Does someone know if navigon 4 works great on the magician ?
Can we receive some feedback from users that have tried it ?
I have used it and it works fine although personally I prefer TomTom
I have the same problem with Navigon 4.2 when I connect it to a bluetooth GPS,
I'm tryed with so many options but not yet, nothing at all, IT DOSN'T WORK WITH THE BLOODY BLUETOOTH GPS, unless I find I a way out to change the bluetooth setting there,
I hope anybody can advise...
Navigon works fine with my BT GPS. No problem at all.
TO jacoh.
Did you mean it is working with the imate jam (magician)?
if yes,
did you pair the bluetooth gps with com5 (as outbound)?
then normal setting of navigon,
then work fine (it is not finding the bt gps at all) where other small navigation software finds it and work with but not the navigon,
please advise!
thanx in advance
maybe you should call the Navigon software vendor and ask why it does not work.
unless you did not bought the software of course, but you certainly are not a f**king hacker are you?
Yes. It is working with iMate Jam (well it's a Qtek S100 with french OS). Com5 in Navigon settings. GPS is an emtac. No problem. Most of the time, problems come from BT pairing. Does your GPS receiver comes with a test application (emtac provides one for example)?
to mms72 :
i've read that the 4.2 doesn't work. Only the 4.01 does.
to jacoch :
Is it slooow or not ?
for example, when you don't follow the route, how long does it take to recalculate a new one (big delay or not) ?
I've heard poeple in France saying it's quite slow to recalculate and almost unusable in cities. I have no problem on my side. It takes 1-2s to recalculate. But it seems to depend on the map density. I live in switzerland in a small city and the maps are probably simpler than the map of Paris or London.
Hi all,
I spend a lot of time to get MN4.2 working reliable. It depends on the protocol that your GPS is working with. As default for my RBT1000 was
GGA=1, GSA=1, GSV=5 RMC=1,GLL=0 and VTG=0. With this configuration the bluetooth connection will lost from time to time.
Now i have changed the protocol to GGA=1 and VTG=1. This combination works perfect for me. In some case (depends on your hardware) you need
GSA=1 also,
thank you yoshi:
simple and small question:
How to change those protocls :roll: in my imate jam..
It depends on your mouse how to change the protocolls.
In my case the mouse came with a special software to change the protokoll. You can also some special tools for that for example:
winfast navigator.
thank you for the advice Yoshi
thank you Yoshi,
it (MN4.2) finaly worked with Holux GR-230 Bluetooth GPS after I changed some protocls (((( BuT )))) not stable , it works like 2 sec's on and 4 sec's off in finding the GPS Signal and I'm still trying to play with protocls to find the best combinations...
:evil: :evil: :evil: still fighting with it... :evil: :evil: :evil:
MN4.2 working great on my MDA compact with Fortuna Bluetooth GPS.
Mapfile > 330 MB! on 1 GB SD-Card.
Waiting for my 2GB Card to put the whole European map file on it.
Excellent product!
Just purchased MN4.2 with Navigon's GPS receiver. Their own receiver is great because it has TMC reception for traffic updates.
The software runs really well, routes are very fast calculated, no problems at all.
I think this software is really nice, all completely usable without stylus using the d-pad, it might look less appealing than TomTom, but it is way more sophisticated, and the maps are much better quality.
On their website they offer a very attractive upgrade price from any competitive product.
Only issue I noticed so far is that when I miss a turn it is sometimes very fast in giving me another route, and sometimes it is slower, don't know why, but always acceptable.
The only problem is with voice guidance, as it sometimes speaks too late. Particularly when there are turnings one after the other (very close, say 20m), then the voice guidance is a bit slow. It is ok if I am driving slowly, otherwise it speaks too late.
Having a glimpse at the map display clarifies any doubt, so no big issue.
The software is also extremely stable, you can open and close hundreds times without any problem. In my case, everything is installed on SD Card.
For the bluetooth, I first paired using the OS bluetooth config screen, and then I opened MN4, and gave COM5 as the bluetooth port. If it doesn't work, you should restart the program after switching off and on the receiver.
By the way, I live in London.
