Has anyone synchronized over bluetooth? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I recently replaced my MS BT stack with the Widcomm 1.5.0 build 2000.
It worked, i was detecting other devices, sending business cards and doing basic BT stuff...
Then I got me a bluetooth USB adapter for my laptop and and decided to do other cool stuff like activesync over BT and creating a LAN or PAN connection etc.
First of all, with the lameass MS atck on XP that comes free with SP2, there arent any services for a serial port connection over BT (required for activesync) or FTP or LAN etc. So I have to install the software that came with the BT adapter (software called BlueSoleil and pretty good, not that I would know).
So with the new software now i have all theses services running. I have been able to make an ftp connection and transfer files. but I can't get activesync to work.
Sad Has anyone dones this? What am I missing?
Is there a Widcomm stack for the PC somewhere? is that even necessary?

could be one of my bluetooth dongles comes with vidcomm software
try checking here
i have my pda's syncing just ok with
one pc with the std ms xp sp2 bluetooth stuff
one pda use the ms bluetooth stack
the other use the vidcomm bluetooth stack

Have you tried using activesync over usb first, once you get a connection, then try the activesync over bluetooth, I have found that activesync will not attempt a connection over bluetooth until you have a working connection over usb.

this has been a constant problem in XP SP2 users who try to activesync via bluetooth.. try checking your COM port availability in your bluetooth stack and activesync connection settings.. they must be the same..

How about Windows 2000 Pro?
Up until now, I can't activesync over bluetooth. My bluetooth dongle is from Billionton, can I use other driver (e.g. WidComm) for my dongle? Can any of u guys guide me how to activesync with bluetooth? Thanks

you're using XP SP2 right? then why use another bluetooth stack when you can activesync via bluetooth through the bluetooth stack that comes with XP-SP2? for more info better search for it in this forum, for there is a full tutorial somewhere here on how to setup XP-SP2 with activesync without changing bluetooth stacks.. i'm sorry but i don't know the exact link..

ei ilmans.. i believe that you can use the Widcomm driver for your dongle.. all you have to do to is to see to it that the COM port your using in activesync is the same as the COM port assigned to the Bluetooth serial port that you can see in the advanced configurations of the Bluetooth stack.. hope this helps

Thanks Marc MD...
Could u point out what is the newest Widcomm driver and where to get it

Try this:
1. From the Control Panel, open Bluetooth Devices.
2. From the COM Ports tab, click Add, select Incoming, then click OK (this is kind of confusing, since it doesn't really seem apparent that you are already adding a COM port)
3. Your new port should be listed in the list box (e.g. COM6 Incoming)
From your XDA:
1. Open Bluetooth Settings from the Settings menu
2. Enable the Inbound COM port check box
3. Open ActiveSync, from the Tools menu, Connect via Bluetooth
ActiveSync should be working at this point (you can even browse the Intenet from Pocket IE). Pair your devices first though (via Bluetooth Devices, Devices, Add).
Hope this helps!

1. On your PC - Check which COM Port has been assigned to your Bluetooth Serial Port
Open the Bluetooth software on your PC (usually called My Bluetooth Places) and choose "View my Bluetooth Services" or similar.
Right click on "Bluetooth Serial Port" and choose "Properties"
Make a note of the COM Port number
2. On your PC - Assign the COM Port in Activesync to the same one as your Bluetooth Serial Port
Open the Activesync program on your PC and choose "File" and "Connection Settings" (or right click on the Activesync icon in the system tray).
Ensure the "Allow Serial cable or Infrared..." option is ticked and then open the drop-down box under this. Now select the Com Port that you checked previously in the Bluetooth software.
3. On the PC - Setup a new Activesync partnership via the cradle
If you already have an Activesync partnership, this should be deleted (File > Delete Partnership).
Put the Xda II in the cradle and setup a standard partnership via Activesync. When this is done take the Xda II out of the cradle and remove the cradle from the PC.
4. On Your Xda II - Activate Activesync via Bluetooth and Bond the Devices
Go to Start > Settings > System > Bluetooth Settings
Under the "Bluetooth Activesync Setup" tap on "Start".
Tap "OK" when asked bond with other device.
You will now be in the Xda II Bluetooth program. Choose the "Discoverable" option and then tap the "Bonded Devices" tab and choose "New"
The Xda II will search for Bluetooth devices. When this has finished tap on the name of the PC and choose "Next"
You will then be asked to enter the Device PIN. Enter any 4 digit number and tap "Next"
On the PC, you will be asked to click on the Bluetooth icon in the PC system tray and enter the same 4 digit number. When you have done this, click OK.
On the Xda II tap "Finish".
Close the Bluetooth program on the Xda II.
5. To Begin synchronising via Bluetooth
On the Xda II go to "Start" and "Activesync".
Choose "Tools" and "Connect via Bluetooth".
Synchronisation via Bluetooth will now begin.

