XDA1 Software upgrade.. now it wont power up - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi got the xda1 rom/radio upgrade from o2 web site.
installed radio upgrade first, it then asked me to remove ac power, i took it off dockign station, it rebooted, asked me for a simlock.. to which there was no mention of in the upgrade instructions.. i turned it off and on, and now it wont even boot up.. comes on with 02 logo.. then a white screen with blue banner at top..
what can i do to fix it??
i cant even see it on the pc!!!
please advise, i really hope i have not broken it.
can o2 do anything?

i can get to the bootloader by holding down power when soft resetting phone.. comes up with gsm error...
then nothing....
i can get to other menu about sd backup ect if i hold down the two buttons at top of unit when in bootloader.
how do i go about repairing the radio and rom ??
is it possible?

ok, i can copy the rom ect from xda to sd card... and even copy it back over again.. so if i put the sd card in a reader on the pc.. and put a good rom and radio on it.. will it work ok booting off the sd card?
i can get to that menu from the bootloader..

You need to get a working rom installed then try to address the gsm error, I never heard of an xda asking for sid code when doing an official upgrade. Did you leave your sim card in the xda when it was updating the radio stack? You may be aware from reading on the forum that radio stacks once corrupted are very difficult if not impossible to rectify. I would suggest unpacking the rom you downloaded, burn just the ce part to rom using sd/bootloader method, then try to install gsm again, this time without sim inserted, you will find here on the forum the instructions to burn gsm from sd card, do this after you have a working bootable system. Good luck.

yes., the sim card was in the system at the time.. its an 02 sim card however, so i guessed this was ok.
printed out the 10 page instructions on how to upgrade s.ware so there was no problems (like this)
the radio stack was installed before the rom if that makes any difference?
is it possible for the xda1 just to lock up like this without having done it the way i did?
perhaps it would have done this anyway??
just thinking i could bring it back to place i got it at and not inform them of the s.ware upgrade that caused the problem to see if they can replace it or something...
just an idea, coz at the moment im kind of stuck.

Hi ...
If you managed to reinstall the ROM through SD card, does it mean you have a bootable system but the RSU doesn't work ?
If so and you can access the XDA from Activesync, then you may locate the 4 files of the RSU upgrade from the \windows\startup directory ... delete them then a hard reset may flash the original RSU back if it's not screwed up.

it should be possible to flash the rom via sd, as i can dump the faulty one to sd and then back over.. so, that part of the bootloader works.
ill ring the place ig ot it at and see what they can do, as it just "went off, all by itself"
i would try the sd flash myself but i aint got a card reader for sd.. just smart media.. lol
it doesnt sound as bad as some peoples s.ware problems however, as the bootloader seems to work ok.,. so fixing it may be possible, but ill give place i got it off a ring first.
thanks for all the info.

If it is under warranty and using the official flash upgrade destroyed the gsm radio stack then O2 should repair or replace. Radio stacks are very difficult to repair and people have asked about getting it fixed only to be told the mainboard needs replacing at huge cost.

thanks for the info, i got a sd card reader, but when i put the thing into pc it asks to format it so it wont read the stuff ive dumped from xda to the card..
oh well, ill give these guys a ring to see what they can do.
where can i get hold of the files to put to the sd card?
ive got the rom/radio files, but they are pc exe`s and not seperate files..

well, i got it flashed ok using official 3.17 s.ware via sd card..
on powering up, it still fails, just white screen with blue top, although there is a keyboard icon on the bottom right which was not there before.
still get gsm error on bootloader..
if only there was a way to put new radio stack on it via sd

djkus said:
well, i got it flashed ok using official 3.17 s.ware via sd card..
on powering up, it still fails, just white screen with blue top, although there is a keyboard icon on the bottom right which was not there before.
still get gsm error on bootloader..
if only there was a way to put new radio stack on it via sd
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Dead phone, you need send service center to repair, or to me


Im so scared...!!

