Activesync Nightmare - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I've read about the nightmares that people have suffered with Activesync on various forums over the last few years but I have to say that having spent nearly 8 hours today trying to get my XDA II to connect to my PC and seeing absolutely no progress I am feeling somewhat of a martyr.
I can't connect at all to my PC. I have installed and un-installed 3.7.1 several times, I have tried 3 different computers. I have tried to use Activesync with my iPAQ 540 and it works fine. But not so with my XDA II.
I don't have the new ROM upgrade on and I guess unless I can get a connection I won't be able to upgrade the operating system.
I've tried old versions of Activesync 3.5 for instance and that didn't work either.
I have cold booted, warm booted, cleaned out the storage area, wiped the XDA as much as possible, restored from backup and nothing.
One clue which makes me think that the problem is definitely at the XDA II end, I have a Tom Tom GPS in my car. When I connect to the XDA a message normally pops up to say that Activesync is connecting on the serial port. Since Activesync has stopped working this message doesn't pop up but the GPS is still working.
Are there any heroes out there who may have a clue on this. I suspect that something has either been corrupted in the ROM or I have somehow inadvertantly deleted some essential files without knowing it.
I have a 512Mb SD card I can use if there is a way tu upgrade the ROM with SD and I have the backpack and a Compact Flash card I could use.
Any suggestions? Please!!!

Confirming that you bought this device new and have never been able to connect to your PC? If so I suspect its a hardware issues and a return is in oder!

thanks for the thought, but no I have had it for several months and it has workewd fine until today. Everything is working fine except the ability to run activesync

Try restoring
I had the same problem like you few days ago. It was due to some s/w which was installed and later removed.
Try this; Restore your pc to a date before this, hard reset your unit. From there, it should be able to connect and sync. If not, re-install active sync again.
Hope this helps.

I'm having similar problems with mine - it's my second as I returned the first becasue of battery probs - both were a nightmare to get working - one thing that helped was to re-install Outlook as supplied on the XDA CD - it's the same version as I had but it worked once I'd done this.
Now I've lost the ability to sync via IR - I'll try the cradle this evening and hope for the best - bummer - couldn't get Bluetooth to work for synching either - how many hours am I going to waste on this one....?
The original XDA was a breeze compared to this....


Weird problem with JAM and ActiveSync

I own 128 MB JAM since March 2005 and use it with T-Mobile USA.
In May I installed 1.11.00 WWE upgrade. I had it synchronized with my desktop and laptop and it worked fine for me.
Last week I was on the Business trip and used the JAM only as a phone and a PDA.
When I've got back home I tried to synchronize and charge it as usual.
Synchronization started, but after 25-30 secs it gave me a message within the ActiveSync window "Connected. Synchronization error" and then immediately after that it changed to "Not connected".
I tried again - same result.
Next I tried to synchronize it with my laptop - same story.
After all I tried to delete partnerships and create new - no result. I am able though to connect as a guest.
At that point I decided to try the hard reset. By coincidence that same day I saw the news that ROM 1.13.00 WWE became available. I successfully installed it and tried to ActiveSync without installing the back-up then - no luck, same problem.
As well I'd like to mention that I have HP iPAQ 2215 and I can synchronize it with both computers without any problems.
So it looks like something is wrong with the JAM.
I hope you guys can help me to fix this problem...
Had this problem also but my hard reset solved it. Have you tried re-installing Activesync? You may also want to take a look under C:\Documents and Settings\{Your Desktop}\Application Data\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Profiles to check if indeed the profile data was deleted properly. Goodluck!
Yes, I did hard reset, uninstalled the ActiveSync, erased all files in the 'Profiles' folder, disconnnected the cable, rebooted the desktop, downloaded the latest version of AS from the MS website, lnstalled it.
Then installed the AS, connected the cable, and tryed to establish the partnership.
SAME negative result.
It created the partnership and wright after it said 'Connected. Synchronization error' and immediately droped connection.
I am puzzled here...
I'm stumped! Usually a HR solves this for me... Have you tried a Bluetooth sync (this may be a temp workaround til you find the solution) have you tried using a diff USB port and/or cable to sync your device?
Thanks for your help.
No, I did not try the bluetooth sync yet, but I definitely know that it is my JAM's problem now.
This morning I installed the latest version of ActiveSync available on the MS website on my daughter's PC. ActiveSync was never installed there before.
Then I tried to sync the JAM - same problem as I described in the previous posts. Right after that I paired my HP 2215 and no problem. It work as it supposed to.
It is a real mistery cause between the last time I was able to syncronize the JAM and the time the problem occure I did not install any software, did not pair it with any other PC... I only used it as a phone and a PDA on the trip.
The only what I noticed is that all of a sudden it started to freeze after every 10 -15 min of use. But now after I flashed the ROM to 1.13.00 it works normally except for the syncing problem.
Any other ideas how I can fix it?
I would really appreciate your help...
I'd suggest the Bluetooth sync and maybe taking it (your device) for service.

