XDA I Dead totally - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Please Masters JEDI, Help Me. Suddenly my XDA I don't show anything, even when I reset or hard reset, it just go to O2 screen then white page blank with a blue bar on top of it. When I bootload it, It says Wally patch ver 5.17, then GSM Error. I have tried to make an SD card boot, but not success, it also can't be downgraded to Ver 5.15 since my XDa stop connecting with my cimputer. plsssss.... helppp......!

1. Did you patch to 5.17?
2. ROM and GSM versions?
3. Did you do anything with GSM module?
4. What do you call "Suddenly"? Wake up in the morning and it doesn't work?
I made my one HardReset automatically when I played with processor speed (206 -> 236). Did you try to do something like that?

See my post on the sx56 RSU update a few weeks ago. I had the same problem.

email to me
email to me may be i can help you.....


O2 XDA doesn't work after raio stack update

I tried to update Radio Stack on my O2 xda ... After confirming to copy files needed to upgrade my xda restarted and began to upgrade. Suddenly it asked me for the my Pin SIM Card and then hanged !
My bootmenu in ver. 5.15 is accessible, but it shows Gsm Error.
I have also another O2 Xda and I tried to copy through Bootloader "WinCe + Boot to SD" from good xda and restore on my "broken" xda.
But the problem is still ...
I don't have a serial cable to copy&restore "GSM to SD".
How can I repair my O2 Xda ? Is there any way ?
O2 XDA doesn't work after radio stack update
I am new owner of O2 Xda and have the same problem.
Maybe anyone help Us ...
I am waiting for the solution and very special thanks for fast reply. :lol:
Hi there
Try to execute the file on your device \\Windows\RSUpgrade.exe. After executing it flashes the radio ROM. If it works, you have the old (but the working) version.
I did this and I could switch back to the previous Radio Stack version.
Good Luck!
I cannot do nothing on my xda, because after turning it on I have white screen with "blue line" on the top.
Your xda is toast. Ring O2 and get it replaced under warranty.

WM2003: entering bootloader causes cold-boot

Was told a few days ago, but just remembered...
WM2003 seems to re-use the RAM needed for the RAM copy of the bootloader. This means that once you've entered the bootloader, even if you've only briefly looked at the pretty colored bars, the device cold-boots when you reset to go back to the OS.
Funny thing is this happens on some of our machines, but not on all...
Having the same problem on my QTEK...
i reported this here like 2 weeks ago i thought it was only on my device!
Yes this happenes as well on my XDA (german O2)with WM ( 4.0.01 and .05).
Unfortunately the Band switch ( XDA dev. version ) is not working as well.
Also happens to my os xda Asian version with the following details:
Bootloader: 5.17
Radio Stack: 4.21 (UK version)
ROM: 4.00.05 ENG (06/05/03)
Protocol: 32S54
Funny, I thought I was the only one having this problem...
This also happens on 3.x ROMs, sometimes it just resets, sometimes it does not.
On the same device, with the same ROM and the same configuration, writing whole ROM to SD didn't do a hard reset. 5 minutes later, brief look at the bootloader erased all data.
It's about computers, it has no system...
possible fix
Samething happened to me. after i set everthing up perfectly and all i did was try to unlock the phone.
I think i found a possible fix. u need to make sure ur device is not powered on when u enter the bootloader mode. so if u want to access it. press the power button to make sure screen goes off. wait couple of seconds and go into bootloader. i tried this and my device was fine after soft reset. let me know if this works.
Thanks. Works for me on :lol:
Australian O2 XDA
Bootloader 5.17
Rom: 4.00.05

Radio Update broke my MDA

Hello everyone.
Im having serious trouble with my MDA i updated just yesterday. Somehow it hung up at 60%. Waited for about 15 Minutes but nothing happened. So restart, but MDA was dead.
I managed it ti load the CE and ROM with an SD from another MDA into the broken one. Went well, the device boots, after 15 minutes, but everything goes very slow.
So managed it to upload the cab file of the RSU on another SD, inserted it, executed, but at 1% it just fails to flash and want to restart the MDA.
I also tested the method someone mentioned with the autorun.exe, didnt help.
In the wallaby bootloader i saw that there is an option to Backup the GSM ROM to SD, but then it wants some kind of "PC Monitor". Thought it might be some kind of hyperterminal connection, but turned out not to be.
So, does anybody here have a clue what to do???
Hello there
I've suffered the same problem as many others did.
I suggest one final solution before giving up and believing it's a dead motherboard.
the solution I believe is:
1- Using a working XDA and through the bootloader click on contacts button to get to the flash menu then click on the option for copying rom and GSM to SD.
2- after complete copy use the same SD card in your device (at bootloader)
3- tell me what you get..
smiley said:
1- Using a working XDA and through the bootloader click on contacts button to get to the flash menu then click on the option for copying rom and GSM to SD
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Gives me the already mentioned "Please connect RS232 and run PC Monitor" Screen...
If you are sure you have followed all procedure re: 1% screen of death mentioned in various threads in this forum, then you're best bet is to return the unit the your distributor/ service centre for repair.
I had this problem and posted my experiences on several threads. I spent the first 2-3 weeks trying different things without any luck. THen one day, I just return the unit the distributor and they repaired in two days. I was told they had to replace the GSM main board.
My problem was caused by T Mobile radio stack upgrade ( I did not use SD method, so the installation installed Tmobile radio stack on my 900/1800 xda. It worked fine until I accidentally 'checked' the 1900 option...
Just my two cents

