Getting a Wireless Router for a XDAIIs - Networking

I am looking to get a ADSL Wireless router for use with my computers and the XDA IIs.
The one I have my eye on is the "Dlink DSL-G604T ADSL Router With Wireless LAN Access & Built-in 4-port Switch 54Mbps" - but I noticed that it uses 802.11g Wifi and the XDAIIs has 802.11b, so my question is, is it possible to connect the two together?

802.11b and 802.11g devices will connect with no problems. The worst that can happen is that all 802.11g devices will use the slower speed of the XDAIIs while it's connected.


Hack the Universal to connect to 802.11g wireless

Is there a way to allow the Universal to accept 802.11g connection?
I have a linksys G router, the specs say that it can be used as an 802.11b but my device does not connect to it. My Universal only states that the netowrk is "available" but when I try to connect it, it drops and reverts to 'available'.

WIFI help needed

Ok, I'm soon to get a Universal (O2 XDA Exec to be precise) and want to take advantage of the inbuilt WIFI capabilities to surf the net from the comfort of my bedroom using my PC's broadband connection.
I currently have a desktop PC, with a broadband connection (provided by NTL). What additional kit do I need to enable WIFI on my desktop PC and allow my Universal to share the broadband internet connection.
Is it just one of those little boxes with the flip up aerial? I'm presuming so but want to check before I waist money on one.
Also, the reason I mentioned I'm on NTL is that PC World have signs everyhere telling me that NTL users require a different type of wireless router to BT users (one is DSL/Cable and the other is ADSL). Anyone know if this is true?
hi ive never had ntl before but im under the assumption that they use coax or something similar to connect to the internet but yes the easiest way ive found is by connecting through a wireless router, yet dont be so hasty to buy yourself the wifi kit and caboodle, when ou get your xda exec when connecting the wifi on it see if you can leech a neighbours unsecure WEP DISABLED connection
i dont know if a usb wifi antenna would work for connecting the exec to pc
I'm thinking that a "usb wifi antenna" is used for enabling wifi on a device in order for said device to connect to an existing wifi network (router).
I was looking at them because they were cheaper, lol. But I don't think they'd work for this purpose.
Also, my neighbours either side are both old, so I doubt they even have a computer. And even if they do they probably tippex out mistakes on the screen :lol:
What kind of range does WIFI have anyway?
Hi GaZ,
The signs in PcWorld are correct, if you connect over a BT line, you will be using an ADSL modem. As you are with NTL, you will be using DSL/cable modem.
NTL will have supplied you with a modem already (that allows you to surf on your desktop PC). I'm assuming this modem has a Coax cable that joins it to the NTL socket in your wall, and an Ethernet socket, with a LAN cable running to your desktop PC's network card? (Not sure if you can get USB varieties as with ADSL, but I haven't seen them).
So, if you do currently connect your desktop PC to your modem with a standard Cat5 LAN cable, your best bet is to get a wireless router (as you correctly state, the little box with flip up aerial).
There are a few different wireless routers available (PcWorld and Argos do several - Belkin, Linksys, Netgear are all good), the main thing being some have a built in ADSL modem - which you don't want! As you already have the modem, you just need a simple wireless router.
I think most have a 4 port hub built in and many have a built in firewall. You will need to take the LAN cable from your modem (that currently goes to the PC) and plug it in the hub on the wireless router instead. Now, your internet signal can be transmitted through your wireless router - and therefore your XDA will be able to connect and surf the net (even if your desktop PC is switched off!).
To connect your desktop PC back to the net, you can either
a) Buy a Wireless USB dongle, around £15-£20. This plugs into a USB socket on your desktop PC and allows it to connect using your wireless router as well, the same as the XDA.
b) If your PC is located near the wireless router, you could use a second LAN cable to connect your PC's network card to one of the spare sockets on the wireless routers hub. This will provide a slightly faster connection compared to wireless, but you wouldn't notice much difference either way for normal web surfing.
Sorry for going on, but I suggest (providing your cable modem currently outputs it's signal via standard ethernet LAN) you get a wireless router, with built in hub (4 or 5 LAN sockets on the back)... but avoid ones with ADSL modems built in as they cost more and you don't need it.
The only other thing is 54g or more? The standard wireless 'G' products are rated at 54mbps (which should be fine)... but you can pay more for high-speed versions listed as 108g or 125g - you'd have to read reviews to see if you think one of these will give you any added benefit.
As an example, PcWorld do this Belkin one for only £43.97:
And here's the matching USB adapter for £20, should you wish to connect your desktop wirelessly as well:
It has "DSL Connection for Cable Customers" - just the type you need.
It has "With 4-Port 10/100 Switch" - meaning you can hard wire PC's as well.
And it "Protects your Network with Firewall" - another level of security.
But there are loads more out there! Happy surfing.

