D9 - replacement freeware dialler - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Attached is an early alpha version of D9, a replacement for the built-in dialler. The main features are:
* Predictive text contact lookup
* Fast
* Big (thumb-friendly) buttons
* Free
Source code, a website and various other bits and pieces will be arriving in due course. In the meantime, however, please do feel free to try it out and give it a go.
I'm looking for feedback, so please let me know what you think!

I think it's a very good start. The application, as you said, takes 2-3 seconds to start the first time, but it's not a big problem. It is very quick for finding contacts. Buttons are big enough and the use of vibra very useful.
Here is some features that could be useful in my point of view:
- Possibility to have contacts sorted by the Outlook field 'View as' (or 'Save as' or 'Fill as'. Don't know what MS translated into 'Classer sous').
- Or if not possible, sorting (finding) contacts by company, name and firstname.
- Clear the previous search automatically when the application comes to the foreground.
- Option to switch to internal dialer once the contact has been dialed.
- Highlight the found string in the contact name (this is nice to have more than really useful).
Hope it helps. I look forward to next version.

Thanks for the great suggestions. I'll see what I can do!

Hi Mike,
I was looking for something with a big "exit" button like this one, so I did a try to it.
Unfortunely my XDA II gives me an error every time I tap the screen when the program and library was installed on SD card.
When installed on main memory it was fine making calls but when I got an incoming call the built-in dialler was the one coming up to the screen.
The main problem for me is that I don't want to play with the penn while driving after I got a call to close the dialler screen and I need it closed to see the TomTom Navigator.
Mostly of you drive a car, I do a motorbike, so it's not very funny to try to hit the small "X" with a small penn and big gloves.
I will look for a new version.
Jose Adell

Unfortunely my XDA II gives me an error every time I tap the screen when the program and library was installed on SD card.
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Hi Jose,
Sorry, I don't have an XDA II myself - I've only tested on my JAM. Could you tell me what the error message is?

Hi Mike
Mike Wagstaff said:
Unfortunely my XDA II gives me an error every time I tap the screen when the program and library was installed on SD card.
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Hi Jose,
Sorry, I don't have an XDA II myself - I've only tested on my JAM. Could you tell me what the error message is?
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I will do tomorrow as I need to install it again on the SD card, but I think you don't need worry too much about it. It's typical to get some errors, like libraries (dll, ocx...) are not installed when it's done on SD cards.
But the main problem for me still remains, to get the incoming calls through your program. Currently is the buil-in the one comes up.
See you tomorrow,

Hi Mike
I did install again your program on the SD card and this is the error I get as far I tap the screen:
I suppose you don't understand Spanish so I'll do a translation:
"Unexpected error in D9.exe. Tap Salir (Exit) and reinitialize the program or tap Detalles (Details) to get more information".
If you tap Details then a new similar screen comes up and says:
As I said in my former message, all this doesn't happen if the program is installed in the Default folder.
Hope it helps.
Jose Adell

Hi Mike,
installed your program with no problems at all.
I have a Qtek 2020 with 1.72 WWE installed.
Works OK and finds the contacts correctly, by first or by last name.
It is a simple, thus easy to use and load program.
The only thing to point out is that I would prefer a slightly larger font on the number and name display, making it more 'readable' when on the move, e.g. car, where I will be more likelly to use it.

Hi Mike,
I have been waiting for an update to your great program. Is it possible that it could be mapped to the Send/End keys? Maybe you and Maimaich could get together on this?
I also agree with the previous posts to enlarge the contact name font. And I miss the speed dial option from your previous version (which does work on WM2003). Keep up the good work.

Feature wanted
It would be nice if I could navigate the buttons on the screen using the D-pad. With this, I can then write sms without the need to press on the screen and leave my messy fingerprints on it. :lol:

Mike Wagstaff said:
Attached is an early alpha version of D9, a replacement for the built-in dialler.
I'm looking for feedback, so please let me know what you think!
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Thank you for your job. It looks much better on my MDA Compact. I even think about using it in replacement of the built-in dialer would it dial DTMF tones in the line. This is the worst thing that stops me from using it :-(
As minor features I'd like to see more large and contrast phone number, no vibra but sound when touching screen buttons, ability to map this program to the MDA's buttons on-hook and off-hook. Also I guess this is not a good idea to press "Clear" to start the new history for the phone number.
Sorry for the mostly negative commens - I wish the program become a real replacement for the standard dialer.

