Bluetooth will not send/receive to my wireless GPS - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

:x :evil: I purchased a Leadtek wireless GPS receiver (model LR9537) and Navigator software for my IMate Pocket PPC 2003 Phone Edition device. I can bond to the GPS receiver but I cannot send or receive information - hence at the moment the software is unuseable.
I downloaded and installed the rom upgrade from the club imate website (which was supposed to fix the problem) but still no luck.
I contacted customer support in Nov 2004 and was told it would be looked in to, but to date have not got a reply from them with an answer. Frankly I am fed up with their customer service as they do not appear to be interested / able to help in solving problems of this type.
I went back to where I purchased the GPS equipment and they were unable to fix the problem. They even tried to talk with a nokia phone by bluetooth but it would not work either, so it narrows it down to being a problem with the bluetooth function.
Has anyone else had a similar problem, and if so have they been able to work a solution? I am eager to get this problem resolved and start using the (expensive) software which I purchased. Are there any patches or additonal downloads that I need to install or is it just purely a matter of configuring the device correctly?

Which navigation software are you using, what settings are you using for the gps? When you bonded the gps were you given the serial port option for the gps device?

I have the Destinator 3 software. I am not sure what setting I am suppose to use other than a baud rate of 4800 and NMEA protocol.
I also have the leadtek software that came with the GPS.
When I ask the Destinator 3 software to find the GPS it does a search and goes through the different baud rates and the different ports but comes up saying that it cannot find the GPS. The leadtek software also cannot find the GPS from its own receiver!
When I bonded to the GPS all I had to enter was a four digit pin - nothing else.
As a side issue I also find that I must not turn on the bluetooth before running an application otherwise it tells me that the port is in use. If I leave it turned off the blue light will start flashing once I start running the application.
Is there possibly a compatability problem?

My leadtek lr9537 arrived on my door step yesterday, and as yet i am unable to keep a steady BT conection to it from either my laptop or universal (in o2 clothes). The BT on the GPS seems to fall over as soon as it picks up a fix. I am also as yet unable to get a GPS signal to my pda either. I'm gonna have a good play with the settings buit it almost seems as if the BT on the device is dodgy.
i'll post back if i find more....


XDAII & Leadtek GPS Receiver (Not COM1 Error)

Hi everyone.
I am hoping someone will be kind enough (or able enough) to help me with a problem I seem to be experiencing on my XDAIIs and a Leadtek 9531 GPS receiver.
I bought the receiver from Ebay, supposedly new, and it certainly looks new.
I plug the receiver into my XDA, and power it all from the cigarrette lighter. I am using Winfast Navigator software to test the connection as I am still waiting for the Tomtom software to arrive.
The first lot of errors received were for COM1 not being available, so I have done as suggested and disabled BEAM for the device... and now the problem is that I start the winfast software, and click connect and it just stays there attempting to connect for minutes... It just doesnt seem to be able to connect to the device.
I have the device set to NMEA 4800 Baud on COM1, so presumably I have done all that I need to be able to pick up a satellite signal, but there is still nothing.
Can anyone suggest something?
Thanks in Advance.
I got this GPS receiver a while ago bundled with Destinator GPS software. This receiver can take quite a while to get its first fix (up to 20mins in my experience). Leave it turned on for a while to see if it connects. Once it has a fix, it will re-connect next time almost instantly.
I don't know if this is true, but someone told me that the unit memorizes its last known position. When you re-connect it, if it's moved a significant distance (ie just bought it), it takes a while to find the satelites because it is getting conflicting data about where it is on the planet.
Hi xda-rocks,
Thanks for posting back.
Im not sure that leaving it for 20 mins is going to work. I downloaded a GPS viewer program from and it refuses to acknowledge that there is anything GPS related on COM1, or any of the other COM ports for that matter.
From reading other posts it seems like maybe this is a keyboard problem (slideout model XDA IIs) which apparantely also uses COM1, but I am unsure how to disable the keyboard or even if i want to. My guess would be that I would have to disable the keyboard everytime i wanted to use GPS and that would just be too much for something that I really just want to plug in and go.
So, I have ordered a BT GPS receiver now, and am awaiting delivery of that... hopefully thats not as much bother as this one has been to setup... also hopefully the person I bought the leadtek receiver from will accept a return for refund.
I got my gps with an original XDA, then upgraded to XDAII in Sept 2003 and it worked fine, then upgraded to MDAIII (XDAIIs) in October 2004 and it still works fine - no problem with keyboard.
Works fine with Destinator and Tomtom even has it listed as one of its options.
I also have Holux BT GPS receiver, but prefer wired system when in car - less hassle with connecting, charging, headsets, etc.

