JAM 850 MMS Problems after latest ROM Update - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I updated to the latest iMate rom and for a time all seemed well with the only difference I could detect was a new button for GPRS disconnect and a little faster GPRS disconnect time. GPRS internet access worked fine.
However, this morning I got around to testing MMS and it has problems. First I tried to take and send a picture. After taking the picture a dialog came up asking whether I wanted it sent by MMS or email. I chose MMS and nothing happened so I ended the camera, executed MMS and tried to send a picture message from there. It refused to connect with wap.voicestream.com. So I tried sending a picture message to the JAM from my desktop. I got the notification and then a loop of trying to connect to wap.
Since I am on T-Mobile I decided to install the old MMS UK T-Mobile patch. This helped with the signon problem but I still cannot send a picture message to completion - it stops in the middle and tries to reconnect to wap. The same thing happens when I receive a picture mesage. All text messages sent and received with MMS seem to work fine.
Next I think I will remove the T-Mobile USA setting installed at the time of the UG and enter my own from scratch.
Guess I will keep messing with it but if nothing then I will probably go back to the original shipped rom for the 850.


Cannot Recieve or Send MMS

I just got my xda2 yesterday and I'm having problems sending and recieving MMS messeges. Whenever I try to send them they never go though and it tries 3 times before aborting. Also I don't recieve MMS messeges properly either. If I try to send a MMS messege to my xda2 from another phone then I get a SMS messege from o2 saying to goto their website to view the picture.
I've tried playing around with the options in the Media Messeging program such as changing the Connect Via: option but without any success.
Any help would be much appricated
Contact O2 customer services & ask them to enable MMS support on your SIM card. That is the reason why you are not recieving the actual message & only getting the SMS alert as your SIM isn't on the N.A.P.
Spot on, that's what I had to do when I got my XDAII. It took about 10 mins for mine to be enabled.
If that doesn't work, then get them to replace the device...when I first got mine they tried to give me a reconditioned one in a "mixup"...in the end I kept it til I demanded they give me a new one....they did!

GPRS wont connect

All of a sudden, my GPRS wont connect now. I get the message "the answering modem has disconnected".
I haven't changed any settings, so wondering if anyone else is having the same trouble? Maybe it's a network thing. If not, could someone post their settings please so I can check them. (for O2 UK)
^ bump
At least ONE of you must be on O2? Since the phone is EXCLUSIVE to O2 :lol:
I've recently had a similar problem myself and today have used the settings here which seem to work
I got it working. I changed it to Class 10 instead of Class 8, which did the job. Dunno why it stopped working in the first place though.
I've got another problem now. MMS doesn't work. It won't let me send, and when I receive I get a web link rather than the actual message. What am I doing wrong? A couple of years ago I heard there was a problem with O2 Online contracts which meant you could only use either GRPS internet OR MMS, but not both. Is this what I'm encountering?
I think that normally happens when you can't recv mms messages because gprs and mms aren't available on an account at the same time. The new MobileWeb service does support both - but you have to ring to activate it.

MMS not working in Dubai with Etisalat

Hi Everyone
Past two days I am having prob with MMS which used to work well and all of the sudden it stoped working and giving me error message saying...
Unable to send the message and your message will remain in outbox.
Is there anyone else from Dubai having same prob ?
I checked with i-mate support already, they dont have any clue about it, even did the hardreset nothing works, they send me a cab file for Etisalat installed it still no luck.
There seems to be some issue between i-mate and Etisalat, so for now with i-mate MMS wont work...
They are negotiation thats what I got from i-mate support after they asked me to hard reset the device with latest ROM twice.
MMS works with me!!
I have tried the MMS and even sent a Vcard thru. You may first configure the Connection settings.
Rename Work selection and change the setting further by entering the ID and PW as "mms".
Select it to use GPRS and then I reckon it should work.
Good luck...
Did you tried sending MMS in past 2days?...
It used to work fine and all of the sudden it stoped and I went to FONO where we checked with couple of other imate devices to, it didnt work.
I did tried with the settings which you are talking about... If I try to just connect this mms setting without sending MMS message it does get connected to the network tru GPRS but not sending messages.

o2 MMS problem on MDA touch

I can't send and receive MMS messages correctly on my unlocked MDA touch.
When trying to send an MMS it gets to 99% then seems like it fails and the message is put in my drafts folder. The message is actually received on the other phone though.
When a message is sent to my phone it again gets to 99% then seems to stop doing anything.
I've used a few network settings cabs to try and sort the problem but none have helped the mms problem. The last one I used was the HTC network wizard version 1. Which sets everything up so that I have no problems accessing the internet.
I have an o2 simplicity contract with the unlimited web bolt on.
Is this likely to be an o2 issue or a phone one?
Any Ideas?
Managed to solve the problem by installing ArcsoftMMSComposer 5_0_31_19.zip from here:
then running the network wizard again.

