POP email - incredibly inefficient (or it is me?) - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I use my XDA II to check my work emails which are in a POP3 account (connecting over GPRS when I'm out and about). This works ok, but...
What I find strange is that at each connection it seems to go through every single message on the server regardless of whether (1) the message is already downloaded or (2) it is several days old.
This is incredibly slow and expensive when you are getting about 300 messages a day.
(To expand on this, assuiming I get 300 messages a day and set the email to download messages only from the last 3 days, and only to download the first 3kb of each message - on each connection the mail client still works its way through all messages on the server, which could be about 1500, taking about 1 second for each one. Using GPRS monitor I see I use something like 700kb - 1Mb on each connection. Crazy! :shock: )
I notice other email clients, such as nPOP are able to simply check and download new messages on each connection. (using about 15kb or so a time) So why cant the inbuilt email program do this?? (I don't want to use nPop for various reasons).
Any hints or ideas would be much appreciated. :?:

I feel your pain. I tried setting up my yahoo mail using the internal pop account as well. It would always have to refresh over 1500 mail messages which would take up to a couple hours. I haven't been able to find much of a workaround for this either. Any suggestions?

I have started a couple of threads on this topic, with no response. I found I got hit with over $500 in data roaming charges in Europe, doing email that with the palm operating system (snappermail) would cost me less than $50.
I think there are two solutions. One is qmail. Qmail can easily handle this problem -- you just tell it not to check mail over x days old. That is a simple program. But I favor the second solution, npop. Npop permits the same filter (I think).
I have tried these against poutlook, with phenomenal improvement. When there are 30 already downloaded messages on the server, poutlook may take 100KB just to check mail, while qmail takes 3KB and npop 1KB. The main disadvantages are
hard to use one-handed
no multipart html support in npop
can't reliably wake the wizard up to check mail automatically
but not only do these run lean, they also run 100% on the minisd card.
What won't help is flexmail -- it seems to just be a wrapper on poutlook.


Check for new mail

Is there an add-on or a tweak where i can set times when it should check for mail
On my treo i could set it so it would only check for mail every 15mins between 19:00 and 08:00
No you can't you can only set it to check every x minutes.
I am looking into buying a different mail client for my S100 as the one that comes with windows is crap.
I used to have profimail on my P910i which was great as it allowed a lot more confirguration and also HTML emails.
Let me know when you get a decent mail app. All the one i've tried have been shtt
WebIS Mail is Great.
WebISmail is something I have just downloaded to try out. Will give it a go and let you know
don't think it lets you do this
if this can help you there is something under "Mobile Sync Schedule" that includes even peak times and roaming.
I'm using it daily but with an Exchange sync, don't know if you can do the same with a pop3
WebIS mail
Been trialing WebIS mail for a few days now and very impressed by it. Configuration is pretty good as far as mail accounts and sync times and just to have true HTML incoming mail is brilliant.
Pity you don't have HTML outgoing but we can't ask for the world.
I have it installed on my SD card and its a little slow but seems to take up quite a bit of space. Pity really that you can't uninstall the pre-installed clients and replace them with the better products. :lol:
i've been having problem with downloading emails. when i mark one or two for download, then i click on the send and recieve button, on the bottom right this blue status bar kinda thingy appears and to the left of it theres a 1/25 does it mean its trying to download 25 emails? and then after a good 2 or 3 minutes it gives up, giving me some error. i thing i'm gonna swith to profimail cuz i used to use that on all my other S60 phones and i'm satisfied with it.
I'm sure it won't be hard for a decent programmer make a lil addon.
Phone Alarm has something like that where you can set the times for peak and off peak calls etc.
Any decent programmer about??
fone_fanatic said:
i've been having problem with downloading emails. when i mark one or two for download, then i click on the send and recieve button, on the bottom right this blue status bar kinda thingy appears and to the left of it theres a 1/25 does it mean its trying to download 25 emails? and then after a good 2 or 3 minutes it gives up, giving me some error. i thing i'm gonna swith to profimail cuz i used to use that on all my other S60 phones and i'm satisfied with it.
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From what I can see of WebIS mail it says 1/25 but its only checking against the server what it has already downloaded. So it maybe that's it already downloaded the 25 mails on the server it just has to check first.
So far no problems with WebIS mail and very impressed by moving mail directories. I have been deciding where to store the software and so moving direcrtories is a breeze.