Yes great app, but the lack of tones doesn't make it easy to manage the message box on the Orange answering machine.

international characters
i'm going to try this new version. i have done simple app for previous version of D9 that converts all international chars (codepage cp1250) to ascii and change order of firstname and lastname to lastname firstname. there is source code avalable so i can add this feature if not avail and i'll share it. i like so much previous version and i'll see this one tomorrow. i'm looking forward.

very nice tool ! I use it all the time now ! keep up the good work :lol:

Glad you like it!
I've made a webpage for D9, and also have posted up a version of the source code (it's actually slightly newer than the current binary, so think of it as a work in progress). The site can be found here:
You can download the source code directly from here:
Please feel free to use / adapt / improve the code as you wish! Note that I've used two external components, Poom .NET (for contacts operations) and OpenNET CF (dialling, vibrate functionality).

Any thoughts on adding the tones for voice mail operation ?

I'd love to! Does anyone know of any example code for generating the tones...?

The tones are called DTMF-tones:
A list with the frequencies can be found here:

Made a new skin for D9 dialer
I Just made 1 skin for D9 dialer, in 2 variations, (look at dial and clear buttons).
Unzip to D9 directory, overwrite - yes.

hey cool app but how do i use the hax one on the right with the SMS,
ive been after a SMS app that did full screen vertical typing for a while.
will this one do it ?


HTC Caller ID Sucks

Is it only me, or does the inbuilt Caller ID app that HTC provides suck rather large rocks?
My ROM is pretty recent (unlocked 1.12 WWE), and the Caller ID says it is version 1.20 (Build 18567), but I have the following problems with it:
- Very slow to load my 200 contacts
- Very difficult to find a contact. Click one of the short-cut letter combinations at the top, and it seems to go to a random contact
- Type in a letter/combination, and it finds that letter/combination in every contact (ie RE gives me fREd), rather than using that as the first two letters in a name
- Overall very slow and sluggish to respond to anything. It would be quicker to call Directory Enquiries and then type the letters in using my toes
- Unless I start it (and its running in the background), I don't get any of the PhotoID on ringing functionality
- Setting the font size of the incoming call has no effect - the name still comes up in microscopically small font.
Any suggestions? Shall I unmap the contacts button and use the default Microsoft contacts manager (without any of the cool pictures/ringtones functionality), or is there an update or an alternative?
Thanks, guys
I've some issues with it as well.
When I try to change the storage path for photoid files, my CallerID keeps crashing.
Is there a registry location where I can change this? I've tried finding it in the registry but I failed at it
I gave up on the HTC version it really is slow, bug ridden and generally crap.
Try Photo contacts instead, its fast, easy to set-up and doesn't alter contacts when you attach pictures as instead of being attached they are simply referenced by the name you store the contact under.
E.g. If your contact is Joe Bloggs then the contact picture is bloggs,joe and it will display full screen too!!!!!
It's slow and buggy memory hug and has ****ty functionality. Don't install this (ie. by preventing from customization) unless you are planning to use ArcSoft MMS 2.5.
I agree its slow but never found a bug with it (until now with the GPRS problem).
Its the best photo contacts software I have seen for the imate and good for when you're in the car with its full screen id and large display of contacts to dial.
Unless you know of another program which is better?
I did just find this, it's pretty cool, I like the fat-finger only use....
madinga said:
I did just find this, it's pretty cool, I like the fat-finger only use....
