XDAII Browse Network Neighbourhood ? - Networking

Hi All,
I don't yet own an XDA but am looking to buy an XDAII in the next couple of days. I have a question, for which I have tried searching for the answer but to no avail which is. Is it possible, using an XDAII to connect to a LAN via a machine with a USB BlueTooth adapter and browse other LAN connected machines. In a similar way to clicking on Network Neighbourhood from an normal LAN attached PC viewing other PC's shares ?
Any help appreciated.

I'm also interested in finding this out, is there anyone who knows the solution?

I don't know about performing it over Bluetooth, but it is certainly possible to do it with Wi-Fi using a program called Pocket LAN. In fact, I connected from the car park to my local B & Q store and was able to see all their PCs and printers connected to their network using that method. I was tempted to try and send something to one of their printers, but thought better of it. As to bluetooth, I guess it should be possible providing the machine your trying to connect to is routing IP requests onto its LAN.

Tell us where that B&Q was

I couldn't find Pocket Lan through Google?
Do you know where I could get it? I'll happilyb trade you a beta fo Pocket WiNc for it? :wink:

Found this link ....
But also need to know where to buy/download

here's the linkk
alternatively, google= z2 pocket lan


"how to" view internet pages using bluetooth

Thanks to the last chap who told me to use activesync to view web pages using bluetooth.. the problem is "How" to get it to do that.. I have a little bluetooth dongle on the pc but they don't seem to talk to each other even though they are bonded.. and precisely how do i view an internet page using bluetooth
Do you tyhink it may be a bluetooth compatiblilty issue.. I've heard that maybe a different dongle and driver may do the trick?
The Idiot's guide would be much appreciated!!!
I downloaded the Bluetooth application ("fix") from here:
Then Bluetooth works perfectly with my 3com PCMCIA card in the laptop.
I now only do ActiveSync via Bluetooth with one exception - when I want to send music via Windows Media to the Imate I have to use the cradle or cable because the bluetooth appears to the laptop as a serial link and the Windows Media does not support serial devices.
I can also use internet on the Imate via ActiveSync and bluetooth - although generally I stick to the laptop for that !
Regards, Dave
Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks but unfortunately the fix doesn't bring up a web page anymore.. what is it that your suggested fix is fixing? AArrghhh! Can someone please come to the house and sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi again,
This bluetooth fix allows a simple connection from PC to Imate via ActiveSync and Bluetooth. It does not address internet issues.
Have you tried connecting the Imate/XDA2 to a PC with cable or cradle and then used Internet ?
It could be that your problem is not with Bluetooth - have you tried the Connection settings ? or, have you check the ActiveSync settings on the Imate.
Rgds, Dave
I probably understood your problem. You can't connect your Xda via ActiveSync via bluetooth.
First..assure the 2 Bluetooth devices are on discoverable mode.
Then go into your Pocket Pc START-Settings-System-Blueooth settings-tap to Bluetooth ActyveSync setup[start]
Select Discoverable mode and Tap in Bonded devices and NEW..
So..wait and Select your pc.
Then you will pair your pc with Pda.
Inserted the same code on 2 devices you probably can connect to ActiveSync via bluetooth.
Simply go in your Pocket pc,START-ActiveSync-Tools-Connect via bluetooth.
If this not help,try to set the right port on your PC ActiveSync-File-Connection Settings-COM1-2...etc..
Contact me if problems seems unsolved
[email protected]

Connecting laptop to net via XDAIIi using bluetooth

Hi guys,
Okay, I want to be able to connect my laptop to the Internet by pairing my XDAIIi and the laptop together via Bluetooth.
I have managed to get my laptop to identify the XDAIIi as a modem, and I can get it to dial normal dialup numbers through the IDAIIi... However, I want the laptop to connect using the phones GPRS, NOT a dialup number.
Any idea's how this can be done?
Come on! Surely this must be possible :lol:
just take a look around or use search most of these things have been up already
Hi Rudegar,
Thank you for your reply. However, I have extensively searched the forums already before posting, and could not find anyone trying to do it this particular way.
The link you gave is an example of that. They are connecting the XDAII using a USB cable to the PC. I'd like to do the same thing, except connect using bluetooth.
So if anyone can help !!
here are a few from the networking forum