and if you have issues with matching com ports then check out the post i made wayyy back.
a lot of chaps had issues with the com ports not being the same or could not change them to match.


activesync over bluetooth with XDAII and Toshiba Laptop

Does anybody have a Toshiba bluetooth stack, and an XDA-II communicating? I managed to get it working for a night, but cant remember what I did. Can anybody help me get it working?
I have tried connecting from XDA->Laptop and vice versa but nothing seems to get Activesync to work (
read these 2 guides ?
These dont really help - The toshiba service center is very different from any other bluetooth software i have seen.
Any other suggestions?
I have problems before with Bluetooth Activesync in my XDAII for a month. However I was able to solve it and everytime it won't work I just repeat the steps below. The problem is the Bluetooth Manager of XDAII which was very basic compared to HP Ipaqs. Try this if it will work for you.
1. On your XDAII go to Settings, System, Blutooth Settings and put a check on Authentication, Inbound Com4, and Outbound Com5.
2. Tap start and tap discoverable.
3. Set your laptop also to discoverable.
4. Pair your devices through your XDAII and don't forget to put a passkey.
5. Watch your Bluetooth indicator at your Laptop's System Tray as it will prompt you that your XDAII is trying to pair and click it then enter the passkey.
6. On your laptop right click My Computer, go to hardware and check device manager's COM port. Make sure that there is a Bluetooth Communications port at Com 3 or 4.
7. On your Laptop again, open your Bluetooth Manager and discover services on your XDAII.
8. Once the services were discovered, enable activesync on your Laptop's Bluetooth Manager.
9. On your laptop again, open Activesync and enable Serial Com 3 or 4 depending on the Com port of your Bluetooth. In case your Bluetooth is at Com 17, 18, 19 and above, you have to manually install a Com Port at 3 or 4 as a Microsoft Standard Com port. Reboot your Laptop and update the Com Port driver to your Bluetooth Driver.
10. You may now sync through your XDAII. Tap Activesync and sync via bluetooth.
11. Again watch your Laptop's system tray as the Bluetooth Manager icon will prompt you again to allow activesync to access your Laptop.
12. You may now sync via bluetooth. If you have a firewall you must allow the XDAII to sync to your PC.
If you still need help email me at [email protected]
Check your email. I added some steps and pictures so that you can follow properly. I also attached it here in this post. I hope that this will help you solve the problem.

Bluetooth Activesync with Jam & Xp Sp2?