I just bought a t-mobile wallaby from here in india, And i decided there was a update available after 3.14 or something. so i ran it. But it stopped in the middle. Said 20 min but waited an hour. Then i took the xda of its cradle and did a hard reset... Now all it does is switches on and show t-mobile and the light stay on...nothing after that. I think i really messed it up. Gave it to a guy who said he could fix it but now 4 days later says he cant. Really need help on how to do it myself Please. Please help me, cant throw money away like that......can some show me step by step instructions as i am stupid with upgraded or reinstalling this device.
why have you decided that you could upgrade your device if you don't understand anything to upgrading and its consequences.
Upgrading is *dangerous* for dummies.
You are the weak link[/list]
mananmistry said:
I just bought a t-mobile wallaby from here in india, And i decided there was a update available after 3.14 or something. so i ran it. But it stopped in the middle. Said 20 min but waited an hour. Then i took the xda of its cradle and did a hard reset... Now all it does is switches on and show t-mobile and the light stay on...nothing after that. I think i really messed it up. Gave it to a guy who said he could fix it but now 4 days later says he cant. Really need help on how to do it myself Please. Please help me, cant throw money away like that......can some show me step by step instructions as i am stupid with upgraded or reinstalling this device.
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:x Forget what this guest just said we are a community who help each other out :x
I am now using the XDAII but when i had the XDA1 i had a similar problem. Got stuck upgrading. Hang onto your horses dude your device isn't dead so breath a sigh of relief. If you have a SD/MMC Card reader then use it to burn the base Rom from
http://lumpistefan.dyndns.org and then install it through the boot loader(Hold the Power button and then press the soft reset button using the stylus(you will enter the boot loader mode and then follow the instructions on how to install the Rom.
Go to a shop or a friend who had similar device, make sure you have a SD/MMC card with you and then enter the bootloader mode as described above and then copy the ROM on the SD Card. Then insert the card in your device and again enter the Boot Loader mode and Copy the Rom from the SD Card to your device after you are done press the Hard reset button on your device to switch it off keep it off for atleast 60 sec before pressing the hard reset button again to switch it on. Your device will live again.
Don't touch the Radio Stack on either your device or the other one. Always select Rom only.
If you need further help with using the bootloader search these forums you'll come up with alot of info.
Let me know how it works out
one question
Thanks for the advice.....your must be the better part of the site.
what happens if i cannot get into the boot loader.
thanks again
Re: one question
mananmistry said:
Thanks for the advice.....your must be the better part of the site.
what happens if i cannot get into the boot loader.
thanks again
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I believe there's a way to go-back! Do a flush by pressing on the power button+the hard reset+the navigation button pressed. All at once and that's how you go-back to the original ROM. Let me know if it works and if you dare to do it anyways.. 8)
guest said:
why have you decided that you could upgrade your device if you don't understand anything to upgrading and its consequences.
Upgrading is *dangerous* for dummies.
You are the weak link[/list]
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Mr. Guest you are an idiot, many of us have been at this point one time our another. This is no way to respond to a forum member in need of help.
i'm no techie when it comes to these things but just out of curiousity WHAT causes the upgrade to stop? mananmistry said he was in the middle of upgrading already; is it the rom he used or is it the connection (power flux, cable, sync, etc)? just curious... :wink:
oh and its beers for the others and the loo for the guest
now the thing is i got the phone back. I have connected the usb but pc cannot find device and xdatools or the rom .exe files wont install. it says "xda not found via activesync", something like that. I went into the boot loader and it said GSM ERROR and stops. have to press calender key to get into sub-menus. what is the problem. does the rom kitchen .exe files need sactive sync to be present. please can some one tell me.
do i need a sd card reader. can i not just use someone phone to put my sd card and burn onto sd...??
You are now in serious trouble, the GSM error often proves fatal for the phone. You can still flash the rom though by following the previous instructions. After that is completed you will have to try flashing a radio stack. Please be prepared to be disappointed, I wish you the best of luck. The good news is that even if the phone doesnt work you should still have a working pda.
Where can i get a radio stack rom...???
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where can i get a radio stack rom....will try...
If my gf has a pda with sd card can i use the unit to see the sd card and write the rom on it???
Re: update
mananmistry said:
now the thing is i got the phone back.
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how did U get the phone back 2 work (bootloader)
get a radio stack from here