When I will have more experience with the product, I'll post further impressions.
WM2005 is too slow and buggy for my liking, is there a way to get WM2003 on the MDA pro?
I can live with it if not, but WM2005 is horribly slow in comparison to 2003.
You read my mind
I was wondering the same thing just ealier today. I miss my Blue Angels performance. It never locked up and was plenty fast enough. It would be great to hae this performance and reliability on the Universal.
I have both the devices... BA with 1.42 ROM
BA feels faster only when there are very few apps running. However there are too many bugs and memory errors even when I am not running any app. Talk about closing WMP while it is playing and your loose the sound and have to reboot
WM5 is a bit slower but is much more usable IMO.
STILL... is there any chance of downgrading to 2003se??? no doubt its a universal truth that 2003se is much more stable and user-friendly than wm5, and is compatible with a lot more programs.
99.999999% sure there's no way you'll ever see WM2K3SE on a Universal.
Simply because there hasn't been any commercial need for it.
It was probably developed after MS had made WM5 betas for the Himalaya and Blue Angel.
And when they know that the Universal will be using WM5 in the end; why use resources on making a WM2K3SE ROM for it??
Sorry to dissapoint you..
aaah.. well that's ok, I just installed the latest o2 rom 1.30.107 wwe, and thats much much better than the previous one. I won't miss 2003se. 8)
Where can I get that O2 rom above and how would I install it? Thanks.
hazer said:
Where can I get that O2 rom above and how would I install it? Thanks.
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you can find it here,
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Universal/
althought I downloaded 1.30.162, but after installation in device information it says 1.30.107..!!
YOU CANNOT DOWNGRADE Jasjar to 2003SE, because Jasjar and WM5 have totally new memory handling algorythms. This hardware incompatible with the previous operation system.
castiwo said:
STILL... is there any chance of downgrading to 2003se??? no doubt its a universal truth that 2003se is much more stable and user-friendly than wm5, and is compatible with a lot more programs.
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no no i totally disagree. WM5 is much more stable and user friendly than wm2003se. wm2003se would crash for no real obvious reason sometimes, WM5 never froze on me (except if a program was crazy, using iGO & minimizing it, that causes a freeze). you can run 5-10 apps on WM5 without ANY slowdown i'd notice. WM2003SE, not bad but you can notice the slow down. and the softkeys, well i hated them for the first time but then realized how useful they are when you don't want to use the stylus... absolutely cool. now regarding usability without stylus, we're finally getting closer to the ideal, the handheld pc. now why can't i have a ctrl key on the universal's keyboard??
In just 4 days, after installing the latest O2 rom I had to change my opinion, WM5 Proved itself to be the best mobile os yet, and its working too fine now , no hangs at all.. i wonder why:!: I'm kind of in love with the Jasjar, but I fear that the screen will get loose after sometime at the both pivoting points ,
you are right about the stylus-less use, not touching the screen too often does give you a satisfying feeling. :wink:
wm2003 on the Universal DOES exist
99.999999% sure there's no way you'll ever see WM2K3SE on a Universal.
Simply because there hasn't been any commercial need for it.
It was probably developed after MS had made WM5 betas for the Himalaya and Blue Angel.
And when they know that the Universal will be using WM5 in the end; why use resources on making a WM2K3SE ROM for it??
Sorry to dissapoint you..
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Actually If Im not mistaken the T-Mobile MDA IV shipped with wm2003se. I saw on ebay a few days ago an auction for a universal (I can't remember which it was, I feel like It was an imate jasjar) that was clearly running wm2003. There were pictures of the device and its screen with the new menu at the base. Its possible it could have been the new menu hack for wm2005, but there wasn't a second menu item on the right, and while it could also have been a hoax, it seems pretty unlikely. The point is Im sure that a rom for the universal with wm2003se DOES exist, the question is where to get it. I certainly would like to trade in this useless M$ BT stack for a more functional widcomm/broadcomm stack, or even bluesolei.