Has anyone managed to activesync the Jam via bt, with xp service pack2 (that needs no drivers for bt)? I have tried a lot, and followed some guides on the internet, but nothing done yet I have a german mda compact, with englidh imate tom 1.03.
Maybe this helps :wink: MOD EDIT: Personalised URL link removed
that's what i have done, but when i press activesync via bluetooth, it sais that cannot connect to this port, because is already in use or not valid
Tonight i have 2 setup all the stuff again because i reinstalled my compu. I'll check if everything in the tutorial is ok... :wink: (I'm almost sure there some wrong things in it :? )
ok thanks
I also have no success with ActiveSync / Bluetooth / WinXP-SP2
Bluetooth works although. Using the WinXP SP2 bluetooth icon (bottom right next to the clock), I can 'Send A File' to the MDA. The file nicely ends up in 'My Documents' in the MDA.
So, Bluetooth on the WinXP-SP2 and MDA machines both work.
But, ActiveSync, no way. Activesync on the pc just does not want to detect the MDA. I already changed the BT com ports to 4 and 5 because I read somewhere ActiveSync only accepts ports from 1 up to 9.
Is there somebody who actually got WinXP-SP2 and the MDA working with Activesync?
i found this, but i have not tried it yet. i will try at noon.
what a french forum? great! lol
Works fine for me.
Set up a COM port on your computer, then selecdt that port in ActiveSync. Pair the two devices to create a Bluetooth link. Then run ActiveSync->Tools->Connect via Bluetooth... on your Magician.
Works fine for me 2. So the issue is not SP2. It has more to do with your Bluetooth or ActiveSync configuration I think. Can you pair the devices to start with?
Same here, works perfect on Windows XP SP2 using the previous 3.7.1 and the new 3.8 ActiveSync on bluetooth.
I had gone through much pain with the Widcomm (not sure about spelling anymore) driver installed but without any success in getting my Dopod818 activesync to work.
So I uninstalled it, and let WinXP SP2 detect the USB BT device again and download by itself the SP2 driver. Then followed the steps in Benjamin's MDA Howto article above (with the only exceptions being that you don't need to set the incoming and outgoing serials as com4 and com5 on your PC), now my Dopod818 is activesyncing with my PC flawlessly.
I tried everything both with Widcomm and Microsoft bluetooth
I think the problem is related with my MDA Compact. When I go to ActiveSync on MDA and choose connnect via bluetooth - it does not give any connection message. With IRDA or USB it says "Connecting to host". Probably something wrong with MDA setup. I have T-Mobile English WWE 1.01.00, ROM version - I'l try to upgrade to newer ROM and then check
Re: I tried everything both with Widcomm and Microsoft bluet
vanvan said:
I think the problem is related with my MDA Compact. When I go to ActiveSync on MDA and choose connnect via bluetooth - it does not give any connection message. With IRDA or USB it says "Connecting to host". Probably something wrong with MDA setup. I have T-Mobile English WWE 1.01.00, ROM version - I'l try to upgrade to newer ROM and then check
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I had a hard time configuring ActiveSync to work through Bluetooth but it finally worked (with XP SP2 and not with Widcomm). I think the trick when using XP SP2 bluetooth stack is in the bluetooth pairing process (which is skipped in the Benjamin's guide).
The problem I think is that when the two devices are paired (the MDA and the PC) the MDA does not recognize the SPP (serial port profile) service of the PC and it does not assign the “Bluetooth Outbound com port” to the SPP service of the PC.
The steps that worked for me are the following:
1) Delete the device pairing from both the PC and the MDA (if you have
done the pairing before).
2) At the MDA go to Settings -> System -> Bluetooth settings and make sure the Outbound COM port checkbox is checked.
3) At the PC: open Bluetooth settings, go to COM ports, and add an incoming port (press the Add button and select incoming - nothing more).
(I call this port COM7 but it could be any other com port that your system assigns to the added port)
4) At the PC: add a new Bluetooth device (start the wizard) and follow the normal steps to pair the PC with the MDA. The MDA will notify you of the new paired device - press OK - do nothing special.
4) At the PC's ActiveSyc connection settings select the proper com port (COM7: the incoming com port created at step 3 above).
5) Run on the MDA the ActiveSyct and select the Connect via Bluetooth...
hope it works
My understanding (although I just got my first Pocket PCs) of the connection process is the following:
The ActiveSync on the MDA opens the "bluetooth outbound com port" (COM5) when you select the "Connect via Bluetooth".
This port must be assigned to a SPP (serial port profile) service of another bluetooth device (in our case the SPP service offered by the PC with the XP SP2 bluetooth stack. Note that the SPP service on the PC is connected to a com port (COM7 in my case)). If the Outbound com port (COM5) on the MDA is not assigned to a remote device then you get that error saying ActiveSyct can not open the port (when you try to Connect via Bluetooth)
Assuming that the MDA's COM5 is assigned to the PC's SPP service, when opening MDA's COM5 ActiveSync gets connected to the com port (COM7) on the PC.
On the other side, the ActiveSync on the PC is set to use COM7 as a connection port and it detectes the connection which is now opened.
The MDA's "bluetooth incoming com port" (COM4) as well as the bluetooth "Outgoing" com port created on the PC seams to play no role in the hole process.
just wanna say i got it working with ms drivers and a very cheap bt dongle!
similar to atsois and leskip methods...
i setup the incoming com port in bluetooth settings and assigned activesync to that port BEFORE any pairing took place
i tried pairing from the PC, but no luck.. but when I paired from the phone, it worked!
excellent, thanks for all the help!
Before Activesync 3.8, mine would only work one time per reboot of the desktop PC. After installing Activesync 3.8, Bluetooth Activesync works everytime!
dj_linz6 said:
just wanna say i got it working with ms drivers and a very cheap bt dongle!
similar to atsois and leskip methods...
i setup the incoming com port in bluetooth settings and assigned activesync to that port BEFORE any pairing took place
i tried pairing from the PC, but no luck.. but when I paired from the phone, it worked!
excellent, thanks for all the help!
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Thank you. I couldn´t make it work, but then I tried to pair the devices from the MDA - and it worked fine!
// Anders