GPS and TomTom5 Problems

I recently purchased a bluetooth GPS receiver (branded as Fusion with X70 as the name on the back - purchsed from Polstar) and TomTom5 software but cannot get the two to work together.
I have bonded the receiver and set it as COM7 and I can choose that in TomTom5 as the COM port to use but it always says "No GPS Device!"
I have also downloaded and installed the BlueTooth Tools software but this hasn't helped either.
I have an o2 XDA2 and any help with this would be much appreciated.
I think mine is set to BT on com6. You must make sure the GPS receiver has a satellite signal before you try to configure tomtom (flashing light or whatever). Keep trying different settings, that's what I did
I think I have tried all the settings I can, I am beginning to wonder if i've got the correct version of TomTom5 installed! My device information says my platform is PocketPC and that is the version of TomTom5 I installed.
I have tried various settings and soft-rebooted my phone in the meantime after each change and tried without re-setting too!
This is getting rather annoying now
sorry, I'm using com5. Have you made sure you've got a satellite connection first.
Mine is version 5.000
When I turn on my GPS receiver I get two lights flashing, one to indicate that the bluetooth is sending a signal and the other to say that the device is receiving a GPS signal.
Try this...
Hi Dave,
Did you buy this via eBay? Couple of friends have bought from the same guy and neither worked, even though it seemed that they were (flashing lights, bonded etc). Both Polstar/Fuzion.
Anyway, if it won't connect via 'other bluetooth', try selecting 'other cabled device' and then select 4800 baud and your bluetooth com port.
Don't know why, but have had to do this with 3 different PDA's so far (2 XDA, 1 ipaq). It seems to work fine, although the data rate's a bit slow.
Any bluetooth gps I have has installed as com 5 when bonding, it asks if you wish to install serial profile and allocates com 5. I have noticed however that tomtom is very weird with its gps module, it keeps saying gps not found or signal lost etc and then I have to reselect other bluetooth and com 5 and even then sometimes I have to reinitialize the receiver before it is found. I always advocate the use of a wired gps if it is only required for vehicle use, it is less problematic, easy to configure and works 99.999999% of the time without problems.
If you run BT Manager and then check settings, it generally sets up as inbound com5 outbound com 6.
I have a Navman that behaved perfectly on Com 5 on TT3, on TT5 still behaves perfectly, but now uses Com 8 instead.
No idea why, don't really care that much -- it works.
I did buy the items from eBay and I am going to get back to the supplier (Polstar I believe) to see what I can fathom out.
Many thanks for all your advice, I have tried all options but still cannot get it to work so I will post a reply with the solution that works for me and hopefully it will work for others too.
No signal
the TomTom 5 has a new implementation, from the the TT3. It can manage the bluetooth connection. When you creat the connection with your pocket pc, by serial port, you must creat one connection of paired devices, as you created to your headset, bluethoot, of course. By the way, usually tt5 uses com 6 to connect with gps receivers.
The first time you configure your connection you must stay in position to receive signal from satelites, because its important to record all information from your gps receiver.
With regards to that marcusmodestus I think tonight, I will try and remove TomTom5 and delete my connection to the receiver and try installing again, from fresh.
Should I bond my reciever before or after I install? And should I run TomTom5 only with the bond in place?
bt gps
I bought one of these
set up as other cable on com5 but set baud rate at 38400 works fine 4 me
First, thank you all for helping me with this!
I have managed to successfully set it up now and here is the process...
Install TomTom5
Bond the device (I only had the option of Serial COM 7)
In TomTom5, change the preferences to use "Other Cable" and set the baud rate to 4800.
Magically I then get 5-6 satellites, a signal and an annoying American (which I will change to a nice english lady)
Thank you all again!
after hours of trial and error with tomtom5 and buzzmobile5.0 together with a xaiox wonde-xl bluetooth gps mouse (nemerix chipset) i learned the following:
it is recommended that you disable the gps manager of buzzmobile5.0 (not doing this has caused my device hang and auto soft reset some times). after that the following procedure worked for me:
1. pair your bluetooth gps device with your xda
2. assign a free outgoing com-port to that device (what com-port is best? please read text below.)
3. go to tomtom gps settings screen choose other bluetooth gps device
4. the assigned com-port number should appear in the next tomtom screen.
usually you should be done now and the connection should work, but i always had to delete the gps device in buzzmobiles bluetooth connection manager and had to re-pair it again, re-assign the com-port and re-start tomtom in order to get it work.
for any reason i then choosed to assign com8 as com-port for my gps mouse. and from this moment on tomtom5 was able to re-establish connections after switching of and on the gps or after switching xda on and off. i don't know what the exact reason is but choosing com8 was my solution to get tomtom5 working together with my gps on a comfortable way.
hope this helps others
I had this problem with Tomtom 5. No matter what I did it wouldn't work with my receiver.
I found that when I downloaded the 5.1 patch and installed it it worked fine with the GPS receiver set to COM6. Usually takes about 30 secs for the receiver to be found though. I think the update sorted out the Tomtom bluetooth support to a later version.
hi ...
how can i disable the gps manager of buzzmobile5.0?
thx mtc
settings --> system --> GPS
On the access tab uncheck the box
btw : I just saw that GPS hardware port shows com5 now. I'm sure I set both hard and software port to none cause somebody adviced this.
Anyway last week I didn't have to re-pair my gps in order for tomtom to find it ( which before I had to do every time I closed tt5). I've been messing in the registry to create extra com5 ports, maybe that's what caused it.
Anyways I now only have to switch on the gps and fire up tomtom and it immediately shows my position. Hope it will last..........