Re: wm2003 on the Universal DOES exist
Sess said:
Actually If Im not mistaken the T-Mobile MDA IV shipped with wm2003se. I saw on ebay a few days ago an auction for a universal (I can't remember which it was, I feel like It was an imate jasjar) that was clearly running wm2003. There were pictures of the device and its screen with the new menu at the base. Its possible it could have been the new menu hack for wm2005, but there wasn't a second menu item on the right, and while it could also have been a hoax, it seems pretty unlikely. The point is Im sure that a rom for the universal with wm2003se DOES exist, the question is where to get it. I certainly would like to trade in this useless M$ BT stack for a more functional widcomm/broadcomm stack, or even bluesolei.
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you're mistaken. there's no MDA IV, only MDA Pro anyway, link to the auction please
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hello guyz,
This is my first post here. I have a couple of questions from experienced PPC users . Please respond as early as possible. Thanks in Advance.
1) I am getting a very good deal for Magician(i-mate JAM). But i am confused wether to buy it or not. Is it still a good idea to buy a WM2003 PPC device OR should i wait for WM5 PPC devices to become cheaper. ( i might have to wait around1 year which is a loooong time... )
2) Are people still writing softwares for PPC WM2003 devices? or the majority has moved to writing softwares for WM5 ?
3) Right now which windows have more softwares available. WM2003 or WM5?
4) If i purchase softwares written for WM2003, will these softwares run on PPC WM5 device?
5) Finally i need some nice websites for free or paid softwares for PPC. ( you can PM me if you are not allowed to post websites links here)
The magician is a great device and, if you don't need integrated Wifi, still the best compact PPC you can get.
WM2003 in general has some advantages over WM5: It is usually faster and has less bugs. WM5 only offers better one hand use and no data loss when battery is down. The latter can be compensated for WM2003 with using good backup software (sprite backup) and the internal backup battery of the magician. I never had data loss because of this.
Get the magician for a good price. You won't regret. Really advanced devices are still to come. Maybe the Hermes will beat the Magician but it will definitely be more expensive at that time.
Regarding the software question: I haven't seen any software which only works on WM5 and not WM2003 but I have seen many softwares not supporting WM5 yet but WM2003. Most softwares are even still backwards compatible to WM2002. You can compare this to the desktop world. Most programs can still be run under Windows 98.
I recommend to get the imate Jam with 128Mb RAM if possible
Get the imate JAM if you do not have a wi-fi network at home
I fully agree Dandie's comment. I tried my friend's O2 Atom for a week (he need me to install softwares for him) and I still prefer my Magician as my working/entertaining machine.
Pro: Cheaper, more responsive and faster (media will have jitter sometime on the Atom if running GPS together), more softwares are available to 2003SE than WM5
Con: No wifi (not a problem to me since I can BT over Activesyn at home), Bad Camera.
Unless there is a very good deal. I never see the need to upgrade to 128mb if U know how to manage the RAM use. (I always run TomTom 5/IGuidance 2/TCPMP together without any problem.)
Unfortunately WM5 is the way of the future, but it's unlikely you'll encounter software that won't work on WM5 and WM2003 (since both can use .net, the "new" developers environment).
I still use my Magician as my main phone, although I'm upgrading in a few weeks and it'll have to be a WM5 phone, probably a Mio 702. WM5 adds some usability features, but not enough to turn my head IMHO.
If you're getting a good deal on a Magician, I'd certainly consider it. I'll be holding on to mine for a good while yet.
Oh, and I recommend using VJLumos II. It really brightens up the Magician screen, gives it a new lease of life.
I agree with V the magician still is a wonderful device & when you don't want to wait for the devices that sports hsdpa you can have loads of fun with it.
Like stated earlier TCPMP for video, Mortplayer for audio. Lots of games & other goodies. AEButton Plus for one-handed in combi wit ... VJKeyPress.
Make sure you got a good deal & enjoy it.
WM2003 also means no bluetooth A2DP, at least not from anything other than WMP, and even then with some odd bitrate and sample rate restrictions.
Also, I don't know about you guys, but getting stereo sound out of the magician at the same time as using an external mic is a goddam pain. Every handsfree kit I try with a mic will only play sound in the left ear.
