Need german rom - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hello to all. I made a bad mistake with my german mda compact. Now is on start screen just serial v 1.00 or usb v 1.00
But i'am an absolut newbie and i found only howto's to change from german to english or italian. I think, all i need is the german original rom to update thru a sd card. Could anybody help me out? I promise, i never will play with this MDA ;-) thanks...Guido

Guido K said:
Now is on start screen just serial v 1.00 or usb v 1.00
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I had the same problem yesterday.
Do a soft reset.
You probably didn't overwrite the header properly or you're using a bad ROM.

27 said:
Guido K said:
Now is on start screen just serial v 1.00 or usb v 1.00
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I had the same problem yesterday.
Do a soft reset.
You probably didn't overwrite the header properly or you're using a bad ROM.
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I tried to use a update for MDA II. It started, told me wich Version is in MDA, which version will be installed.It starts proper, wrote me: Wrong Handy and finish. Since this i just have a nearly dark grey display with this words as described.

Were you trying the Imate Rom or English T-Mobile ROM?

27 said:
Were you trying the Imate Rom or English T-Mobile ROM?
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I tried now nothing. I thougt the XDA II soft is ok for my MDA compact. Since this i just looking for a german Version.

Anonymous said:
27 said:
Were you trying the Imate Rom or English T-Mobile ROM?
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I tried now nothing. I thougt the XDA II soft is ok for my MDA compact. Since this i just looking for a german Version.
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So you tried to load the XDA II ROM on the MDA compact.
And now you have a blank screen.
And both resets are not working?

27 said:
Anonymous said:
27 said:
Were you trying the Imate Rom or English T-Mobile ROM?
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I tried now nothing. I thougt the XDA II soft is ok for my MDA compact. Since this i just looking for a german Version.
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So you tried to load the XDA II ROM on the MDA compact.
And now you have a blank screen.
And both resets are not working?
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That is right. :?

Did you back up the original ROm fro the MDA?
What language was it?

27 said:
Did you back up the original ROm fro the MDA?
What language was it?
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no....before i made this failure i never heard about the possibility of backing up ROM. I have baclup made with sprite backup. It is on my SD Card. But i think u do not mean this....

Anonymous said:
27 said:
Did you back up the original ROm fro the MDA?
What language was it?
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no....before i made this failure i never heard about the possibility of backing up ROM. I have baclup made with sprite backup. It is on my SD Card. But i think u do not mean this....
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German language was installed. and that i need back. Like a virgin...

Anonymous said:
no....before i made this failure i never heard about the possibility of backing up ROM. I have baclup made with sprite backup. It is on my SD Card. But i think u do not mean this....
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Is it possible to load the backup from the Bootlaoder mode?

27 said:
Anonymous said:
no....before i made this failure i never heard about the possibility of backing up ROM. I have baclup made with sprite backup. It is on my SD Card. But i think u do not mean this....
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Is it possible to load the backup from the Bootlaoder mode?
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I don't know. I think it is just a backup of all installed software...but a exe file called backup_2005-01-15

Anonymous said:
27 said:
Anonymous said:
no....before i made this failure i never heard about the possibility of backing up ROM. I have baclup made with sprite backup. It is on my SD Card. But i think u do not mean this....
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Is it possible to load the backup from the Bootlaoder mode?
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I don't know. I think it is just a backup of all installed software...but a exe file called backup_2005-01-15
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I u want we can chat aim : vnetm or skype: koronkai

Anonymous said:
I don't know. I think it is just a backup of all installed software...but a exe file called backup_2005-01-15
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I'd advise you to find out if it's possible.

27 said:
Anonymous said:
I don't know. I think it is just a backup of all installed software...but a exe file called backup_2005-01-15
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I'd advise you to find out if it's possible.
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I think my card has to be empty. Just this file?

Anonymous said:
27 said:
Anonymous said:
I don't know. I think it is just a backup of all installed software...but a exe file called backup_2005-01-15
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I'd advise you to find out if it's possible.
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I think my card has to be empty. Just this file?
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No...nothing happens at all. Just my known letters : serial v 1.00

Anonymous said:
I think my card has to be empty. Just this file?
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See if there's any info here
My German ROM is about 900MB. I think it's 'cos I used a 1GB card.
I'll be away from the internet for the next few hours. Maybe you can try using the English ROM.
You need to be logged in to download from this site.

