Phone actions while docked - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Does anybody know either, a way or a program, that will let you an assign an action that will happen on your PC when something happens on your XDA when docked. Examples of this -
Play MP3 from pc when ringing
On screen(PC) notification of SMS
I always dock my phone when I'm at home to charge and then miss a stack of calls and SMS because I'm not always near my phone and forget to check it.
I use my PC as a media centre and therefore would like to interupt movies, music ,etc when it rings and also if next time I go to pc it tells me I have a unread sms that would be very useful too.
I've searched and searched for something with this facility but cannot find even if you don't know of something but think it's good idea then post a reply and maybe a developer browsing these forums my see the interest and take the project on

Its a good idea to have such a program. I've searched the net also, but didn't find any program to do so!!
Try to search the PPC SDK, am sure there are some APIs to do back-communications with the PC.


Apps reading incoming SMS?

I would like to know if there is an application that can read incoming SMS.
don't find any...
did u try fonix ispeak?
i tryed but i hate that.
however i need an app that read directly when i receive the in car
I use SmsCool from
SMS Cool is used to read SMS from your PC. These people are after a POCKET PC based software that reads SMS on the Pocket PC itself! No?
yes i'm searching for a ppc application
yeah, would be nice if sms popped up automatically

Am i stupid?

Hella all
First post
Got my HD love the Phone, but i have a slight problem, when i recieve Files via Bluetooth/Beam they dissapear into the abyss, i cannot find them anywhere, i have tried the search programme and traweld through every directory on my phone what if anything am i doing wrong?
/Documents maybe ?
You are lucky to start ur WM experience with a device like HD
Nothing in /documents, i tried again today, wrote down the file name before it was sent so i couldn`t go wrong, did a search for the file, nothing found, its driving me mad
If you're using a programme like 'obex inbox' which lets you specify where to receive bluetooth files and if by chance you haven't configured it or configured it to receive files to 'My Device', then I believe you'll get the kind of behaviour you're describing. So, to check if you have obex inbox installed check in settings\connections and also in programs if it is there, and if it is, change the directory for receiving files.
Hopefully this should provide you some clue as to what might be going wrong...
Good Luck
Try /FTP in the storagecard. And to check if your phone received try sending an mp3 file then go to Music and click on Library > All Songs and your phone should search for every mp3 file. If the file couldn't be found there, then that means your phone failed to receive it!
Try DrYar bluetooth. It works much better, lets you specify incoming directory, and it installs an icon on main screen for quick bluetooth on/off . I had a lot of problems on my Hermes with default bluetooth also, and this is just so much better.
DrYar bluetooth
very quick silly question, cos i had a friend with the same issue.
When you are recieving the beam, you get the icon at the top. and when it has finished beaming, it is not yet saved, so you cannot access it. Now normally you should get a notification that you have received a file and ask you if you want to save it.
If the notification does not appear, tap the beam icon at the top and then it should.
tap yes and then it should appear in my documents or the folder you set in bluetooth FTP.
If it's not that, sorry for being daft, but you'd be amazed how many times i've been asked that on various different HTC phones...!

Texting with my phone on my computer?

I was wondering if anyone knows of any program's and/or methods to right text messages from my computer VIA my HTC TD2 to people. So when i come home i simply plug it into my computer with a USB cable and then write messages from my PC-keyboard.
I did a search but it came up empty, perhaps i was searching with the wrong words.
Thanks in advance!
Try MyMobiler
my moto ming 2100 came with motorola tools which had this has a feature. I was able to sync the phone to the computer and while sitting at my desktop or laptop I am able to get notification of new messages and reply back to them all via my comp's screen. this is a really nice feature which windows should capitalize on seeing as though it is a really nice feature to have. I was also able to review all texts via the screen as well
Hi, and thanks! It's a bit laggy when navigating around. But it seems stable and good enough. If anyone has some other idea's im all open!