Hotmail notification

Hi guys!
Nice skille community you've got here, I'm still browsing through all your previous posts, but I can't wait to ask you this:
I have long been looking for a solution (tweak or software) that would allow me to schedule an automated send/receive on my Hotmail account just the way it works on my regular POP accounts.
Any hints?
So far, I have kept MSN Messenger always on, which allows real-time e-mails reception. But I don't really like this workarround as it drains both my battery and my monthly data transfer allowance (don't know the word for that...).
However, if you were to tell me that this is indeed the only workarround, I would appreciate the answer to this: what are the parameters that would make my Wizard ring or vibrate, depending on which mode it's in, upon reception of a Hotmail e-mail? It does that just fine for POP accounts, but not for Hotmail (although it keeps vibrating whenenver someone pops online on MSN Messenger, which is a pain in the a..).
Well that's it for now, I truely hope you guys can help me out!
I truely wish this was a feature as well. I would love at the very least to be able to set a Hotmail retreival schedule. One of my biggest complaints!
There are several programs to check your Hotmail automatically:
HTTPMail Provider:
Well I paid and downloaded HTTP Mail.
At first it seemed I had found the solution I was looking for BUT the data consumption is simply enormous.
Your average send/receive with the regular Hotmail account (the one that cannot be automatically retrieved) uses 1,12 kb when there is no new mail.
Now, the same operation, still with no new message, consistantly uses more than 700 kb! That's basically horrific...
So back to square one, but 10€ lighter :evil: !
Still, thanks very much for trying to help! But this really isn't a good solution...
Again, if anyone has another idea, please share ;-)!
I put this Pocke MSN wish list togther a while ago:
i) Allow proper notifications when new email arrives. i.e. Sound and vibrate, not just the a number of unread in the little a blue circle on the hotmail icon..
ii) Allow email to be sent immediately instead of having to got to "send and receive" each time.
iii) Allow me to send email attachments > 300K (or whatever the ridiculously small limit is).
iv) Auto sign-in for Messenger. Every time I loose my GPRS connection I have to remember to go back into messenger and sign-in again.
Original post:
Live Messenger
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
___ said:
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
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EMOZE screwed up my bill!