PC/Laptop to xda 2 viewing

could an expert out there advise me if my theory is possible please?
Using Remote desktop/Terminal services : See whats on my PC/Laptop on the screen of my XDA2 - connected via cradle and usb(as usual). If so what do I put in the "Server" box of the XDA Terminal services prog and on the "Main" PC.. Do I have to make a Network first? Or ?
Thanks to all.
The site is great but much of it goes straight over my head at the moment..
ummm ... your theory seems not that much difficult as you can implement it using Bluetooth networking I guess ..
you can setup bluetooth networking from Pocket PC to Laptop then you can browse what your home PC conatin from your PDA
give it a try
I hope this is what U was talking about , if not please give us more clarifications
It is better and faster to use Wifi if you're going to use terminal services.
Been using this method since last year.
Thanks but I do not have wifi or bluetooth...
There is a ref to doing it on MS site via the cradle and usb but then it shoots off in the over the web stuff...
I have tried just now but nothing connects.... But I notice that when I check my desktop (xp) pc under the rempte tab - I only have Remote Assistance.... Could this be it? Perhaps I do not have Remote Desktop installed then ! Eh? I will try to locate my original xp discs and see if I can install !!??
Remote desktop or Terminal services connect only via IP address.
So you can only connect via TCP/IP using WIFI on your XDA.
Bluetooth 1.1 has no IP address setting so it is not possible also.
I tried all methods since last year and WIFI is the only solution or if your XDA has a backpack you can use a CF type NIC for wired connection via crosslink or hub.
Still Wifi is the cheapest and cleanest alternative. You can use Adhoc settings between your PC if you have no WIFI access point.

Bluetooth networking on Windows Mobile 5

I have been searching for a way to get Bluetooth Networking up between my Laptop(WIDCOMM STACK) and rw6828(WM5). But couldnt get it done.
I have Paried both Laptop and 6828. ActiveSync is up and working fine.
I want to have a bluetooth networking enabled between the laptop and 6828 so that I can use VNC client to control the PC through bluetooth network without having Activesync. But when I read the PC i could see only Serial Port, ActiveSync and Dialup Networking. I couldnt see Network Access.
I could get few links on the net but all of them are representing WM2003.
Does WM5 support this kind of configuration?
Can any one direct me to a step-by-step guide?
Thanks in advance
Can anyone let me know how to enable the networking on Bluetooth+WinXP+WM5?
hi parakash , i think i know you , do you work in garment sector.
anyway after pairing the device with the laptop, you have to connections
and you will find your laptop name there, just follow the line.
Hi Solo
Thanks for the reply. I could Pair with my laptop successfully. But couldnt find Network Connections there after. So wondering if this feature is support on WM5?
BTW I m not in Garment sector.
Portable 3G/HSDPA WiFi Router
Is anyone aware of such an item?
Ideally incl a car charger?
Or is it is possible to turn a WM5/WM6 phone into a portable WiFI AP ?

Bluetooth Dun Wireless Internet For Vogue

I know there is .cab existing for have my Touch using Bt_Dun but I aslo know I have to change a registry to make it work properly.
Does anyone can shed a light on this for me?
**Update 22/02/08 5pm**
Thanks to my frend Jim
Here is the link to din it !
note: for mac users, you should use modem "CDMAone" to have it work
Good Day,
I'm in the same spot, I am searching in many forums for a solution.
If I find a solution that works I will post it here - please do the same!
My goal is to be able to carry a USB Bluetooth Adapter in my pocket, toss it in my friend's computer and QUICKLY setup a Bluetooth PAN to borrow his internet connection.
If anybody has any other solutions that may work for me I am listening!
Thanks, Audi2Audi.
Audi2Audi said:
Good Day,
I'm in the same spot, I am searching in many forums for a solution.
If I find a solution that works I will post it here - please do the same!
My goal is to be able to carry a USB Bluetooth Adapter in my pocket, toss it in my friend's computer and QUICKLY setup a Bluetooth PAN to borrow his internet connection.
If anybody has any other solutions that may work for me I am listening!
Thanks, Audi2Audi.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The .cab file that you will find there will not work this way.
Is allow you to do the opposit. Use your wireless Internet on the computer
Hhhmm...Is anyone able to offer me a solution.
Bluetooth PAN is a service offered at the host PC (I have tried two different PCs) - However, my Bell Mobility HTC Touch (Vogue) does not recognize/offer the service in the Bluetooth Configuration. It only offers Stereo Headset and COM Port. Originally it offered ActiveSync as a service but that has since dissappeared for no apparent reason and replaced with the COM port option.
At home, assuming I could get the ActiveSync service back & to stick around, I could borrow my internet connection through ActiveSync.
As stated above though, I am looking for a QUICK solution when travellling away from home. Meaning without having to install ActiveSync/Mobile Device Center. The Bluetooth PAN option and ICS on the host PC appears to be the most workable solution. It is just a matter of getting the HTC Vogue to recognize it as a service.
Through reading several posts I have come to the conclusion that using a different Bluetooth Stack on the device may work. However, I have not come across instructions specific to the Vogue for achieving this.
Annnnny help or ideas to solve my problem is greatly apreciated!
Thank You, Audi2Audi.

