Caller2Picture Outlook Sync on MDA Compact - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi all!
I have the following problem. I got the german MDA Compact from T-Mobile and they sell it with the software PhotoContacts in the ROM.
Unfortunately there is - as far as I know, please correct me if I am wrong - no way to sync the photos you assign there with Outlook. Which I think is a shame.
With the Caller2picture program it is possible to sync those with Outlook (via Caller2picture Sync) and I was wondering if it would cause any conflicts with the already installed PhotoContacts program.
Any advice on this?

Tried and installed the app but with no success. When I tried to lauch it via the context menu it gave me an error that it could not be launched. Any Advice? Please..?

I tried it too and i think it was quite crappy. Try PocketX PhotoContacts instead. This will work parallell to the one that comes with your phone.

Can I sync the Photos with Outlook? That is my primary goal. As everything else is possible with the built-in app.

You cannot sync Photocontacts with MS Outlook.
It's only WM2005 can sync Contacts Photo with MS Outlook.
Need to wait until it release.


ActiveSync does NOT do all contacts!

Need some help here please guys! ActiveSync does not sync all my contacts between Outlook 2003 and my M5000.
I've tried starting the Sync from both the PC and the M5000 but it says there are no changes. I have 130 contacts on my PC and only 114 on my M5000. I've tried the three latest official and unofficial builds of ActiveSync including the new official one that came out yesterday. I've tried:
1. Editing the contacts on the PC to see if the M5000 picks up the changes - NO
2. Deleting the offending contact on the PC and creating them again - Finds it on the first sync but not again after
3. Creating the contact on the M5000 - Same as above, finds it on the first sync but not if I edit it later.
Plus, it doesn't sync notes on contacts - Is there any way around this as it's a function I could really really do with!
Is anyone else having similar problems?? Can anyone else Sync their notes?
Most importantly, anyone know how to fix it or get around it as this is a major problem for me as I simply don't trust it now!?!?
Have you tried AS 4.1 (you must uninstall AS 4.0 first):
Yes - I'm currently running 4.1.4841 and I have tried the two versions before that (I uninstalled/rebooted each time before trying different versions)
Right... I've removed and reinstalled Outlook 2003 and ActiveSync 4.1.481 and I've sorted it now! The contacts that did not Sync all had either photos or notes so they wouldn't sync - Don't know if this is normal or not but definitely the case here!
I've now deleted the notes and photos where necessary and everythings syncs nicely now.
Note: I've still got my old SPV C500 here and have found the following:
Contacts with no notes = Syncs on C500 AND M5000
Contacts with notes = Syncs on C500 but NOT M5000
Contacts with photos = Syncs on C500 but NOT M5000
If I make a new contact on my M5000 and add notes it syncs fine with the PC the fisrt time but not after I edit it on the PC.
I have posted the question on the Microsoft commuities forum:
No-one there seems to have a clue either!!!!!!!!!!