I recently installed emoze for push email and then i ditched it. I jsut want to know, how does it work exactly? Is it genuinly push email or does it check for emials ever so often?
I"m asking this because i have about $300 of Internet usage (overages) on my account. I mainly used my internet for emails and i can't udnerstnad how i went over.
Also, how does Microsoft push email work? is it possible that was the problem?
I only receive about 10 emails a week anyway. please let me know
Short review about emoze
Hello all,
I'll start by saying that I'm part of emoze team.
emoze is a FREE push email & PIM solution for Pocket PCs, Symbain, Smartphones and other devices.
emoze synchronizes the Outlook's Inbox, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with full support of attachments. With emoze you have a wide range of configuration possibilities for every folder you choose emoze to synchronize.
Concerning the data package, with emoze as long as data is not being transferred you are not being charged for data. We suggest you review with your providers to understand your data plans.
Furthermore, you can use a sleep mode, which will connect the internet every few minutes. The only data emoze will transfer is the emails and PIM.
If you have anymore questions about emoze please fill free to connect our support: [email protected]
For conclution please remember one thing, emoze is the easiest & most secure push email solution available.
Regards and good day,
I suggest you to get an unilimted data plan if you want to get online.
If you decide not to get one, then I recommend you to use SPB GPRS Monitor to keep a eye on your data consumption. Not that your carrier will take that information as valid, but at least you can be alerted when you reach a certain configurable limit.
Hello. I tried emoze, and after a few tried it finally worked. I must say, there should be a detailed instruction on how to set it up. I mean from the very beginning.
ALso, while setting it up on my iPhone, there were pop up windows that says "cannot verified" or something. 2-3 times. I didn't know you have to keep on pressing continue. The instruction doesn't say anything about that.
ANyway, I finally got it to work, well sort of.
I can send email from my iPhone, but cannot receive.
Here's what I've done so far.
(1) I donwloaded emoze software.
(2) I have username/pw. I registered it with my gamil email (this is what I want to be pushed to my iPhone)
(3) I setup my GMAIL email account to my MS Outlook 2007.
(4) I clicked EDIT on emoze, and selected INBOX.
(5) When I send/receive email on iPhone, I can see that the icon on emoze changes, meaning it syncs.
(6) I also truend off SSL on iPhone according to other users.
Still can't receive email. Any suggestions?
emozeoren said:
Hello all,
I'll start by saying that I'm part of emoze team.
emoze is a FREE push email & PIM solution for Pocket PCs, Symbain, Smartphones and other devices.
emoze synchronizes the Outlook's Inbox, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with full support of attachments. With emoze you have a wide range of configuration possibilities for every folder you choose emoze to synchronize.
Concerning the data package, with emoze as long as data is not being transferred you are not being charged for data. We suggest you review with your providers to understand your data plans.
Furthermore, you can use a sleep mode, which will connect the internet every few minutes. The only data emoze will transfer is the emails and PIM.
If you have anymore questions about emoze please fill free to connect our support: [email protected]
For conclution please remember one thing, emoze is the easiest & most secure push email solution available.
Regards and good day,
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DirectPush (and similarly Emoze and most other 'Push' e-mail technologies) work by simulating true Push communications.
Because server-initiated communication isn't strictly possible over GPRS, the cell data network, these Push e-mail solutions work by sending requests (called pings) to a server at regular intervals. If no new e-mails are waiting, the server simply acknowledges the ping. Otherwise, it instructs the device to retrieve the new e-mails.
The advantages over pure-pull technology (i.e. setting Outlook to check for e-mails every 15 minutes) lie in the smaller amount of the ping-packets compared with the packets exchanged when checking e-mail over pure Exchange/POP/IMAP. This, in turn, uses less bandwidth, enabling the checks to be done more frequently and in the background without significant use of bandwidth or resources.
Unfortunately, this does create data traffic, costing you money. I wouldn't reccomend having any type of 'always-on' solution, such as these 'push' e-mail simulations, unless you're on an unlimited data plan.
A few true Push e-mail schemes do exist for the HTC Wizard; these utilize cell-network messages (usually SMS-based) to initialize communications on the server-side. These messages are then intercepted in the notification que, instructing your device to check for new e-mails. These do not use data except for when the e-mails themselves are downloaded.
T-Mobile offers one such solution with their 'My E-Mail Triggers', and I believe AT&T/Cingular offers a similar solution.
For more information on DirectPush's simulated push technology, a good article is available on the MSDN here.
Nice to see you here RAYAN
In poderPDA dont answers...
En poder PDA no contestan...
reed you soon man!
Te leeo despues!
thank you for this useful clarification !!!!!!