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So I thought this was pretty interesting. I installed this software today and overall I really like it until the first time I try to sync and I get the old "Unable to connect..." error message. This is the first time I have gotten this message in over a month since doing the downgrade but it is also the first time since then I have installed a prgram that was some sort of contact/caller ID related software.
I uninstalled this program and it seems the error message has gone away..... wierd
nothing better than this : http://www.pocketx.net/products/photocontactspro_ppc/#photocallerid
Tried every program that is related to photo contact and photo dialing. And I came to one conclusion, they all suck.
There is really no program that doesn't slow your ppc down or give an error of somekind...
Uninstall HTC Caller ID
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Uninstall HTC Caller ID
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
to fut*
I don't know to uninstall it but there is a way not to install it, but you have to do a hard reset. See instructions here http://pocketpcdubai.infopop.cc/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/582600994/m/237102159/r/237102159#237102159
Question for Jarek
Why should you use PhotoContacts if you use ArcSoft MMS 2.5?
I also don't like the PhotoContacts prog but don't want to spoil anything else.
Re: Uninstall HTC Caller ID
futsoulja said:
Does anyone know how to uninstall HTC caller ID. When I go into remove programs on my PPC, HTC Caller ID is not listed. I installed it from a cab file that I downloaded here! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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1. delete the IA_CID_Startup shortcut file from the \windows\startup directory
2. delete the IA_CID_Startup from the \windows dir.
I think the Caller ID function of this program is decent, but there is no way to backup/restore your photo/ringtone assignments which really sucks. So after every hard reset you have to do it all over again..... :evil:
After I came to this forum and so tired of the htc caller ID I decided to give a try to photo contact as bruxelles5 suggested, and I have to confess that it did impressed me. It was been working perfectly, photos stored in sd card so after hard reset I don't have to set it up again, full screen image and picture arrangement. Very good *****
PS: I got rid of caller ID with anansky method and got 27 mgs store!
Photo Contacts bug?
Does anyone else have a bug in Photo Contacts Pro like me: I have to pick up the phone useing touchsceen button otherwise (with hardware button) both me and caller(!!!) hear nasty "fragmented" end of ringtone wich rings (ca 1 sec) AFTER pressing the button
It doesn't seem to depend on location of ringtones folder (main memory, storage card)...
BTW, all the ringtones are in wma-format. Should I try another format?
Any thoughts?
PS Sorry for my English
SOLVED: Mort, thank you very much for your MortRing!!!
I have this problem as well with the ring tone blasting into the caller's ears when using the hardware button to answer. Do you mind sharing what you did to solve that?
How can you choose which of the caller ID apps opens when a call comes in?
marsonist said:
I have this problem as well with the ring tone blasting into the caller's ears when using the hardware button to answer. Do you mind sharing what you did to solve that?
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Just try this s/w http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=20711&highlight=mortring
I'm happy with MortRing as I don't need Photo ID on my phone but I like to assign individual ringtones very much
It is unbelievable that HTC ships products with this crap. Even a cheap cellphone has better Caller ID functionality. Not only is the program very slow when editing, you can't backup/restore your ringtone/photo assignments. Caller ID doesn't work 50% of the time, and after a lot of troubleshooting, I have not reached a firm conclusion as to why. The only credible explanation I found was in the XDA-developers forum and it simply seems that unless you have plenty of free resourses the program won't work. And still, I have an upgraded Jam (128 MB).
This is very very sad. I miss the solid performance of my iPaq.

