Missing apps?! - Where is my Bluetooth Manager - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Just bought a bluetooth USB dongle, what i am trying to do is to connect my XDAII to the internet through my PC's ADSL line.
I found a very useful website which has screen graps that showing how to configure both PC and XDA. however, I don't have Bluetooth Manager installed or what, as this tutorial keep asking me to run it from my xda!!!!
all I got is bluetooth settings, and screens are look very different, what's going on? can somebody instruct. cheers

As far as I know, Bluethooth Manager is a propriatary Ipaq thingy, and is not available for XDAII

i just connect to activsync and let my xda go my pc's internet connection that way connect using bluetooth that is

I often use that method too, but a lot of the pages I try to access come up with "page could not be read" error, even though they're fine if I access through gprs etc.
Any idea why?

phy7pmd said:
I often use that method too, but a lot of the pages I try to access come up with "page could not be read" error, even though they're fine if I access through gprs etc.
Any idea why?
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There is NO difference between using a proper phoned based GPRS connection to the web, and a PC Pass-thru...
Apart from one that is...
Some sites are proxied, and check for a connection to the site by a carrier connection using themselves.
Let me explain better by example...
With Orange, some sites get blocked by a proxy or whatever, if you use a standard web connection to them from another ISP, but will be allowed access using GPRS and their own network.


Can my jasjar and Centrino communicate?

G'day all,
Well I got my jasjar today, and essentially I was originally under the impression that with this I would be able to use the wireless technologies of my laptop and jasjar to sync outlook, and browse the fiels on the notebook etc.
Then reality hit me.
You cannot sync via wireless. Then as it turns out I have no clue on how to setup a wireless network..
So im just wondering if anyone can inform me, is it possible for my jasjar and centrino notebook to communicate with each other wirelessly? If so what do I need to do in order to do that.
Thanks in advance
a very confused wireless enthusiast.
ActiveSync will not work on wi-fi, but you can setup a device-to-device network and use files on a share on your computer. If your Centrino has Bluetooth, you can use ActiveSync with that.
i have AS over bluetooth fine, and allows me to browse the internet etc
i have WIFI configured at home and work which allows me to browse shared folders with passwords and permission, run terminal server to my XP and our Terminal Server, and allows me to run Terminal Server over wireless over the internet direct to my remote work servers.
so it really depends on what you want to achieve, it will more than likely be a combination solution.
WIFI = Internet and Shares and Terminal Server
WIFI = Streaming music and videos
Bluetooth = AS
Bluetooth = Internet
Bluetooth <> Shares and Terminal Server
Well my laptop doesnt have bluetooth so that is no good to me.
Yeah I just want to access the laptops music, video or documents wirelessly. Im a little or completely lost as how to do this, I do not have broadband, and I have no networking experience really.
All I have is a Centrino laptop armed with the latest wifi components, and a jasjar.
I managed to make a device-to-device connection as someone suggested, and the devices appeared to connect, but I couldnt seem to do anything with them as such.
Try Resco Explorer (www.resco.net) It allows you to map network drives (once you have your device-to-device connection sorted)
Wiz - Off topic but can you share how you got your O2 Exec Blackberry Enabled? I'd like to do the same. Ta - philg
Got resco explorer, gotta say thats a handy lil feature packed app. But to my problem at hand....does anyone have or can anyone give me a run down of how to get a device-to-device networking happenng.
I can get the two devices to connect as such via wifi, both jasjar says connected as does XP, however when I go to map a network drive, in Resco or XP fo rthat matter, I just an a message saying no computer is connected or availbe. This despite the fact that it is right there!!
Any suggestions, tutorial recommendations?
r u using xp pro or home?
what sort of antivirus r u running?
firewall? ms or other
any other security settings imposed?
generally, go to pc, find folder u want to connect to, RMC, properties, sharing, enable with a name you like, apply security with password (nb sharinmg over wifi will allow others to access without security).
goto pda, resco, map drive, type in \\computername\sharename, enter your username to log onto pc and password (assuming these were the same pemissions you applied when setting up)
I had this working using a wifi access point via a local router, but norton screwed it up and been unable to fix....
Yes XP Pro
Default Network Security really, like I said ive never really used them or accessed the features so usually keep em closed.
and running NIS 2005. But yeah look im not a total noob, ie I disabled NIS at one point to see if that was hampering the connections, and even enabled it and enabled full access and that did nothing either.
what you suggested I pretty much did.
however, when ive set up the device to device connection it gives me security options ie WEP WPA etc, done these restrict other networks from using the shared folder?
I ask because there are a fare few wireless networks around me, wouldnt want to give any of them access to my stuff, even if it is only my music and some documents.
If you start your WIFI on your PPC and PC, does the WIFI icon on the PPC create the connection, ie the antennae and two arrows that remain still.
If so, then you have got the connection to the PC, we just then need to get the folders and access to each other. If not, then we cant get any further till we resolve this issue.
RMC My Computer or go to control panel system. Far right Tab allow remote connections, tick the box to allow. This should allow a Terminal Server connection from your PPC to your PC. So find out the IP of your PC, then open TSC and enter the same IP address and see if it connects. If it starts to get create a connection via GPRS/3G cancel it. This will be due to the "My Work" and "Internet" settings which we will have to come back to.
If it you can open a TSC then you have established the WIFI and can create and authenticate a connection, so it means we have a problem with the foler sharing.
So in summary, doing the above will:
1. Estabish that the WIFI connection using WEP is working
2. That you are connecting over the same common network using TSC to connect and control your PC from your PPC
3. THat the problems are folder sharing related
Let me know how you go.
I wont be able to try these suggestions until tomorrow but im pretty confident one of these will work, thanks for taking the time, I will definitely try em tomorrow.
But just for what information I have ATM, yes the wifi icon you described is there, so like I said the PPC is definitely connecting, just when its connected I dont seem to be able to do much.
Will let you know how I go
THanks again
I have resolved the problem that I have been having with connecting to a network share, when I could before and cant now....
The answer was simple, and I cant believe how simple.
The answer was found here, and posted by DUTCH
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."
If your not sure where this is let me know, but it provided and immediate fix for me. ...
Well, actually, I did two things simultaneously, so not sure which actually worked. I also went into the specific connectsion > Network Cards on the PPC, Network Adapter set to work, then Wireless tab, found the specific network opened this and changed this from internet to work.
So the combineation of the IP settings and the change from internet to work allows my ppc to connect to my computers folder shares.
well, i tested it furter.
If i left the work setting on my network, then when I used the internet, it opened and connected a gprs connection to open the web site.
so i changed the network connect back to "the internet", and was able to use the network card to connect to the internet and access the web.
I was also STILL able to access a network share whilst the network connected to "the internet", so the solution for me was
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."