HELP: No Bootloader after BigStorage Flash

hello guys, i'm really desperate now. my Magician is dead. i followed the laid out procedure 100% for upgrading to bigstorage. that's what i did:
- dump rom on to the sd card (512MB).
- got a external card reader (since the one in my laptop did not work with ntrw.exe)
- killed ActiveSync (wcesmgr)
- dumped the rom to my hard disk
- got Big_ROM_Ger_1.11.nb1 from ftp
- changed the first 416 bytes with ultraedit.
- wrote the resulting rom to the sd card with ntrw.exe.
- flashed (got the question in bootloader mode, pressed power).
- flash completed, got the 100% message and checksum failure.
- did a softreset
- my Magician is now DEAD !!!
Tried to put it in bootloader mode again, nothing! Put out the battery, unplugged and replugged usb cable, nothing!
PLEASE, any suggestions or help ??????
Please explain "nothing." Are you getting anything on the screen, blank screen, backlit, logo, text, anything?
Can you zip and upload your modified ROM dump file to dropload, rapidshare, or some other portal where someone can take a look?
Did you pull the battery completely, reinsert it, and pressed the reset+camera+power to get back into the bootloader?
BeyondtheTech said:
Please explain "nothing." Are you getting anything on the screen, blank screen, backlit, logo, text, anything?
Can you zip and upload your modified ROM dump file to dropload, rapidshare, or some other portal where someone can take a look?
Did you pull the battery completely, reinsert it, and pressed the reset+camera+power to get back into the bootloader?
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the screen is absolutely blank. if i plug in the power cord not even the charging lamp is on.
i removed the battery completely for a few hours now, reinserted it just that moment and pressed reset + camera + power --> blank screen, no backlit, no logo, no text. i even used my torch to make sure i didn't miss the bootloader message. nothing.
when i press the reset + camera + power button the blue led blinks for a split second but then again nothing.
tried it with and without external power....
any clue????
rom i used
BeyondtheTech said:
Please explain "nothing." Are you getting anything on the screen, blank screen, backlit, logo, text, anything?
Can you zip and upload your modified ROM dump file to dropload, rapidshare, or some other portal where someone can take a look?
Did you pull the battery completely, reinsert it, and pressed the reset+camera+power to get back into the bootloader?
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you can finded the zipped rom i flashed here:[/url]
Sounds like you have screwed it completely. Back to the shop...
saldous said:
Sounds like you have screwed it completely. Back to the shop...
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well, could be possible.... kinda teaches me not to mess around too much. i flashed my old xda II with magneto and all, never had any problems....
anyway, i will try to clear the backup battery over night and try it again tomorrow. if it still doesn't work, i'll get it back to the shop. it's brand new (2 weeks), so i guess (hope) it shouldn't be a problem.
No solution - but I had the same problem
sounds that you have exactly the same problem I had. I also wanted to use bigstorage. First I updated to 1.06 official rom from T-mobile Germany. Then I used mksbigstorage to modify this rom. After installing this my mda was stuck at the splashscreen. But the bootloader still worked so I was able to restore my original rom.
Next I downloaded the 1.11 extended german rom from xda-developers ftp-server. I also replaced the first 416 bytes with the one from my rom. After installing this rom and doing a softreset my device was completely dead. No bootloader, no even a blinking light when connecting it with the power supply. I also tried to remove the battery for some time. But nothing worked. As I also had this device for just some days I finally did send it back and recieved a new one.
On this new one I also tried to modify rom 1.06 with mksbigstorage. But after that it was again stuck at the splash-screen. Mksbigstore seems not to work on this rom. Finally I was able to use bigstore by modifying two adresses in the original 1.06 rom downloaded from my device. This method is described in this forum. Worked without problems.
So I do not know what went wrong and I am sure I followed the instructions for flashing bigrom exactly, but as I am not the only one with this problem there is a risk flashing under certain circumstances.
7bft said:
saldous said:
Sounds like you have screwed it completely. Back to the shop...
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well, could be possible.... kinda teaches me not to mess around too much. i flashed my old xda II with magneto and all, never had any problems....
anyway, i will try to clear the backup battery over night and try it again tomorrow. if it still doesn't work, i'll get it back to the shop. it's brand new (2 weeks), so i guess (hope) it shouldn't be a problem.
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I had the same problem flashed XDA 1 hundreds of times without problem. Flashed Magician device one time --> same problem as you have.
I've sent my device to repair center and they installed a new motherboard. So i don't believe that tehre is any fix to relive you're device..... :-(
I don't see anything wrong with the ROM file except for the fact that it's slightly larger than my ROM (65281k vs. 65427k). May have been a bad write to the SD card. Was your card a 64MB SD card?
BeyondtheTech said:
I don't see anything wrong with the ROM file except for the fact that it's slightly larger than my ROM (65281k vs. 65427k). May have been a bad write to the SD card. Was your card a 64MB SD card?
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My card was a 512 MB SD Card, since it is the only one I have.
On Monday I'll send it to the service center
Re: No solution - but I had the same problem
beta2morita said:
.... I also tried to remove the battery for some time. But nothing worked. As I also had this device for just some days I finally did send it back and recieved a new one.
On this new one I also tried to modify rom 1.06 with mksbigstorage. But after that it was again stuck at the splash-screen. Mksbigstore seems not to work on this rom. Finally I was able to use bigstore by modifying two adresses in the original 1.06 rom downloaded from my device. This method is described in this forum. Worked without problems.
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Thanks for your response, kinda reduces my pain and asures me that I'm not a complete idiot....
I'm now pretty sure that I have the same problem as you have and that sending it to the service center is my only option....
At least I can use my Himalya with Magneto a few more days :wink:
I guess I will not try this again since I don't want to risk killing it again, allthough I allready had problems with the storage size on the working device (tomtom).
One more question: Did anybody ever had problems on upgrading from a t-mobile rom to a vodafone rom? is it even worth upgrading to 1.12?
Thanks for your help guys!!!