MS Voice Command when unit is closed?

Hi all, I am new to this forum.
I own a Dopod 900, and currently trying to get MS Voice Command to work properly with my unit. I believe one of the problem with this application is that it does not respond to command while the unit is in closed mode (the pda screen in inside). Is solution to this problem already available?
I have searched the forum but have not been able to find any solution. I apologize if I missed it, please kindly point me to that posting if there is any.
Any advise is greatly appreciated.
- Josh :?:
From what I've read so far there isn't a fix I'm afraid. It's not fully compatible with WM2005 and will just have to wait for an update from Microsoft :-(
Thanks for your reply. That's too bad. I really have high hope that there is a solution for just this one problem, as there are already tweaks for the other problems. Being unable to receive command in closed mode really make MS Voice Command very much less usable. Too bad.
- Josh
I agree, but at least it's a step up with the other voice dial (that comes it with?). Couldn't do dialling from BT headset at all on WM2003 :-(
The "closed mode" doesn't bother me as I carry the Exec round in a Krusell case, with screen up. This allows me to instantly answer the phone when it rings (having seen who's calling first on the screen).
But there are a few more annoying problems with MS Voice Command 1.5 (I have UK version) present under Windows Mobile 5.0.
This one is unique to WM5.0:
- The first is when I try to call up a certain contact by "Show John Smith", it would show John Smith's contact under WM2003/03SE, but under WM5.0 it just shows blank screen on the Summary tab. This is still a proper contact, if you go to Notes tab, you see proper notes for this contact. You can press Edit and it will be edited... BUT, meanwhile if you just open Contact app, the ones you open are working great.
The following coupla' niggles are also present under WM2003/03SE.
- The days of week when answering "What date is it today" (somehow UK regional settings don't even have it, so I had to enable it in registry under NLS settings) -- all are announced correctly except Wednesday & Thursday, which are sounding simply as "Wed" and "Thu" instead of proper name.
- The signal strength for 1,2,3 and 4 "units" is announced as 30, 60, 90 and 100% correspondingly, instead of 25,50,75,100 which would seem more logical here. I don't know though if it's just caused by something real or an attempt to easily convert
That said, the application is enormously useful especially with the Krusell case, because the carrying shape for Exec in this case is PDA shape with screen up; but it's protected by screen cover of the case and you can't really write on the screen without opening the case -- so voice activation of programs and then controlling them by 5-way navigation control, is really a great way of using the Exec Examples of these programs are the eWallet (ever forgotten your PIN numbers or clothes size?) and speaking date/time, very convenient when you can't look down there.
Hopefully Microsoft corrects these small errors - the WM5.0 devices are the future.
EastExpert said:
Hopefully Microsoft corrects these small errors - the WM5.0 devices are the future.
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Really, MS should have had this wrapped up ages ago. So disappointed. I want a device like the Exec, but with Voice Command fully working and A2DP sorted, and it's a shame I still can't get all this.
I was so used to the VC software on my JAM, shame the Exec is giving problems.
And I'm tired of tangling my headphones up...
MS, sort all this out already.
EastExpert said:
The first is when I try to call up a certain contact by "Show John Smith", it would show John Smith's contact under WM2003/03SE, but under WM5.0 it just shows blank screen on the Summary tab. This is still a proper contact, if you go to Notes tab, you see proper notes for this contact. You can press Edit and it will be edited... BUT, meanwhile if you just open Contact app, the ones you open are working great.
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Copy the outres.96.dll into the windows folder and the contact will display correctly.
I'm sorry, but no, it doesn't work for me. Same effect as without outres.96.dll. And yes, I made a soft reset after copying it to the windows dir.
So the next question now is: how to remove the file again?
If I try to delete it, Resco Explorer says "Cannot delete file 'outres.96.dll'. The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file."
If the file is useless, then I want to remove it from the device. But it has been blocked by another process.
Thanx in advance
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
guc925 said:
I had the same problem but saw the answer on a forum somewhere. After you have installed the dll and do a soft reset as it reboots for a short period it does a security check on the new dll and asks whether you really want to install it, if you answer yes then you will find the blank contacts screen problem is fixed. If you take your eyes off the screen at the end of the soft reset you will miss this security question a it defaults to No after a few seconds. Hope this helps.
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I have answered 'yes' to the security check. Nevertheless the dll doesn't work for me. So I want to remove it now, but I can't because it's blocked by some process.
Thanx in advance
I've copied the file gnassel suggested into my Windows directory (using the explorer on my desktop pc).... rebooted the exec.. and voila.. it's working like a charm now.. My voice command shows the contact when I say : "Lookup XXXX" or when i call someone, it confirms the person and shows his information just fine. Norte I am usin the u.s. version of voice command 1.5.
Thanks gnassel !
This is a reply to my own posting above.
I did the soft reset using an application called 'psShutXP' (maybe someone knows it; one use it in order to switch off or soft reset the device). Voice Command's contacts mask doesn't worked.
A few minutes ago I soft resetted the device using the "original" reset hole. And voila: Voice Command works as expected!
So there seems to be a difference between "soft reset" using psShutXP and soft reset using the reset hole.
Sorry for the confusion. THE FILE OUTRES.96.DLL WORKS!
By the way: What exactly does outres.96.dll?
Best regards
Many thanks gnassel, it works great..
The file was from OzVGA
Thanks for drawing attention to it and posting it, or I wouldnt have know..
Take a thanking damnit
Guys, where do I put the outres.96 dll file again? If I am using File Explorer there is a "WINDOWS" Folder from the very root with a lot of files. Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file or just leave it outside in the main root?
cktlcmd said:
Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file?
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gnassel said:
cktlcmd said:
Is that the folder I am suposed to put the oures.96 dll file?
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It's "\windows" not "C:\windows".
Best regards
Thanks everyone. I thought for a while I have to plug it in my computer too.

