Strange Message while Sync - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I get a message when XDAII is on the cradle that says "UDP to TCP proxy".
Does anyone know what it means?
Also, I get a strange icon to the left of the signal indicator that resembles a telephone handset within a circle with an "x" on it....don't know what that is either.
Please advise!!

Check your firewall settings. ActiveSynch has issues when connecting and you will get similar messages.


ActiveSync / GPRS connected icon never disappears... ???

Here's a weird one: (Not me - the problem )
A few days ago my XDA2 (original ROM) started displaying the 'connected version' of the signal strength icon (i.e. the signal strength icon with the double arrows above it) all the time, whether I'm connected with ActiveSync or GPRS or not. It doesn't matter whether I connect/disconnect from the cradle or connect/disconnect GPRS I never get the basic GSM icon with the signal strength meter and the antenna symbol.
Functionality hasn't changed - it's just irritating. Everything still works perfectly.
I don't have a lot of external software on my machine and the only thing that changed recently is that I tried the freeware T9 dialler that elir is offering in these forums (ExtPhone). I doubt that could cause this strange behaviour.
Any ideas anyone?
You need to be careful with this SiliconS since I had a similar experience last weekend and I know that I will get charged for some GPRS use on my next bill.
This is what I think happened:
:arrow: I have OmegaOne Journal Bar installed and last weekend I altered some settings.
:arrow: Journal Bar updates on ActiveSync, which up until then was no problem because the previous settings only downloaded content when in the cradle and attached by USB to my PC.
:arrow: SPB GPRS Monitor informed me that there was GPRS traffic during the night on Saturday and Sunday.
:arrow: I think that in the absence of an active connection through the USB (PC switched off!) ActiveSynch used GPRS to update Journal Bar.
If you've got Journal Bar installed be careful :!:
You mention other software in your post, take a close look at it and see if it's likely that it will be using a GPRS connection to download. Alternatively post details of your installed software and I will try to comment. I'm sure that there are people out there who will also help.
Thanks for your suggestion, micken. I don't use JournalBar but I do have WeatherPanel which could be updating itself through GPRS. However, when I tap the Connectivity icon I'm not connected to GPRS - I have the links to connect GPRS (O2 GPRS and WAP network GPRS). Also if I hold down the red button to disconnect GPRS, nothing happens to the Connectivity icon - it doesn't change back to the 'not connected' version.
So I think I'm not connected to GPRS - only the icon is stuck that way.
Hi, looks like that's a software bug that's crept in then.
Hope you manage to fix it or find a workaround.

Hide GPRS connection windows from popping up

Is there a way to hide this window? I'll be working in a document while Flexmail is working in the background. Every now and then the connection drops and it needs to re-connect. When it re-connects that darn window pops up saying it's connecting and I can't enter anything onto the screen I was working on until it goes away. Maybe there's a reg setting I can motify? Or maybe thre's a setting on the phone I overlooked to not have that window pop up?
Settings->Sounds and noification->Notifications, find Connection establish and choose what you want.
I can't beleive I didn't see that. Thank you

GPRS not really connecting

Lately I've been having trouble with my GPRS connection on the T-Mobile MDA Vario. When I press the explorer icon so it connects, I get the usual message saying connecting to T-Mobile Internet, wait a bit, the message disappears (as if it has connected) but the page doesn't load (regardless of what page I have told it to go to). It just says loading for a while on the bottom of the page and then I get a message saying: 'The page cannot be found. Check the name and try again'. I then have to disconnect and reconnect (mostly several times) and then it'll work. Not sure why this is happening as I haven't changed any settings or installed any software, and when it does eventually connect properly it runs normally. Has anyone experienced something similar?

How to get rid of activesync icon

I must have changed a setting because now I'm getting a little icon in the lower right corner of my screen whenever I am connected to ActiveSync. I can't recall how I turn this off -- anyone able to help me?
This can happen when you disable advanced network functionality:
start/settings/connections/usb to pc/tick box
this will get rid of the icon - however, take care because most people disable this to get activesync to work better/at all, so doing this may rid you of your icon, but may bring back the activesync probs!
Unfortunately this solution does not work - I switched advanced network functionality off (in order to connect to WM6), but the icon still stays in the tray...

Tomtom 6.2 & gprs/3g disconnect

I'm using Tomtom 6.2 on my T-Mobile MDA Vario II, which incidentally is working much better than 6.0 did (fewer lockups, faster performance), and occasionally have a problem when gprs gets disconnected while tomtom is logged onto the plus service. It produces a baloon message saying something about dialup failed. I then have to press a tiny ok button on screen for tomtom to continue.
I don't know how to make the Tytn ignore that event. I used to get a similar baloon message when gprs/3g connects which I stopped by turning off 'display message on screen' and 'play sound' for the 'connection established/disconnected' events in sounds & notifications.
Is the Tytn trying to use some sort of dial-up fallback when gprs/3g disconnects? If so how do I stop it from trying?
I'm using Tomtom 6.03, not 6.2 as previously posted.
I still get this issue with the baloon message. Does anyone else see this, and is there a solution? It's difficult to press the tiny 'dismiss' button when the car is moving.
Other than turning off Tomtom traffic update, I don't know of any way of preventing Wm5 from displaying the error message when a gprs connection is lost.