Tom Tom XDA problem

Hi all,
Just go the xda through work, and even though i have got the new version of tom tom of their website (5.2) for ppc, when loaded and docked in my cradle, it cant sem to get the GPS to receive!?!?! anyone else had this problem?
I have an O2 XDA Exec and its working fine with the TomTom 5.2 software. I got some very useful info from ..... basically a post on there advised setting up an outgoing com port to the BT GPS device (I used Com0) ... this is found under Start>Settings>Connections>Bluetooth>ComPorts (after you have paired the BT device of course).
In TomTom you then select "Other Bluetooth GPS" in the GPS options screen, select the Com port set previously, and away you go.
I hope this helps
I bought a 32-channel QStarz GPS receiver from eBay, cracking little thing it is. I had problems getting it going though initially - what I had to do was setup a pairing, which was a little tricky as TT didn't want to behave.
Basically, TT tries to establish a serial connection whenever I open it. As TT loaded, just before it went into the TT interface, It showed a dialog box with all my serial connections in - I think it might've been the device pairing screen, but I've not been able to find it again... What I did was pick the gps receiver's serial port device entry I'd previously set up, select it, check the box to tell TT to always connect to this device by default, and then hit enter - all before TT managed to load into the interface. It took me a couple of goes, and I'm sure there's an easier way to do this (I don't think I was even supposed to see this dialog screen ) but now it works perfectly. I don't have to establish the Bluetooth connection to the GPS receiver, TT does that (and it'll even turn the Bluetooth on and off if it's not already on for me). However, I did have to choose Other NMEA GPS from the device options, and then tweak my COM port settings (I found a scant piece of information regardingthe fact that it should be something like COM5 for incoming data and COM6 for outgoing data, you would do well to doublecheck the TomTom site's FAQs for this info). There's a couple of seconds lag whilst TT correctly detects the device and begins to latch onto GPS sats (it says "No Compatible GPS Device Detected!", and then changes to something like "No GPS Signal Detected"... And then starts picking up sats.
This is all with TT5.0, by the way.
This document will be very useful.. principal is the same for most GPS Receivers.. JASJAR - TOMTOM Mobile 5 - 2.01.pdf
Not sure if you are trying to receive through a Bluetooth GPS receiver - if you are, this worked for me (first poston the page);
Thanks for your help guys, but i meat to say i am using a wired GPS the small square official Tom Tom one, hard wired in to my cradle.
I can open the software and everything, but it just says, cant find GPS, the green light flashes on my GPS, but thats all it does.
Ok, so you're using a wired receiver.. That helps to know. You should be able to choose TomTom Wired GPS or Other Wired GPS, and it should just... work. If it doesn't, choose the nearest chocie to your receiver, and go into the Advanced settings (if the option button is available) - if so, doublecheck what your COM port settings are.
Where did you buy the cradel from, I just got ripped off to the tune of £48 off ebay due to the cradle not actually passing the srl connection through, all it does is provide power for a Bluetooth GPS Receiver out of the port on the side.
I think I've heard othe rpeople saying that wired GPS receivers will not work with the Universal. Can anyone confirm this?
What you have heard is correct the mini USB on the Exec WILL NOT accept a GPS connection, you need a bluetooth device for this to work - Mike
Tony B - that sounds like the cradle i am using - jasjar or jamjar something like that!
I have put my wired GPS straight in to the side, and nothing!!
think you might have got it mate!
hi there
i am using the wired gps with mda pro tomotm car cradle
tomtom software working like i can start the tomotm and see the setting etc
now when i connect the tomtom wired gps via rj11 in cradle but i can not recieve gps signal
device says "no gps device"
please help

Bluetooth GPS, T-Mobile MDA... May God Make This Thing Work