Personally, I'd go for a Wizard (or even a Hermes <3 ). It's only a bit bigger, but has WM5, WiFi /and/ a keyboard. Now, if only Orange carried it in the UK... >.<
I've got a Wizard. It's the 3rd one in 5 months and it locks up nearly every day but a soft reset sorts it out and it fails to recognise the memory card 2-4 times a day (a known wizard issue) If you dont need the wi-fi stick with the Jam NEVER had a problem with mine. As for the wizards keyboard..I use the on screen one it's quicker.
For stereo headphones with mic try the SE P900/910 headphones they work brilliantly!
bobgorila said:
WM2003 also means no bluetooth A2DP, at least not from anything other than WMP, and even then with some odd bitrate and sample rate restrictions.
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Maybe just the O2 Atom and my stereo headset, the quality of BT A2DP is just a joke for me.
bobgorila said:
Also, I don't know about you guys, but getting stereo sound out of the magician at the same time as using an external mic is a goddam pain. Every handsfree kit I try with a mic will only play sound in the left ear.
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It's just U. I use my Sony headphone (with shorter cable) with this 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter w/ external mic. And it just work GREAT!
Mine can be bought here:
I upgraded to the Prophet. 8)
This is the second listing on eBay. The first one got hit by a nigerian scammer. :roll: Now I've had to specify UK only and PayPal only.
thank you for your comments guyz
i have bought the magician device. So far i am pretty happy with it.
Join the club, did you got a nice offer?
i think i did get a good offer
i got imate jam (scratchless screen) + alumunium case + 128Mb kingston SD card for 19000Rs ( 316$ )
Seems like a fair price to me. Did you search the other threads for goodies & tips?
Both magician and mini are great device.
Wifi? sandick sdio wifi card with 256m storage is available in a reasonable price now. BT & MINI CABLE could bring with most functions you need.
In my point of view, never try detailed camera in PDA.
So, congradulation you with a desirable product.
navid_ahmed said:
i think i did get a good offer
i got imate jam (scratchless screen) + alumunium case + 128Mb kingston SD card for 19000Rs ( 316$ )
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where did u get it so cheap......i bought it for 24000rs with no accessory
jackleung said:
It's just U. I use my Sony headphone (with shorter cable) with this 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter w/ external mic. And it just work GREAT!
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Mine arrived this morning, it works, it works!!!
Are you happy with the switch?
Is it really too large to place by the ear?
I was thinking of getting a Universal early next year.
How is the speed of the unit, e.g. reading large PDFs, or opening big DOC files in Word?
How is quality of the LCD screen, speakers, keyboard vs Blueangel?
BA v Uni
Definitely a better system than the Blue Angel. The OS is much better, the screen larger, the processor better, a thumb keyboard you can actually use. My old Blue Angel is now my TomTom GPS.
The Universal's replacement will be out early (Possibly Q1) next year. Might be better to wait for that.
Back on topic. I sometimes get a little peed at having to flip the screen to see who's calling, but on the whole I'm glad I upgraded.
dont bother mate,just look on the baord at the amount of issues
overall, universal is more than ok!
i still have my BA and use it as a backup, i use my o2 xda exec for everything else like my gps and etc.
have you tried wm5 on BA ?
try the Helmi aku3.2 wm5 Rom with (i think it was) 16mb page file
BA then really flies (20x faster than universal)
I was really amazed !!
currently I now have jasjar with IvanRom 1.14 and BA with "helmi aku3.2 wm5 rom
but BA is still a lot faster
(for me the keyboard is the only reason why I use universal daily)
I'm running a stock 8525 (ROM v1.34.502.1) with several hacks (works great). I just purchased a Qstarz BT-Q818 and it worked out of the box with Google Maps and even Microsoft Streets and Trips 2006. Neither of these products are fully-capable GPS navigational products.
I've seen questions and comments about TomTom 6, upgrades from 5, work with WM6, etc, - but I'm curious if anyone can share their experiences installing and using TomTom 6 on Windows Mobile 5. I plan to use US maps, but I don't know if the selected country's maps makes a difference to the reliability, ease-of-use, or installation experience. I don't plan to migrate to WM6 for a bit (until I have a real good reason).