[HELP] Bricked TyTN

I'm kind of new around here.
My problem is as follows:
- TyTN running PaysRom for about 9 months
- Started to get very sluggish
- Unable to get signal
When i booted my HTC the 'R' and 'G' that appear on screen and used to have values in front of it now display 'none'.
So, I connected it to my PC, 'activesynced' it and tryed to install a new ROM, hoping it would solve the problem.
But the new ROM wasn't installed sucessfully and now all I got is a brick.
I can't even connect it to ActiveSync since it's not recognized.
Is there any solution to my problem?
Can you get to the Bootloader?
By pressing the Ok+Power+Reset on the bottom button, I see the 'RGB'+white thingie, that I believe is the bootloader..
What SPL do you have? Is it Hard SPL V7(2.10)?
If it is, use the sd card method to install a new ROM.
remember to backup your card 1st.
1. Format 2Gb or less sd card FAT32. Copy .nbh file of the ROM you want onto it and rename to hermimg.nbh .
2. Insert card into Hermes and reset into bootloader.
3. If all things have been done right, follow the prompts....
If the radio ROM has died, I'd suggest trying to flash the Shipped Stock ROM 1st and see if that actually fixes the problem with the blank values on R & G. WM06 upgrade of shipped carrier ROM should also work.
Tks for your response.
I tryed the SD Card method already, with no sucess.
The red stripe shows as follows:
Everytime I tryed on another ROM I always perfomed it using SafeSPL.
Since I don't have 2.1, what can I do?
Tks for all ur help.
What happens when you try and flash a ROM over?
Do you get any kind of error?
You need to find the SHIPPED STOCK ROM. WM06 upgrade should be OK as the CID should match.
Put Hermes into bootloader and connect to PC after unticking "Allow USB Connections" in Activesyncs settings on the PC.
Run the RUU_Wrapper.exe file of the SHIPPED STOCK ROM. ven though activesync won't etect it, the flash file should. Follow the prompts.
Good luck as this seems to be the only way to fix this.
Good Luck...
You might be able to flash a Stock WM5 ROM using the SD Card method. Worked for me when I had SPL 2.03. In fact that's the only ROM it would let me flash over when mine bricked.

[Q] Help!