ActiveSync 4.1: Contacts and Appointments with notes not syn

Using ActiveSyng 4.1 (Build 4841), XP SP2.
XP Firewall settings look fine.
All contacts and appointments synchronized, no problem, but those with notes are not synchronized.
I can create a contact on my wizard, with notes, which is sync'ed with the laptop, but this sync stops whenever I change the notes on my PC...
I had a similar problem today.
I have my mda vario for a day now. last night I first played with it and synchronized it with my outlook (which is stand alone when I am not at work)
Today at work I started up my outlook and it synced with my server at work.
Then I synced my vario and suddenly all my agenda appointments disapeared on my vario.
Only solution was to sync with my laptop again without it being connected to the server at work
I have the same problem, i erased qtek's memory, uninstalled office and activesync, delete all repertory and keys in regedit, but it changes nothing : it won't synchronize but with my work computer it is ok. I have put my pst files from house (data file from outlook) at work and it synchonizes too.
I don't understand :
it is not my QTEK 9100 because it synchronize fine at work
it is not outlook, pst file or activesync (4.0 and 4.1, both are tried)
so what is it ???
I am thinking that there is only one solution : format c: :-(
Please if you have an idea, help us !!!
PS : it was ok before, but i don't know what i have done that made that it doesn't work, i have only Kapersky antivirus, no firewall and vnc (to control computer through internet)
Same problem here. Only i was using a Palm E2 and converted everthing to outlook. After synching, everthing but my appointments synched to my wizard. A bit of a catastrophy saving and reimporting the pst file.
Finally someone suggested deleting the profile, then resynching to outlook, providing all data is either on outlook or the wizard, as you have to option to copy everything from either source to the other, and presto seemed to work.
Still having problems with outlook though, after importing either archive or loading a different pst file, i dont seem to have all my info and it seems my calendar is always opening from an archive instead of outlook today.
Will reinstall outlook completely. In any case try recreating the profile.
I have destroyed andrecreate my profile too.
But i changes nothing.
I think that if you have take all data from your wizard, you have certainly lose your note, is it the case ?
I have forgotten to say that only data with note or contact with photo don't synchronize but if you delete all information from outlook and you synchronize your pocket that contains these data, outlook save the contacts, but after, if you add a new contact with note, photo or an appointement with note, activesync doesn't see them. If you change a contact with note/photo that come from the wizard (ie name...) wizard doesn't synchronize it.
The problem is that i don't understand what is the problem source....
I have destroyed andrecreate my profile too.
But i changes nothing.
I think that if you have take all data from your wizard, you have certainly lose your note, is it the case ?
I have forgotten to say that only data with note or contact with photo don't synchronize but if you delete all information from outlook and you synchronize your pocket that contains these data, outlook save the contacts, but after, if you add a new contact with note, photo or an appointement with note, activesync doesn't see them. If you change a contact with note/photo that come from the wizard (ie name...) wizard doesn't synchronize it.
The problem is that i don't understand what is the problem source....
What version outlook are you using? did you make sure that notes was checked in the list of programs to synchronise? Also be sure that wizard overwrites the pc data.
Other than that, if you want to try reinstalling outlook. Be sure to save an archive or backup first (I didnt really know how to reload the pst, ie from archive or backup because it shows on outlook as archived folder instead of outlook today! ?????) Thats my next step as well. I'm also going to try to install outlook 2003.
When I speak about notes it is notes contains in other data like note in contact or note in calendar.
The Note section synchrinize... but contact that have a photo or a note, note !
I have destroy all sort of data and it doesn't work, i am sure that it is not link with oulook.
Fixed for me, since I got a new computer. Problems seems to come from the version of ActiveSync. Funny enough, if I first get an error message when syncing, reinstall ActiveSync, then it works, if I do not get this message on first sync, then it does not work...
I think that it could be a good idea that everybody who had the same problem says what running programm is installed on his computer.
For me it is Kaspersky antivirus personna, vnc, nokia toolkit, nero 7, bluetooth driver, vnc.
I have others but i don't think that they could be linked with this problem
Nobody wants to reply ????
Hi Shoopy33,
I took me days to install my desktop properly. Microsoft is cleaning things now with the newest version. What you might want to make sure is that you have Genuine versions of both Windows XP, and Microsoft Outlook. That means that both Windows XP and Outlook need to have SP.
Many things could go wrong if you have a non Genuine version installed in Windows XP. For instance, if you have a Genuine Windows XP but with a non-Genuine Office XP with Outlook, you cannot just desinstall the non-Genuine Office XP, delete all registry files, and install a Genuine Microsoft Outlook version. You'll be stuck!!! It's a nice way from Microsoft to say FU.
Simply put, you'll need to reformat your hard-drive, reinstall everything fresh with Genuine Microsoft softwares that Microsoft will check online, and clone your HD for backup when you have a chance so that you don't have to reinstall everything again from A to Z. That'll take you time, of course.
Microsoft will not check which version of Microsft Outlook you have online, but the ActiveSync from Microsoft will check which version you have offline.
I had the same problems with my MDA Vario.
My solution:
1. export all contacts to separate vcard files.
2. in outlook click Help -> detect and repair
3. scanned my outlook pst file with c:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033\scanpst.exe
4. deleted all notes from my vcards
5. reinserted my vcards in my contacts in Outlook.
(6. i added my contacts notes as Notes in outlook)
now all synchronisation goes well: appointments, notes and contacts
Happens after new firmware
I have some contacts and appointments on my MDA Pro. They also synched well (MDA Pro ->PC). However, after I put the new T-Mobile firmware on my MDA Pro, "normal" contacts synchronize just fine, but those with photos or contacts do not. I suspect a bug in ActiveSync, but there is also nothing in the MS Knowledgebase about that :-/
I had this problem, and my solution was to erase pocket and format computer, but now, there is no problem.
I know that there is certainly a better solution, but I have not !
I can only say that it is a problem from the computer, because at work, it had ever well synchronised...

Import B-Days from Contacts??

i'd like to set up the calendar and contacts manager to where, if i enter a new contact with a birthday, it'll automatically create a reminder on said birthday within the calendar. can anyone tell me how to do that (btw, the help function on the O2 exec is a joke, much as the ROM is great otherwise...)
Or just use this program.
You'll never have to forget a birthday.
I am using GER T-Mobile MDA Pro
I have some contacts with birthdays in it and i am syncing my MDA using AS4.1 with my MS Outlook/Exchange 2003. And i am getting a Birthdayalarm on my MDA and i am not using any other birthday apps.
But i am not sure if this also works without syncing or Outlook Express

Sync outlook 2003 with Tytn (Hermes?)

running winxp pro sp2 with Active sync 4.2 and Intellisync 5.5 (trial)
I would love some help as to the best way to sync from Outlook to My orange SPV M3100 as I am having no end of problems.
The reason that I feel I need Intellisync is that I have several different contacts folders in Outlook, which all need to end up on my SPV. Activesync does not seem to allow this.
1) is there a better programme than Intellisync for multi outlook contact files, as although I realised this is a trial, it keeps hanging when updating (on record 39 of 5300)? - I did manage to get it to do the first sync, but can no longer update...I don't feel pre-disposed to pay for it, if I cannot get it to work.
2) Is there a way to delete all the contacts on my spv in one go..without doing a hard reset? What is the file name that holds the contacts?
3) Where did the "backup" function go on Activesync?..There used to be a way of doing a back-up of the phone that could reinstall everthing the way it was pre a hard reset.
many thanks.

syncing software for multiple contact folders wanted

Hello all,
I'm urgently looking for a good working syncing software to sync multiple Outlook contact folders.
Intellisync - which was simple and good running - is no longer available (big thanks to Nokia !).
Tried chapura
who knows any other software ?
I knew it was finally going to come to me. You may want to try Chapura PocketMirror Pro. It let's you sync any Outlook Subfolders etc. Too bad it's not free, but there is a trial version available.