Wizard freezing at startup screen

The problem appeared today morning, while listening music using tcmp. the sound stopped suddenly, and standard animated cursor appeared over tcmp screen. i closed tcmp, and the rest of the system seemed fine, i was able to mute the phone and entered my work place. After a while i noticed the screen is off and i can not turn it on using pwr button, although green led kept blinking so the phone was operating. after a soft reset it would not go over splash screen showing IPL, SPL (which are: IPL: 1.06, SPL 1.06, GSM: 01.12.10, OS
I've tried multiple times and still the same, only difference is that sometimes I can see the cursor and sometimes not. I can get to rgb screen and "press send to restore" as well, but that's it. I can't remember whether previously pressing a key illuminated a screen and keys, but now it doesn't. I used to have problems with screen not going black on idle since few days, but that's it. What could have happened? And if the only solution is hard reset, please tell me, could I somehow backup my contacts now? I don't have activesync here so I have to wait till I finish my work to find out..
please help anyone...
rom version : WWE,
date : 11/15/05
radio : 01.12.10
protocol :
extrom :
That's spooky. My MDA has the same versions of IPL, SPL, GSM and OS, and this morning started misbehaving.
What's this rgb screen you can get to with the "press send to restore" option?
How do I do a hard reset (I have a backup on SD) without being able to get to the Start>Settings>System>Clear storage control panel option?
Rgb screen is a bootloader which i enter by holding cam+voicedial+commmanager butons while softreseting wizard. the other screen i mentioned i enter holding cam and voice buttons, and then pres reset. that screen says 'pres send to restore factory defaults any other key to quit' and it does hard reset if you press green button here...
my problem seems to be over for now, i managed to turn the phone on while i plugged it into a wall charger (believe me, the battery was not a problem - i don't know for how long it's ok now, but at least i made contacts backup now so that i'm ok with a hard reste if i have to...
You both have old roms and could do with upgrading them to aku2 roms. (your device will be more stable) i.e. the first number of the rom will be 2. Please dont ask me to go through how to flash a rom because there are hundreds of posts on the same topic and read the wiki - shortcut top left of the screen. You need to identify whether your device is g3 or g4 but i suspect you both have g3 chips.
Now read & read esp the wizard upgrading forum and wiki and then when you feel confident - flash your device.
mu chipset is g3 based on my ipl/spl info... i wouldn't dare to ask anyone to explain the process of flashing, i'm not that crazy. only thing i'd dare, would be to advice me what rom should i use... or a way to determine this, since i know it can't be just any rom...
banannq said:
mu chipset is g3 based on my ipl/spl info... i wouldn't dare to ask anyone to explain the process of flashing, i'm not that crazy. only thing i'd dare, would be to advice me what rom should i use... or a way to determine this, since i know it can't be just any rom...
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Looking at your rom numbers i gather you have a t-mobile vario - is it uk or usa rom or polish - i see you live in poland.
there latest uk rom is here ftp://[email protected]/Wi...Prodigy_2210206_109_21911_TMO_UK_WWE_Ship.exe
us rom ftp://[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Tmobile/RUU_Prodigy_2170702_217_20710_TMO_US.exe
user name xda password xda
Its prob best you sim unlock and cid unlock before you flash in case you change to a non-tmobile rom inc one of the cooked roms.
see here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=249474
and read dr puttingham's tutorial http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=285435
and now i have given you more than enough hints
p.s. by the way remember to write down your gprs settings and mms settings to use with your new rom.
thats right, its tmobile vario, uk one. it is sim unlocked, i'm not sure about cid but it should not be a problem. thanks for the hints, it really seems more then enough;] i'll probably have to use theese, as soon i have a spare evening...
you don't have to explain me the importance of gprs settings - forcing my wiz to work in uk's o2, then in polish plusgsm, then loosing settings and doing it again finally got me into a habbit of backing every settings up ;]
and last but not least, guys, yesterday i did my first HR ;] ...