Surf Internet with Bluetooth

I can't use the bluetooth conection to surf Internet in my WinXP SP2 pc.
I have updated usb bluetooth adapter drivers (WIDCOMM) and ActiveSync to 3.8.
I know that SP2 have some problems with bluetooth.
Please, some help?
with ur magician u can only surf internet per Active Sync... the magician has no network bluetooth profile... u can connect per BT to your PC and use AS ?!
Hi ingmar
As you say, i can't' connect then magician via bluettoth with AS. The usb serial port (COM4) is configurated, and this port is set in AS configuration. But AS always interrupt the connection with a error message after a few seconds. With USB AS run ok.
Thanks for your help
Try the following:
On your PC, check the Bluetooth-manager configuration and check which com port number is assigned in your local services tab. Now, go to the ActiveSync connection settings and choose this com port and mark the serial communication check box. That's about it on the PC.
On your PPC, go to Settings->Bluetooth Settings and press the "Start" Button for the ActiveSync over Bluetooth configuration. On the pop up dialog, enable Bluetooth and delete an existing pairment with your PC! After you did this, re-pair the two devices. When finished, start ActiveSync on the PPC and select "Connect via Bluetooth ...". Your ActiveSync connection should be established at this point.
When this is done, you're almost there. If your Desktop PC has a direct connection to the net (via LAN or WLAN), you should already be able to surf the net via Bluetooth. If you connect via DialUP network or similar, you need to configure your Internet Connection Sharing on Windows (only 2000 and XP allow this i think).
Dandie said:
Try the following:
On your PC, check the Bluetooth-manager configuration and check which com port number is assigned in your local services tab. Now, go to the ActiveSync connection settings and choose this com port and mark the serial communication check box. That's about it on the PC.
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If this com port is unselectable in activesync? what do we do in that case?
I have been toying around with my bluetooth for the better part of a day trying to get it to work. I have installed pocket bluetooth tools 1.0.1 as detailed here http://www.howardforums.com/showthr...9185e&threadid=544932&perpage=15&pagenumber=1 I managed to get the screen with the activesync icon a couple of times during the pairing process. When I went to activesync and selected sync bluetooth I would get a few seconds of connection and then it would automaticaly disconnect without actually syncing anything. I toyed around a bit more and have somehow lost the option to sync via bluetooth in activesync... :shock: I still see the irda option, but bluetooth has vanished. Any idea what I might have done wrong?
When the com port assigned by your bluetooth manager is larger than 9, ActiveSync isn't able to use it. In this case, go into your Bluetooth manager and delete existing com ports (both, local and client). Go to your device manager, delete any still existing bluetooth com ports there, check your (physical) serial port and go into its properties. Somewhere there, you can choose which com port it should use. Select one, which is said to be blocked but you actually know it isn't (e.g. Com port 4). Press ok, go back into the same properties sheet and reselect the com port that has originally been selected. Go to your bluetooth manager and press to add a com port (both, local and client). Now you should have a port number less than 10. Microsoft sucks!

