Ghost sms problem on my xdaIIi - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi, I'm having a a slight problem with my XDA2. After an accidental hard reset when I was changing my simcard, I restored it using activesync but now there's a rather annoying problem with the sms menu where there's one sms that I cannot delete. The annoying part is when that sms counts as unread and now the today screen constantly shows I have one unread message when in truth there's none. I tried moving the messages to another folder but now I have another undeletable sms in my drafts folder(and when i try to open these messages, a blank message comes up even though the content summary shows perfectly well on the message list screen). I also have one more corrupted message in my inbox that shows [no sender] and [no subject] which remains at the top of the list and cant even be opened. I try to open it, the messafe opening screen transition comes out but then nothing happens. I'm sorry if I may seem ranting on but this is my first pda and I'd rather not lose all the SMS i keep in my archive folder. Any help is appreciated. Oh, after reading some posts here to find a solution, no, I'm not using Sprite Backup or anything.

I have exactly the same problem except I have more ghost messages, I am using sprite backup though if that has any relevance...?
any ideas?

yeah i had the second problem with the sms u can't open on my xda II, but i had hundreds that i couldn't view or delete.
seemed the only way to fix it was to hard reset.. but u might try and get that pocket mechanic i think it is, where you can edit the system databases.. just a thought.

You may use dbView to directly delete these messages from WinCE database (make backup first).
Most probably this message is located somewhere in fldrXXXX data table.


Inbox Unread messages

Hi..i'm wondering if anyone has the same problem as i'm facing right now. In inbox (whether if its an sms account or email), the draft and deleted items folders seem to show that there is unread messages but when i select it...all i see is blank.
The inbox and sent items r fine. I suppose my problem is that i am unable to view my unread messages.
Nope don't have that problem. Those folders show only unread items if there is one.
Installed e-mail related applications lately? Try uninstalling if that doesn't help then try it with a clean XDA (after a hard reset without installing applications) If it works with a clean device then one of your applications is causing the problem.
I supposed it must be one of the new programs i installed but i've already uninstalled those and yet it still is not showing.
i'm thinking maybe sprite backup is causing some trouble.. anyone else experience same problem as me?
example: inbox
Drafts: SMS 0 items, 5 unread
but on the screen its blank. That's my problem.
i think the image will show it better.[/img]
Missing SMS messages
I too am missing messages. THe XDA2 crashed so I used sprite backup to restore but since then today screen shows X unread messages but inbox hows none (counter at the bottom - shows X unread too!)
i forgot to mention that i'm using sprite version 3.0.1 build 1676
I'm also using Sprite Backup but have no problem restoring messages.
Using Sprite Backup V3.0.0 b 1517
No doubt I'm getting the wrong picture here....but isn't that picture showing the Drafts folder?
no,you're not wrong. it is the draft folder because currently the only places that have unread messages is the draft and the deleted messages which have unread messages. Haven't got an unread message yet in my inbox which i guesss i should try but i htink it will be the same problem
Have you checked both sms and pop3 folders?
any solution?
hi, i am also having this problem did anyone find a solution for this. any replys greatly appreciated
any solution?
hi, i am also having this problem did anyone find a solution for this. any replys greatly appreciated
I had the same problem, (unread items in deleted folder when actually the folder was empty) the solution is below:
Remember to follow instructions exactly.
1)Dowload the software dbview
2) copy to pocketpc
3) run it from pocketpc
4) goto pmailfolders
5) In the bottom window scroll right (if you cant find the scrollbar likeme just use the right key to scroll)
6) u will see deleted items. select this row
7) scroll more until you find the number that corresponds to your unread number
8) got menu and delete record. It will ask to delete all selected records. confirm this
9)exit program.
All credits to the original poster .
It was a little bit difficult, because there where 3 Sent-Items and only the SMS database was corrupt.
It you scroll to the right there will be a reference to fldr***.
If you then scroll in the upper window until the see the database fldr****, you can see the headers and the number of files.
If you found the correct one, go back to pmailFolders and delete the correct one.
For the first time my 3th!! T-Mobile Compact seems to work completely (at least if it doesn't need a softreboot).
Using WM6 on HTC Hermes i can't open fldr**** databases. I only get MSN db!