Newer version ActiveSync 4.1? Fact or Fiction?

Hi all. Heard there's a newer version of ActiveSync on another thread. namely Activesync 4.1. Can anyone give any feedback confirming this (although I think it's still in Beta stage). If so, isn't it worth a try given the problems encountered on the Universal using just Activesync 4.0.
Someone must know!
Here's the link:
Well I have it installed and I don't see anything different. Probably bug fixes. Won't harm to upgrade.
i have 4.1 running, dont know if its connected to the activesync on universal always restarting but i can only sync with pc if i have the universal powered off, then when plugging it in i see the orange power led kick in, 10secs ish later active sync will start,
if i plug in when switched on i get a error bubble on pc saying i have a malfunctioning device, power off and plug back in, wait a bit, i have a working syncing device. wierd!!!!
i only got usb1 on this lappy and my other has 2.0 had same problem, so i dont think its a usb problem
no bugs on my side
i installed 4.1, and it works like a charm on both pda2k and universal
mikeycollins13 said:
It took a while to work out, but here it is: Skype works fine as long Activesync is not on. In the old machines, AS would kick in and appear in the memory only after you sync'd. Here it comes up automatically, whether you sync or not. In fact, you should see Active sync running in the background virtually always.
Clicking on the memory you'll see its always on, you press stop, and Skype works for 5-10 minutes, until AS turns tiself back on.
Any fixes for this in the registry?
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Great stuff Nabil! Now, can someone please check if there are still issues with ActiveSync causing problems with Skype? I would do it, but I don't have my Universal yet! Waiting on the MDA Pro or Exec.
I'm not entirely happy that Activesync is workig the way it was intended & as I was unable to get this confirmed from several forum members, I ventured out of Xda to seek confirmation of my doubts.
I ended up reading a review of the new Dell Axim X51v Pocket PC, which as you may or may not know, uses WM 5.0 (but less the phone side of things). Not exactly to my surprise, i found that even in non-phone PPC devices, Active sync is a bit of a cause for concern!
Read here: Review of Dell Axim x51v PPC (WM 5.0)
Windows Mobile 5: Not All is Golden
I won't delve too much into Windows Mobile 5 in this review, since I'm focusing on the X51v itself, but I found Windows Mobile 5 very painful in two ways when I was setting up and using the X51v. First, after a hard reset I connected the X51v to my PC and set up a new partnership. ActiveSync 4.0 has a different partnership wizard if you have a Windows Mobile 5 device, and it's quite intuitive. I entered my hosted Exchange account information, then watched as basically nothing happened. The X51v synchronized with my desktop PC, but coughed up an 0x85020006 error when the device tried to sync with the Exchange server. ActiveSync 4.0 removes the option for Internet passthrough - I assumed that meant it was automatic, but after fighting with Connection Manager on the X51v for 15 minutes I gave up and disconnected. I turned on WiFi, and the X51v saw my access point - I entered my WEP key, started ActiveSync, and clicked sync. It worked! Within a few minutes I had all my data on the X51v - but why wouldn't the synchronization work in the cradle? I have no idea, but it's a serious problem.
Later, I wanted to see if a particular ActiveSync bug had been fixed: I've always had the problem where, after a backup and restore, the Pocket PC has been unable to synchronize against the Exchange server again. Only a hard reset would allow the Pocket PC to sync again. On the X51v, I did a backup using the included application, then hard reset and a restore. I restore the device, then after a soft reset I noticed the date was wrong. No matter, I fixed it and started a sync session. Much to my delight, the sync actually started, which is sometime that wouldn't have happened under Windows Mobile 2003SE.
My delight turned to disbelief, then anger as I saw what ActiveSync was doing: it duplicated 900 contacts, 50 emails, and 6 months worth of appointments! No warning, no "Replace, Remove, or Combine" dialogue box, simply a duplication. It will take me hours to fix this manually, unless I can find a tool to remove duplicates. I have memories of such a tool, but at this point I haven't had time to track one down. Any suggestions for one that will work with Outlook 2003 and an Exchange server? I'm unsure as to whether this is a problem with Dell's backup application, or with ActiveSync. The bottom line is that in this instance Exchange ActiveSync remains broken after a restore - and I'd rather have it break completely then duplicate all my data, so from my point of view it's actually gotten worse. I didn't think that was even possible!
Suffice it to say that while Windows Mobile 5 brings with it several key advantages - persistent storage is amazingly helpful - my experience with it so far has been mixed (WMP 10 Mobile retains its horrible library functions), and I have no shortage of feedback for Microsoft at the MVP Summit coming up in a few weeks. Windows Mobile 5 feels like one step forward and two sideways.
End of this part of the review. Full Review here:,43092&start=2
What do you guys think? I think quite a few problems Universal owners are experiencing will dissapear once MS fix their ActivShite application!