activesync via bluetooth

Hi all,
I have a toshiba portege r200 and I'm simply not able to set up ActiveSync to work through bluetooth. The darn computer only sees my phone as a modem.
I have no clue how to do this.
I really cant' see why this has to be so hard. Both units are running stupid microsoft software. Whey the can't microsoft think that people migh want to connect their ppc's to their laptops via bt and just make it work easily?
Please, someone help.
zsizsi said:
Hi all,
I have a toshiba portege r200 and I'm simply not able to set up ActiveSync to work through bluetooth. The darn computer only sees my phone as a modem.
I have no clue how to do this.
I really cant' see why this has to be so hard. Both units are running stupid microsoft software. Whey the can't microsoft think that people migh want to connect their ppc's to their laptops via bt and just make it work easily?
Please, someone help.
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I agree 100% that this should be easier. But I think ActiveSync is actually a service that the laptop offers, not the phone. So on the phone, go to your BT manager, select your laptop, and then select services. ActiveSync should be one of the choices. After that, you should be able to connect to ActiveSync via BT, but I think you need to initiate the connection from your phone.
Activesync via Bluetooth
1. Install Active sync
2. Connect phone to USB cable and computer and let active Sync run once.
3. Disconnect USB cable.
4. On your Computers Bluetooth software (add a com port) before you detect the phone (very important).
5. On Active Sync on Computer click "connection Settings" and make sure it is using your com port from step 4.
6. Turn on discovery on your computer.
7. On your Phone go to Bluetooth / devices / New and select your computer enter pin on phone and PC.
8. Go to Active Sync on your phone and click "Connect via Bluetooth."
Hope this helps.
thank you all for your input.
i tried everything you guys suggested and it's still not working. my comp only offers a serial connection. is that ok? it has this toshiba bluetooth software on it not the original windows kind.
when i choose connect via bluetooth on my ppc's activesync it sais there's no computer that supports bt.
any ideas?
thanks again
I have Toshiba Bluetooth control software as well. I am certain it's the incorrect or incomplete BT COM port setting on your PC. A few findings (on my notebook) to share, hope this helps.
1. I have a "Bluetooth Local COM" applet on Control Panel
2. By opening "Bluetooth Local COM" applet I have a list of PORTS
3. The CORRECT port I HAVE TO use IS
"COM7 Toshiba BT Port (COM7) LocalCOM-Server[SerialPort(TOSHIBA LOcalCOM)]
"COM6 Toshiba BT Port (COM6) LocalCOM-Client"
4. If you don't find the Server COM port, do "create a Bluetooth virtual COM port for a Server"
5. Of course enable by checking the "Connection Settings" "allows connections to one of the following COM#" (7 in my case)
After this, try the steps I suggested. Initiate BT Activesyn from your PDA phone.
Good luck.
Thanks for all your effort.
I did what you said and it's still not working.
When I'm trying to connect from my phone via bluetooth it satill sais it cannot find existing blueooth partnership with a pc that supports activesync.
what am i doing wrong?
IceGoal said:
I have Toshiba Bluetooth control software as well. I am certain it's the incorrect or incomplete BT COM port setting on your PC. A few findings (on my notebook) to share, hope this helps.
1. I have a "Bluetooth Local COM" applet on Control Panel
2. By opening "Bluetooth Local COM" applet I have a list of PORTS
3. The CORRECT port I HAVE TO use IS
"COM7 Toshiba BT Port (COM7) LocalCOM-Server[SerialPort(TOSHIBA LOcalCOM)]
"COM6 Toshiba BT Port (COM6) LocalCOM-Client"
4. If you don't find the Server COM port, do "create a Bluetooth virtual COM port for a Server"
5. Of course enable by checking the "Connection Settings" "allows connections to one of the following COM#" (7 in my case)
After this, try the steps I suggested. Initiate BT Activesyn from your PDA phone.
Good luck.
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Phat!! This works for me with my Acer laptop and Bluetooth connection, thanks man!
Sweet, took a few tries, but works like a charm.
I just wanted to bump this to say thanks for posting the bit about using the LocalCOM-Server[SerialPort(TOSHIBA LOcalCOM)] port instead of the client port. Trying to get AS working using the Toshiba stack was driving me around the bend!
My pleasure
I've learned a lot from this wonderful board from a lot of wonderful people. Glad to be part of it!
You're the MAN