Ok I've pretty much tried everything, been browsing the boards for over 6 hours for solutions. I've tried everything and just flat out can not get my Bluetooth GPS to work with preetty much any software I've tried. Using the T-Mobile MDA USA model here with Windows Mobile 5.0.
I did the registry tweak and managed to get the GPS Icon in my connections section. Messed with all the settings there, no luck.
I'm using a Ambicom BT-GPS that I used to use with my IPAQ 6315. Worked flawlessly with IGuidance but no luck. The MDA see's the device, successfully pairs the device. But no matter what settings I try to use I just can't get anything good to happen here. Should I abandon the Ambicom GPS? Is it just not going to work with the MDA? Should I try other software? I'm not all about shelling out bucks for software that I'm not sure is going to work.
Is anybody out there using a working bluetooth GPS setup with the USA T-Mobile MDA? What are you using, what are you running and what hoops did you have to jump through to get it working? I don't mind spending a little bit of money if I know it's going to work.
You did not state which model ambicom gps receiver you have but have you tried the updated drivers here for wm5?
hope this helps
Sorry bout that, it's the basic 1.0 version, BT-GPS...
Apparantly they don't let me download it because I don't send them enough money. That only works with their version of the navigator which is basically the IGuidance software re-branded. I do however have the 2.1 version of IGuidance.
That may be your problem then - try to get wm5 drivers for your device - not sure where from.
I am not a gps expert but few of the readers have praised the holux 236 gps and works with the wizard - and has the new gps chip
see here
For some reason, my first Holux GPSlim 236 did the same thing (Mapopolis this time). Surprisingly, an exchange did the trick. If you have a friend with a PDA, I'd suggest he try it too and see if it isn't a bad unit. That's the way I found out.
I have had a huge problem with getting GPS software to work with my MDA... the only marginal success I had was when i got Tomtom Navigator working with my Holux GPSlim 236. At first it didnt work, and I thought I hit a road block. But I switched the outgoing Com ports and got it working. But then I realized that I only had the Great Britain maps, so i downloaded the California maps, but the software wont work. I gave up on Tomtom and am going another route. I really cant get it working. Here is the link where I got the software for Tomtom. All other programs wouldnt work because there is an incompatability with Windows Mobile 5.0. This file works. Good luck.
Going a bit off topic (and not very helpful), but i was amazed to find out the BT Handsfree and BT GPS works at the same time
I'm dead happy to be able to talk and use TomTom at the same time. Everyone i asked said you cant use to BT devices at the same time. Great stuff.
Yes I do enjoy the fact that BT handsfree and BT GPS work in conjunction on my Wizard... really nice.
As for the original poster's issues. I use iGuidance with my Wizard (8125) and it was a bit confusing to get going at first. This is what I had to do.
1. Pair the GPS and the Wizard
2. Select the Com Ports tab and set up a new OUTGOING port, it should default to com6. I would uncheck the secure connection box as I don't think you have to have a secure connection to your GPS, but thats just me. If it doesn't work try checking it.
3. In IGuidance select the tools, GPS options, COM Port, and set it to com 6 just like it defaulted to com 6 in the settings above.
4. Tap the GPS icon and see if you have data streaming over the BT GPS connection. Hopefully you do!
I find that iGuidance is a bit strange in that it wants to hit the GPS on the port so it actively goes to the GPS it just does not sit there and wait so that makes things a bit strange. Also you most likely need the version on your MDA. All other 2.1.3 versions have an issue and won't display the 3D view at all on QVGA devices... its a known issue that they have fixed in this version. Annoying as the DVD did not have this version on it and I ran into the problem and was annoyed until I went to their site and found the issue fixed.

