Need help finding 2003 update for TMobile Siemens Pocket PC - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I cannot find the T-Mobile Pocket PC 2003 Windows update ANYWHERE! T-Mobile had it for a while, but discontinued it, so no one can get the new upgrades anymore. Does anyone know how I can get the 2003 software upgrade? I've been to Siemens and cannot find the model, SX56, on any of their downloads. I've been to Windows & they say that you can't get it from them, that you have to get it from your service provider. AUGH!!! I just want ot update my phone. Can anyone help me?

The Siemens site is posted in this thread:
But it loks like they have removed the link to download it.
You can get a WM2003 Version at

Neither of those links worked for me. I'm trying to upgrade from ROM version 3.14.40 ENG, radio version 6.18. I don't speak the language on those web sites, but the one that had some English didn't have an upgrade from this ROM version. Can anyone else help me?

official Siemens WM2003 upgrade,00.html


Putting T-Mobile Software on AT&T SX56

I recently purchased an AT&T SX56 and had it unlocked so that I can use it with T-Mobile service. It works great but it still has the old AT&T software on it Pocket PC 2002. I would like to upgrade to PPC 2003 which is available on the T-Mobile site, but I am concerned that flashing the device with T-mobile software will kill it. Has anyone had an experience with this? Will it work?? I can d-load the PPC 2003 from siemens for AT&T but I would rather have T-mobile.
Download it but only flash the ce rom part of it, dont flash the radio if you have a good working phone already, there is nothing there to damage your phone, people on this site have used roms from everywhere without problems, it is better to use the sd method for flashing using xdatools.
I tried the t mobile upgrade
but it told me my rom version was not compatible and aborted the upgrade. I have an att sx-56 that I unlocked by loading the special rom 3.17 ENG. So I'm running on that rom until I spot the next plan on here.
This rom is cool but can anyone tell me how to get the buttons to work when the phone is off again? Also the calendar language is not english any idea on where to set that?
Thanks love this site and the great people on here!
Use the kitchen at to cook a TMO 4.01.16 ROM and use the SD card method to over come the version verification.
Finished... for now anyway
Did as suggested above and then used t-mobile released version to upgrade radio... Now have the official t-mobile version of OS ROM and Radio. I miss the old special edition rom already!
Thanks everyone!

Want: "Official" SX56 / ATT (US) 2003 PPC upgrade

Does anyone have the **&official** (last) version of the 2003 AT&T (US) upgrade that used to be at the Siemens site before they yanked it down this month? I thought I had already grabbed it, but I can find it now.
I've got a Kitchen version on my SX56 right now, but after having some other issues with GRPS, I've been through a few AT&T escalations. Even though it should be irrelevant, at this point, I figure I should get the "official" ROM on this before they figure out its a "hacked" version and cut me off.
I can provide an FTP upload location if needed. Otherwise you can PM me, or email [email protected]
Thanks so much

Which ROM upgrade should I apply? Please help!

I just received my SX56 two days ago. I have T-Mobile USA service. I'm trying to figure out the Windows Mobile 2003 upgrades and all that. I found the ROM cook site. So, from what I understand, I can cook the ROM from the site, download it and run it to upgrade my SX56, right? I will not need to do anything else. Everything's included in the ROM downloaded from the site? Also, what version should I update to? A.30.09 or 4.01.16 or something else? Please help!
Also, is there a way to have Bluetooth enabled in SX56 or is it a hardware restriction?
Thank you.
for now i would stick with what you got
and no a rom change could not make it do bluetooth
not even make it work with sdIo Bluetooth cards
I have used PPC2003 before and I have bought few applications that only work with Windows Mobile 2003. That's the reason why I want to upgrade SX56 to 2003. Could someone please guide me to the correct version number for T-Mobile? Thank you.
The 4.01.16 is quite good and stable. (does not have the audio bug).
Ps: There's also the SD Erasure!!! buggy WM2003

Upgrading 101 ...

Hello there!
I need help understanding how upgrading works from ppc2002 to wm2k3. Is RUU and RSU related? I mean when you upgrade your RUU, do you automatically upgrade your RSU? Also, I have a Siemens SX56, but for some reason, Siemens is not giving the upgrade anymore. Is there any other place I can get that upgrade, or I can use any other phone upgrade? Also, this Kitchen Rom thing'e has been making me curious. Just wanna know what that is? If you guys can answer these questions for me, I will be very appreciated by me and by others who read this thread :mrgreen:
RUU and RSU can be upgrade through one exe file from the operators but it's NOT recommended to touch the RSU as long as it's working.
You can cook your own ROM here
Got It!
Thanx for your help! Really Appreciate it! I have cooked my SX-56 with A.30.09 ENG. It works perfect with no errors and no memory leaks. I'm Lovin' It! I like the newer version!
congratulations!! ... when you don't like the sound bug in A30.09 .. try 4.01.16
Actually the Tmobile 4.01.16 rom came out to be better than the AT&T A30.09 rom. I actually have a Siemens SX56 that AT&T sells but my service is from T-Mobile. Before what ever Rom I had, Internet Explorer and MSN Messenger never worked with my T-Mobile Wap Service. But after installing the T-Mobile rom, both the internet explorer and msn messenger are working. The speed is kind of slow but they work. :lol:

AT&T SX56 WM2003 Upgrade

If anyone needs the WM2003 upgrade for the Siemens SX56 via AT&T Wireless, feel free to download it from my website. I found it last week and placed it on my site.
Have fun! 8)
WM 2003
Where did you find this?
The links aren't working! Do you have another one!?