GChat on desktop with phone nearby

Has anyone cracked the code on when Google chat on the phone ignores desktop chat and when it doesn't? I have seen that sometimes when I chat with my friends on my desktop, sometimes my phone beeps for every line entered by the other party and sometimes it doesn't. I think in a perfect world, the phone should beep for the "first" line of text, and if I answer on the desktop, it should ignore the rest (but still record them for posterity). And if I answer on the phone, perhaps it should just haptic vibrate for each line of text received after the "first". I say "first" in quotes because I imagine that would be difficult to manage pragmatically. When is it the first chat of a new "session", and when is it just a delay in between chat lines of the same session? Maybe a customizable interval, like say five minutes. If no text is received within five minutes then it is a new session, so beep on the first line?
Lat night I was chatting with a friend (I was on the desktop) and every time he sent something, my phone would beep. Not the best solution in my opinion.
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop.
If you click in on the area like you were going to type a message and leave your cursor there, when your friends send messages they don't seem to get sent to the phone. On the other hand, even if you have gchat open on your desktop and you say use a different program or are on a different tab in your browser, then your phone will receive the messages.
At least this is my experience. I think this is the correct behavior as you don't need to get messages in two places when you are actively chatting.
From my experience I use Gchat on my pc everyday when i am at work and I have my phone on my desk near by. When a friend of mine messages me it hits both for the first message, but if i answer on my desktop, it does not hit my phone ever until I sign off of gchat on my pc. Even if it is not focused on the gchat window. I am however using Trillian for my gchat, not sure what you all are using.
DLarva said:
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop.
If you click in on the area like you were going to type a message and leave your cursor there, when your friends send messages they don't seem to get sent to the phone. On the other hand, even if you have gchat open on your desktop and you say use a different program or are on a different tab in your browser, then your phone will receive the messages.
At least this is my experience. I think this is the correct behavior as you don't need to get messages in two places when you are actively chatting.
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This is what happens for me as well. Messages go to my phone on the first IM or if I don't have that window active on my desktop.
I am using the built-into-gmail-dot-com google chat. This has definitely happened to me several times before. Last night it happened again. The entire conversation I had with my friend, every time I received a message on my desktop, my phone also beeped. Other times it worked like it was supposed to (beeped the first time and that was it.)
I will see if I can get my wife to help me troubleshoot tonight.
perhaps a topic for a different thread...
I found the chat behavior to be exactly the way DLarva stated:
DLarva said:
From what I can tell, your phone will receive the message when you do not have the gchat window active on your desktop....
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My question (perhaps a dumb one ) is how/where to turn off the notification that you got a chat all together?
I don't want any notification of a chat receipt while I am on the phone.
Any help?
Try (within setting of google talk) turn off notification bar, no vibrate, and set ringtone to silent.
That might approximate no notification.
etaChase said:
I found the chat behavior to be exactly the way DLarva stated:
My question (perhaps a dumb one ) is how/where to turn off the notification that you got a chat all together?
I don't want any notification of a chat receipt while I am on the phone.
Any help?
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Click to collapse
thanks for that - have tried to "approximate" no notification, and that's all well and good. . . but not the same as turning it off.
I have looked around in my mobile settings in the google account but can't find it (thought it might be similar to turning on/off notification of appointments in the calendar)...
might just be missing it, but this seems like fairly simple feature. I am nearing feeling ready to root my phone and thought maybe this would be a feature that was only available after doing that. It would have been the final encouragement I need to take that (admittedly not very big) plunge!
I have a rooted Nexus One (CM6 with KOR) and that is as close as I can get to turning them off (that I can find anyway).
This was happening to me, too (when I used Gtalk on the PC, the phone sitting on my desk would sound the alert, with every chat message I rec'd) -- so I just manually signed out of Gtalk on the phone, and it stopped happening. I mostly use Gtalk on desktop anyway. (Though when I check "running processes" on the Vibrant, I see Gtalk always seems to be running -- must start up automatically -- even though I'm signed out...)
exactly Pevvy -
but signing out of Gmail kinda defeats the purpose of having the phone constantly synched. Guess the same argument could be made as to why you want chats saved/synched... anyhoo - I just don't want chat on my vibrant, period. I don't want them saved (so transcription is turned off in gChat on the desktop) and I would never chat from the phone. OK, never say never, but I would rather have to enable that, rather than always having it running using resources.
When I root that would a fun thing to explore to see if it can be deactivated through some custom start-up (so it doesn't show as a running service - I see the same thing) and only starts if I manually start it.
That said, if it is server side associated with the google account (its a hosted domain and that may further change things...) it may not be able to adjust even with root. Interest how this shows the blending/blurring between the net and the synch to the phone - and should data and synch be more push or pull.
Oh, I didn't sign out of Gmail on my phone -- just Gtalk (the chat service)... seems it was keeping me signed in automatically before, and I had to go into the app, and manually sign out.

[Q] Touchscreen broken. How to backup phonenumbers and sms messages

The touchscreen of the HD2 of my girlfriend died today. There is no way to interact with it and because she pulled out the battery she can't connect because we can't enter the pin number. Now she wants all the phonenumbers and sms messages from her phone, but i cant find them using windows mobile device center. I've looked around and found some references to the programs MyMobiler en Everywan.
MyMobiler installs on the computer, but thats it. No connection, no clone screen nothing. As said in one topic it's probably because there's some interaction needed on the phone itself for it to install properly.
Everywan is nowhere to be found. I always get redirected to the zenprise page which offers an trial for what you need to enter a lot of information hoping they will contact for a trial version... No go at that.
Is there any other way to get the sms messages and phone numbers from her phone?
Has she used the Microsoft My Phone app lately? If so her contacts ant SMS are accessible at If she has not then maybe someone else here has another seggestion. Even if it has not been resent sense she synced here phone with Microsoft My Phone what ever was on her phone the last time she did sync will be there.

