Problems in ActiveSync thru BT - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I am using a Class 1 Bluetooth Dongle on my computer. I am running Windows XP Home (with SP2). For some reason I am not able to ActiveSync thru BT. The driver with the Dongle has a Widcomm BT stack. But it is not syncing with that or with the Windows XP stack.
Can anyone help me out?


Bluetoth woes

I have a MSI PC2PC BT USB adapter
Until SP2 went on it worked fine using the oldest set of drivers. I could even Activesync over BT
Now after SP2 and MS installed its own BT software, BT seemed to work when i got the new drivers from MSI but i couldnt ActiveSync.
I tried to go back to using the old drivers and using MS article 883258:
How to troubleshoot Bluetooth detection and connectivity problems in Windows XP Service Pack 2
i deleted the key:
This seems to have screwed up BT altogether as my BT adapter is detected but Windows complains about missing information in an .inf file and I cant install drivers now.
Anyone got the PC2PC adaper to work
If not has anyone got another make/model of BT Adapter that works with Activesync?

Windows XP SP2+Bluetooth+ActiveSync

is here somebody with working ActiveSync via bluetooth on Windows XP SP2 without widcomm dirivers on PC side? I have paired device, I could connect to internet, but I could'nt sync device via bluetooth.
thank you
I have the same problem, after sp2 upgrade i'm not able to connect to my ppc trought bluetooth. I can connect to it, but activesync doesn't work maybe people ask that in this forum
And this sorted me out when I could not get the com ports to match up.

BT ActiveSync Dies Up In Half A Second.

I was able to use ActiveSync Via Bluetooth just perfectly before I had to hard reset (some other reasons for hard reset) now ive created a new partnership and when ever I try to Sync Via Bluetooth it says user authenticated and connected and then just drops the connection an says not connected, connection stays on for hardly one second.
I am using Xda II WM2003SE, Microsoft BT Stack on Pda,Blue Soleil Connection Manager, Billionton BT Dongle, Windows Xp Sp 2, Microsoft Active Sync 3.8
P.S Windows Builtin Firewall Is Disabled. No Other Firewalls Installed. Microsoft BT Stack Is Not Installed On The Comp I Believe.
Any Suggestions ?
Thanks In Advance.

Transfer file via Bluetooth

Hello everyone,
I need some help wth this problem.
I have installed Windows Vista RC2 on my laptop.
I've got a Belkin Bluetooth Dongle V 2.0 with EDR it uses Widcomm drivers and I've managed yto find the latest driver that work on Vista Widcomm Version
I've have a problem with file transfer to and from my laptop.
Evertime I try It does not find my pda.
My pda is paired with my laptop.
The service that it finds are: 1 Dial-Up Networking, 2 Obex Object Push, 3 Voice Gateway this is what it shows WSter on my laptop.
On the pda instead it find this: 1 Headset, 2 Serial port, Dialup Networking, Wireless Stereo and that all.
Should it show as well the Obex Object Push on the pda??
I've got the tick in receive all beam file in the infrared menu.
The Bluetooth is alway on.
I tryed my pda as well on my sons desktop which has the same bluetooth and it send and receives file with no problem but that users Windows XP.
Am I missing something in Microsoft Vista.
On the Laptop I can syncronise with my pda with no problem via USB using WMDC.
Do I need to download something extra for the bluetooth to work fully.
Please can anybody advice me please.
Thank You

connecting 2020 via bluetooth in activesync

i'm using ivt corporate bluesoleil and qtek 2020 wm5
can't connect via bluetooth
neeeeeeed help plz
i said ivt corporate bluesoleil
plz post specific directions
dont know the software you can try to look at the other guides for bluetooth they got on their site
or try the general thing with making a virtuel bluetooth comport and use that for activesync
or try to update the bluetooth software on the pc
got the same problem with that ugly bluesoleil bluetooth stack; cause I'm running WM6 I had the choice of Com0-Com9, but that bluesoleil stack only delivers com-ports starting from Com11. The Windows Bluetooth stack wasn't available.
Workarounds didn't work. At last I got two correspondending COM Ports but the Connection with Activesync was disabled after a short while.
So I will buy another Bluetooth stick which uses Windows or Widcomm Bluetooth Stack.
So long
I succed to connect via bluetooth with WM6. I use windcomm bluetooth donggle in my PC. When I install the driver,which came with the donggle, the problem begin. I cannot connect my Hima to the PC. Then I delete the driver from windcomm and use only the driver from windows XP sp2.
1. Turn on the bluetooh from your PDA so that your pc can recognize your hima
2. explore your bluetooth connection on your pc, make your incoming port, and remember the port which automatically provide by the pc.
3. Open your active sync from your pc, open the connectio setting. Checkbox the "allow connections to one of the following" anda chose the port that you have just made in steps 2. And press ok
4. Open active sync, and from menu press connect via bluetooth. If your device haven't paired yet, then the next step to make pairing as usual
5. After you finish pairing step, you are ready to sync via bluetooth