Simple contacts app iContact (v0.5) (xPhone alike)

I wrote a simple contacts list app for WM5 but i've tested it on HTC Wizard only. If anyone is willing to test the app on their device I'd be very thankfull.
The app is very basic, it only lists contacts in scrollable list. I use it for accessing my contacts by scrolling the list with fingers, similar to *Phone. Just tap, drag and release. To select a contact, just tap and release, and standard contact details dialog should appear.
Exe is in the attached zip file.
UPDATE v0.5, 02.03.2008.
- iContact should now be visible in task managers
- added application icon
- alphabet grid can be shown by clicking on ABC button. It stays shown until letter is selected, or you tap on an empty space
- little bit more usefull "Details" screen.
UPDATE v0.4, 09.11.2007.
This version should fix a bug or two, but may introduce some as well. It should fix the most obvious bug with contact name length.
It also introduces a way to look into contact details. But is merely a test and isn't very usable at the moment. Tapping on the contact name will open standard pocket outlook contact details.
Have fun.
UPDATE v0.3, 08.09.2007.
Sorry to say that iContact didn't go very far, but still, i wanted to give you guys an up-to-date version (if anyone is still interested )
There are few changes and they're all very obvious, so, have fun.
- 05.05.2007.
App is now known as"iContact".Main changes would be landscape fix and (Oh, My, Oooh) WM2003 support.
As i don't have wm2003 device there are probably still some bugs, but at least it should start, show contacts and scroooooolllll...
The little indicator on the right side has some bugs, i know. But, as it doesn't affects the other app functionality I let it live.
Post your opinions. New features will be discussed when main part of the app works (almost) bug free.
Thx for all your comments. That motivates me the most.
Contacts v0.1 is available for testing purposes in the post:
Explanations and comments are available in before mentioned post.
YouTube video made by nicolas (thx nicolas)
xPhone alike launcher by Grumps (Good job man!)
It looks cool!
I sort my contacts as a "File As". Any change you will add extra options to this program?
One thing I've noticed is that contacts who only have an e-mail address appear as a white bar, maybe an option could be to filter contacts?
But again, nice Beta!
Thx for the response. It's my first pocketpc app, and first c win32 app, and first c app ever. So, I'm just starting to learn
You're right about blank fields. It only reads first and lastname from the database.
I didn't understand the "File As" sort option. Do you care about explaining a bit. (Sorry, english isn't my native language).
larna said:
Thx for the response. It's my first pocketpc app, and first c win32 app, and first c app ever. So, I'm just starting to learn
You're right about blank fields. It only reads first and lastname from the database.
I didn't understand the "File As" sort option. Do you care about explaining a bit. (Sorry, english isn't my native language).
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What is your native language then?
The file as sort option is like this:
Doe, John -> Last, First
John Doe -> First Last
I'm using Inesoft Address Book, it has an option to sort contact like "File As" this way all contacts are displayed the same way as I saved them
Croatian is my native language.
Adding sort options shouldn't be that difficult so I guess I'll implement them in some phase. I'm still experimenting with more fluid scrolling.
Nice.. very nice! Smooth scrolling effect too. Start fast works well. Ought to post a video up.
Wish list:
Do you think you can add the photos onto the list? Or it will make the software ultra slow?
I think that would slow down the app considerably. It's already a bit slow on my Wizard running on 180 MHz, but it's fine when overclocked to 240 MHz.
But, I can't say I'm 100% sure it wouldn't work. I'm still a newbie.
Thx for comments!
Looks very cool, a couple requests
1) can you make a command line option that filters the list by category? I've got a lot of contacts, but I have a category called Phone for ones I want to get to quickly. Unfortunately the regular contacts app always forgets this filter so it hasn't been much use so far.
2) I see a lot of blank items in the list, if the name is not valid maybe use the "File As" field as someone suggested, or look through the other fields maybe. I use just the company name a lot on businesses. "File As" is probably the way to go though because that is what shows up in the regular contactrs program I think.
Thx for suggestions, I'll be sure to take look at that.
Stay tuned for next version
just tested on HTC TyTn...
it works... but scrolling does not work!
I am trying to make the same simple app using java
having problems with the API's (JSR 75) not being on my phone
Have you done anything like this for java?
And yes, I did separate post a thread for it here!
Many thanks, and good luck!
sParekh said:
it works... but scrolling does not work!
I am trying to make the same simple app using java
having problems with the API's (JSR 75) not being on my phone
Have you done anything like this for java?
And yes, I did separate post a thread for it here!
Many thanks, and good luck!
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Sorry, didn't even come close to java. I can only wish you best luck with your project.
Regarding scrolling, can you select a contact by tap onto it's name?
Tytn wont work? what your Rom?
my o2 Trion (Hermes100) cingular rom aku 3.5.2 work well with smoth scroll
nice 18k app !
edit: what's your program language to make this app, this is simple, small and super!
you can make Windows Mobile an Iphone Killer keep up your work and ideal!!!
very nice app, works on my p3600.. continue this nice job
Thx guys/gals for your comments.
I used "c" with pure win32 api. I thought that would allow me a greater freedom in dealing with Windows shortcomings and greater speed. I guess i just feel there is something wrong with CF.NET
ScrollWindowEx on a SysListView right ?
Guybrush said:
ScrollWindowEx on a SysListView right ?
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Well, no.
On WM ListView can only be scrolled one item at a time, not by certain number of pixels. For example, if ListItem height is 30px, if you try to scroll it with ScrollWindowEx by less than half the height of ListItem (15px) it wont scroll. If you scroll it by amount greater than half of the item height it will scroll one item. I don't understand why MS made it like that, but that's how it is.
(If I'm wrong with this, it would mean that I spent a lot of time for nothing )
Instead, I made the ListView height equals all the items that should be displayed and scroll the ListView container (parent) window. On a pixel by pixel basis. It has it's own shortcomings, but the end result is definitely better.
Interesting thanks
i found a little bug... rotating screen don't display all contacts and not update lines of listbox... if it start with screen already rotate lines on listbox are correct but don't display all contacts of my list
Heh, that's just another one in the row...
I guess I'll have to fix that one also.
Another idea A way to change colors of background and text would be cool for all the people who like to skin

