XDA Weird Issues - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I got my xda 2 a while back, about 2-3 months, never noticed this before, but, it seems when its in the cradle, and the cradle is plugged into both USB and the DC adapter, the whole phone becomes live, i've had a few (minor) shocks off it, seems there must be some earth leakage somewhere. Anyone had any issues like this? I think its also causing the XDA to hard reset when being dropped into the cradle, its done it a few times, but its gotten really bad latley. anyone any ideas? I dident get it from o2 so i dont know what they'd be like on the RMA, i dont mind paying for a repair if necessary. or will it be easier to buy a new cradle and adapter?

Probably easier and cheaper to buy a new cradle. Strange though, I thought the cradle case was plastic (mine's at home, so can't check). What happens if you use just the dc plug with the push-in convertor? Sure you haven't got a bit of scarf stuck in the xda's pins that's connecting up to the case when you push it home?

yeh, thets what im thinking, it seems ok if the cradle isnt plugged into usb, i'll try it on a different computer, i have had problems with my laptop and shorting before :/

Well I'd definitely advise against using it in the laptop anymore until you track it down. If current is being passed through the wrong channels, you're running the risk of frying your device. I'm sure you know that
Having just said don't use it on that laptop anymore, how about trying different USB ports to see if you have a port or a mobo problem? Shorts can be very difficult to track down, good luck.

It should charge without the power if you have usb plugged in, or so I have been told. If you ring O2 service centre on 08081003427 they will ask you how long you have had it, I was not asked who supplied it, I told them I had it less than 3 months and they sent me a cardboard carton to put it in and a bag to send it back, then fixed it and sent it back.

Well its started being really weird now, it seems to randomly hard reset, and it also comes up with backup battery low, but on the battery screen it says is full, does the backup battery recharge itself or is it none rechargeable?



I am returning my 8215 for warranty exchange, but there is some slight physical damage (i know i shouldnt have done this)
I needed to plug my cell into my computer for activesync...
but my usb cable (the end tha t goes in the phone) was bent, so i unbent it and stuck it in the phone with some difficulty
I pull it out, and the phone will not charge with the normal charger, instead, I had to plug my usb cable that I used for activesync, which is the only one that works with my cell now, into my ipod usb adapter to charge it! When I examined it, the usb female plug on the 8125 is slightly bent, and only works with that 1 USB cable
So should i return the phone, and risk them charging me if they find this out? Will they find this out and charge me? Or when they say they will are they just threatning you? NO opinions please!
I also heard HTC repairs phones, how much would this cost for them to repair this issue?
Thank you so much for all help!
Just call them and tell them your phone isn't charging anymore. Doesn't hurt to know. If they say it's your fault well, what do you got to lose? Just keep using your sync cable and ipod charger :lol: If they replace it, great don't mess it up again.
As far as HTC...they're on the otherside of the country from us. I'm sure they'll repair it for an x amount of dollars, getting your phone back however will take months.
They won't know if it is bent because you bent it purposely or if it's just a result of repetitive plugging and unplugging. Don't be paranoid. This falls under normal wear and tear and should be covered under the 1 year warranty.
i took it to cingular today and told her the phone people told me to tell the girl to handle the whole exchange process, so she did it, that way, if they try to charge me, I can say the cingular employee did the call not me, and she should have seen any physical damages.

Broken USB port

Hi, my port broke. I managed to resolder it but now when I plug the phone to my pc, windows displays the usb not recognized alert... How can I fix it.
It sounds like you did not resolder it correctly.
Check with a magnifying glass to make sure you didn't accidentally bridge the connections with solder.
its quite hard to sold it right i have done it once it tookt me all day to get it right i tested it with the charger it it charges it should be ok at least my one was/is the first day the active sync didn´t connect at all but 2 days later i plugd it in and it connected so be carefull with the solder if u dmg the board you may say goodbye to your phone take time to do it right
afghanistan said:
its quite hard to sold it right i have done it once it tookt me all day to get it right i tested it with the charger it it charges it should be ok at least my one was/is the first day the active sync didn´t connect at all but 2 days later i plugd it in and it connected so be carefull with the solder if u dmg the board you may say goodbye to your phone take time to do it right
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i think i have that problem... i soldered the usb port for a 8125(wizard100) and it charges fine as i can see the light. it charged for a couple of hours then the orange light turned green. so that's good. but i can't seem to get any response. i tested the battery in another phone to see if it actually charged (i was kicking myself before thinking i messed it up). so i dont think the board is dmged.... however does anyone know which pin corresponds with power, etc. so i can test for a response?
less worried, more concerned....
Ok, so i tested the unit without the battery and it comes on. However i can't seen to get it to work with the battery in it. Oh yeah one more thing the unit keeps cutting off.

ATT 8525 - Wont Charge / Connect through ActiveSync.