Hey guys,
Sorry to be a burden but I'm having a few issues with my hd2, and being a noob I didn't really know where to turn except this forum.
Basically my dad bought the hd2 from the UAE early this year and it all worked fine on stock settings for about 6 months. In the last few months, however, the phone started to lock up, and it got to the point where it wouldn't even boot properly.
In an effort to fix the problem I went with a hard factory restore, however, this seems to have caused more problems as now the phone is stuck in the bootloader.
I've been searching for hours, and have come to the conclusion that I need to update the flash? and then possibly install a new rom on the phone?
My major issue in doing this though, is that I can't seem to connect to activesync while the phone is in the bootloader.
Please help me sort this out.
First of all lets make sure that your trying perform the hard reset correctly.......
You need to hold down both volume buttons whilst the phone is turned off..... Then tap the power button and keep the buttons held down.......
Release them when you see the confirmation screen.........
Powering on while holding only the vol down button will take you to bootloader....
If you need to reflash the device then have a read of this thread here....
If its a "Tmous" HD2 (green and red call/hangup buttons) then you need to read this one
When connecting to the pc in bootloader you should see the word "serial" at the bottom of the screen change to "USB".......
Might be worth checking the text on you bootloader screen for any irregular looking characters, there have a few cases of people with corrupt bootloaders, usually these will display odd looking characters at the top. This is quite rare though.
If you want to flash another stock rom then you wont need to worry about HSPL just download the appropriate ROM and follow the instructions on screen.
Start off at the HTC site and input your serial number to see which ROM is suitable for your device.....
If none of that helps then hold out for some advice here from someone with better knowledge of these things.....
Ok well I've just tried to do the hard reset in the way you've described and had no response from the phone. I had to remove the battery from the back to actually power down the thing as nothing else seemed to work. I can't actually seem to start it up again now =S
Thanks for all the info, I'll keep trying to get it started. I'm downloading the stock rom from the htc site. Hopefully I will find a way to install that.
Also, when the bootloader was up, there weren't any odd characters that I could see. It all seemed pretty standard. It had the current rom driver which was 1.42 or something and a few other lines of info.
Thanks for the post.
edit: perhaps the battery is dead?
No problem.
Is it charging when plugged in and turned off?
If so let it charge while turned off for a while and then try to boot........
If you cant get to bootloader and establish a USB connection then you could try flashing the ROM from the SD card.
rename the rom to "LEOIMG.nbh" place it on the root of a freshly formatted (fat32) sd card and turn on the phone holding vol down..
conantroutman said:
No problem.
Is it charging when plugged in and turned off?
If so let it charge while turned off for a while and then try to boot........
If you cant get to bootloader and establish a USB connection then you could try flashing the ROM from the SD card.
rename the rom to "LEOIMG.nbh" place it on the root of a freshly formatted (fat32) sd card and turn on the phone holding vol down..
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To be honest I have no idea if it is charging whilst turned off =S All I get is the bootloader when it decided to turn on and that gives no indication of power level so I really have no idea. It makes updating a rom pretty scary haha.
So I just attempted to install the default rom from teh htc site, but failed due to the lack of activesync. It was strange though because the updater managed to change the screen on the phone and get to 1%. It then crashed and I had to go through this recovery process.
I will have to try this SD card process I guess. Could you perhaps link me to a more in depth guide to how to do this?
Thanks a lot for your help I really appreciate it.
you should get a red light up near the earpiece to indicate that its charging........
try this video for flashing from sd card......
I am not getting a red light flashing? But it doesn't seem to be running out of charge. I'm still having lots of trouble
It would seem that I need to install this hspl before I do anything, however, I can't install that if I can only access the bootloader screen. Does this mean my phone is bricked?
I want to be able to set up a rom straight from SD, however, I have no idea where to start. That video just seems to send me in a big loop.
Perhaps you could link me to a simple rom that I can attempt to load via sd card?
I seem to have somehow fluked an install of HSPL 8G XE.
I have no idea how this happened or whether it is good or bad.. but at least something has happened.
installing hspl is covered here
as long as the word "serial" is changing to "USB" on the bootloader screen when you connect to the computer you should be ok.......
You dont need HSPL to flash via sd card but I think that video was directed more towards people installing cooked ROMS from XDA.
Installing a stock rom will automatically overwrite HSPL so unless your planning to flash a custom ROM then installing HSPL is pointless........
You might be better off installing a cooked rom. (Artemis, Dutty's)
They tend to run better than stock, if you get one running then it will be easier to get back to a stock rom (if you want to) than the situation your in now.....
This is from the flashing guide;
Flashing Via MicroSD Card
NOTE (PLEASE READ): If you flash a Stock Rom via microSD Card then it will overwrite your HardSPL with a stock SPL included in the nbh file. This does not apply to custom roms as they do not include an SPL. BE CAREFUL!!
1. Make sure your microSD is Formatted to fat32 (you dont have to delete all files but it is safer if you do)
2. Download your prefered Rom from the LEO Rom Develpoment Page and unzip/unrar it to your PC