O2 XDA Mini S, TOMTOM 5.21 WM5 - Handsfree disconnects

Hello All,
I have today noticed a problem with my XDA Mini S following the installation of TT 5.21 - Before the software was installed the phone would pair and remain connected with my Vauxhall, factory fit, bluetooth carkit. Calls could me made and received, phonebook info would sync with no problems - all 600 entries!
Following the installation of TT5.21 the phone will now disconnect after 15-20 seconds from the carkit unless TT is running with an active route and the TT Traffic updates enabled!!!
Trying to make a call without TT running means that it only presents on the phone and does not go though to the car kit. Even with tomtom running, unless you have a route planned and TT traffic active then it will still disconnect from the carkit...
I have posted a question to tomtom technical support regarding this and will also try O2 tomorrow to see if they have seen this before...
Anybody else seen anything like this?
Andy. :?
Silly question - is the bluetooth on constantly on the Mini S? If not you need to do this.
TomTom switches bluetooth on automatically if it isn't on already, if you have a BT receiver selected, which I assume you have.
Its not a silly question - I thought that this was the problem to start with but even with Tomtom running and talking to the GPS receiver, it still disconnects from the car kit unless tomtom traffic is active and you have an active route... :? :?
No updates from TT Support yet :roll: - i'll post when I receive something.
Tomtom support came back today with the following response - reading it, it is obvious that they have not understood the problem...I have written back to them pointing out the fact that it also disconnects even when Tomtom isn't running - Only way to get it to work is to have tomtom traffic running - maybe something in that... ;-)
Since we do not support the usage of third-party carkits (Bluetooth or wired/serial), we are only able to offer a technical theory as to your problem.
As your carkit is connected with a (virtual) Bluetooth serial connection, there is most likely an internal conflict with regards to the serial connection. PDA's support multiple Bluetooth profiles (methods of connecting), but typically bind the serial port to one device. Seeing this, the most likely culprit is the fact that the PDA keeps on switching focus between the two devices that use the serial port: Your BT GPS-receiver and the BT Carkit. When Navigator 5 is running, it pre-empts the serial port connection for the GPS-receiver, which forces the connection to stabilise.
Though we cannot offer you a solution to your problem, please try changing the settings of your BT Serial connection (removing the Authentication and Encryption options).
Kind regards,
The TomTom Customer Support Team

