XDA I : How to connect to ISP? [analogue; geographic number] - Networking

Hope someone can help....my main problem with this scenario, is that I cannot for the life of me find an input box for the username/password supplied to me by my ISP!
I have lots of free minutes and would like to use my XDA I to collect email from my ISP [Claranet] who have supplied me with a UK Geographical number [an 0207 number in London].
I go to setup a new connection...but there's nowhere to input my username and password! I'm clearly doing something wrong...but can somebody help, please?
All other screens appear, and I can input everything...except User/pass combo for the account to which I am dialling in.
GPRS is fine etc, but I do much want to use up these free minutes on collecting my email!
Thanks for any help that can be given, this is driving me mad.

Did you choose Cellular Line as modem type? On the first page of creating a new connection
second page is the number
third page is the user name / Password

Thanks for your help....but I am certain that the screens you are seeing are for the XDA II on WinMobile 2003.
There are no such screns on the XDA I, running PPC2002.
However, your attentions are most appreciated!
Best wishes,

sorry , yes these are from XDAII PPC2003.
I don't recall how it was done on PPC2002.


T Mobile UK GPRS Settings

T Mobile are a bunch a t******.
I asked them if they could provide me with the GPRS setting so that I could use it with my XDA - their response 'we dont support that phone'.
OK I said just give me the settings and I'll set it up - their response 'we dont support that phone'.
So I say, lets pretend I've got a Nokia give me the settings and I'll sort it out - their response 'Nokia settings are totally different to XDA so we cant give you those settings'
Finally I say, lets pretend I've got a non competitor product (Siemens SX45, HP Jornada 928, Palm Tungsten W....anything) JUST GIVE ME THE SETTINGS - their reponse - THEY PUT THE PHONE DOWN!!
So my questions is does anyone have the settings so that I can start using GRPS on my XDA.
I'm in excatly the same position as you. Also have an unlocked XDA on t-Mobile. Took me ages to get the settings out of them ( they are a bunch of mentally handicapped people at the best of times...)
Bad part for me is..even with these settings...it takes a while to connect...and sometimes it does not connect at all...Your luck my vary ( please let me know if you have any success)
1.Under connections, create a new connection and choose "Cellular Line (GPRS) " modem as the modem type.
2.Leave everything else on defaults.
3.When it asks you for an access point, type "general.t-mobile.uk" ( it is not a spelling mistake it is .uk and not .co.uk)
4. Click finish
5. Under GPRS Authentication choose "CHAP"
6. Under CSD Line type choose "Analogue"
7. Make sure that when you dial that the GPRS connection number is +0~GPRS!general.t-mobile.uk -> set the area code and country code both to 0.
8. Make sure that there is a "G" next to the operator name ( when you click on the signal strength box). If you don't have this..t-mobile has not switched on your GPRS account. Call them and ask them to enable "GPRS Data" for your account. Not WAP, MMS or something else but "GPRS Data" (they are clueless)
9. If you still have problems...call tmobile support..but instead of talking to them..ask to speak to the data support team. ( these guys actually know a bit more...but not much...- at least they know what data GPRS is)
All in all I spoke to a guy a carphonewarehouse...and he has tried t-mobile, vodafone, orange and o2. He told me that all of these services only offer gprs at 9600 except for orange ( which he seemed to like ), that offer gprs at 19200 and that they are pretty clued up.
Anyway..hope it helps.
Thanks for your reply. I'll try this out and let you know how I get on.
Incidentally when I was on the phone to them they said that they dont support any PDA's and have no instructions - I've checked, its on their website!!
I also mentioned to them that this exact same phone is available in USA, Germany, Austria, Poland and Czech Republic under the name MDA.
Thinking about it, maybe I ought to be working for T Mobile, because I sure as hell know a lot more than their 'call centre staff'
network log on
Thanks for the post Milmber. I followed your instructions and when i try to use GPRS I get a message saying
Network Log on
Resources T-Mobile
Then it asks for user name, password, domain.
Any idea what this should be or have I done something wrong
Thanks in advance
Sorry...forget to add the username and password...could have sworn I put it in ;-)
Well anyway, when you get prompted add only a username and password:
Username is "user"
Password is "one2one"
Let me know how you manage....
...btwI left the domain setting empty...but your milage my vary...
Hi Prime,
Just to let you know...tried the GPRS again today ( with the settings I gave you above...) and the GPRS seems to be working fine.
I'm starting to wonder if it has something to do with the T-Mobile signal strength..since this works for me here at work...but not at home....
Hi Milmber
I found a website that gives the lastest settings and it states that the settings are:
This seems to work as well.
If you want the email address, let me know.
Hi Prime,
if you could post/email me the address of the settings page you found that would be much appreciated!
I have got on to the pocket pc style internet, but there is no g on the top of the screen. Does this mean I am being charged by the minute?
02 orange T-mobile Vodafone gprs settings
This web page may help with the gprs setting
i have not tryed them yet but looks good[/code][/quote][/u][/i][/b]
O2 Orange T-mobile Vodafone gprs settings
ok try again

