Problem with backing-up - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I have just started backing up via Activesync, and set it as an automatic back-up to occur each time i synchronise my data. It worked OK the first few times, and was quite quick, whizzing through more or less as quickly as synchronisation.
However, I changed some of my USB connections around (thus I unplugged my cradle) and now the sycnchronisation works just as quickly, but the automatic back-up seems to get 'stuck'. I watch the little bars, and it goes quite quickly and then gets stuck (on backing up deleted items - it always seems to happen in the same place). It goes so slowly that I just have to give up. It won't Cancel or close with the X box so I have to unplug the Sync cable to stop it.
I wanted to disable the automatic back-up in Active-Sync, but it isn't possible to select it (it is just grey, in the background). So now I'm stuck with it, and as it is now hard to synchronise my data I tend not to do it as often, which is more of a worry than having my applications not backed up.
Has anybody any idea what I can do to fix it?


unknown notifications on (mostly) softreset

i am getting TONS of 'alarm4' notification sounds coming out of soft reset (and now like all the time). almost everything in notifications is unchecked (except phone and emai messages). and nothing is set for 'alarm4'. when these notifications go off, there's nothing happening when they happen!
i feel like it's hard reset reload time. but i don't wanna do it again.... (but i have this whole westtek bluetooth printer problems to deal with....)
if i turn off all alarms/programs/notifications it doesn't happen. this is not a fix
You need to use a program like SK Tools to look at your notification lists and delete ONLY the ones you think are suspect (ex notifications for a calendar event that is no longer present).
thanks i'll try that next time. today the i just lost it and had to hard reset it.
well, it started to do it again. and i got the SK tools and did a clean up, and a delete duplicate notifications. but it's still doing the sporadic notifications on soft reset. this time they go off randomly for up to 5 minutes after the soft reset! there are not displayed nofitications. and none with vibrate enabled, yet there they are!
any more ideas?
scary bear notifications can help.
screwing with the notifications can generally screw up the device.
i tried, and failed, and simply hard reset it and started again.
i found it was caused more so when a notification had come up, and you either voluntarily, or involuntarily had to soft reset the device.
but there is no conclusive evidence of this. just my input.
next day: i had to hard reset the device. it became totally unstable. i was getting 'unknown usb device' and 'battery low for PC card messages' (thought i turned that off). oh well, at least i keep good backups.


So I've had this happen quite a few times on my Wing.
The phone has nothing in the outbox, and tries to continuously connect to MMS services and never stops. I found one fix for this, and that is to turn the phone OFF and back on. Well I did this this time, and it did it again.
Other glitch:
I all of a sudden had a message in my outbox that I could not delete, and the phone kept resending. Ultimately leading to me hard resetting the phone.
What the heck? Any ideas?
i have had both problems, here is what i did
for the first issue:
1) let it stay connected for about 10 minutes, make sure you aren't receiving an MMS.
2) make sure your HTC Home Weather is set to update MANUALLY
3) make sure you don't have palringo or other internet usage programs set to run on startup
for the second
1) hard reset
haha, yeah, that's the only solution i found for the second one.

Hayalp! USB fails connect on boot, but OK in bootloader

With my x7501 I can connect in bootloader. Just flashed factory ROM, the Michy's 6.1 clean. In both ROMs I get the "failed to connect" sound from my PC in the fisrt boot screen, just when the red text disappears (and of course, then, nothing happens reagrding the connection). I can connect my wizard and sync.
I installed Shantz Today Changer, uninstalled a dumb Minsweeper game (my four-year-old loves the OEM version). I've been having some PC issues, like dropping wifi every few minutes, Google Chrome crashed the OS so I uninstalled, and Quicklaunch icons show up funny occaisionally. My BT also isn't working, (Broadcom stack) software can't find the local device.
So whatever happened to "cable is stable"? Anyone up for a puzzle and kind enough to give me a clue?
Next steps: restore from Sprite Backup and keep popping out my card to exchange files (sneaker mail, anyone?). I'll probably live without Desktop Outlook until I get this solved, since I started using Flexmail and Pocket Informant, I can pretty much do what I need to do on the handheld and have to take it with me, but what a hassle (yes, I'm spoiled). I will try another PC, too.
Working for now
I waited overnight, let it reboot twice as per my nightly routine, this morning unchecked "Enable advanced network functionality" under USB-to-PC in the system tab of Settings. I have a funny feeling that anything I did didn't make a difference, since it all happened so early in the ROM loading process.
I hope the thread helps someone who runs into the same problem.
I am so tired of all the WTF moments in WM. I guess, no matter what, if you want it all, you have to fight for it and deal with the setbacks.