Thanks. This also worked for my Cingualr 8125. Many hours wasted. Glad I found this post. Thanks for your help.
this worked on my cingular 8125 as well, zsizsi i think you may have to delete all partnerships that were previously created with handheld on your pc and handheld. if that dosent work then in bluetooth settings go to options and under general tab check box "PAN networking service" that is just something i did while creating partnership not sure if it helps
The only thing that worked for me after 4 days of messing with it was to do a cold boot.
The first thing I did after the boot was to follow the instructions. Voila! ActiveSync magically appeared.
Hi all,
I have exactly the same problem with my qtek9100 and my IBM T43 Laptop.
I tried many times but....still not working!
As zsizsi if I try to make a relationship via PDA, it asks me the pairing key, and I'm blocked.
If I go through PC, I can do pairing, in the services I flag activesync, I configure the same com port that I have on AS (com 8) and when I0'm in the bluetooth wizard on the PDA, related to the PC I can only see 3 services:
hands free
remote connection
serial port
no activesync service to flag.
If I try then with the PDA Menu>BT connection it aswer that there is no relationship with PC supporting AS!!!!What the hell!
The only thing I see is that in my BT config in the local server the BT wizard creates a serial port named My activesync......
I have tried also your suggestion but.....
tinman44 said:
this worked on my cingular 8125 as well, zsizsi i think you may have to delete all partnerships that were previously created with handheld on your pc and handheld. if that dosent work then in bluetooth settings go to options and under general tab check box "PAN networking service" that is just something i did while creating partnership not sure if it helps
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thank you soo much for that info...enabling the "PAN networking service" finally allowed me to connect with my toshiba qosmio laptop
If the devices are paired... You have to select a service for the pda BT connection
Only when you manage to select the servive Activesync (a comport has to be valid assingd) then a connectin can be astablished.
In active sync you must assign a com port.
See the manual in activesync BT
Yes, I can guess it.
The rpoblem is that the devices are paired, the activesync service is flagged in the PC (while I do the automatic pairing devices withn a wizard).
But I can't still see the service in my PDA.
I can only find:
Hands free
Serial port
remote connection
No activesync service on the PDA relation wizard...
Any other suggestion?
Another issue.
When I look in my BT services, I can't find an activesync service, but only an icon (com plug) called My activesync.
Look at the properties of this icon I can only flag automatic/manual and Secure/unsecure connection, and there is the window manu to select the com port (that is the same selected in Activesync settings).
Is that correct, or I should find a specific activesync icon (like PIM syncronizing ....)
Re: Activesync via Bluetooth
IceGoal said:
1. Install Active sync
2. Connect phone to USB cable and computer and let active Sync run once.
3. Disconnect USB cable.
4. On your Computers Bluetooth software (add a com port) before you detect the phone (very important).
5. On Active Sync on Computer click "connection Settings" and make sure it is using your com port from step 4.
6. Turn on discovery on your computer.
7. On your Phone go to Bluetooth / devices / New and select your computer enter pin on phone and PC.
8. Go to Active Sync on your phone and click "Connect via Bluetooth."
Hope this helps.
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PS. Delete all existing pairings, relationships, COM ports etc, START FRESH!
Re: Activesync via Bluetooth
IceGoal said:
1. Install Active sync
2. Connect phone to USB cable and computer and let active Sync run once.
3. Disconnect USB cable.
4. On your Computers Bluetooth software (add a com port) before you detect the phone (very important).
5. On Active Sync on Computer click "connection Settings" and make sure it is using your com port from step 4.
6. Turn on discovery on your computer.
7. On your Phone go to Bluetooth / devices / New and select your computer enter pin on phone and PC.
8. Go to Active Sync on your phone and click "Connect via Bluetooth."
Hope this helps.
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Thanks IceGoal, on my HP laptop it works superb.
But I have to say that those people that work on our mobile network provider company are uncapale, because they said that this is impossible to connect.
Thanks again folks.

