUU_BlackStone_Telstra_WWE_1.21.841.1_Radio_52.57.25.30_1.10.25.25_Ship.exe" version if your interested? I'll provide a download link when I get home from work...
Excuse my ignorance...but why would you want a telstra ROM in Canada?
Puzz said:
Excuse my ignorance...but why would you want a telstra ROM in Canada?
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People are hoping that the Telstra model will work with North American 3G, and that there's some way to extract that functionality via software.
I have yet to hear a consensus on whether it's possible or not, though. One poster will say that without a doubt it's impossible, that lack of 3G is 100% hardware based, and another will say that is most definitely is a software/radio ROM issue.
I can't wait for some sort of verdict.
i know what u mean if it aint the t8285 model it won't work with 850 umts...
heres a link to the rom anyway guys... http://dutch7.com/blackstone
850 on hd t8282
I'm not sure how or waht the difference is between 8282 and 8285. However, I have a 8282 bought in Australia from, I believe, a reputable firm. While it didn't come with the Telstra Rom it was advertised as being NextG compatable. I get full download speed (compared to my Diamond) and the H symbol is showing most of the time. I had always thought that the 850 compatability was more to do with Radio's than hardware. Especially when this phone has been sold in both markets for a while now. But maybe I'm just imagining the speed. The HD is not yet as good as the Diamond indoors out on the fringes of Melbourne where I live. But it is as good as most Nokias.
well i guess testing it wont hurt. i would want to give it a try too.
iandg said:
I'm not sure how or waht the difference is between 8282 and 8285. However, I have a 8282 bought in Australia from, I believe, a reputable firm. While it didn't come with the Telstra Rom it was advertised as being NextG compatable. I get full download speed (compared to my Diamond) and the H symbol is showing most of the time. I had always thought that the 850 compatability was more to do with Radio's than hardware. Especially when this phone has been sold in both markets for a while now. But maybe I'm just imagining the speed. The HD is not yet as good as the Diamond indoors out on the fringes of Melbourne where I live. But it is as good as most Nokias.
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Yours originally is T8285 but they flashed the T8282 rom, thats why it shows that is T8282.
My phone is T8282 after i flashed the Telstra rom it become T8285.....but still not compatible of the NextG
The "H" is HSDPA and isnt 850 dependant. Just means that it goes to 7.2/2.0 which again isnt 850 dependant. NextG, like North America is 850mhz. You can have HSDPA on any 3G network (Optus, 3, Voda etc) which use 1800/2100 if im not mistaken?
8285 is the NextG/850 version. Nearly all Telstra-sold phones are 850 versions. Have to be very careful as they have different Radio Hardware

Please help me out with radio question.. I'm kinda lost

I just bought a Leo T8585. I just found out from reading the forum, that this version only connects to 3G with frequencies at 900 and higher.
The problem is, my provider's 3G band is on the 850 frequency. Now, I've read that the model T9193 is the only one able to connect at 3G with that frequency, but I just can't afford to spend another $700
My question is, can I flash a Radio that works 3G at the 850 band to a T8585?
If so? can someone PLEASE point me out to the right one?
I've been reading a lot here, and I now learned how to flash my Leo, and I think I have everything to get ready, only thing missing is that I don't know the right radio to flash, or a cooked rom? what are my options?
My Leo has the following:
ROM: 1.66.707.1 (76641) WWE
I have this blasting headache from reading so much and I can't believe I saved some money to buy the phone and it won't work with 3G
Thanks so much in advance for giving me a hand here.
Although there have been rumors that the radio could be flashed, these have so far no grounding in reality. You cannot flash your radio to support ATT 3G.
you can flash the radio no problem, but it wont make any difference.
Sorry man, but do your research. Everywhere it is clearly stated the bands, and you should know what is provided. Put down that 1000 for the other version if you want 3G so bad, or live with it, and use the money to buy a lifetime supply of advil to help that headache!
Rhanks for the answers guys. I just came to the hard reallity.
Guess I will have to sell this one and get the australian version.
Seems to me anyway really stupid from htc to make a cell phone wich only would connect to the highest speed on certain frequencies.
But then again, I don't know about this stuff.
Thans for the replies.
omare2008 said:
Seems to me anyway really stupid from htc to make a cell phone wich only would connect to the highest speed on certain frequencies.
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its to help fight grey imports. Otherwise people would only buy the one that is cheapest around teh world and have it imported, destroying the home market.