Set up BT PAN using MS Stack - How?

i've searched through the forum and didnt find anything about this,
i'm trying to get my universal to network with my PC through BT so i could:
1. use SMB file sharing (e.g \\\)
2. have the universal use my PC's internet connection.
i know this *screams* for WIFI, but it's not an option as i need to do it in my workplace, and im not allowed to have a wifi router there.
i managed to set up BT PAN through the internet sharing app, but then the uni uses the GPRS connection instead of the PC's.
i tried syncing with ActiveSync, and that DID gave me internet connection,
but i had problems sharing my drives, and connecting to other apps like msn, remote desktop, and probably anything other than HTTP.
Is there a way to set up a REAL network between my PC and uni with the MS BT stack?
The widcomm stack is not an option, sadly. It gives me problems answering calls while driving, or through my private headset...
i really need this.
I'm not sure about file sharing, but I know you can set up internet access via BT. I've done it through another cellphone (3G), not a PC, but the key is to make sure that "connect to Internet" is set for BT as modem.
Also, on a related note, I know you can use the WM version of LogMeIn to access a PC... so, theoretically, you could BT to access the Internet, and then come back in on the Internet to access the PC.
rpodos said:
the key is to make sure that "connect to Internet" is set for BT as modem.
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where do i set that?
Sorry, I haven't done it for a while, and I'm not a total expert....
Read Reidan's comments in this thread:
Folks... what about following my tutorials / articles cross-posted to the General forum here? I've discussed this problem & the solutions (as with a lot of other questions / problems asked on all PPC boards) to it in SEVERAL articles.
See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=282780

