need help unlock o2 rom version 3.08.10 ENG - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

hi can anyone help me unlock on O2 XDA rom version 3.08.10 ENG Rom date : 07/11/02 radio version 6.02 Protocol 324e4
i try to use some software install to O2 and try to run it can not run :-(

Hi Worapot,
I have the sme version as you have. Did you finally unlocked the sim? I need your help with detailed step by step explanations if you succeeded.
I have downloaded the mkrom and the xdaunlock.exe.
I recieve the message 'error getting unlock code'.


ROM 4.01.16 ENG xda unlock

Please help,
XDAunlock will not work with ROM 4.01.16 ENG, ROM DATE 02/04/04, RADIO version 6.25.02? (T-mobile, USA)
anybody wanna help this guy and me out?
rom version 4.01.16
rom date 02/04/04
radio version 6.25.02
Protocol version 324e4
tmobile MDA1 United States
BZH said:
Please help,
XDAunlock will not work with ROM 4.01.16 ENG, ROM DATE 02/04/04, RADIO version 6.25.02? (T-mobile, USA)
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yes, XDAunlock not work with RADIO version 6.25.02.
but I have tools to unlock it!
Hi! i too have a Tmobile with rom verson 4.01.16 & Radio version: 6.25.02, it locked and i need the unlock tool, can u pls help me?
Hi! i too have a Tmobile with rom verson 4.01.16 & Radio version: 6.25.02, it locked and i need the unlock tool, can u pls help me?
Has anybody figured out how to unlock this?
Has anyone tried to downgrade the ROM and the Radio stack to see if this the XDAUnlock works.
I'm curious to see if I will run into Radio Stack problems if I attempt to do that.
Another victim of latest XDA 1
Rom Date: 02/04/04
Radio Version: 6.25.02
Protocol Version: 32e4
Has anybody tried unlocking the dam thing yet?
I think I got this ROM from T Mobile while upgrading my XDA to Windows Mobile 2003
Another WM2003/T-Mobile RS6.25.02 person...
Same situ here...
ROM 4.01.16ENG
RS 6.25.02
WM2003 Wallaby from T-Mobile. Can't seem to get any of the existing tools to work, any help appreciated.

unlocking xda 1 help

i have an xda 1 i am trying to unlock but nothing work i keep getting an error message saying "error getting unlock code"
can any on help
rom version: 3.02.00 eng
rom date : 05/27/02
radio version: 4.01
ram size 32mb
swampy4321 said:
i have an xda 1 i am trying to unlock but nothing work i keep getting an error message saying "error getting unlock code"
can any on help
rom version: 3.02.00 eng
rom date : 05/27/02
radio version: 4.01
ram size 32mb
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How are you trying to unlock?
With your ROM version you can only try the xda manupulatr and a serial cable.
If you want to use the xdaunlock tool you need an ROM with the wmodem function.,....
hi im here at manila im using qte1010 locked to globetel pls provide how to unlock it i try thexda2unlock but the reply is error getting code. my rom version is 3.14.06 ENG radio version is 3.19, protocol 32s54 imei is 350312011035867. i apreciate any help u can provide thanks advance. this is great site.
if yor have an xda 1 try the xda manipulator with a serial cable.

unlock - same old story

i know that this is old stuff but i cant find what i need (i am new at this) sorry!
from what i found i have a wallaby (pw10b1) that i want to unlock. it was purchased from tmobile usa and my account with them has been closed for over a year. i am with cingular and want to use this device. i downloaded xdaunlock.exe loaded it using hotsync, clicked on it and get "error getting unlock code" here is what i have:
rom version: 3.14.40 eng
rom date: 11/26/02
radio version 6.18
protocol version: 324e4
what do i need to do to unlock this thing?
You need a newer ROM including the wmodem function.
Easiest was is downloading XDA Special Edition ROM 1.2 and install it on your device.
This ROM is based on 3.17.03 includes WModem, the unlock-tool and some other nice applications....
Thank you for the info. I am downloading it now.

Unlock problem...Please help!

Hi everyone!
I’ve got a problem unlocking T-Mobile XDA (ROM: 4.01.16 ENG, Radio: 6.25.02
Bootloader: 5.22).
Following the instructions, I downgraded Radio Stack to 6.24 , but XDAunlock still doesn’t work – still report “error getting unlock code” message as before. Any idea what should I do?

Need help Unlocking my TMobile Mda Vario.

I have just bought this from EBAY UK.
I need help to unlock the mda vario and I have read the forums threads but too confused to what to use.
My T Mobile Mda Vario - Says on the Box Made in Taiwan ( HTC is taiwanese based)
This is what I get when I swicthed on my Phone.
IPL Ver : 2.21.0001
SPL Ver : 2.21.0001
GSM Ver: 2.19.11
OS :
It first installed the T Mobile S/w and now says SIM LOCK.
Could someone help me which unlock version ( latest is lokiwizMSL 0.3a) and some handfull advice.
If you need more info please let me know.
Thanks in Advance.
More info for the Mobile Version
I managed to get someones T Mobile Sim and then went to device Info and have the following info.
Model WIZA200
ROM Date : 03/09/06
Radio Version : 02.19.11
Protocol Ver :
Ext ROM :
More Info..after reading few posts
Total Summary
IPL Ver : 2.21.0001
SPL Ver : 2.21.0001
Model WIZA200
ROM Date : 03/09/06
Radio Version (GSM): 02.19.11
Protocol Ver :
Ext ROM :
OS :
Flash Chip type : M systems
With some reading I think my Vario is G4 --- Is that correct ....
Can I use lokiwizMSL 0.3a to unlock it...
Please help..
I managed to unlock my PDA now.
I have appeneded the main thread Lokiwiz03 with the difficulty i faced.
thanks a lot to this forum...
I beleive you can use lokiwiz .3. Follow the directions from the first post in that thread exactly. And run it with either its native sime(the one its originially supposed to take) or without a sim at all. lokiwiz will give you the unlock code. Put in your sim and enter the code.
You could always ask t-mobile for the unlock code...they gave me mine for free. it took about a week but they got it from the company and sent it along with instructions in an email.
lokiwiz .3 worked for me
like a charm
wm1 said:
You could always ask t-mobile for the unlock code...they gave me mine for free. it took about a week but they got it from the company and sent it along with instructions in an email.
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I boght my in Croatia. In witch adress you send Email?