3. Goto the Roms Folder and rename the .nbh file to LEOIMG.nbh
4. Copy the LEOIMG.nbh file to the root of your MicroSD Card
5. Plug the MicroSD Card into the phone
6. Reset the device while pressing the volume down button to enter the BootLoader screen, you will first see a tri-color screen with the phone and SPL Information at the top
7. Follow the On Screen instructions to start the update
8. After flash has completed, press the reset button with the stylus to reset the device.
Reckon you could link me to one of those roms? I think we're getting pretty close now.
Your help has been great I can't thank you enough.
Your welcome
You can find Dutty's ROM here
or the Artemis ROM here
Have a quick read and see which one you think you'll prefer, to be honest I think they're both pretty similar to stock but with a lot of the crap taken out....
Just follow the steps in the first link I posted and you should be good to go.
Ok new problems.. Can you believe it.
I seem to have tried everything.
Basically I can install of a sd card, but when it gets to the end of the install and I restart instead of booting into a OS it boots to the tri colour screen, and starts the install process again.
Also, I have attempted to install via usb and have had varying success.
As I have already said, I am able to install hspl, however, when I try to flash I get to varying percentages below 30% before the whole thing freezes.
I now have an error that says Upgrade Rom code error Please Try Again.
Sorry i dont mean to hijack ! but will any of you be kind enough to help me here..
thanks !
Ok so I followed the steps and still to no avail.
I am able to boot using the sd card method, however, the same problem occurs with each rom version. Basically as soon as I reset the device it pretty much switches itself off, then I can't turn it back on, once I finally do turn it on, it restarts the process like it never happened.
The other issue is again the active sync problem.
With most of the the usb connections I am able to connect and get a little way through the install (most I've got is 15%) then it just freezes up and I get the 262 error
Your best bet is to try flashing with a freshly formatted (FAT32) 4gb, class 2 card.
I know, sounds pretty specific right?
You wouldn't think it would matter?
I have tried flashing with 16 gb class 2, failed at the radio step
Tried with a 8 gb class 6, failed at the radio
4 gb, class 2, flashed successfully.
Seems our HD2's are picky about what cards they'll take a ROM from for some reason.
Alright I'll try that, my next issue is which is the stock rom for the phone =S
It was bought in the UAE and I'm currently in Australia.
edit: Also I read somewhere that the constant bootloader screen can be caused by a bent battery pin?
Edit2: I have attempted to do that, however, now the bootloader will accept the card, then just sit on loading...
I'm pretty sure this thing is bricked.
tombm said:
Alright I'll try that, my next issue is which is the stock rom for the phone =S
It was bought in the UAE and I'm currently in Australia.
edit: Also I read somewhere that the constant bootloader screen can be caused by a bent battery pin?
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I've heard of bent battery pins being a pretty common problem, causing usually just the phone not to charge properly. I've personally never heard of it causing constant bootloader, but it's definitely worth checking.
It's weird that it's such a common problem, my usb/charging port is broken, so I have to use an external charger. I change my battery on average twice every 24 hrs, and I've never bent a pin
Ok, new info, apparently because the device is for the middle east it does not support stock 3.14 roms. What does this mean for me? Am I bricked.
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That's the post I found the info in. All of that info matches up to mine except my original image was 3.142 I think =S
Firstly, your phone is not bricked - a bricked phone is responsive as a brick.
Can we start from the begining?
What does the Bootloader Moder screen say (with and without the USB cable connected)?
What ROM (and if custom ROM, what RADIO) have you flashed and are trying to flash?
fred_up said:
Firstly, your phone is not bricked - a bricked phone is responsive as a brick.
Can we start from the begining?
What does the Bootloader Moder screen say (with and without the USB cable connected)?
What ROM (and if custom ROM, what RADIO) have you flashed and are trying to flash?
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Alright from the beginning.
Basically about a month into using the phone in Australia it became very unresponsive to the point where it would not boot at all. We left the phone for a couple of months, however, after seeing a friend rom android I decided maybe it was time to attempt to fix this phone.
Some more info:
When I attempt to do any sort of ROM update there is nothing in the 'current image' part so for example it will say update to Dutty 3.6 but it's updating from nothing, does this mean there's no firmware there?
In the bootloader I have:
PB81100 HX-BC
SPL-2.08.0000 8G XE
Without USB cable in I get Serial in the white part down the bottom, with the USB cable in + plugged into computer I get USB.
Just to further clarify. In regards to the ROM I have installed. I simply don't have anything installed. There is a bootloader, no image, no bootup. It boots up to the tri colour, that's it.
For a moment we will forget about going to 3.14 ROM: I don't know if that phone is entitled to an official upgrade to 3.14, if it is locked to a particular network, if it is branded, etc. If it is not entitled to a 3.14 ROM upgrade then you will have to go through GoldCarding, so we will leave it for now.
Make sure that the battery has had a good couple of hours charge in the charger or double that if connected to the computer.
Remove SIM Card and SD Card.
Switch on to Bootloader Mode, then connect to USB.
Download and run HSPL2 - ignore the instruction about connecting to ActiveSync etc, just proceed.
Download and install the HTC 1.66 WWE ROM - again, ignore the instructions, just proceed.
The reason for HSPL is because your phone may be operator locked (not SIM locked) and you aren't entitled to run the 1.66 WWE ROM.