27 said:
Anonymous said:
I think my card has to be empty. Just this file?
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See if there's any info here
My German ROM is about 900MB. I think it's 'cos I used a 1GB card.
I'll be away from the internet for the next few hours. Maybe you can try using the English ROM.
You need to be logged in to download from this site.
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okay...i thing i need exact this rom file. But i try to find out whats going on. It was very nice from u to pick me up for a try. Cu and thank u again...Guido

Anonymous said:
okay...i thing i need exact this rom file. But i try to find out whats going on. It was very nice from u to pick me up for a try. Cu and thank u again...Guido
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You're welcome.
What have you tried? Has it worked?


Searching people, wanting to test the AT&T A.30.07 ROM

Hello Guys.
I'm searching for about 10 persons, that are planning to test the new Siemens Rom.
Please let me know it via reply or pm.....
Hi, i am ready to do that.
i'm using already the T-Mobile A.30.07 ROM
Think this is the same but than the Siemens version
Count me in!
Ok. Got enough.....
Thanks to all....
BTW, where did this radio update come from. I never saw it on Siemens nor ATT's website?
valheru said:
BTW, where did this radio update come from. I never saw it on Siemens nor ATT's website?
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this is not a radio update, it is a update for the OS.
My mistake. My radio shows as A.20 so I made the common mistake of assuming. Thanks.
valheru said:
My mistake. My radio shows as A.20 so I made the common mistake of assuming. Thanks.
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BTW, can someone upload this siemens version of A.30.07 ?
host is
port 1234
user pocketpc
pass xda (must be lowercase, this forum software makes it uppercase)
Weezer-DC said:
BTW, can someone upload this siemens version of A.30.07 ?
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Sorry, was my fault. It´s the AT&T version you already have....
LumpiStefan said:
Weezer-DC said:
BTW, can someone upload this siemens version of A.30.07 ?
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Sorry, was my fault. It´s the AT&T version you already have....
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I'm starting a site with contains information about al version now avaible for the xda I
Is this release a AT&T test version ??
I'm only tested this version for 1 hour, and not sure about it.
When you soft reboot your device you will see it.
Weezer-DC said:
LumpiStefan said:
Weezer-DC said:
BTW, can someone upload this siemens version of A.30.07 ?
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Sorry, was my fault. It´s the AT&T version you already have....
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I'm starting a site with contains information about al version now avaible for the xda I
Is this release a AT&T test version ??
I'm only tested this version for 1 hour, and not sure about it.
When you soft reboot your device you will see it.
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yes it is a test release and is much better i am already liking it Active sync issues (minor ones i was having earlier are gone)
signal is much better (was having probs with the cooked 4.00.5)
so far so good... tks to u weezer and whoever gave u a copy...
only bug i saw is on soft reset the backlighit somehow gets messed up (so u have to go in turn it off/on from whatever the setting is then turn itback to on and works after that)
Weezer-DC said:
I'm starting a site with contains information about al version now avaible for the xda I
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Don´t know it this is necessaire.....
Take a look at
There are all the Versions listed.....
LumpiStefan said:
Weezer-DC said:
I'm starting a site with contains information about al version now avaible for the xda I
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Don´t know it this is necessaire.....
Take a look at
There are all the Versions listed.....
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I know, but it doesn't say anything about the version.
And I gonna make it with links so you can download the nb1 direct from my server, just a service for everone thats intrested and my help to this forum
BTW, what is the date of this rom??
See device information
I would be very will to test and quick to respond as I use my phone a great deal both for voice and data communications.
Weezer-DC said:
I know, but it doesn't say anything about the version.
And I gonna make it with links so you can download the nb1 direct from my server, just a service for everone thats intrested and my help to this forum
BTW, what is the date of this rom??
See device information
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see in my sig...
I used 4.00.11 from it's release date until today when I switched to the a.30.07 rom. You will have no problems other than the backlight on soft reset issue. It will be minor and intermittment. Great, stable release. Enjoy.
valheru said:
I used 4.00.11 from it's release date until today when I switched to the a.30.07 rom. You will have no problems other than the backlight on soft reset issue. It will be minor and intermittment. Great, stable release. Enjoy.
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also the defa settings in the backlight are a liitle messed.. by defa they dont have the option checked where u tap the screen & the back light comes back on...
would love to cook a rom with this version so i can save some RAM
any idea how we can setup the kitchen with this sucker...
I'm being ready to test the new rom on my sx56
where can I download the ROM? thanks

