Change Internet Explorer font?? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

How can I change the internet explorer font??
I have fonts that used by thunderhawk browser...

try searching thru the registry or get some tweaking softwares

hi, does any body know how to change the font on PIE, i dont know what i did and all of a sudden i have a horrible font almost impossible to read. i already looked up on GOOGLE and used the search button but it came up with this thread but no one has answered yet. I appreciate anyone willing to answer. Thanks.


Browse computer files through hermes ???

Sorry in advance if this question has been previously posted, i have been trying to search for an answer but no luck, i used search and i read the heading of almost every post in this website....
Well anyway I am trying to browse my homes wireless network shared folders throught my hermes, model dopod 838 pro bought in australia with 3 hutchingson, settings.
I love my phone but it have been exploring it for weeks now trying to see how i would do this, but cant find anything, there are a lot of networking stuff available in the phone which i dont understand so maybe i missed the spot???
I was thinking though that if i was able to do this, it would be through file explorer.
anyone can point me in the rght direction ?
Thank you in advance.
AFAIK, the hermes cannot do this 'out of the box'. If you install Resco file Explorer it does have this capability though.
Thank you for such a quick response, i am looking at it now.
will post and lt you know how i go.
does anyone know how to do this over a vpn? resco doesn't seem to work
Any other programs ?
i have installed resco suite and am using it now... but it is not free, the price isnt that much really but before i buy anything i would like to know if there are any others which wuld do the job that i can trial ??? also a little bit lighter ???

BB Sans Serif font for mogul

Hey folks-
I have a question for some of the more advanced geekers here. I love the blackberry sans serif font, do you guys know of anyway to change the moguls font to this? Or maybe of a program that allows you to switch fonts? Any help would be appreciated. Ive searched High and low for an answer but cant find a resolution.
Try this:
hey..thanks alot buddy- i can usually figure things out myself..and thats crazy i did a search for "fonts" in the titan thread and it returned nothing. Hmm. Whatever thanks alot buddy
Sure thing...

internet explorer homepage

hey all,
im a total noob so i apologise now
just recently installed a new rom on my diamond.
the home page for internet explorer changed but i want my original one back but it doesnt exist anymore.
the original one was one with the favourites listed as part of the web page with the internet explorer logo above it. it has featured in many roms on my old phone.
does anyone know what im actually on about; or know where i can get or how i get it back now its disappeared off my new rom?
thanks for all the help

Live search

I have read somewhere in this forum, that there is a registry tweak to change the settings of the windows live search bar today plugin to open Opera instead of IE.
I have searched everywhere in the forum but cant find it again, I only found how to change the search engine to Google.... Can anybody help me?
Your help is very much appreciated

Live Search

I have read somewhere in this forum, that there is a registry tweak to change the settings of the windows live search bar today plugin to open Opera instead of IE.
I have searched everywhere in the forum but cant find it again, I only found how to change the search engine to Google.... Can anybody help me?
Your help is very much appreciated
Edit: Bump