Implement IMAP IDLE Native function @ Pocket Outlook

I'm currently running a mail server on a dedicated box (host @ datacenter 30€/month) under linux with courrier-imap. There is a way to implement IMAP IDLE function, that is almost the same than pushing emails.
I actualy tested it without FAM (File Alteration Monitor). Fam allow you to have a realtime email like blackberry. I don't need it, the basic IMAP_ENHANCEDIDLE do a check every minutes and update if there is a mail.
I tested this feature through telnet and it worked lovely.
Now, in order to be able to use this feature over your windows mobile, you have the choice between to softwares.
The first is vgsmail http://www.vgsmail.com/ppc/ (free trial)
This one will just enable the IMAP IDLE feature on your pocket outlook (seems to be the more elegant way to implement it)
The second is WIS Flexmail 2007 (search at google ) (free trial)
This one is a new client (i don't like to change my use personnaly)
The major problem of the both solutions is that you have to pay for it.
Does anyone can do a patch for pocket outlook to implement imap idle fonction on it ?
Reference thread: Here
Check out Seven.
I'm currently using it too work with my google IMAP account and I get push email. It works amaizing.
I don't know if its what your looking for but give it a shot and see.
I currently use it on my WM6 Hermes device and even though it not supported its working perfectly for me.
Knockz said:
Check out Seven.
I'm currently using it too work with my google IMAP account and I get push email. It works amaizing.
I don't know if its what your looking for but give it a shot and see.
I currently use it on my WM6 Hermes device and even though it not supported its working perfectly for me.
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Hi, thanks for your tips, btw i like to know something, is it a standalone program or a plugin for pocket outlook ?
Its an addon for pocket outlook that manages the account and the push functionality. It also does other types of accounts. It gave me push email for my work account and pop accounts.
You still read/reply and manage your emails using pocket outlook.
Fantastic, gonna test it tomorrow !
Thanks buddy !
I tested this solution, sounds like a third party server is getting email from your server :/. It won't be a problem if this project didn't looks like another commercial push (visto like).
Actualy Seven is acting like a visto, sevens server try to fetch mail ~2mn and push it on they proprietary client, who is pushing the message @ pocket outlook.
It means that my mail is going through seven mail server and Seven has all access granted to my mailbox.
I'm just looking for a soft (without thrid party server checking) enabling the IMAP IDLE fonction.
Test of vgsmail & flexmail
I tried to test them with imap idle
vgsmail has been renamed to EmansioPushMail, great, but it just crash my Hermes (Schap's 3.54 ROM). Tried an old cab called Vsgmail-Pushmail.cab (looks like an old beta). Result is the same (just with a different program name )
flexmail is working with imap idle correctly, but it's eating up all my memory (92% busy). So my Hermes just finish to crash cause it don't get enough memory (GPRS+Flexmail+msn+Audio Player).
The both solution are non free ...
Is there a chance to get imap idle implemented on pocket outlook someday ?
A desesperate Linux's mail server admin.
maybe it's a stupid question, but just to know:
within my Pocket Outlook GMail IMAP options, I have an option to check mail every 5 minutes.
ok I know, it's not really push, but what's the difference, I doesn't really mather if you get your mails within some seconds or within 5 minutes, or does it?
There is really cool japanese freeware mail client named Qmail3 - It has IMAP4 - I do not know about IMAP IDLE but it is worth a try. Some people call that program "The Bat" for PPC because of tons of features it offers.
WM6 also supports IMAP4 and HTML mails...i don't really see much benefit for another email application...the full device integration will never be as good as with Pocket Outlook, I think.
maybe it's a stupid question, but just to know:
within my Pocket Outlook GMail IMAP options, I have an option to check mail every 5 minutes.
ok I know, it's not really push, but what's the difference, I doesn't really mather if you get your mails within some seconds or within 5 minutes, or does it?
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Actualy, the option that you are using is wasting a lot of bandwith.
Send/Receive procedure
1/ contact imap/pop server
2/ auth on it
3/ check message
This have an effective cost of bandwith (wich is limited to 10mo/month in my case)
It means that if you use this system you gonna waiste almost all bandwith just to check if there is some mails.
Imap Idle procedure
1/ contact/auth once
2/ enter idle mode
3/ server send a notification to the client entered in idle mode
This solution permit to don't waste bandwith and provide a real push solution (you have to install File Alteration Monitor on your mail server in order to get it) withouth FAM it works also but you can get a delay (less than 1mn).
This solution is the best cause you are not dependant of a third party who's all access on your mailbox (specialy for work purposes)
We don't want to set up any microsoft server or exchange servers (linux ftw).
KarhU said:
There is really cool japanese freeware mail client named Qmail3 - It has IMAP4 - I do not know about IMAP IDLE but it is worth a try. Some people call that program "The Bat" for PPC because of tons of features it offers.