SlideActions: Assign actions to sliding events of Windows Mobile phones

I bought my Touch Dual sliding phone for the express purpose of using the sliding open and closed as the physical interface for answering/unlocking then hanging up/locking my phone. But to my surprise the Touch Dual cannot hang-up and/or lock on slide close (although it does answer/unlock on slide open).
So I've written an application to do the job.
The latest version now includes friendly configuration and integration with third party applications such as S2U2.
SlideActions and notes (this is a link to my server, so it always has the latest version).
Open source
Because I don't have the time and I've been asked for new features, and there's been volunteered help I've provided access to SlideAction's SVN repository.
I almost didn't because I never bothered to comment code I didn't expect others to see, but, well, I'm not so precious.
Here's the repository's URL::http://opensource.puna.net.nz/svn/slideactions. Accessible both by web browser and SVN client such as TortoiseSVN.
Anyone wanting to contribute can create a branch (such as opensource.puna.net.nz/svn/slideactions/branchs/new_branch) and I'll merge working features into the main branch.
Its great,
how can i make cab-file tu youse on my touch dual ?
Regards Nick
Great idea!
u have to make a cab file for us
Cab File
ariandax said:
Great idea!
u have to make a cab file for us
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Goto the link in the first post, CAB file is now available.
ferrex said:
I'll have a look into what it takes to make an installing CAB file...
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And it wasn't hard at all. Go to the link in the first post to find the CAB file.
I should mention - although this CAB file does put a startup shortcut in place (so the application will start with the phone in future) it doesn't currently start the application to begin with - you'll have to either start it yourself (llook for the application in your Program folder) the first time or restart your phone for it to happen automatically.
Nice work Ferrex..!
Keep up them please ..
it's great ~
but can I just use it for hanging up calls ?
and not for keys lock ?
I'll test it later.
really great job Mate.
great job! will test it tonight!
alexnalexn said:
it's great ~
but can I just use it for hanging up calls ?
and not for keys lock ?
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I haven't tried to make it configureable in any way yet (Update:It is now). So far I've just been happy to figure out how to make it do what I need on my phone.
Ideally it ought be configureable but I don't think I'm going to have the time to do that with a busy work schedule for a while.
I find working on this stuff immensely time consuming because I'm on the wrong side of a big learning curve right now - and at times frustrating (I'm stunned at how much the VSS Deployment Project methodolgy sucks).
Thanks for this, simply fantastic. Was silently hoping that htc would release a rom upgrade that closed the action screen when the keypad slides back down. Looks like you've beaten the big H to it.
Nice work, i tried it but it kept opening the sms/mms app any time i slide it open. But it's almost perfect
nomc2 said:
Nice work, i tried it but it kept opening the sms/mms app any time i slide it open. But it's almost perfect
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That's deliberate (if you have unread messages) - I haven't accentuated the feature but the app checks if there's any unread SMS messages when you open the slide and if so opens the SMS app.
It's one of the things which ought be configureable but I haven't had time to write configuration options yet. For the moment I'm writing the application to suite my needs - and I prefer to go straight to unread txts if I haven't noticed them yet when I open my phone.
If it's doing it when you haven't unread messages it's a bug - but not with this app because that's a mistake it pretty much can't make itself, however another app interacting with SMS might not be updating the notifications correctly and thus throw my app off. I could make HTCDTExtend more robust by taking a more direct route to SMS info but I'm not going to because using WM6 notifications is the correct way to do it. Hopefully your experience is as designed and not some bug.
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
thescum said:
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
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I've made the application read settings from the registry so it can be configured. In time I'll put a graphical interface on it but for now...
By default the application Hangs Up and Locks on slide close, and on slide open, if there are any unread SMS messages opens the SMS application.
But you can change that if you wish by editing (you'll have to begin by creating them, they aren't created by the application currently [Update:These keys are created by the application now]) these registry settings:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ionwerks\HTCDTExtend DWORD:HangUp
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ionwerks\HTCDTExtend DWORD:Lock
0 = Off, 1 = On for each setting.
thescum said:
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
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I've assembled a version with locking disabled for people who don't want to edit their registry.
Update:HTCDTExtend has been supplanted by SlideActions. Go to the first post for a link to it's home page.
thanks ferrex for insights in registry and for the cab, it works very well now thanks.
ferrex said:
I've assembled a version with locking disabled for people who don't want to edit their registry.
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Great work again...so no locking right now? But the unread sms work again right?
thanks a lot, ferrex! it is a GREAT app!
meanwhile, really doubt why HTC is so stupid to miss the slide-close-to-hangup functionality that is available on every slide-out phone.