02 GPRS settings file

Hi guys, I am sorry for posting this request but I have been looking for some time for it with little success...I need to find the file that updates/installs the GPRS settings for 02 for my XDA 2i. I've done a hard reset and went for corporate version which seems to work okish and I have no GPRS settings at all for some reason.
ps. why don't people put the settings/files as sticky posts?
connection name
mobile web
cellular line gprs
access point
user name
use server assigned ip
use specific
you rock!! thanks
O2 Gprs settings
if you want it done automatically look in the EXT ROM and there's a cab file called "O2UK_Conection_Setting.sa.cab" (well there is on my XDAIIs ).
Or I can PM you it if you like - PM me if you do as I might not read this page for a while
Hiya guys.
I've tried adding these manual settings into my XDA 2, but I get the following error when I try to connect:
Dialed: mobile.o2.co.uk
No modem at above number. To check your connection settings, and change them if needed, tap Settings.
What do you guys suggest?
i think your settings are different to the xda2i
Yeah I'm using a bog-standard XDA 2.
Can someone point me in the right direction for the normal xda2 settings?
why not try phoning o2 maybe they can help ,it will take about an hour but they will see the light :wink:
or go here there are some settings on this page just find what you need
andy-c1 said:
or go here there are some settings on this page just find what you need
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Dude thats cool ty! I did try phone o2, but they just advised me how to hard reset... they didn't get that I added a new OS... lol
lol maybe some1 should tell them their rom setup is down the creek