[Q] Help on fixing hd2 that wont boot up

Hey guys I have a hd2 that wont boot up anymore. I have installed several windows 6.5 cooked roms into this device for a while now. Recently this device has been given me a lot of problems until finally it took a dump. Now everytime i power up the device it stays in the splash screen. It doesnt even show radio version, rom version,etc on the bottom left of the screen. So is this hd2 dead or is there some way that i can fix it. I even tried installing tmobile's official rom on this device by going into the "rainbow screen" so that the device can be seen by using the usb cable, but alas....it didnt work either. So any help would be appreciated .
If it doesn't install, and nothing installs, then you need to take it to repair I guess.
I had a feeling about that. I just figured there was no way to fix it and the fact that i couldnt send it back to tmobile to get a replacement was out of the question since the firmware was modified. But your saying there are shops that fix these kinds of issues? If so, I better start looking around over here.
frequency1 said:
I had a feeling about that. I just figured there was no way to fix it and the fact that i couldnt send it back to tmobile to get a replacement was out of the question since the firmware was modified. But your saying there are shops that fix these kinds of issues? If so, I better start looking around over here.
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why dont you try sd card method for flashing your rom !1! you can pm me if you need further help
Do you mean that it can't get to the boot loader screen (rainbow) or that trying to install a ROM from there didn't work? You might want to flash the original HSPL too, just to check.
What I mean is that everytime I boot up the hd2 it stays stuck on the splash screen. It doesn't even show the rom information in red at the bottom left corner of the screen. But I can boot to the tri color menu though. I have tried to install the tmous official rom by plugging the USB when I'm in the tri color menu and it always stays stuck at 9%. So is there way to fix this or am I screwed.
Sent from my Android Powered HD2 using XDA App
Try the sd-card recovery instead of the USB one.
After that, even if it fails, it shows only SPL in the tri-color screen then you are set to claim warranty.
frequency1 said:
Hey guys I have a hd2 that wont boot up anymore. I have installed several windows 6.5 cooked roms into this device for a while now. Recently this device has been given me a lot of problems until finally it took a dump. Now everytime i power up the device it stays in the splash screen. It doesnt even show radio version, rom version,etc on the bottom left of the screen. So is this hd2 dead or is there some way that i can fix it. I even tried installing tmobile's official rom on this device by going into the "rainbow screen" so that the device can be seen by using the usb cable, but alas....it didnt work either. So any help would be appreciated .
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Well my bro... i think thats nand problems or heating issues ... does flashing rom goes all ok or it stops during flashing ? if stops than check if you phone is hot - hotter than normal.
Try this : Take out battery, memory card, sim card and put you phone in the fridge for about 5-10 min ( dont worry tried many times... no harm ) meanwhile prepare your sd card to flash rom with sd card method ... to do that extract Ruu rom - stock one - download with hd2 serial nr ( winrar, 7zip etc) find Ruu_Signed.nbh rename it to LEOIMG.nbh than copy to sd card ( format you sd card fat32 and make sure it works ... 2gb will work ) take phone out from fridge put sd card & battery into phone power one phone while holding volume down key ( go into tricolor screen - bootloader) and follow procedure in phone... i hope everything goes well and you fix you phone... but if still no success than flash android or wp7 ( if you have warranty flash stock SPL and return phone).
best regards from me