AT&T 8525 Internet Sharing to Wireless Router?

I am getting ready to head on vacation and I want to use my 8525 as my "Gateway" as there will be 5 of us with laptops and I want to share my 3G connection so here is what I did. I connect my 8525 to my Laptop via usb, I start internet sharing on the 8525 and in my laptop (vista) under network connections I see Local Area Connection 6, remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. I right click this connection and select Sharing, and enable internet connection sharing on it. Then what I did was took my router (linksys) and disabled dhcp, but enabled wireless and didnt set any wep or wpa. I connect from my laptop to a port on the router (not the internet port) and then goto another laptop to see if I have internet. I dont, I can see the ssid, I can connect but I do not have internet access. Should I use a crossover cable? What do I have to do so that all of us can have internet thru my phone? Oh, my laptop does have internet (from the usb connection on the phone). I tried to setup the router so that dhcp was enabled, but then I kept getting an ip conflict error, so we cant do that. Also I am not getting an ip on the wireless, it has an ip of like
Any ideas?
There a software which you can install on 8525 and turn it into a wifi internet sharing but I don't know if it capable of handing up to 5 laptops. You might be able to use this software and get a router with some custom firmware which allow bridging then set it up to have router access the internet from 8525 wifi and share it among the 5 laptops but I am not sure if you could bridging and do wifi AP on the same router if not then you'll probably need to have 2 router one to bridge from 8525 wifi and then connect cable to another router that will be an AP for the laptops.
That would be my best guess of doing this unless one of the laptop can do AP via wifi when 8525 is plugged into usb slot.

G1: WiFi to Belkin N+ as AP problem

I have a D-Link DIR655 as main WiFi and LAN router. At the other end of the house I have Belkin N+ in Access Point mode hardwired to DIR655.
Android just few feets away from Belkin connects to Dlink.
Other computers have no problems connecting to Belkin and seamless switching to Dlink as I walk thorugh the house.
Any sugestions?

Sending Wireless Signal FROM Laptop to second wired wireless router?

You see, my laptop can see my wireless signal but my PDA can't when in the same room as my laptop.
I have two routers (and wiring the second router from the first and using it as an access point isn't an option).
Is there any way I can send the wireless signal from my laptop obtained from the parent router to the other wireless router (through an ethernet cable) and then connect my PDA to the second router as an access point?
You should be able to just bridge the connections in windows.
So if I attach a router with no internet connection to my laptop (which has a wireless connection from a second router) via an ethernet cable, I should be able to detect it in My Network Places as a LAN connection and then bridge the connection with the wireless signal my laptop gets, which would then allow the router to transmit that signal wirelessly as it would if I connected it directly via an ethernet cable to the parent router and used it as an access point?
I just feel like there's too much magic behinds the scenes that Windows needs to do for that to work out. I'd be super happy if that works though, I'll try it when I get home!
I tried connecting the router from the LAN and WAN port and bridging my wireless connection with the LAN connection from the router connected to my laptop. In both cases (through LAN and WAN ports on the wired router), I was not able to connect to the original wireless signal after I bridged the connections.