Can I remove all O2 stuff from my MDA EXEC

I bought an MDA EXEC but I am using it on a different network. Itried to download i-mate JASJAR ROm but would not install because of country code. Can I make my MDA into an i-mate or a universal?
YES YOU CAN! xda executive corporate mood
Yes you can avoid the o2 interface. Do a hard rest and when the phone starts chose the corporate mood and the password is 0506.
This will even give you a faster XDA Executvive.
All the best and enjoy
I just got an exec and was wondering whether to get rid of all the O2 stuff. If you do a corporate install, what settings do you have to enter manually to be able to get web access over gprs/3g? Also i noticed another thread that says you can delete the o2active directory and do a soft reset to get rid of the O2 stuff. Does this give a decent speed increase like the corporate install? What is the difference between doing a corporate install and just deleting the active stuff?
Thanks for any replies!
Re: YES YOU CAN! xda executive corporate mood
two4one said:
Yes you can avoid the o2 interface. Do a hard rest and when the phone starts chose the corporate mood and the password is 0506.
This will even give you a faster XDA Executvive.
All the best and enjoy
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is this different then going to 'programs - install type - corporate'? and not entering a password, but still using corporate (=
if so, how.
thank you it works
What advantage does the corporate install have over just choosing basic ?
Re: YES YOU CAN! xda executive corporate mood
Is this different then going to 'programs - install type - corporate'? and not entering a password, but still using corporate (=
if so, how.
I havent tried your method but I think they are different in that your method ends up with still the o2 blue interface and shortcuts all appering on your home and this is what slows your XDA.
Whereas in the hard reset corporate install you end up with the original windows home page and some speed from the XDA Exe.
Hope this helps
Well I may not have all the answers to the advantages of the corporate installbut the main one is SPEED and the remove of the clutter from O2.
By the way am not very good with the XDA am just a newbabie who is trying to find answers on the web and forums on how to get the best from me XDA Exe which I just LOVE. Have just changed from two years of using the Motorala A925 AND A1000. was pissed off that THREE network never got this most powerful phone in the word according to STUFF MAGAZINE when every network hard it. How could they offer me another A1000 for the second year on renewing the contract. Enough of 3 well am trying to make the best of this phone now.
Here is how someone talKs about this from a different forum and I hope I can get in the link in too
# re: O2 XDA Exec
Lo Here XDA EXEC brothers,
Want to make it faster? Do as the dude says it above, change to Corporate Install.... Be warned every setting, data, files, events, contacts blah-blah will be gone... but you can re-set the lot in CORPORATE INSTALL instead of O2 ACTIVE install.
So this is How you do it! : Do a hard reset (press and hold the two buttons on the top row that have horizontal lines on, meanwhile poking the soft reset button on the back.
OK now it does the whole "windows installing" bit, man I hat microsoft, anyways... so then you have to do the calibrating of the screen and eventually choose between install types... pick CORPORATE INSTALL (passcode: 0506) then let the thing install itself to its most pure and basic self....
Alright now you have to set the connection back up. 3G and phoning takes care of itself automatically, but to connect to the internet you need to add a new connection (in settings bit):
the o2 Details for that is
connection name: o2 web
access point: mobile.o2.co.uk
username: faster
pw: password
CLICK Advanced tab, go to servers, pick the second bullet point and set the servers address as follows
now if you have had wireless set up go to your wireless settings and do that according to your ISP provider for the wireless, not rocketscience at all.
For MMS settings
server O2UK
port 9201
server address: http://mmsc.mms.o2.co.uk:8002
And there you have it, now you got a superfast, much leaner much more customisable and efficient XDA EXEC.... damn I'm good!
ps: i hate microsoft anything, but this little gadget KICKS ASS!!!!!!
11/8/2005 12:30 PM | juicy g
Hope this will help someone and make them happy with the XDA EXECUTIVE.
AAHHHH after a month of having the phone am still struggling to Load my cracked version of TOMTOM. any good samaritans to do the job for me. hahaha

Hi from a newbie and a request for email help

Hi all,
Great site you have here. Read up lots of interesting information before deciding to buy the XDA Mini S recently.
I'm very happy with the handset for the most part and have got it all set-up and used Active Synch successfully but for the life of me I cannot set-up the email. I have input all my details including POP3 info and such like but when I press send/receive it says its connecting - activates O2 Active in the GPRS session - then says finished, but without sending the message in the outbox or getting any new ones!
Anyone able to help as its driving me mad.
Hopefully installing Tomtom (when I get it) won't prove this difficult!
Many thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
make sure that you have set the GPRS connection to your ISP
I am in hong kong. I had that experience before. I checked the email setting. Then, in server info page, tap option. You will then see option (1/3) make sure to choose the connection to your ISP GPRS. Tap next, tick outgoing server. Tap next --> done.
Thanks for the reply but I don't think that has made any difference.
If it helps I have a btconnect.com email address and am using Outlook 200 on my PC.

Vodafone GPRS Settings?????