Bluetooth ActiveSync with TyTN???

Hi All,
I've been trying to get my TyTN to sync with my PC with ActiveSync 4.2 (and 4.5 beta) over bluetooth but I can't get it to work. Everytime I try to sync, I get a message saying the service doesn't exist on the device.
Has anyone managed to get it to work???
Advice please...
Hey, I did manage to make it work. First of all you need to configure virtual serial port on your desktop/laptop machine, and make Active Sync use this port for synchronization.
Then pair your TyTN with your PC, when you're done pairing devices you should see "Active Sync" service available on your PC. Make TyTN use this service.
Go to ActiveSync (at PDA) and click Menu->Connect with BT... wiat a few moments, allow your PDA use the serial port (if necessary) and you are done
I use BT ActiveSync all the time (AS 4.2) with no issues.
Make sure you've done the following:
- paired both devices
- in AS Connection Settings, enable connections over the BT COM Port from your PC (check in Device Manager if you don't know which one it is).
- in BT Settings on the TyTN, be sure to select the ActiveSync profile on your paired device
I tried to create the virtual (bluetooth) serial port and, although it shows up in Device Manager, it doesn't show up in the list of ports in AS (4.2 or 4.5 beta). Any ideas why?
In Activesync on the desktop open connection settings and set it up to allow AS to use COM 7. The go to the TYTN and from the AS menu, select connect with Bluetooth. Message will say there is no existing connection and will get you to set one up. When the two devices have paired you should be able to select Activesync as one of the available services. Once that is done, go back to the AS menu on the TYTN, select connect via Bluetooth and bingo you are away. - or so it worked for me.
you should be able to select ActiveSync as one of the available services.
This is my problem, flash. There is no Activesync service on the device to be able to select. Just serial and wireless stereo.
kevinnugent said:
you should be able to select ActiveSync as one of the available services.
This is my problem, flash. There is no Activesync service on the device to be able to select. Just serial and wireless stereo.
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Same issue here :?
Ditto here.
CmptrDan said:
I tried to create the virtual (bluetooth) serial port and, although it shows up in Device Manager, it doesn't show up in the list of ports in AS (4.2 or 4.5 beta). Any ideas why?
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It probably won't show up until you go to ActiveSync on the PPC, and choose Menu... Connect via Bluetooth...
It should reopen the Paired Device menu, where you'll find your desktop, and a new option for ActiveSync.
Consider this the final step after the previously described Pairing process.
I understand but, in my case, AS on my PC won't show the new BT serial port in the list of available ports (COM1, COM3, IrDa). Is there something I need to do after I create the BT serial port on my PC so that AS becomes aware of it?
In Control Panel... System... Hardware... Device Manager, look under Ports. Do you see the BT COM Port? If not, you probably need to do some work on your desktop's BT setup...
Yes, I do see the BT Serial port in Device Manager but it doesn't show up in Connection Settings in AS.
Any ideas?
Is the BT Serial Port service "enabled?" If that doesn't help, sorry, I can't think of anything else!