MMS not working vodafone uk - help!

I am running the stock 1.48 rom on my hd2 with all the hotfixes applied on vodafone uk. I recently reflashed the radio up to and was happy with the extra battery life.
I have noticed though that i have not been able to send or receive an MMS since the flash and was wondering if i was alone? I have checked with vodafone and there is nothing wrong with my account and have tried the sim in another phone and mms works fine. I have checked all my mms settings against those that vodafone suggest and these are fine also.
Internet is working fine on my phone so it isnt a reception issue either.
The problem i have is that when i try to download an MMS that has been sent the phone shows the icon on the task bar but then after about 5 mins it fails. The same is true if i try and send an MMS, it just fails after trying for about 5 mins.
Vodafone want to take my phone in but i dont want to be without it. Is there anything here people can think that might help fix this issue?
Im thinking of going forward to rom (if i can get one that will work off sdcard flash). Thoughts?
I havent changed the Rilphone.dll from the stock 1.48 one yet. Could it be related to that? If so which Rilphone.dll should i use, can i install one from htc 1.67 rom on my stock 1.48 or will it not work?
I had the same issue, upgraded to the vodafone 166 ROM and now my MMS works fine
Im hoping to avoid a full rom flash as i have loads of applications installed and it will take ages to get the new rom back how i like it.
As an aside what radio are you using in your 1.66 rom~?
Well ive just flashed upto radio and the mms still isnt working. Time to have a go with a few rilphone.dll i guess and see if that helps at all.
Easier to flash and be done with it
WHenever i've had problems with mms it has been because the connectionsetup had been removed from a rom, not because of the rom itself. As soon as i downloaded the connectionsetup.cab and run it all worked fine for mms.
Wheere would i find a connection setup.cab?
As an aside I now have installed and working but everytime i install a rilphone.dll and restart i cant get the phone to switch on (in settings wireless controls). Any idea why? I have just deleted the rilphone.dll and at least i now have the phone switch on in wireless controls.
Heres hoping the connectionsettings.cab fixes my problem!
Anyone here got any advice on the correct rilphone.dll i should be using with for the radio on a stock 1.48 rom?
Sadly the connectionsetup.cab hasnt changed anything. I still cannot get mms on the phone and havent had any luck finding the right rilphone.dll to use with stock 1.48 rom.
I really dont see that a full rom flash will help and will actually just put me back where i am now without any of my applications installed. Is there anything else i can try before a full flash?
Is it fair to say that as long as i have the ability to get mobile internet i should recieve an MMS?
I too couldn't get MMS on Voda working when I first got the phone either.
First things first, forget the settings Voda have posted on their website. The phones auto configuration should work perfectly fine.
1. So hit Settings, All settings, Connections then Connection Setup and select the details that best suit you and run them.
2. Then power off your phone, remove sim card and then power on the phone (without sim card in). Once it's fully started turn it off again, replace sim card and turn it back on and try your MMS.
Don't really know if you need to do step 2 but it's what Voda recommend to make sure your phone refreshes and connects to their network.
If this has failed, register with Voda's eforum and post a request there explaining your problems, ask if the provision of your MMS can be checked. One of their Mods will pick it up very quickly and send you an email so you can do DPA, they will then call you back pretty quickly and attempt to help you further, they should suggest that they will reinitialise MMS if they don't request it .
Voda's customer support team are hit or miss but their Eforum team are actually pretty good and i'm sure they'll sort it out for you.
The setting they have listed on their website seem to be slightly different to the auto settings: Voda's listing for IP address is the HTC setting are I have read on this forum and other places that the HD2 doen't work properly if you input the zero's, hence why you should just use the phone's inbuilt settings.
got to wonder whats been going on here. Tried everything and nothing worked. Even got vodafone to disable and re-enable MMS still no luck. Used spb backup pre rom flash then re ran the connection manager and the mms works.
Strange but thankfully saved me reflashing and reinstalling everything!
I had 3 weeks of being unable to send mms message on vodafone and mine was ultimately a simple fix.
I just updated my configuration via 'Start' -> 'Settings'->'Connections'-> 'Connection Setup'->'Menu'-> then select 'UK and Vodafone and hit 'OK.
Works ok for me now
I have the same problem, can't send or receive MMS.
My setup is ROM v 1.66.405.2 (76641) WWE /Offical Vodafone UK ROM
MMS settings;
S Name: Vodafone MMS
IP ad: have also tried
Port: 8799
S ad: http: // mms. vodafone. co.uk/servlets /mms
Conn via: Contract Internet
Mess size limit: 300kb
WAP v: 2.0
I'm sure I've read somewhere that changing the settings to Contract WAP sorts the MMS problem but creates a new one for Opera/Skyfire etc,. Which I use more, so unwilling to change to.
I also know someone who has the 1.76 vodafone ROM and he can't send MMS either, but he's alerted instantly "unable to send message" where mine takes about 5 minutes.