Assistants required!!
I have attempted to set up GPRS on my M600 (Unlocked for Vodafone sim)
GPRS has been enabled as I have the G icon up!
I have been on the vodafone website and tried there settings with no luck!
I have been on the Filesaveas website and plugged in all of those settings with NO luck, Have also installed the I-mate .cab again with no luck!!!
I am starting to go insane spent three days trying all different settings and No luck at all!!!!
You name the website and I think Ihave probably tried it.
Does anyone have any useful advise for me, provide me with some form of sanity check!!!!
Ideally I wold love a .cab file to install!
But would like feedback from anyone else in a similar position, on how they resolved this some what annoying issue!!!!
I set up my Vario II for Vodafone with no problem. These settings (*.pdf file) seem to be the same as the ones I used, see how they compare with the settings you are using.
Many thanks I will give it a go!
Ok have now got connection but I can't surf?
I have seen comments about GPRS beening fully enabled?
Are there 2 forms of GPRS that can be enabled? WAP & WEB???
Do I need to worry about the Dialing Rules???
Thanks in advance for your assistance!!
Could you be a little more specific i.e. does it come up with a pop-up box stating that it is connecting to GPRS? If yes, which connection does it say it is connecting to, is it the correct one (i.e. the new GPRS settings that you have just keyed in)? When you say it won't surf, what do you mean exactly ... are you using Pocket IE and does it come up with any error messages etc...
Connection via GPRS No probs I then get the Small G and the two arrows fixed on the bar.
Enter IE and type google for example.
get the status bar flash up breifly and then disapear, with no change to the original Orange World Home page!!!
No errors what so ever????
okay ... the next thing I would probably do then is download an alternative browser to see if it still happens in a different browser. Netfront is pretty good. At least that way you should be able to establish if it is a GPRS problem or a browser problem.
Ok I now have installed Netfront and connected to the GPRS!
typed in www.google.com
I have a warning screen:
Browser Warning
Cannot load Page
Type: DNS no server is specified
Okay .. I am running out of ideas now, it does sound like your GPRS Settings are still wrong.
Click 'start menu', 'settings' and go to the 'Connections' tab. Now click 'Connections', then the 'Advanced' tab then 'Select Networks'. The first box (ie. Programs that connect to the Internet automatically) should say 'My Isp' and if you click 'Edit', it should show you 'Vodafone Internet' is selected.
If you then select to edit that, you should see in this order 'Vodafone Internet' and then it should show modem type as GPRS, next page should show Access Point Name of 'Internet', next page should show User name 'Web' ... password is the same, domain field should be blank ... nothing needs to be done in the advanced tab because the default of 'Use-server-assigned IP address' should automatically be selected, same for the server tab too, default should be server-assigned.
These are the settings that work fine on both my XDA Mini S and my MDA Vario II.
Right I have checked both ISP and MyWork Network, all correct!
The only thing I can see is that the password box has loads of characters (*'s) instead of just 3 *'s for WEB (***)
But every thing else is as the PDF??
you can try messing with the newly released ms network tools there is a link in development forum
or you can try manualy typing in a know dns server in the settings
unless the gprs dont route the request
any dsn server ip will do
same as pc's really
I am afraid I don't know then ... we have reached the level of my knowledge (which isn't high )
Perhaps somebody with a little more technical knowhow on GPRS issues may be able to help you.
Sorry I couldn't get it sorted for you.
Thanks for your help a least I can connect now!!
Thank you again!!
anyone heard of the connection No. being *99#?
Vodafone instructed me to put that in the setup?
I guess that goes in under the " My Work Network" Vodafone Wap - Number?
This is now becoming a huge headache anyone got any ideas?
not sure how vodaphone handle it but i never heard about
ppl having to add numbers when they picked gprs as connection
belived that was only if you connected around grps
Wilko_007 said:
Right I have checked both ISP and MyWork Network, all correct!
The only thing I can see is that the password box has loads of characters (*'s) instead of just 3 *'s for WEB (***).
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I'm expericening a similar problem.
My phone was sold as an O2 XDA Mini S. My O2 contract/account doesn't allow GPRS (they want me to upgrade) so I tried my Vodafone PAYG SIM and it works without having to have the phone unlocked in any way. By that I mean I can use voice calls and using the settings I've found through this site I can send MMS messages via GPRS but I cannot connect to the internet. I've checked with Vodafone and the account will allow internet and GPRS etc.
The only thing that I can see that is wrong is the password. Whenever I type "web" then finish, it always defaults back to a string of 16 ***'s when I re-check the settings.
I've even done a hard reset and used the corporate install to no avail. I don't want to run any sort of unlocking software if I don't need to as I don't want to create a very expensive door stop.
Any ideas?
The string of asterisks is normal, I think it is just a method used by Windows to make the password more difficult for someone to guess i.e. by disguising not only the characters but also the number of characters.
I just double checked and my fully working settings also show a row of asterisks despite it being a 3 character password.
Thanks Nicky
I'll keep plodding away with this but hopefully someone might steer me in the right direction soon.