Activesync 4.1 USB K-Jam Connecting Issues

Have had K-Jam for about a month now. ROM up to date (pending new ROM in next few weeks I believe). Activesync 4.1 installed on WinXPSP2, running Norton Internet Security 2006 (incl firewall etc) on a Vaio Laptop. Out of box the K-Jam synchronised easily and quickly to Outlook through USB, never had any connectivity issues. Synching also worked fine through Bluetooth which I tried only as a test as charging and synching all day was useful at my desk and stopped my speakers making a racket every time the GPRS kicked in to download my email (every 15 mins * 2 accounts). Everything was working perfectly, I was a very happy man and I have to say I am very happy indeed with the K-Jam other than occasional performance issues (bad button/touch screen lag occasionally).
Firstly, I was hugely disappointed with Activesync 4.1 which seems a big step backwards not least through the loss of useful features such as Backup/Restore. It seems like a nasty cheap alternative to the older Activesync 3.8 which I used happily with my Ipaq for over a year. Nevermind - I bought my own backup software spBackup which runs every night and backs up onto my sd card - a nice feature for when I am travelling without laptop and need to cold boot and restore (something that always worried me with Backup/Restore being based on my PC with AS3.8).
Secondly, the K-Jam hung on an incoming phonecall and the soft reset button would not work. Thank god for spBackup I thought, so did a hard reboot and ran the spBackup executable on the storage card. On restore, the K-Jam looked fine, everything was back to the state it was in at 3am that morning.
Now, when I plug the USB cable between K-Jam and laptop, Activesync just sits saying "Connecting" with the spinning circle green and never gets any further. I can hear windows detect the device, and the first time I connected it it installed "Generic RDIS device" plus whatever other bits and bobs - so the device is clearly connecting. Activesync just never gets any further than "Connecting". I have searched high and low, but there is nothing other than advice re Windows Firewall (my Norton Firewall for instance). I went to the extent of removing the firewall etc, and have got to the stage that I can confirm that it is not a firewall issue. If I try to get a connection from activesync from the K-Jam, the activesync on the device flashes momentarily and is then in the disconnected stage again. I removed all partnerships from both devices, tried again - no joy. I then tried to synchronise with Bluetooth - Success!
Therefore all is not lost, I can connect with Bluetooth. But it is irritating not being able to connect via USB. My suspicion is that I am going to have to hard reset and reinstall everything once more - but before I go that route does anyone have any advice that may be able to help me?
Try this:
Sounds like exactly the same problem I had. Worth a go, anyway.
Silentz said:
Try this:
Sounds like exactly the same problem I had. Worth a go, anyway.
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Had a go. No joy unfortunately.
Looking through the forum there are a lot of issues with AS4.1 which fills me with dread...
I'll keep googling and hoping someone else has resolved this issue.

