Radio Stack upgrade problems! - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I accidentally upgraded my radio stack to O2 4.21 and my phone doesn't work anymore. I need to get everything back to the way it was when I bought it. Want to use cingular service. What do I do?

if you know what was your original RSU version, go to "upgrades" and down load the RSU upgrade file that fits your network


T-mobile radio upgrade

What is the latest radio upgrade for t-mobile and where can i get it.
My device info. :
Rom ver. : 3.14.40 ENG
Rom date: 11/26/02
Radio ver.:6.18
Protocol ver. :324e4
Thanks :shock:
u have the latest official tmo upgrade
What about unofficial one but 100% working without problems?
u can upgrade it to ATT radio stack if u want. however people had problems reverting back to TMO radio stack. u can upgrade the OS part to 2003 if u want and leave the radio stack as is.
is anybody have the original radio stack for TMO as a file? I am thinking of reverting from At&T stack.
amarandei said:
is anybody have the original radio stack for TMO as a file? I am thinking of reverting from At&T stack.
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As far as I know once you have gone ATT you can't come back....
OR, wait until T-Mobile releases their own upgrade
any word if they will release an upgrade and if so will it contain the radio stack. I found the At&t stack kind of buggy. Maybe it's just where I am but the GPRS will droput for no reason and then I loose voice also and it will not come back until I do a soft reset.
amarandei said:
any word if they will release an upgrade and if so will it contain the radio stack. I found the At&t stack kind of buggy. Maybe it's just where I am but the GPRS will droput for no reason and then I loose voice also and it will not come back until I do a soft reset.
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According to Lazarus ( an ATT Network Guru) the ATT radio stack has been tweaked and optimized for ATT's network, so that would explain why others have experienced trouble....
Oh shoot, I wish I have read this post before I upgrade to the ATT radio stack. Couldn't we simply download the latest ROM from T-Mobile and revert back to the T-mobile radio stack and rom?
I tried it just crashes right after it starts. It basically says that it can't upgrade because the radio stack you have is already higher. Guess we got to wait for TMo to release something higher. I am at A.20.10 and 4.00.01Eng for os.
Try running the "Adaptrom" program in your T-mobile application upgrade folder.
amarandei said:
I tried it just crashes right after it starts. It basically says that it can't upgrade because the radio stack you have is already higher. Guess we got to wait for TMo to release something higher. I am at A.20.10 and 4.00.01Eng for os.
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it has nothing to do with adaptrom. radio stack kicks in after u flash back the OS ROM
I'd keep the ATT stack
If you use the T-mobile (US) radio stack with windows mobile 2003, you don't get always on GPRS, so I'd stick with the ATT stack for now (and I have!).
ATT radio works fine for me too. It is more that the network drops you or you lose data connection between cells, or the network has a load balance that give placement to voice users over data when bandwidth is needed. Not so much that your radio stack does it.
On the other hand just incase anyone wants to prove my theory wrong :wink: has anyone in the US upgraded their radio stack to O2 4.21 and experienced a better performance than AT&T's radio stack :?: This means you probably already had to manually switch the default band 8) first?
Let me know I love to be wrong :shock: ......I'm only that much smarter than I was yesterday :roll: :lol:
I think 4.21 would only work in Europe. You'll probably get no signal after you upgrade from At&t stack. I am going to stick with At&t i think I just got crappy coverage in the area that's all.
4.21 works great here in austria with t-mobile. i have gprs always on (on now since i rebooted 3 days ago).
and if it needs to be connected that works WAYS faster that before (with 2002 and 3.16)
converning speed i can't say anything positive nor negative. it just works. sometimes slower sometimes faster.
servus ize|man
TMO radio stack installation
I have TMO radio version 6.02
I downloaded the latest update from TMO (US) which claimed it would upgrade the radio but it did not appear to update the radio stack. Could that be becaues I am running the developers rom and it thinks I have a more recent version? If so how can I update the radio stack without having to go back to the old rom first?