Is there any software which can do this?

Basically I am looking for some software which, on receipt of an SMS will initiate an outbound call to a number in the contact list on the phone.
something along the lines of :-
SMS received from 1-555-5555 containing the word CALLBACK and a password.
Phone then dials 1-555-4444 or any specific contact as defined in its config
it doesn't have to use the contact list but must be triggerable remotely.
Target device is a HTC Hermes. and possibly a StarTrk
The program doesn't need to be stealthy, it's to initiate the call with full permission from the owner but without intervention.
Partly it's for my grandfather, if I give him a Startrk then I want to be able to activate a call remotely if I get notified that he has triggered his medicalert system, so I can try to see if he is ok without him having to answer a call.
I googled, and found nothing, I'm hoping someone here can either write an app that can do what I need, or suggest a product that will enable me to do this.
Auto answer is too generic, I want it to be just for myself and not all callers, and the password is because there may be times I just want to send a generic SMS
Sounds like you are talking about an SMS Callback trigger, though I have never heard of a mobile based one.
I always seem to want the impossible or the unwritten maybe it's time one was written?
Crash Override said:
I always seem to want the impossible or the unwritten maybe it's time one was written?
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just unwritten, it's not impossible
pretty easy actually
i'll try to throw some together this week if/when I have the time
try this
Just place it on the phone and edit the config.ini if needed default settings are:
trigger = CALLBACK
password = pass
I tested this on my TyTn2, and it seems to do what you wanted, the program will activate the speaker when calling (can be changed in the config.ini)
this way if your grandfather cannot reach the phone he still be able to talk..
But test it before use, I'm not sure how sensitive the mic of the phone is.
I do like the idea so I'll probably add some more functionality
- auto pickup on call from fixed number
- status
- call/sms log
Let me know what you think.
PS. this was created for a touch screen device not a smart phone...
also I can not be held responsible for damages, phone bills etc.
but that goes without saying ..right
tested by sending an SMS to myself, the program then called my number, but when i tried with a friends phone it didn't work
let me know if it works for you (if you have 2 phones)
also make sure if the number you send it from is in your phonebook or not (could be the issue)
that is the issue, working on it
Issue solved
now I need to figure out how to replace the attachment
I'll add it in a new post
I also believe SKSchema can do this in watch mode. Actually SKSchema can do lots of cool things in watch mode.
new version attached
build a cab, also added apptodate support
is it just me or does it seem to autodial the number that sent the SMS?
one addition would be the facility to set the option that if number X sent the SMS then callback to number Y
example - if I am in the US I will have the number 1-555-1234 but my grandfather is in the UK - +44-555-5555
I run a voip line with a UK DID number such as +44-555-6666 so when the SMS is received from 1-555-1234 the return call goes to the +44-555-6666 instead of the US Cellphone (cost reasons lol, UK landline free, international call of any length = US national debt)
Here is a SMS Trigger I built, do not know if that satisfy you.
Check rk-SMSSwitch under my signature.
Crash Override said:
is it just me or does it seem to autodial the number that sent the SMS?
one addition would be the facility to set the option that if number X sent the SMS then callback to number Y
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yes you are right, don't know how i could have overlooked that
I'll fix this in the next version
any other requests?
Program updated, you should be able to run apptodate to get the new version
don't you love just that program
Mr_Gee said:
any other requests?
Program updated, you should be able to run apptodate to get the new version
don't you love just that program
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Will there be a Smartphone version of this app that I could run on my QTek 8500 (StrTrk) ?
timwb said:
Will there be a Smartphone version of this app that I could run on my QTek 8500 (StrTrk) ?
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Sorry, i just noticed this reply
To be honest i wasn't planning on creating one, but i could give it a shot