ActiveSync cannot be completed successfully...

Sorry in advance for another AS issue. However, search as I may, I couldn't loacte anything like this...
Anyhow, my T-mobile MDA (US) has about driven me nuts with this issue. I was able to sync successfully a few times. However, now when I plug in the MDA via USB (direct, not through any hub), it will connect but when the device starts to sync, I get the following error from ActiveSync:
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync troubleshooter in Microsoft ActiveSync help on your desktop computer".
I've uninstalled activesync, deleted all registry entries, reinstalled, ensured proper firewall configuration, changed com ports, disabled my internal WLAN card and BT card...and nothing. Short of a hard-reset, I am at a total loss.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any work-arounds?
try to install everything again and don't plug it on the usb hub...coz power is not sufficient on a usb hub .. just try.
I'm getting the same error exactly on my Cingular 8125. plugged into pc directly via USB, tried reinstalling AS several times to no avail. Please help. I don't want to have to hard reset. :? Thanks
As I mentioned in my OP, there is no USB hub involved in my setup. This is a direct USB connection from my PC to the MDA.
hehehe.. Are you syncing via the cradle or a hotsync cable ?. Sometimes if the cable is also charging, the connection is not sucessfull until it's fully charge and the top light is green.
I've had this problem myself before now.
Rockshow...are you also running SPB Weather?
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
Do you use a firewall (Windows XP or other one)
If so, check this out.
It worked for me!
I'm also facing the same problem with my tmobile-mda(us). I had spbplus but after this problem, uninstalled it. but the problem still exists.. any help ?
i noticed 2 things with my sync problems which are now resolved. one problem was with softick card export, it was causing some errors which were gone when i uninstalleed it. but then had another problem, it would disconnect while syncing randomly. i found out that my cable was damaged(some dirt was in the connector which thankfully ruined the cable and not the phone part) also when u first connect ur device it shows that network connection in the taskbar with the bouncing yellow ball. if u right click it and click on repair that helps some time.
RoCkShOw said:
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
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What's the significance of PSB Weather? I've had sync problems, some days it works some days it doesn't. I can cope with that, but sometimes SPB weather doesn't update it self for days, which is a bit of a pain!
Incidentally I recently hard-reset my device, reinstalled SPB Weather and can nolonger select the option of syncing from, which limits my choic of available cities. Any ideas?
RoCkShOw said:
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
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What's the significance of PSB Weather? I've had sync problems, some days it works some days it doesn't. I can cope with that, but sometimes SPB weather doesn't update it self for days, which is a bit of a pain!
Incidentally I recently hard-reset my device, reinstalled SPB Weather and can nolonger select the option of syncing from, which limits my choic of available cities. Any ideas?
Try killing and restarting activesync on the phone. I've only had that problem once and that sorted it.
I had the same problem.
Found out it was my virus protection (TrendMicro PC-Cillin) When I disable my virus protection it syncs, otherwise it only connects and then gives the error you described.
I had the exact same problem untill a few minutes ago when I did a hard reset. I back up my all my data using Sprite but when I restored it gave me the same error message. I gave up and did another hard resetjavascript:emoticon(':x')
Mad. Right now I'm reinstalling all my programs. I would love to know how to fix this without a hard reset just in case it happens again....javascript:emoticon('')
Crying or Very sad
Having here the same problem. Still looking for a solution... ANYBODY??
fadewiles said:
Sorry in advance for another AS issue. However, search as I may, I couldn't loacte anything like this...
Anyhow, my T-mobile MDA (US) has about driven me nuts with this issue. I was able to sync successfully a few times. However, now when I plug in the MDA via USB (direct, not through any hub), it will connect but when the device starts to sync, I get the following error from ActiveSync:
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync troubleshooter in Microsoft ActiveSync help on your desktop computer".
I've uninstalled activesync, deleted all registry entries, reinstalled, ensured proper firewall configuration, changed com ports, disabled my internal WLAN card and BT card...and nothing. Short of a hard-reset, I am at a total loss.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any work-arounds?
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I had the same error today. But luckely i was only using ActiveSync 4.0, so i just updated to version 4.2 (I had to because of the new rom upgrade). I haven't had the problem since. But i have only tried it once... so i donno.
same problems with my Neo today.
Funny thing is that I could sync for 3 days then it suddenly stops. USB is recognized but then the "connecting" sign is just on and on and on.
I've tried all the methods from Microsoft web and from you guys in this forum but hopeless. (except for Re-install XP sp2)
Still searching the solution
same problems with my Neo today.
Funny thing is that I could sync for 3 days then it suddenly stops. USB is recognized but then the "connecting" sign is just on and on and on.
I've tried all the methods from Microsoft web and from you guys in this forum but hopeless. (except for Re-install XP sp2)
Still searching the solution
I seem to be having the same problem. It connects, then just hangs at "Looking for Changes." It doesn't even load up the list of things that it normally used to showing what it's comparing to sycn up. It was working FINE until just now....I've resetted the PDA, and my comp a few times already, and I even allowed all those ports access in both directions, both TCP and UDP through Norton Firewall...I'm completely at a loss....Any ideas?