Hi everybody.
I don't know, what is going on with my Att 8525.
I bought this earphones for it like 3 months ago, and they do work. I mean, the audio is coming out from the USB Connector.
But, when I plug it to my computer, it does not detected at all. I plug in to power and does not charge. But if I connected back to the earphones, sounds comes out.
I already try to do a soft reset, delete everything, and start from scratch, but it does not wants to charge or connect to Activesync.
If there is someone, that can help me, please tell me.
I'm guessing here, but it seems to me that the constant use of the EXT port (via inserting/removing your headphones) has possibly damaged the EXT port internally (ie dislodged it from PCB). I believe the ports on WM machines in general tend to be a major point of failure due to the physical stress due to insertion/removal
I had a 2.5mm port on my HP rw6828/Atom clone fail on me after using it for a while to connect my headphones.
The thing is, I only used the Headphones one time.
I was at work watching some comedy show on my phone. So battery was running low. I close down everything, disconnected the headphones and connected to my works computer through USB, but then Activesync didnt detected nor the phone.
So i reseted the phone, and try again to connected to the computer and yet still didnt want to connect.
I went home, and tried to connected to laptop as well, and the charger and nothing. It didnt want to charge at all.
So I had to buy a battery charger to charge the battery, that's the only way to charge my phone.
If you have any idea, what's going on, please help me, to resolve this problem.
hey did you get solution to your problem? if yes please let me know..i have same problem except i dint check with ear phones..
teluguone12 said:
hey did you get solution to your problem? if yes please let me know..i have same problem except i dint check with ear phones..
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If after a hard reset the problem persists then:
As suggested above, it is likely a cracked solder joint on the USB to motherboard OR a bent pin in the phones USB port. Check this with a magnifying glass.
thanks for reply..do you have any idea where can i fix if it is problem with connection to motherboard
Perhaps if you say the city/town where you live someone might be able to suggest a shop that does repairs without sending your phone away.
iam in tampa,florida. if you can suggest me any shop that would be helpful..although this is my backup phone i dont want to keep it idle..
teluguone12 said:
iam in tampa,florida. if you can suggest me any shop that would be helpful..although this is my backup phone i dont want to keep it idle..
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I don't know but does anyone in Tampa know of a shop that does on site repairs?
thanks...will enquire it..
will the phone charge with the wall plug, or only fails charge connected to computer? I had a problem with the computer once, I just went into device manager and uninstalled the USB hubs, they reinstalled fine afterwards and work great (have to do this every few months, probably because I never use the safely remove crap)
koikaze said:
will the phone charge with the wall plug, or only fails charge connected to computer? I had a problem with the computer once, I just went into device manager and uninstalled the USB hubs, they reinstalled fine afterwards and work great (have to do this every few months, probably because I never use the safely remove crap)
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no its not working either with usb or wall charger......

Problem with USB!

I don't know if it is the right place to post, but because I think my problem has to do with the software.
A few weeks ago, my HTC touch HD stopped being charged when it was on. No signs that USB was connected, nor with the computer or the charger. Still though it would charge when the phone was off, so I postponed to fix it back then. When I tried to change the ROM to the latest one(this is the ROM I have installed http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=809477), I couldn't and even after I connected the USB the screen kept showing "serial". Things are getting worse, now it shuts down without any alerts, especially when I watch youtube videos or browse the internet...
What do you think is the problem and what should I do? Can the device be fixed? I dont want to lose my beloved Blackstone
Thanks in advance!
the blackstone usb port is a known weak spot, maybe it really just quit on you and you should replace the mainboard. another possibility would be that the phone is fine and the battery is broken. the easiest way to tell which one it is would be to charge the battery directly in a docking station or external wall charger or get a new battery for it and try and charge it in the phone, see if it behaves any differently than your phone does now. if you are lucky, you can get your hands on either one from a store with a good return policy, so if that does not do the trick, you can return it as used only once and get your money back.
sadly, if this didn't help, you might want to say goodbye to your beloved blackstone, because replacing the mainboard is a lot of work and might become quite pricey for a device that is hardly worth 100eur these days.
Chef_Tony said:
the blackstone usb port is a known weak spot, maybe it really just quit on you and you should replace the mainboard. another possibility would be that the phone is fine and the battery is broken. the easiest way to tell which one it is would be to charge the battery directly in a docking station or external wall charger or get a new battery for it and try and charge it in the phone, see if it behaves any differently than your phone does now. if you are lucky, you can get your hands on either one from a store with a good return policy, so if that does not do the trick, you can return it as used only once and get your money back.
sadly, if this didn't help, you might want to say goodbye to your beloved blackstone, because replacing the mainboard is a lot of work and might become quite pricey for a device that is hardly worth 100eur these days.
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Thanks for your answer!
I person I know has a working blackstone and I will ask him to lend me the battery. I am not good at soldering and I wouldn't bother with changing the board at all.
I cross my fingers and hope it works, because I loved this phone so far, it could do anything...
Got the battery from that guy, tested the phone and still it wont charge...
too bad, then probably your usb port and/or mainboard is fried. if you want to hold on to the phone, get an external charger, like a docking station with 2nd battery charger, kinda like this (not this exact one obviously, as it is for the galaxy s2): http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dual-Sync-C...AU_MobilePhoneAccessories&hash=item2a16087f53
or a direct battery charger like this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2x-1530-bat...AU_MobilePhoneAccessories&hash=item3cbebda52d
Once again thanks, but I have already have made my plans!
The phone itself is far from broken, so I am going to make it an entertainment device, for home use. No battery. Just a 3.7 DC transformer, acting like a battery. For the move, a simple nokia dumphone does the work!
Going to get back on you when I complete the project.