the biggest problem is i don't have a Smartphone to test it on..
I'm sure you could probably find a few testers in the forums, there's quite a lot of people on here!
I'll obviously be willing to test anything you are able to come up with. I don't know where you are located mr gee but on ebay UK you can buy an old Orange spv c500 (HTC Typhoon)or c600 (HTC Tornado I think) really cheap now. There are also WM6 roms available for these devices on this site somewhere.
timwb said:
I'm sure you could probably find a few testers in the forums, there's quite a lot of people on here!
I'll obviously be willing to test anything you are able to come up with. I don't know where you are located mr gee but on ebay UK you can buy an old Orange spv c500 (HTC Typhoon)or c600 (HTC Tornado I think) really cheap now. There are also WM6 roms available for these devices on this site somewhere.
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I already checked eBay, and there might be some good ones but I don't want to overpay
I'll keep it in mind
Attached is the same program but compiled for a smartphone, I'm not sure if it will work, I remembered I have an emulator for smartphone installed, but I received an error message when running the exe.., I think because the CF.NET wasn't installed..
let me know
I tried it on my QTek 8500. The exe ran but all I got was a window with a blue background and the words "SMS2Call v. 0.03" in black.
No buttons to press or anything, had to use Task Manager to exit it. Which id did without complaint. Thanks for trying, some work may be needed I think
timwb said:
I tried it on my QTek 8500. The exe ran but all I got was a window with a blue background and the words "SMS2Call v. 0.03" in black.
No buttons to press or anything, had to use Task Manager to exit it. Which id did without complaint. Thanks for trying, some work may be needed I think
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Currently that is the program
Could you try to edit the ini file?
in case you have 2 phones, add the number from the 2nd phone in the file
save and run the program
send an sms from the 2nd phone with the passcode mentioned in the ini file
your 1st phone should call this number after the SMS receipt
I know the program doesn't look like much but i might fix this in the future
when i do i'll also look at the exit button.
the reason i didn't was because the application was for an older person,
this person could be playing around with the phone accidentally closing the program ...
I looked in the .ini file and then tried sending a text to the phone containing the words CALLBACK PASS. I tried this with/without a space, up and lower case, with the program in the background or on screen but it didn't do anything. Do I have to put a shortcut in the Startup folder or something? Or am I not formatting the text message properly? The sending phone number is in the contacts list if that makes a difference.
Any ideas?
Could you just not set his phone to auto answer ? - that way you can call him any time.
timwb said:
I looked in the .ini file and then tried sending a text to the phone containing the words CALLBACK PASS. I tried this with/without a space, up and lower case, with the program in the background or on screen but it didn't do anything. Do I have to put a shortcut in the Startup folder or something? Or am I not formatting the text message properly? The sending phone number is in the contacts list if that makes a difference.
Any ideas?
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not really, assuming it works maybe it has to do with the formatting,
Callback should be in capitals and pass in lower letters.
when I tested this with my TYTN2 it worked the way it should.
also did you enter the default number ? e.g. the number that will be called?
PauloJ5 said:
Could you just not set his phone to auto answer ? - that way you can call him any time.
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Gee why didn't I think of that...
Seriously have you read the thread?
the topic starter didn't want it this way for several reasons...
Default number and closed flip
I didn't enter a default number because I want it to respond to any number that sends the text. I deleted the DefaultNumber line from the config and it worked, to a point. The phone I'm running it on is a Qtek 8500/HTC StrTrk, which for those who don't know, is a flip phone. My problem is this, if the phone is closed when the text is received the call is made but cut off immediately because the phone is set to hang up calls on closing. Nowhere can I find a setting to stop this from happening, anybody have any ideas?