How do you use net sharing

OK....I attempted to search for an actual "how to" on the net sharing feature.
I got multiple pages of threads with "net sharing" within the topic...but no actual how to set up or use.
Not quite sure what I need for a connection...Do I need a dial up account to log into...or a data plan on my phone(which I have)?
I got a bluetooth card in my Dell laptop...and Im running Black Diamond 9.1
Any tips would be appreciated.
BTW, I would like to get internet access from work...where they have now restricted use to just the intranet.
I use my service provider with gprs over usb.
I believe you can use dialup if you have a dialup ISP like AOL or something, but I never tried it.
I can't get bluetooth phone/laptop connection going though because my external bluetooth adapter and software are both tempermental. Got it to activesync once out of I don't know howmanytimes I tried.

internet via pda

Hey everyone,
I was wondering if it is possible that a normal cell phone, like a samsung d900i, can connect to the internet through my ppc, wich has a connection with WiFi..
Via wifi, no. Your phone only support MicroSD and I don't think WiFi SDIO goes that small.
Via Bluetooth maybe. Depends what OS your phone is running. Sometimes you can use bluetooth activesync in Windows Mobile to share the internet. Obviously your computer would need to have bluetooth as well.
What OS do you have on your phone?
You would need the ability to stop the phones web browser from accessing the internet itself firstly, because I would presume the instant you try to open a webpage the phone will use the cellular connection for internet access.
If you could stop this from happening, you may have some success after you pair to the PPC via bluetooth.
Then you would need to point the web browser at the PPC in either the browser settings or the network connectivity settings.
@ Jadel
My OS is WM6.1 dutch
@ desolateone
Thx, I will try
In which case read this guide (part of which I wrote myself).
Using it correctly, internet over bluetooth is very very easy.

Unable to share cell net w/ PC via bluetooth

I've tried most of the solutions/methods on this forum/net, but it just doesn't work!
I'm able to pair the device, start the PAN service and 'Intetnet Sharing' gets connected as well, PC gets an IP address, but I get no response when I ping or open a webpage.
On the phone end, I've tried with WM5, WM6, WM6.1 and even with WMWi iRouter. On the PC end, tried with 3 different XP/2003/Vista machines. I'm using BlueSoleil 6.2, but had no success with older or later versions either.
Internet Sharing over USB worked fine till my USB connector broke so BlueTooth/WiFi is my only option.
Can soneone help me out please?
if you want to teeth your gprs connection so your pc get internet that way
PAN is not the way to go
search for bluetooth AND modem
in the forums there are many guides how
it's setup
PAN is if you want your pda to get internet from your pc
Thanks for the reply. I tried Bluetooth DUN but it's too slow (115kbps) and keeps getting disconnected every 5 mins...
If Bluetooth PAN is for sharing PC net only, why then does it show up under 'Internet Sharing', and also shows the Cellular net option, as if it can connect the both, like it does for USB? If PAN isn't meant for sharing cell net, it shouldn't show the option, right?
I mean, it's not *impossible* right? We have a TCP/IP network established with all IPs properly assigned; only one device has net access; how hard or improbable can it be to share the net? There has to be a way! :|
Infact, even the inbuilt Help on Internet Sharing describes that cell net can be shared w/ the PC over bluetooth using 'Internet Sharing' and says nothing about connecting as a modem and the whole *99# thing. I was of the opinion that 'Internet Sharing' made that method obsolete...
- Disconnect everything
- Open internet sharing, select Bluetooth PAN, connect. IS should tell you "waiting for bluetooth connection".
- On the PC, connect to the PAN service on the phone. This must work, I've used it countless times.
If traffic doesn't go through, you probably have a proxy set on your device (happens with some network operators) that you need to disable for it to work.
^ That's exactly how I've been trying .. maybe it's because of BlueSoleil?
Which bluetooth stack are you using? I've been searching the local stores for a non-bluesoleil adapter but no luck so far
I'm using the Widcomm stack that came with my BT keyboard/mouse set. I think you can download it for free anyway...
kilrah said:
- Disconnect everything
- Open internet sharing, select Bluetooth PAN, connect. IS should tell you "waiting for bluetooth connection".
- On the PC, connect to the PAN service on the phone. This must work, I've used it countless times.
If traffic doesn't go through, you probably have a proxy set on your device (happens with some network operators) that you need to disable for it to work.
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Hi Kilrah, could u provide some details about how to disable proxy on the device .
I can connect but no internet traffic on my laptop .I am using vodafone live gprs on xda orbit .Thanks