Official TMO2003 changed to Cooked Rom 4.00.10

Hi everyone.
I had big troubles when I put the official TM rom on my Qtek 1010 as I could not change my rom again and I did not like the TM rom as it had so much crap that seemed stupid if you were not with TMobile, as I am with Vodafone Australia.
I tried everything to finally after every test got some luck, I will try to explain.
Grab the official TM2003 download which has the radio update as well and extract the file, Run the TMO2003.exe and it will install the program to your computer. Do Not install anything to your phone yet. Then go to C:\program files\RUU and grab the file "ENGLISH" and cut and paste to your "desk top". Now I had a cooked rom 4.00.10 from the kitchen that would not load. But if I extracted file and cut and pasted the "english" file from the cooked rom into the C:\program files\RUU where I removed the original file and put on desk top. Then run the Upgrade.exe file in C:\program files\RUU and it will install the cooked well as the TM radio. I then just installed the radio 4.21 to give me the radio I needed for Australian Vodafone.
Now the tricky part........... :idea: :shock:
To get the Upgrade.exe to run and find the device I had to put the phone in the cradle, wait till it synced with the pc, then turn off the phone and then turn it back on again as soon as you hear the sync noise then run the Upgrade.exe and then it seems to find the device.
This all seems very strange but it worked for me. As I only have an SD
card of 15MB so I can not do the SD card method.
I am downloading a cooked rom 4.00.05 and I will try to load that and will let you know if it works.....
Hope this is of some help to someone.....
I totally mislead you all...... :shock: :roll: :roll:
do not replace the file "english" replace the "NK.nbf" file.....
Just tryed the same procedure with a cooked rom 4.00.05 and it fully worked.....Love it.
Note I got a warning that I was upgrading to the wrong version so I left the original TM2003 in tact untill it got to the verify your rom upgrade page then I swaped the "NK.nbf" file.....
Hi Ya Seal, fellow Aussie here.
Thanks for the tips.
Can you tell me what the original model of your qtek was before all your upgrades. IE. on the back of the unit should be a number like PW10a1 or PW10b1
I have a T-mobile PW10b1 (US model) and im not sure if i need to upgrade the radio stack for Australia.
I have read here in these forums that upgrading to the incorrect radio ver can permanently stuff the radio section.
T-Mobile PW10b1
rom 3.08.10 eng
radio 6.02
Hi LeapingLee
My Qtek 1010 is PW10A1
I have radio 4.21
I went back to PPC 2002 as I use the vodafone sim banking software and 2003 does not work with it, pitty as I love PPC 2003.
Hi Guys,
I'm in Melbourne, running a o2 XDA that i bought back from the UK. Running Radio 4.21 with PPC v4.20.1081 (build 13100).
Using it on both Vodafone and Telstra networks without problem. Mind you haven't been using GPRS since i got back.

Radio Stack 4.21 Upgrade not working well

I recently upgraded my XDA1 to WM2003, trying numerous ROM versions, and they all worked fine.
However I was unwise to run an upgrade of the Radio Stack installing the latest O2 release 4.21 and ever since my phone keeps losing the signal and needs to be restarted everytime to get it back. Basically I am unable to use the phone anymore.
Of course, I did not bother to make a backup of my old Radio Stack ROM, so I am unable to undo the "upgrade".
Is there anyone who is having a similar problem or can provide me with his Radio Stack version if different from 4.21? I am using the 900/1800 model, so AT&T and T-Mobile ROMs do not really help.

Unlocking with R6.25.02

Anybody knows how to unlock the T-Mobile XDA with this radio stack. I have downgraded by ROM to 3.17 but the XDAUnlock still wouldn't work. I get Error Getting Unlock Code. Based on what I see it does not seem to be a good idea to downgrade the RSU. If I do downgrade I can't find how to upgrade the RSU back to the current version.
1. Any help?
2. Will the XDAUnlock be modified to support this radio stack?
I agree with you it's not safe to flash the RSU, but if it's the only way then you will have to do it ... or it's better to get the lock key from your operator.
I downgraded the RSU...
I tried unlocking the phone...
Now I see no signal.... Do I have to upgrade the RSU again?
If so how can I do that?
thanks in advance for your help!!!
Upgraded Radio from and it worked!!!!!
HI. if you are trying to upgrade the radio stack, make sure that the radio stack is built for what kind of WM OS. For example, if you downgrade or upgrade the radio stack that you with Tmoble, make sure that the radio stack must support you Tmobile OS. I have tried may times and found out that AT And T just suits for AT&T rom, Tmobile, just for Tmobile rom, O2 must for O2 Rom. There is no way that you can swap one radio stack to another rom.
Again, I don't have radio stack 6.25 but I have radio stack 6.24 for Tmoble. I will upload if you need it.
Again, if you don't mind, can upload the radio stack 3.17 for me. thanks.
Please download here:
You were right!!!
I wish I could have read your post earlier.
I upgraded the radio on my own phone (i was working on my friends phone yesterday). Then there was no signal.
I tried downgrading to 3.17 (on and it froze and now my phone is dead. it restarted but it shows no radio version and no signal.
any ideas???
Diki said:
You were right!!!
I wish I could have read your post earlier.
I upgraded the radio on my own phone (i was working on my friends phone yesterday). Then there was no signal.
I tried downgrading to 3.17 (on and it froze and now my phone is dead. it restarted but it shows no radio version and no signal.
any ideas???
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nice try, you killed your phone!

xda1 o2 upgrade problems

hi guy, trying to upgrade my daughters xda. it has t-mobile 4.01.00 eng radio 4.21.x1
i have cooked a wm2003se rom from lumpistefan and when i try to use ostools i get incorrect file size, if i use activsynch and run the exe i get communication failure.
i am tearing my hair out as the problem is it drops the gsm signal and doesnt get it back without searching for the network. it may just need a radio upgrade and if so what is the current uk gsm radio stack?
I think 4.21 is the latest radio stack. I have upgraded an xda with the same radio and rom as you without problems, however I downgraded back to 2002 as I had too many problems with wm2003se.
Are you using a usb hub, if you are then try plugging direct to usb port.
I have always had signal problems with O2 on my xda also, never found a cure, I just check it regularly, also I changed the network from auto to manual and it seemed to work better.
smallboy said:
i have cooked a wm2003se rom from lumpistefan and when i try to use ostools i get incorrect file size, if i use activsynch and run the exe i get communication failure.
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Wm2003SE could only be upgraded via EXE-file. If you got an error 011, you have to downgrade your existing ROM first....
Once I had a worse problem - while upgrading to SE the statusbar stopped at 0% and after a short time I got an error even though the connection was OK from the beginning. Downgrade really helped.