Please, help. SMS problems

All operator settings are correct. I can send SMS and they are delivered, but (problem #1) outgoing SMS are not stored in the folder "Outbox".
Then, I can't receieve any SMS (#2). Actually, I do receive them, but the only way to learn about that is to keep looking on the screen, because when the device is turned off it will turn on for awhile and that's all. Messages are not even stored in device, so I can't read any of them.
Concerning e-mail: similar problems but not the same. I do not receive notification message or any sound. But incoming e-mails are stored and standart outlook says "x unread messages" or something like that. Outgoing mails are not stored either.
What I tried to solve these problem:
1. made a Backup - removed ALL installed programs = didn't help.
2. hard reset - everything works fine - restore Backup - sucks again...
I'm a newbie user of such kind of devices and a little bit desperate at the moment, so I would appreciate any help.
Thanks beforehand.
First ragarding the SENT ITEM, in OPTION you must enable this option
in SMS go to TOOLS then Option and put a check mark under "save a copy of sent messages in the sent item folder" (or something like this, I'm just translating French to English)
Second: after your hard reset, install your programs one at the time, and see if this still work.
Do not use your backup.
So you can see what program is interfering with the SMS fonction
And you can then eliminate the program that mess with your SMS
Hope that help

My Messaging is Screwed Up

Hey Guys,
I'm having trouble with my Messaging program. It sometimes doesn't show messages, and sometimes it shows empty messages. Sometimes I delete items, but it'll still say "2 unread messages".
It's driving me insane, it's not been a week since I hard reset and installed everything from scratch.
My MMS is screwed up as well! I try to send a message, it gets sent but the Magician keeps my message in the outbox. I go to the outbox and see that i have 1 unread mesage which does not show itself on screen! I was also sent some MMS Messages and the same thing happened, as the magician says 2 items unread, but does not show the message itself. :shock:
the only workaround i've done is to do a hard reset and restore my data (thanks to sprite backup)! its frustrating that i cant get my mms to work on the magician. any clues as to how this can be solved?
Yeah, that's what I did as well. But I reinstalled everything manually... because the last Sprite Backup I had was also messed up in Messaging.
Its becouse of spritebackup i think...
So... the solution would be to not backup your messages with Sprite?
The problem is Sprite messing up the Pocket Outlook databases. Not using Sprite for messages is an obvious workaround, but I think I read in a thread on this site that Sprite has a fix as well. You might want to check their website.

SMS inbox

Hi im a new member of the forum.
I have had my XDAII for a year now and i needed to restore my data after a hard reset using xbackup.
I thought that restoring restores everything that was backed up, but no. My inbox has my sms messages shown but i cannot open them to read; i cannot even delete them. My messages show up with out an envelope on the left hand side of the list.
Can anyone either tell me how to get my messages back or get rid of my old messges, as i have tried to delete them, but no joy; i have also tried select all and delete but only to delete my sms messages recieve since restoring.
Thanks in advance
cant delete sms messages
HI there - I know you wrote about your sms deletion issue back in 2005 but did you ever get a reply? I have the same issue, with a selection of items in the Inbox, Outbox and Deleted folder, which just wont go, doesn't matter what I do. Just wondered if you managed to fix the issue?

SMS messages count

I recently upgraded to WM6. I had backed up all my sms messages in Outlook on my PC which I copied back to my device. Since the device recognizes all the messages as new, it marks them as unread. The hassle is when you have to mark them as read. And you can't select all and mark them as read because if you try that mistake, your XDA is going to go to sleep and there is no telling when will it wake up. So once in a while, when I upgrade and I have to copy all SMS messages back to the device, I mark them read doing 30-40 messages at a time.
Sometimes, I have noticed that when you are done marking them as read, there is a bug in the software and screen status at the bottom as well as the folders list shows 1 message as unread. It also appears on the Today screen: "Text Message: 1 unread message"
Now, my question is, how can I mark all messages as read. One way is to hard reset the device and re do the whole process. I am sure that will work, but its a tedious. Is there any shortcut to it?
Oh and I moved all messages in the Inbox to the Deleted Items folder, now the Inbox is completely empty but it still shows 1 unread message. There should be a way to reset the count? Is there?
I have tried running the fixunreadmessages.exe utility on it. It reset the count of the Inbox to 0 but the Today screen and the folder list still show 1 unread message.
I had the same problem. I posted my solution (which i cant remember) on a thread on the forum just incase anyone else had the problem. Will try and find it.