No sound after ROM upgrade

Sorry forgot to leave my name in last post. So posted again.
I downloaded XDA-developers Special Edition ROM v1.2 and now have no sound at all.
Any Ideas?
Thanks Jamie
getsomehavesome said:
Sorry forgot to leave my name in last post. So posted again.
I downloaded XDA-developers Special Edition ROM v1.2 and now have no sound at all.
Any Ideas?
Thanks Jamie
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you should consider upgrading the radio ROM.
can anyone give me direct link for correct redio verssion??? im also facing the same problem
.:TushaR:. said:
can anyone give me direct link for correct redio verssion??? im also facing the same problem
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But what ROM version do you now have ?
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Radio_Roms
reejmond said:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Radio_Roms
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This has nothing to do with Wallaby.....
Sorry Wrong [email protected]
here is the good one.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wallaby/ROM/Radio_Stack/
or am i wrong ?
LumpiStefan said:
reejmond said:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Radio_Roms
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This has nothing to do with Wallaby.....
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German to English

What's the procedure for converting a Prophet from German to English?
27 said:
What's the procedure for converting a Prophet from German to English?
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Use aWizard to unlock uid, then download the latest english rom and run it
edmondt said:
Use aWizard to unlock uid, then download the latest english rom and run it
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You're sure that works?
I may be buying a German unit.
27 said:
edmondt said:
Use aWizard to unlock uid, then download the latest english rom and run it
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You're sure that works?
I may be buying a German unit.
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Machinagod created a tool that one user has verified to work with a Neo to Jamin ROM flash.
Unfortunately I don't know the procedure to do this, hopefully someone will be kind enough to post it on the forums or in the wiki.
decmac said:
Machinagod created a tool that one user has verified to work with a Neo to Jamin ROM flash.
Unfortunately I don't know the procedure to do this, hopefully someone will be kind enough to post it on the forums or in the wiki.
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Thank you.

SPV C550...

I'm afride:
1.edition of SPL is high
2.maybe you can try another time.mostly thas's because some interruption during your update
good lucy
first , you should upgrade you SPL edition to 1.09.
pat1 said:
jlum said:
first , you should upgrade you SPL edition to 1.09.
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use "RUU_PATCH" to do this , but you need a NBF file which include SPL1.09 ,"RUU_PATCH" has a wizard to tell u how .
good luck
jlum said:
pat1 said:
jlum said:
first , you should upgrade you SPL edition to 1.09.
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use "RUU_PATCH" to do this , but you need a NBF file which include SPL1.09 ,"RUU_PATCH" has a wizard to tell u how .
good luck
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Heh, RUU_Patch doesn`t work on Bootloader 2.x. :?
pat1 said:
jlum said:
pat1 said:
jlum said:
first , you should upgrade you SPL edition to 1.09.
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use "RUU_PATCH" to do this , but you need a NBF file which include SPL1.09 ,"RUU_PATCH" has a wizard to tell u how .
good luck
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Heh, RUU_Patch doesn`t work on Bootloader 2.x. :?
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really ? sorry i don't know this infomation. use other tool "TyphoonNBFTool" ?
make sure u cellphone can connect to activesync when u use "RUU_PATCH".

Connection problem!!

I have a qtek s200 and when i try to connect to pc doesn;t connect!! I have active syng installed in pc!! Any way to connect??
andrei16 said:
I have a qtek s200 and when i try to connect to pc doesn;t connect!! I have active syng installed in pc!! Any way to connect??
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Do you get an error code?
l3v5y said:
Do you get an error code?
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No!! I resolve that problem!! it was from usb cable!!
andrei16 said:
No!! I resolve that problem!! it was from usb cable!!
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Good! Now you can flash a ROM
l3v5y said:
Good! Now you can flash a ROM
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How?? I have problem with the 6.0 win !! the memory card is not view always!!
andrei16 said:
How?? I have problem with the 6.0 win !! the memory card is not view always!!
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The memory card is not required to flash a ROM...
l3v5y said:
The memory card is not required to flash a ROM...
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if you have yahoo messenger id please add andrei14_numberone to help me!! I wanna flash with win 6.1 or 7!
andrei16 said:
if you have yahoo messenger id please add andrei14_numberone to help me!! I wanna flash with win 6.1 or 7!
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WM7 is not going to be available until 2009 at the earliest... If you want to flash a ROM, read the WM6 upgrade guide sticky in the Prophet mobile 6 forum.