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I gave a try on it, it doesn't implement imap idle feature, thanks anyway
maybe it's a stupid question, but just to know:
within my Pocket Outlook GMail IMAP options, I have an option to check mail every 5 minutes.
ok I know, it's not really push, but what's the difference, I doesn't really mather if you get your mails within some seconds or within 5 minutes, or does it?
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Depends on how often you get incoming mail.
If you only get one message per hour, but want to know within a few minutes of its arrival and set a 5-minute check interval, you're performing a LOT of extra full IMAP resyncs that are unnecessary, which will eat your battery.
There are also a number of other IMAP extensions usually implemented along with IDLE (known as the Lemonade Profile) that significantly reduce data transfers (and battery abuse), the basic IMAP support in Pocket Outlook does not implement these.
Entropy512 said:
Depends on how often you get incoming mail.
If you only get one message per hour, but want to know within a few minutes of its arrival and set a 5-minute check interval, you're performing a LOT of extra full IMAP resyncs that are unnecessary, which will eat your battery.
There are also a number of other IMAP extensions usually implemented along with IDLE (known as the Lemonade Profile) that significantly reduce data transfers (and battery abuse), the basic IMAP support in Pocket Outlook does not implement these.
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ok, thx for the clarification!
if the IDLE and lemonade would work in Pocket Outlook, would we be able to get push email in combination with the new GMail IMAP support? would be nice and cheap I guess
If you have unlimited text messages, use PushEffect - uses a text message to signal outlook to check email. Works great for me - http://www.qorefunctions.com/
Tranman79 said:
If you have unlimited text messages, use PushEffect - uses a text message to signal outlook to check email. Works great for me - http://www.qorefunctions.com/
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Unfortunately, i don't have any free sms service :/
WM6 also supports IMAP4 and HTML mails...i don't really see much benefit for another email application...the full device integration will never be as good as with Pocket Outlook, I think.
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It doesn't support IMAP IDLE - see my related articles
KarhU said:
There is really cool japanese freeware mail client named Qmail3 - It has IMAP4 - I do not know about IMAP IDLE but it is worth a try. Some people call that program "The Bat" for PPC because of tons of features it offers.
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no IDLE support either - again, make sure you ALL follow my articles - see http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=IMAP Bible
Menneisyys said:
no IDLE support either - again, make sure you ALL follow my articles - see http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=IMAP Bible
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Hi, very interesting article !
Thanks for the link.
I'm actualy in contact with the developper off vgsmail, cause it's really unstable with windows mobile 6 (random freeze works partialy)
I'll back to you when i'll get more information.
Kayser said:
I'm actualy in contact with the developper off vgsmail, cause it's really unstable with windows mobile 6 (random freeze works partialy)
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Anything new on this?
dew.man said:
Anything new on this?
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vgsmail is now Emansio:
and in my testing it still (version 20070916143800) seems unreliable and buggy on my Kaiser (WM6). Great idea, I wish the darn task manager icon could be removed, and I wish it worked properly. Price is high in USD with the current exchange rates, but I might be able to stomach the basic license if it worked....

[Q] WANTED: eMail Rules/filters for poutlook

Hey all.
I have tried Flexmail and found it wanting - I think mine had issues, activesync failed to sync to directory and the rules were quite limited. Still waiting for their support teams to sort out several issues with move and stuff. even if they can get it working I can't see it being good enough in it's control.
So we are back to poutlook and it's limited functionality.
Are there any decent programs out there for message filtering. I get 300+ emails per day and over 150 are total rubbish 50 are newsletters and notifications which I file.
and half a dozen orders buried in this lot that I NEED to deal with immediately.
any suggestion please
Well - I don't know if this will work for you, but I have all my email come through my Yahoo account. On the server side, I have about 60 rules/filters set up. This way, on my inbox on my phone, I already get them filtered. I have been using Yahoo for years and now-a-days I get a spam email in my inbox about twice a year. If you have not set up a web based account yet, I would actually suggest gmail for the push capabilities. But I don't know how their filters or spam protection work.
Just as an aside, I used to use FlexMail and most of the time when I could not get something working, it was my fault. It is a very powerful application. I finally decided it was too powerful for my needs on my cell and switched to ProfiMail. You might want to check out their rules/filters. I don't use the filters on the phone, so I can't help you there, but it is a pleasure to use.