My SVP M600 phone got stuck at Starting screen

Hi Friends,
My new mobile phone SPV M600 got stuck whil starting showing four lines of messages as shown below.
IPL 2.10.0001
SPL 2.10.0001
GSM 02.07.20
Can any one please help me in geting my phone to today's screen.
I also attached the screen shot for reference.
did you try a hard reset ?
Ya I tried both hard as well as soft reset but same screen is stuck again and agian.Can any one please help me in this regard as I am very new to PDA family.
Ok, first things first:
Since you are new to this, are you sure you preformed a hard reset?
It is done by holding power + camera + comm manager buttons (one on the right, two on the left) and pressing with stylus in the reset hole at the same time.
A message should appear asking you to press 'send' (green phone button) to confirm reset.
If this does not help, you may have a serious problem.
Please answer the following:
Is the device fully charged?
Phone will fail to boot if the battery is too low.
Did you install any software right before this happened?
This should have been resolved by hard reset, but just in case I am asking.
Did you change the ROM, attempted CID / SIM unlock?
This could require more serious measures than I can advise on.
I did exactly the same thing which you mentioned.But even then it is stuck at the same screen.
Ya u r right I unlocked my mobile using a software from eBay.The unlock was successfull and I tried to insert T-Mobile sim, it also captured the signal and I was able to make and recieve calls then after that I wantedly switched off the phone and then tried to start it, there got the problem.
Can any one help me in this regard please.
I am having the same problem, but my phone is not sim-locked.
I've got the same problem after attempting smart1_wm6_pp8mb.exe
I'm having the same problem with my G4 QTEK S200:
Attempted to upgrade to WM6 Rom using smart1_wm6_pp8mb.exe
After reboot the phone got stuck at the QTEK Screen
Tried Hard Reset (Camera+Power+Comm+Reset) followed the steps with the same results (bricked)
I also tried re-flashing the rom back to the factory one using RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_QtekWWE_Ship and ROMUpdateUtility-NoVendorID.exe in Windows Vista with WMDC (Windows Mobile Device Center v. 6.0.6873) and the phone in boot loader mode (tri color screen) with working USB cable, with windows firewall disabled and symantec AV disabled as well, RUU keeps saying error 260 "the update utilitiy cannot connect to your pda phone..." .
Do you think I should try this process using XP instead? No matter what i try i keep getting the error 260
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Got it fixed!
it was definately a Vista issue. once i tried it in XP with ActiveSync it worked like a charm and i got my phone back up and running. also used spb backup and restored all my settings.
ipl/spl screen
i got the same problem with new rom wm6, and the 260 eror, my problem is that i have xp and the activesync does`t connect ...
... means i cant redo the original rom ????
Again My phone SPV M600 got stuck at IPL/SPL screen
Please Can some one advice me how to get my phone back.
I raised the same issue 7 months back after that my phone got recovered automatically and there were no issues till last month. Last month onwards it is again got the same problem and now it is permenantly stuck at that screen what ever you do.
yekanth said:
Please Can some one advice me how to get my phone back.
I raised the same issue 7 months back after that my phone got recovered automatically and there were no issues till last month. Last month onwards it is again got the same problem and now it is permenantly stuck at that screen what ever you do.
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A rom reinstall on xp solved my problems on that one. retry a couple of times! It may not work the first time! hard reset as well...
Try an official wm5 rom just in case
good luck
Can you please gimme step by step procedure
HI Phil,
I am new to these kind of installations . CAn you please Gimme step by step procedure for ROM installation.
mine is now also stuck, after trying to install new rom. wont connect to active sync either, have i fooked it? tried hard reset etc.
(with a turned off phone, press and hold camera button then insert USB cable)
then flash provider ROM
1. Don't panic
2. Don't panic
3. Unplug the phone
4. Reset with stylus,and keep the Camera Button pressed.
5. A 3 color screen will appear(Bootloader Screen)
6. Connect your device with your PC,and run the NVID(no vendor) WM5 rom.
7. The device will be resetted after RUU(rom update utility)finishes
8. Repeat the WM6 upgrade,from STEP 5..
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from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=310452
hi jay
i seen your post in n00b guys one, i fixed it!!!!, thank you so much, i couldnt remember how to get it to those 3 colours.
thanks again
Hi Iam unable to get the NVID ROM
I am unable to get the NVID ROM. The Rapidshare link that has been provided in the other thread is not working. Can some one tell where can i get the ROM.
collywog19 said:
i seen your post ...
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no problem mate.
..and yekanth i see what u mean about the dead links. i have the files on my computer at home but i'm posting from my prophet right now, so i can't upload. Try using the "pdaviet temp" from one of the wm6 threads?
Hi Iam able to update the Rom but no use
To mention my phone is from orange-UK. I got the orange rom from our FTP site and did the flashing/update what ever you say.But still it is getting stuck at the same IPL/SPL screen. Iam very much worried that I will not get a proper solution for my problem.It will be very grate full if some one resolve my problem.
just seems strange...how did you fix it last time? did it just start working again? A random guess would be that the camera button got liquid spilled on it or is stuck in.
If the camera button is pressed in the phone will go to 3 colour screen every time it is turned on.
It won't do any harm if you try to press/move that button to see if u can "unstick" it, not likely I think but u never know...