Thanks in advance for your opinions!
Well, I can't help you with Tom Tom on WM05 with this phone.
I had my phone for all of 1 phone call, text message and MMS before I went to WM-6.
That said, I've got Tom Tom 6 with the latest (US and Canada) maps on it, and it works great. Mind you, it isn't as fast (overall) as the dedicated Tom Tom units are, but it gets the job done. In fact on the new LVSW it is pretty close to being at the same speed as a GO300. I'm using it with a Visiontac VGPS-700 bluetooth antenna.
Also, I've got a Motorola MPx and used Tom Tom extensively on that. It is running windows mobile 2003 (IIRC). Obviously its way slower than the 8525, but it worked just fine and got me where I needed to go.
The hardest part of the install on either unit is to get Tom Tom to "see" the bluetooth GPS. And, actually on the MPx it is way easier than on the 8525 with WM06.
I know, I know... you wanted experiance with WM05... but thought that this would help at least a bit.
Thank you, this is helpful. If it turns out I'm the last person on the planet still running WM5, then I'll have to upgrade. Basically, my ROM was ok out of the box and I applied my hacks and apps without any trouble, so I haven't considered an upgrade given the stability vs risk + stability considerations.
I run TT6 on WM5 and I love it. I have had zero stability issues and it works great with my HOLUX 236 BT GPS. I also can receive/send email, calls, internet all while it is running in the background with little to no issues. Once and a while, when I am updating traffic (BOSTON,NYC AREA) performance can be a little slow if I'm multitasking. Other than that, it's flawless for me!
Ditto on the good reports - have run tomtom6 for many 10-15 hour drives, never had any issues. The phone integration features of TT6 are handy - being able to call a POI (eg, pizza shop) from TT6 is sometimes useful. Switches seamlessly between calls and the nav screen without dramas. Handles loss of GPS signal or a slightly incorrect map fine.
Er, you may very well be the last person with WM5 , I've got WM6 as well
@ Guy... lol, except for the guy before you who is running it on WM05.
Oh, I forgot to mention, On my Mpx, I could take two calls with Tom Tom running in the background before the phone would lock up and I'd have to soft reset.
With the 8525, I've had a couple of days where I was on the phone, and forgot Tom Tom was running and it ran from the time I went to work until I left... a 10-12 hour day making calls sending sms and mms, some internet searches etc...never locked the phone up.
I ran TT6 on the stock Vodafone UK WM5 ROM and it was ok but every now and then it would lock up and I would have to end the app and start it up again.
I upgraded to WM6 for one reason SPEED, I don't know about your WM5 ROM but mine was slow. I got so fed up of waiting for 2 seconds after I pressed the red button for a call to end. It did my t*ts in.
Anyway, running TT6 on WM6 has been a superior experience so far as it has not locked up once (on Black 2.0/2.5). Only small gripe is that when a call comes in while using TT the HERMES does not return to the TT screen until the call is finished (you can manually switch back to TT).
One thing to watch out for is the Black 2.5 ROM which updates your HERMES device code and therefore requires TT re-activating. Because of this I have reverted to Black 2.0 (which I find better on battery consumption incidently).
TT6 on Std UK T-Mob WM5 ROM
I found that TT6 runs OK but I had to turn off the plotting (on screen) of all the POIs to get it to run smoothly. Some people seem to have reported issues with the rate of data access from their MicroSD cards so it's worth getting a good card (NB - lots of issues reported with Sandisk cards). I run TT6, my phone and CamerAware (which warns about cameras better than TT6). I have had the odd lock-up but in the main all works very well and I am able to count on TT6 with my Vario II. BTW - I use the Holux GPSlim240 which is very nice.
I have even got Windows Live Search running at the same time with a GPS plotted position and mapping/Sat view running from a 3G connection - all very impressive to mates if of little in-car use whilst driving!
Guy_Incognito said:
Er, you may very well be the last person with WM5 , I've got WM6 as well
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I just installed wm6 and i try and run the start app that installs tomtom and it doesnt do anything im using xplore 1.1!