TouchHD will not connect to Activesync under XP

Hi All,
failry new memeber when it comes to posting but have been using you guys as an essential source of bugfixing, problem solving and general HTC MDA advice since my TYTN.
I have spent sometime searching but not been able to find anyone with an issue similar to mine.
So heres the thing, recently exchanged my TYTN for a TouchHD and overall extremely impressed with both the handset and dev work done on here already.
I am running Dutty's 1.7 rom coupled with Radio ROM all has been working and syncing wonderfully, however today when i try to sync up to my laptop to upgrade the radio to i cannot get the darn thing to connect to activesync at all.
I am running XP SP3 and activesync 4.5 (again successfully until today)
I am using a non HTC USB lead which i know is generally a no no, however i sync'd up my kaiser with this lead for over a year and have been successfuly syncing my HD until today. I have tried an alterante USB lead just in case, again one with which i had no issue on the Kaiser.
I have tried to sync with the firewall on and off, also with my AntiVirus on and off
I have tried disabling Start_settings_USB-PC "enable faster data sync" to no avail.
I have tried the cusomary uninstall and reinstall of a fresh MS downloaded Activesync again no joy.
When I connect my HD to the pc and select connection type "Disk Drive" it recognises it instantly and allows me to browse the microSD card
When i connect with connection type "ActiveSync" it opens activesync, and displays connecting for smoe time and then decides it can't connect and offers me a diagnostic scan.
I have run the scan and saved the log file for information.
so basically the laptop can see my HD, activesync recognises a device has been connected via USB but refuses to finalise the connection. Oh obviously i have tried the "connect all using the connection" setting in activesyn on the HD as well. Figure the more i can tell you about what i have and havent done now the more time it saves you guys.
Its almost as if a process or service has been stopped or deleted on the device but i am buggered if i can figure if or what that maybe.
Any help appreciated guys. Obviosuly i will as a matter of course re-attempt all the above with the official HTC USB cable when i get home, but honestly dont see this being the issue considering the history of effectiveness of these cables.
I look forward to a flurry of interesting responses for me to try. Big thanks to all those who have made my WM PDA experience spot on to date.
Update as promised.
Have got home and tried to connect using the HTC cable but still no joy.....
What could possible have gone wrong ?
No one any ideas ??
I got a very similar issue, after some investigation I found out that it was my calendar causing this strange connection behavior.
Please do the following test,
1. delete your phone in active sync
2. reconnect your phone with the PC using the USB cable
3. When it asks for the synchronizing options (by default contacts, calendar,E-mail, favorites & M office one Note are ticked), REMOVE the tick of the calendar.
4. After finishing the setup wizard the synchronizing process will run as expected
So in my case I'm having trouble with the calendar, why ? I don't know but maybe someone else might have an explanation.
Good Luck
I encountered similar problems with ActiveSync previously but it was solved not via a soft/hard reset of my HD, but after I reboot my PC. Hope this can help you.
Note: I rarely shutdown or restart my laptop. I simply leave it to hibernate.
Reset HD Touch to get syn again.
One day could sync next day could not.
In the end did soft reset of phone all OK now.
Think the problem is I took a photo and it took ages to save it?
Thinking of put small hole in case so I can do a soft reset without the pain of unclipping cover. Any thoughts.

