unlocking xda 1 help - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

i have an xda 1 i am trying to unlock but nothing work i keep getting an error message saying "error getting unlock code"
can any on help
rom version: 3.02.00 eng
rom date : 05/27/02
radio version: 4.01
ram size 32mb

swampy4321 said:
i have an xda 1 i am trying to unlock but nothing work i keep getting an error message saying "error getting unlock code"
can any on help
rom version: 3.02.00 eng
rom date : 05/27/02
radio version: 4.01
ram size 32mb
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How are you trying to unlock?
With your ROM version you can only try the xda manupulatr and a serial cable.
If you want to use the xdaunlock tool you need an ROM with the wmodem function.,....

hi im here at manila im using qte1010 locked to globetel pls provide how to unlock it i try thexda2unlock but the reply is error getting code. my rom version is 3.14.06 ENG radio version is 3.19, protocol 32s54 imei is 350312011035867. i apreciate any help u can provide thanks advance. this is great site.

if yor have an xda 1 try the xda manipulator with a serial cable.


need help unlock o2 rom version 3.08.10 ENG

hi can anyone help me unlock on O2 XDA rom version 3.08.10 ENG Rom date : 07/11/02 radio version 6.02 Protocol 324e4
i try to use some software install to O2 and try to run it can not run :-(
Hi Worapot,
I have the sme version as you have. Did you finally unlocked the sim? I need your help with detailed step by step explanations if you succeeded.
I have downloaded the mkrom and the xdaunlock.exe.
I recieve the message 'error getting unlock code'.

Error unlocking with Manipulator

I hope you can help me. I tried to use Manipulator to unlock an xda but after finding the xda on COM1 the status message just remains at 'getting data from phone' and beside SID and GID it says 'ERROR'.
Nothing shows beside the IMEI. My device info is:
ROM: 3.17.03 ENG
Date: 15/5/03
Radio version: 4.21.00
Protocol version: 32S54
Please help, Thanks
Problem solved!
Went back and read posts AFTER I had already posted problem and answer was staring me in the face. My xda is 3.17.03 so I needed xdaunlock not Manipulator.
Thanks xda-developers!

how to start unlocking xda 1

pls help me unlock my xda1. what tools will i use?
here's the device information:
ROM DATE: 11/26/02
tnx for the reply!. does my xda specification qualify to be unlocked using xdaunlock? i haven't tried unlocking some smart phones, its my first try. does it involve any reprogramming the bios or something? thnx!
Just go to
and follow the steps.
Thats all.
Greetings, Kaputter :shock:
i tried xda unlock, but it says error getting unlock code... what will i do now... im badly in need of some expert help here...
then you need to flash your ROM with SER v 1.2 which will unlock your device with the first boot
I'm trying to unlock my old XDA, I have foolwed the instructions given on this site but nothing seems to work......HELP!!!!!
The device information is as follows:
ROM version: 3.17.03 ENG
ROM date: 05/15/03
Radio version: 4.20.00
Protocol version: 32554
Trying it via the USB sync.
Any suggestions??
Unlocking XDA 1
I have read and read and read the forum on how to unlock my XDA 1 (XDA II was a sinch!) but the XDA 1 is causing problems. I started with the error below and tried upgrading my ROM - getting error messages on not being able to unlock and that I needed W Modem.
Can upgrade using SER 1.2 without a unix box, then unlock all using the USB cradle?
Hope someone can explain in even more simple terms
Appreciate it!
I notice that ser 1.2 works with TMobile in the USA but doesnt say anything about ATT Wireless.
Should I infer that the ser 1.2 isnt a good idea then?
My PocketPCPE is :
Rom Date: 01/01/04
Radio version: A.33.02
Protocol version: 1.3.3
Unit is a wallaby PW10B1
Thanks for any advice you can give.
Flash your xda using ser 1.2, this will unlock the xda, I suggest backing up your existing rom to sd card or using xdatools, once you have flashed the xda you can then restore your original rom using the sd card method. Using sd card method overcomes any country id/incompatible rom errors.
A Unix box is not needed, just a standard pc.
Flashing with SE1.2 isn't always enough. I've got an XDA-1 from T-Mobile that shipped with the following:
ROM 4.01.16ENG
RS 6.25.02
Flashing it to SE1.2 worked fine, but the XDAUnlock gave same "Error...unlock code" msg others have seen.
I'm very hesitant to get into RS flashing (for obvious reasons) but there really doesn't seem to be any other way around it in this case. Then again, I worry even that won't really solve the problem (e.g. if I go back to 6.25.02 RS won't the problem potentially just return?).
Hoping for some help unlocking it without RS flashing.
You could try xda manipulator and a serial cable, otherwise I think radio stack will need to be changed, before doing ANYTHING with the radio stack please read on this forum all the problems you may encounter, hopefully there will be a solution for you among these pages.

unlock - same old story

i know that this is old stuff but i cant find what i need (i am new at this) sorry!
from what i found i have a wallaby (pw10b1) that i want to unlock. it was purchased from tmobile usa and my account with them has been closed for over a year. i am with cingular and want to use this device. i downloaded xdaunlock.exe loaded it using hotsync, clicked on it and get "error getting unlock code" here is what i have:
rom version: 3.14.40 eng
rom date: 11/26/02
radio version 6.18
protocol version: 324e4
what do i need to do to unlock this thing?
You need a newer ROM including the wmodem function.
Easiest was is downloading XDA Special Edition ROM 1.2 and install it on your device.
This ROM is based on 3.17.03 includes WModem, the unlock-tool and some other nice applications....
Thank you for the info. I am downloading it now.

o2 xda boot loader 5.22 unlocking

how can i unlock my xda 02 bott loader 5.22 i upgarde xda special rom phone will be never unlock plz help me
Unlocking does not depemd on the Bootloader. Which Radio Stack have you currently installed?
i have o2 xda and t mobile mda pw10b1
t mobile
rom version : 4.01.16 eng
rom date :02/04/04
radio version: 6.25.02
protocol version: 324e4
boot loader : 5.22
how can i unlock this t-mobile xda
plz help plz help
LumpiStefan said:
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After following this process handset is just searching i mean its not catching network but of cource the handset is unlocked is there any remedy for network also?
i hav done exactly the same
On which network do you want to use the device? Itßs just 900/1900 MHz capable....