HTC P3600i Freezing Problem

Hi Guys,
I'm new here, but have been following and reading these forums for quite some time now. Great Stuff!
anyhow, my problem, recently purchased a HTC P3600i PRO. Put a custom ROM on it, seemed to be running great over the last few weeks, but my problem is this. Now and then my phone pda will lock up and I'm forced to reset it. What happens is, I am still unsure as to why this happens, but lately it's started freezing up, and when I click on my start button, it shows my menu, and then when I click programs, it shows as "empty" when I know there's nothing empty, it's filled with stuff, randomly this happens to my settings window as well. Basically stuff randomly dissapears from my start menu, shortly after, 5 to 10 seconds, it locks up. The next thing I do or click on after seeing things disappearing from my menu, it freezes. I then have to do a soft reset, and after doing a soft reset, it's as if it's done a hard reset and wants me to re-configure the time, click on all 4 corners, etc.. I use have to use SPB Backup to do a full restore of my phone/settings/contacts/software etc..
Can anyone help?
Also, just to update.. I restored my phone with a backup today, and it seems to be running well again for some strange reason. Is it because it's overheating? getting hot or what? I'm not sure what it's doing. Please help
Figured it out
My backlight whilst on battery was set to brightest. figured it was overheating as it felt warm too.. I turned it right down to 3 bars from lowest, and it's fine now
Guess it my screen and battery were getting quite hot and the CPU was overheating. All resolved.
I got a HTC p3600 for about 10 months. i used to have the backlight set to minimum.
now i update my rom and it got crashes so often, almost every day, and I need soft restart the device all the time when get crash.
The worse, sometime my display picture just broken + crash, and I need more than once to restart the pda. When I restart the device sometime the display just turn black color moving from top to bottom, or sometime with colourfull dots on screen, and the device does not want to be restart.
In that case i take the battery to turn off the device.
Sometimes i need to wait some minutes until i can restart normally the system.
It usually crashes when it is connected to the computer via usb (charging the battery) and i need to use it. (i check and it is very hot)
Also, when i use wifi it tends to crash (very hot too)
Since i upgrade the rom my backlight settings are set higher...i reduce the backlight, to reduce heat and test the system stability, but i really think it is crashing due to overheating.

Activesync not syncing any more

I have just got a HD2, and used activesync successfully for the last 2 days to sync contacts and load the HTC hotfixes from their web site. Today however, it has just stopped working. The phone connects (but takes a very long time) and starts the sync process, but then the progress bar doesn't move at all for ages or sometimes moves to about half way in 10 minutes but won't get any further.
Before the status bar starts moving and randomly during the sync process I get the message "A problem has occured with services.exe Please tell microsoft about this problem...." The status bar usually starts moving a little after sending this error report. I also get the message "A problem has occured with connmgr.exe...."
Trying to stop activesync freezes the device completely for several minutes but it usually frees eventually although I have had pull the battery a couple of times.
Occasionally when it does start I get the warning message "There has been a change made on your server that requires you to re-synchronize all items on your device. All changes made since your last successful sync will be lost. Do you wish to continue?" although I have made no changes whatsoever on the PC. I've never come across a message like this from activesync before on any other device.
Has anyone had these problems or have any idea how I can fix them?
Do you have sync problems with 3G or with USB? It usually happens to me with USB.
Try this. At Settings|Wireless, turn off Direct Push. Turn off Data connection. Go to mail. Do a Menu|SendReceive. If it works, then go back to enable those two options. I have no idea why but this often works.
Unpluging the USB often makes it better.
delete profiles in actvie
sync tools->active sync
soft reset
sync again
Be happy
Sfr0g, how do I delete the profile? I can't find that option.