Charging port starting to break

After being a long time reader, it's time to ask you guys for some advice. My S7E still works great after 1.5 year of quite intensive usage. So far so good.
However, over the past couple of days, I've started to notice that my phone wasn't charged at all after putting it on the charger for 1-2 hours. The first 2 times I just thought that the cable just wasn't in properly, because after I reconnected the cable, it did charge. A few days later it just stopped charging at all. After testing it on a wireless charger of a coworker quickly, I knew the battery itself was fine. I tried a couple of cables, both new and old, but it wouldn't charge. Because I also used new cables, the cable wasn't the problem either.
So then, as a last resort, I tried to push the actual connection part (having the pins on it) within the port on the phone a bit inward. This so the pins in the port would better connect to the pins. And Boom! It started charging. So then I knew where my problem was. But now every time when it stops charging again, I have to do this over and over. This puts stress on the connector, and after repeating this process enough times, it will eventually break.
So here's my problem.. Because of how contracts are setup here, I can't open my phone up myself to simply replace the USB port (namely materials, but also certain skills). Also the repair service that is suppose to do the replacement, basically just sucks. They gave me a phone with a bend LCD back last time. I've fixed it myself afterwards back then. I don't want to send it there, except for screen repair.
So I'm looking for a way to either fix this connector permanently without opening my phone, or a specific type of cable focussed on bad connectors, or whatever might help me in this sitation.
Thanks for all your advices!
Wireless charging is ok. Its not as fast as usb but it gets the job done
tactical bacon said:
Wireless charging is ok. Its not as fast as usb but it gets the job done
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Thanks, but that's only part of the problem. Let's say I need to connect my phone somewhere on the fly for whatever reason. Or are maybe on an airplane or something like that. I'll always need to bring toothpicks to fix the port, up until it breaks.
Mine s7 edge just stopped fast charging one day and PC doesn't recognize the phone anymore. It's still charging slow though.
Kontsnor said:
Thanks, but that's only part of the problem. Let's say I need to connect my phone somewhere on the fly for whatever reason. Or are maybe on an airplane or something like that. I'll always need to bring toothpicks to fix the port, up until it breaks.
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just use airdroid. can trasnfer files wirelessly.
Well, let me clarify a bit... I know there are workarounds for the issue I'm describing. I could setup SMB and transfer files through that. The heck - I could write my own app, using my own "protocol". Charging can be fixed through wireless charging, thetering can be fixed using the hotspot, adb can also be done wirelessly, and terminal access I could get through an app. I could continue for a while here.
I actually want to fix this specific problem under the given circumstances. Not just dozens of workarounds for specific tasks. Let's say I **** up flashing, and need Odin to restore my device.
there isn't a way to "fix" this without removing a LOT of small, fiddly bits inside the phone. You certainly could get a micro-usb extension cable an leave it plugged into the phone all the time, or MAYBE use a Mophie Juice pack (a battery pack in a case that has a micro usb that plugs into phone and a new port that is on the edge of the case...
Other than that...SOL...
No sorry you can't, its nearly impossible to replace usb port without opening front panel and screen, and there is not a single percent chance to prevent screen from damage when opening front panel and glass, its simply doesn't designed to be opened. Go to samsung care center and give them the fee to replace usb port, if your screen got damaged during repair, they will replace it themselves.
Sent from my S7 Edge using XDA Labs
sbaeder said:
there isn't a way to "fix" this without removing a LOT of small, fiddly bits inside the phone. You certainly could get a micro-usb extension cable an leave it plugged into the phone all the time, or MAYBE use a Mophie Juice pack (a battery pack in a case that has a micro usb that plugs into phone and a new port that is on the edge of the case...
Other than that...SOL...
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Kinda was afraid of that, thanks for confirming. I like the idea of the case, hadn't thought of that. But the idea of the extension cable got me thinking. I think I'm gonna order some of those magnetic USB cables. They have a small adapter that barely sticks out. Then I simply need a few cables, for work, home and on the road. Because the adapter has no reason on move, it should be alright.
Thanks for your suggestions everyone!

