GPRS - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

When I make a GPRS connection it never disconnects, if I browse a web page and then close IE and all other running apps the GPRS connection stays alive. I have to either hold the red button to disconnect to soft reset, Is there any way to get to to auto disconnect after a set time or is it supposed to do this and mine is just faulty.
It also happens with MMS, I send an MMS and it sends fine, but the GPRS connection stays on. You do not see the connection listed with'in the connections list, but you do have the arrows at the top to tell you your on a GRPS connection. If I make another GPRS call to the ISP then it hangs up the MMS connection and makes the connection to the ISP etc...
There is no option with'in the connection bubble to disconnect yet I have this option on my XDA1 which was updated to PPC2003. I can manually disconnect sessions using a disconnect option. But not on my new O2 XDAII running the latest ROM from O2.

To disconet manuley just tap and hold the o2 ikon then untick your conection. as to the timeout it is in there somewhere but i carnt rember off hand

Have you tried GB-Soft Tweak? It has settings to disconnect GPRS after a specified amount of inactive time.
My problem is somewhat different: When I use GPRS settings WITHOUT a proxy assigned, there is the bubble of GPRS connecting (with cancel) and when connected (in conjunction with GB Soft Tweak), there is a disconnect button.
But when I assign a proxy setting to the GPRS, these buttons disappears. In fact EVEN if it is connected to GPRS, when I tap on the radio icon, it stays in the state displaying as not connected (meaning there's STILL an option to connect to GPRS even if i'm already connected)
the only way to disconnect is the press and hold red button OR to use the disconnect button of my GPRS monitor (SPB)
I dunno if this is connected to GB Soft Tweak, or a bug in the OS on handling the radio.


Connecting to GPRS in WM5

In WM2003SE when i clicked on the Network icon, the little bubble that opened used to display any configured GPRS connections with a "connect" link.
To connect all i had to do was click on "connect" and it would connect to the GPRS network.
In WM5, even though I have a gprs connection set-up, there is no mention of it on that little bubble that opens up when i click on the connection icon.
Am i dong something wrong? is there some configuration step missing or is this feature just not supported in WM5?
Same behaviour on my device, I guess it's a bug.
But the connection actually works perfectly, you just need to enter in "connections", "manage existing connections", and then "connect" with your connection of choice.
A bit tricky, but it works.
Alternatively, there are softwares which monitor the GPRS traffic and also allow a more immediate connection.

Where is my GPRS Connection?? Disappeared...

Hello all
You all know that once we set our GPRS connection in our PPC's then it appears when we press the G button on the top of our Pocket PC's. If we want to turn it on manually we press the underlined link with its name and it connects OK? ok.
I have made the same settings in my qtek 9000, I have a valid GPRS Connection in my Internet Connection Settings that works. Even Pocket IE uses it to connect to the Internet.
But when I am in my Today Screen and just want to set it on, I press the G button and my connection is not there. So I cannot manually turn it on, unless I go to Connection - Settings and Choose Connect etc...
All I want is a way to make my GPRS Conenction appear when I press the G button Is there a registry way around it? Thank you all...
P.S. I know about the permanent GPRS on hack, but it wont do me any good. I have a limit of 40MB a month so I want to choose when to use it.

force GPRS/3G connection

Can anyone tell me how i can force a GPRS/3G connection. At present i am using Thunderhawk II to browse the internet from my M5000 but this application does not automatically open an internet connection using GPRS/3G when i am not using WiFi. I have to open PIE first before the device will connect to the internet and then open Thunderhawk. This is a pain. Any advice? Can anyone create a little Today app to do this?
......and unlike PPC 2003, WM5 does not allow you to open a data connection by tapping on the 'G' or 'U' symbols at the top of the screen. Why not??????
go into connections and locate the connection settings you are looking for, press and hold, tap connect.
Thanks for the reply but going through the following routine everytime i need to browse is hardly convenient:
Orange World: Manage existing connections
Orange GPRS Internet
Is there no way of achieving this from the Today screen?
connections, or use PIE as you have indicated.
Try PhoneAlarm to force GPRS connection
I seem to recall that PhoneAlarm has a route to forcing GPRS to connect. Certainly works with my Universal. It's not always shown on the available skins, but if I use HGS6VGA CAR skin file GPRS connection is forced by clicking on one of the displayed icons. Not sure of the code this icon click invokes, but it does launch GPRS on my device.

how to stop auto connection of my gprs?

my cellphone load gets suck out most of the time because it connects to the internet on its own, is there a setting/program that prompts me first if i want to connect to gprs...
many thanks
Your phone is most likely trying to connect to check your email. To prevent this happening, from your Inbox select Menu/Tools/Options. Click on your email account, press Next till you reach page 4 then Options. De-Select the box which says 'Connect and check for messages every:'
Hope this helps.
GPRS connection
I have a similar problem using exchange push email. I have established an Internet connection with WLan and checked that I can access my webmail (which is my Exchange mail). Despite this to update email the phone automatically connects GPRS - this is really annoying. I read once that this is set in the registry when one installs the operator customisations. Can anyone tell me how to change this?
this tool
can be set to auto disconnect gprs after x seconds/minuts
GB Soft Tweak
Thanks for the suggestion.
I tried this and it doesnt seem to fix the problem. Although I am not excactly clear on the settings.
I tried the Turn Off GPRS option with a 5 min setting, trued Search GPRS [G] on start radio and Search [G] on start GPRS connection.
With regards

GPRS connection doesn't work after being connected for a long time

I have a GPRS connection setup for with t-mobile using a proxy.
If I'm not connected it works great- I press send/recieve for my e-mail it connects and gets my messages just fine.
If I do it again 5 minites later also fine.
The problem is after a long time the connection is still active, but when I go to do a Send/Recieve-
I get an "unable to connect to the incoming mail server" message. All my other intenet apps also will not work. If I turn on flight mode and then turn it off (to disconnect from my GPRS connection) and then try the internet again- it will work fine.
I think what triggers this is going into an area with no service. The GPRS connection stays active- and when I try to use it (even when I'm back in an area with service) it won't work.
Any suggestions?

